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Seagoddess' News Reporter Application | Journalist Sam Reed


Level 5
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

List your timezone and country:

Describe your activity:

I’m decently active as I’m also a professor currently, so doing quota is something I have been used to for awhile now. Typically active on Monday, the weekends, and weekdays after 3pm.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

Accepted - Professor Application

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

I feel like this role would really fit my character, Sam. He’s a photographer by heart and a journalist, making him a great fit to be a reporter. He’s also a natural investigator and while he does ask a lot of questions in the pursuit of knowledge, he also is friendly and often charismatic. Often a well of knowledge and a mediator if the situation calls for it.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

I’ve been a writer for many years now, both in rp and just in general. I’ve dabbled in short stories, describing locations, people, and have also done my own fair share of small-time journalism Irl. If grammar and connecting with the reader are your concern, I can do both of those things very well.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

Why should we accept you over others?:

As someone who’s been a member of srp for many years, I can recall past events that may become important later on for the sake of reporting news. I’m also fine with interacting with the event and lore team in order to make srp more interactive for the playerbase. I can also make filler reports if we need more activity. From daily life in Karakura to the old stories and how they affect life today, I’m more than thrilled to research and then report on my findings.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:

I imagine most of the stuff reporters do is talk to those involved in certain incidents. From the leader of the new church, to those at the shrine, government officials, or the general populous and putting all of those findings into a cohesive written format for everyone to read. But I imagine there might be more investigative work that may come into play, such as researching old documents or even checking the days weather.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name: “My name is Sam Reed. No middle name.”

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr): “I just go by Sam, but Mr in terms of title.”

Current Age (25+): “Currently 25. Just hit the age range thankfully for this.

Past job/work experience: “I’ve worked in quite a few stores in Karakura, but more interestingly I used to be a junior officer in Nagoya, Japan.”

Degree/qualifications: “I went to Karakura College here in town to get my journalism degree. Oh, and a minor in photography.”

Nationality and born location: “American-British, born in Lexington Nebraska.”

Phone Number:
“My number is 030-155-7382.”

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:

“Hm. That’s a tough question. But I’m mainly an easygoing man who’s been interested in journalism for as long as I can remember. I’m also decent at putting people at ease and lowering tensions, which is useful for investigating things. I do the daily crossword, enjoy coffee, and I’m married to the love of my life. Now, in terms of work? I’m dedicated to finding the truth and sharing it for everyone. A society is only strong if people can rely on each other, and I hope my fellow citizens can count on me.”

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:

“Interested in writing on? I suppose new laws, court cases, lawsuits, or general tourist things about the city. New stuff is always happening, and it’d give me the opportunity to socialize more. Writing about it would be simple enough as I would just attend public events, such as the trials, mayor announcements and worthy fair events that happen around Karakura regularly. In terms of getting out of my comfort zone, I’m relatively fine with that. I know sometimes things aren’t going to go as planned, but rolling with the punches is a skill we need for life at times.”

What are your expectations for the job?:

“To hopefully give accurate reports of local news, as the job should be. But I understand that sometimes filler things need to be made in order to keep things rolling. I also expect to be told just exactly how my job should be done and my time frame to do so, if that helps.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:

“I have no crime record.”

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

“Here, let me write it out as a list to make it easier.”



You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

“Fight Club Returning?”

An interesting revelation for those in Karakura.

While some Karakura citizens stick to their own or to the law, some are more inclined to crimes, and one of Karakura’s oldest crime traditions would be that of Fight Club.

[The rumored area of Fight Club?]

While it’s considered to be against the rules to talk about such a thing, some of us didn’t agree with those when a random user sent a text message about the meeting place and location. This same text message was sent to almost everyone in the city at the same time, begging the question, who did it and how? Perhaps someone with coding prowess made bots to do so? Or does it go any deeper than that?

While some did report this strange message to the KPD, the fight still occurred and the club itself is rumored to be still active, although in the shadows since their hide-out was revealed. Supposedly spread by word of mouth now. It’s unknown if the snitches to this degree were caught or not, but we hope for everyone's safety.

[The Karakura Police Department Building]

If you perhaps have any information on this supposed group, I do wish you well. It’s your choice on what to do with what you know.

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

A look into the past with Sam Reed.

[!] A soft press of a tape recorder could be heard as it started rolling [!]


[Journalist] Sam Reed

Both conducting the interview and answering the questions.
“Thanks for making the time to join us, Mr. Reed.”

[!] There was a light chuckle, at least he was having fun interviewing himself [!]
Mr. Reed:
“My pleasure to do so. I’m looking forward to this.”


“Of course. We’ve got a basic few questions for you here. If you wouldn’t mind answering them, as we’ve heard you were at one point a part of Nagoya’s junior officers, how exactly did that happen?”

Mr. Reed:
“Well, it’s a bit of a long story. But to cut it short my uncle is an officer there, a part of the NPD. He ended up getting me a job there after I worked a case as a private investigator and ended up being tangled with the police in the process.”

“I see. That’s quite the story. What exactly is a ‘junior officer’?”

Mr. Reed:
“To put it simply, a junior officer was a sort of unofficial title they gave me as I was only 19 at the time of starting, and stopped when I was 21. They didn’t have a better answer as to why some random foreign kid was with them on some cases, but needed all the help they could get.”
“Would you say that’s exactly legal though?”
Mr. Reed:
“Unfortunately, no. But nor was it exactly illegal either. I was just extra help they brought along for a time being. I don’t regret doing it, and those officers to this day can identify me and sometimes thank me when I visit the main island.”

“Were you the only junior officer employed at that time? And if so, why just you alone?”
Mr. Reed:
“I wasn’t the only one actually. I won’t disclose their names for personal and security reasons, but there were a few of us. Mostly licensed private eyes that the task force really needed at the time. There was a lot going on in Nagoya, sometimes bordering Karakura’s illegality levels.”

“Surely that must have turned into quite a story with it’s own news reports. What kind of things did they write about you? And the police department as well?”
Mr. Reed:
“Surprisingly, most didn’t really care all that much. Just that the job was being done right. Some of the other police departments did complain, like the TPD
[Tokyo Police Department] and we did get a lot of… flak for the laid-back nature of just hiring new people, but they couldn’t deny the very real work we had done. Some praised me while others questioned my character… but they can say what they will, it doesn’t change my mind.”

[!] There was shuffling of what sounded like a couch or cushion. [!]
“Are you truly sure of that? Some might break under the judgment of so many. Why do you say that it wouldn’t change your mind?”
Mr. Reed:
“Sometimes I’m not so sure, but even if it does, it wouldn’t change what’s already happened. Besides, if I hadn’t joined in, who knows what could have happened during those years? Plus I have been mentioned to be stubborn, perhaps it’s a part of that. Or just the lack of regret for the hope I did.”

“I see. That just about wraps everything up, is there any closing statement you’d like to add before we end the tape recorder?”
Mr. Reed:
“I would. And that is I know whoever's reviewing my application will hear all of this. Yes, these are true stories of mine. I know they sound ridiculous, and you can think they’re false, but I know my own truth. And if it’s of any concern… I did get permission from the NPD to disclose this, it’s basically public information already over there. May as well. Sam Reed, signing off.”

[!] There was a light shuffle until a button was pressed, ending the recording with the iconic tape rolling sound from the traditional tape recorder. [!]

[!] Clipped to the back of the application were two photos of a seemingly old newspaper. [!]



Additional Information:
I'm aware I'm a professor as well, if possible when I get this role I would like the reporter to be my second slot. If I cannot have my professor role and my reporter role be on the same account, then please move my professor slot to my alt account above on the first slot. Thank you.


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