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Second Shrine Application


Level 10





Do you have a microphone and would you be able to joins discord calls when needed?:


Do you plan to be present for our events and everyday activities?:

Of course

Are you prepared to learn about Shintoisme?:


What do you know of Shintoisme?:

I’ve done enough research to know about certain Kami, rituals, clothing and ceremonies.

What are you applying for?:

Shinshoku / Shrine Priest

Why are you applying for this role?:

The main reason is to have the ability to RP as one of my character’s parents, but it goes far more in-depth than just that. It’s a crucial part of his lore and I feel the shrine is the only thing that would truly fulfill him as a character. Finally, I believe the shrine job is more DetailRP oriented, so I think it would help me develop my RP style along with my writing in general.

Do you understand that you may be removed if you break our rule or server rules?:

I understand

What are your expectations from the shrine?:

I hope to learn a little bit more about Shinto, as well as develop my characters further through the addition of this one. This might be an expectation from myself, but I hope to bring more attention to that location, since I barely see it being used.


What is your character’s name?:

Ryujin Onishi

What is your age?:


Why are you applying to work at this monastery?:

I’m applying so I may continue to work in something I believe in, as well as keep a closer eye on my son, who attends the nearby school.

Do you plan to be devoted?:

Of course.

What is your background? (Backstory.):

Ryujin was born in the early 80s in a small town on the island of Okinawa. Religion has always been an important part of him, as his grandmother took him to one of the few monasteries built there shortly after his birth. His father would teach both him and his brother about a few key morals that were important to their family.

Ryujin continued to invest his time studying about Shinto, while his brother journeyed off to Tokyo in order to pursue his dream of becoming a wealthy businessman. Time would pass, and Ryujin would meet his soon-to-be wife there. He would go on to graduate and find a job as a Shinkan at the same monastery his grandmother took him to. Ryujin saw this as a way of paying the kami back for its wisdom and protection.

Write a letter to the shrine lead:
To the shrine lead,

I write this letter as an application to work at the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, in Karakura. I believe I’m capable of filling in the position of Shinkan since I’ve devoted most of my life to Shintoism. Although; I’ve heard tell of the large amounts of violence and unlawful teenagers within Karakura, I hope to bring positivity and peace to those teenagers and help them turn over a new leaf.

Sincerely, Ryujin Onishi

(I provided /me's on a few situations to give an example on how I would personally go about them)

How do you cleanse before entering the shrine?:

/me held a wooden dipper with his right hand, washing his left, and vice-versa. This looked like a daily routine, as he did it with a passive smile on his face. He poured a small amount of water into his left hand, leaning forwards to let the water drip +

/it into his mouth in order to rinse it. He then spit it out into the correct spot. He quickly rinsed the ladle before walking inside the shrine.

As shown in these actions, you must pour a small amount of water into each of your hands separately. After that, you need to pour another small amount into your left in order to rinse your mouth. After rinsing the dipper, you’re good to go.

How do you pray to a Kami?:

/me slowly bent his back forwards, almost in a 90 degree angle. He repeated that motion another time before straightening his posture, clapping his hands twice, keeping his hands clasped together at the second clap. He then shut his eyes, perhaps to pray.

Praying to a Kami can differ from each shrine, but the standard is to deeply bow twice, then clap your hands two times, as shown.

How do you enter shrine grounds?:

/me bowed, silently greeting the kami as he entered from the side of the main entrance. He smiled, taking his first step into the torii gate with his left foot.
You need to bow deeply, enter from the side as it is considered disrespectful to enter shrine grounds from the middle, since that's where the kami passes, aswell as when leaving, you need to face the shrine, repeat the bow to thank the Kami for their hospitality.

How would you proceed with a ritual to offer the kami offerings?:

Normally, one offers sake, bowls of rice or vegetables to the kami. Offering meat is seen as a taboo and is not allowed. After that, you must pray to them and finally remove the offerings.

Someone comes to the shrine and asks for information about Shintoisme, what can you respond to them with using your own knowledge about the religion?:

I would inform them about the concept of Shintoism and their general beliefs. I would then teach them about important traditions such as how to cleanse, entering the gates, and how to properly pray to the kami.

Someone wishes to receive a rite of passage for their child, how do you proceed?:

I would ask the parent to come back on the 31st day after his child’s birth if he’s a male, on the 33rd if she’s a female. Ryujin would then place them under protection by the Kami.

You notice a ritual as not been done. What do you do?:

I would teach them how to properly perform the ritual, making sure they understand so they don’t repeat their mistake. Any disrespectful acts committed on purpose and my character would probably criticize their poor behaviour.



Level 63
Your Application is Accepted!

Please contact me on discord for more information on what will go on next at Lovely#0101!

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