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Accepted Sentryon | Interdisciplinary Science Professor Application

Markus Sentryon

Level 17
Screenshot 2024-10-25 005525.png

✨What is your Minecraft username?: ✨

What is your time zone?:
Central Daylight Time

✨What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)✨

Link all previous applications you made on the server: Denied Accepted Accepted Denied Denied

✨Describe your activity on SchoolRP:✨
Monday between 7 and 10 p.m. Due to a blacksmithing class, Tuesdays are typically either zero or about an hour long. Like Monday, Wednesday lasts roughly three hours, from 9 to 10 p.m. Thursday and Monday are comparable in that they both involve one or two hours of activity. I can begin at around 7 AM on Friday and continue to be active for at least 4 hours till 11 PM. I'm most active on Saturdays, which spans roughly three to four hours from 1 PM until 10 PM or later. I can start Sunday at around 1 PM, but occasionally I stay up until 9 PM, and I can do the same amount of work as Saturday.

✨Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:✨
I believe i joined back in 2021, I had the chance to make life long connections. I have over 5 weeks of playtime, I have worked as professor for around 2 months, I also do photography, all the photo's used here are taken by me. I have built skins for many new players, I only got 2 warns in the entire time o played on schoolrp. I have clean and none toxic reputation, I plane on keeping it that way.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Adult Ishyami Senkou
College B Tengon Ubyashi Uzuyi
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Interdisciplinary Science
(which will contain, Physics and chemistry, it will be taught in way where 2 are used to complement one another)

(If this is too much or not allowed I totally understand)


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

This is my second time applying for this side of the faculty, I enjoyed teaching Culinary, But it wansnt the right subject for me.
I want to get back into teaching College for the reason i had a amazing time teaching the last time.

ミ★Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:ミ★
Elephant Toothpaste Experiment!
In this period I would teach important chemistry ideas like exothermic reactions and catalysts in this session as we delved into the science behind the Elephant Toothpaste experiment. We'd start by Figuring out the reason this reaction is so powerful. How yeast helps hydrogen peroxide break down into water and oxygen, creating an energy explosion that results in a colorful, frothy eruption.

2. Learning Newtons laws
The kids in this lesson would construct crash models using LEGOs (or whatever I chose to give them). They will build cars and model collisions using Newton's Second Law to see how mass and speed impact impact force. Students will gain direct experience with the application of physics to engineering and safety by experimenting with various concepts. This class would take up 2 periods, each student would roll 10 3 times, If they get under 19 there car did not withstand the impact, After each student had there chance, I will explain how understanding the Second Law can help create safer vehicles for everyone.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

Soil Chemistry Testing:
Students would gather soil samples from different areas in the forest and test for pH levels, nitrogen content, and other nutrients. By Finding the soil chemistry they can discuss the affect plant growth and the overall health of the ecosystem. This will raise awarness about how its important to keep our earth clean

Screenshot 2024-10-25 010549.png

ミ★Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?ミ★

The interaction would go like this:

Senkou would Study the situation quickly before approaching . A group of college jocks surrounding 1 person? Yeah, this was definitely one of those primitive situations that irritated him. He stepped forward, hands in his pockets, and let out a small scoff. Seriously? Surrounding someone like this? I thought you guys had at least one brain cell between you. your all about to be sent to Council to sort this out 10 billion percent He gave them a smug grin, his words dripping with sarcasm .Look, I’m obligated to tell you to cut this out. You could use your energy for something productive… but nah, playing the ‘alpha’ role seems like more your speed, right?
He turned slightly, his eyes still sharp, calculating how the situation could spiral. "But if this gets out of hand, I’m calling for backup. Trust me, it’s not worth getting security involved." His tone remained calm, but the warning was clear if they pushed it, he'd shut it down and call for backup, 10 billion percent

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Senkou would most likely be doing a crossword puzzle in peace, pen moving lazily across the page as he waited for the students to finish. The student in detention raised their hand for what seemed like the tenth time, this time with another irrelevant, stupid question.
Without even looking up, Senkou let out a soft sigh. Another pointless question? You really must be bored. There’s a better use of your time—like sitting quietly and figuring out how not to end up here again. He paused, glancing up briefly. Hurry up and finish, and we both can go home. He finally looked over at the student, his calm but sharp eyes locking onto them. But if you keep this up, we can extend your time here. I’ve got all day, and trust me, I’ll turn this into the most boring detention of your life. his tone low but with a hint of snark.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
He stood at the front of the class, arms crossed as the cheerleaders kept playing music (Most likely tailor swift) and calling out others. His eyes narrowed, but he stayed calm, tapping his pen against the desk. The noise had dragged on long enough. Letting out a sharp sigh, he cut through the chatter. This isn’t a concert hall. Either!! stop the distractions and let me teach, or we’ll sit here all day while you waste everyone’s time."
Walking over to the group, he casually turned down the volume on the phone. You’re 10 billion percent sure this is how you want to spend class?
Locking eyes with each of them, he stepped back to the front. One chance to settle down.
When the music continued, he pulled out his radio, fingers tapping quickly as he made his point. You really want to test me? Fine. He returned to the board, his radio on the desk, ready if needed. Your move, he said, resuming the lesson as if nothing had happened. His patience reached its limit . Any further trouble and they’d be booted from his class entirely no second chances.
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Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
My character (Senkou) as soon as he noticed a few students fighting, he sighed and intervened to break it up. "All right, stop it," he mumbled, moving to put himself between them. However, he discovered his strength wasn't exactly great as soon as he attempted to shove them apart. The kids hardly moved, and he was as powerful as a dry noodle.With a frustrated groan, he took a step back and took out his radio. All right, I'm obviously not cut out for this. Calmly yet frustrated, he asked for help. It appears that some overly eager children are punching each other here. Would you mind sending someone a bit more muscular!! after the students are separated, Senkou turned to the kids who had been fighting, sternly addressing them. Alright, you're both going to the nurse's office. As for whoever started the fight, I'm giving you a detention slip."

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?


His Approach to teaching:

What makes Senkou truly different is his approach to teaching and handling students. Hes not one for very strict discipline or constant enforcement of rules, but that doesn’t mean he lacks control in the classroom. In fact, his ability to gain respect comes from his sharp wit and no-nonsense attitude. He doesn’t bother with drawn-out lectures or punishments, preferring to use logic and consequences that students can’t argue with. To him, students aren’t obstacles but potential problem solvers in the making. He views them as pieces in the larger puzzle of progress, and he’s willing to guide them IF they’re willing to think.

Outlook on the other professors:
As for other professors, he doesn’t actively seek to bond with them, but hes not dismissive. He respects those who share his passion for knowledge and innovation, but he has little patience for teachers who cling to the old methods or let personal biases and get full of themsleves. He tends to keep his interactions with them professional but fun,treating them like adults, though he’s not afraid to call them out if he feels they’re not pushing students!

For his Personality,Senkou is very snarky and sarcastic, often using dry humor and sharp remarks to make his point. He’s confident sometimes to the point of arrogance, but it’s hard to argue with his results. He’s rarely flustered, preferring to stay cool under pressure and calculating his next move.

His goal:
Even though he might come across as detached or indifferent, his care for students and the future of education is genuine. he isn’t interested in getting traditional awards or praise. What drives him is seeing how far science can take humanity. He’s focused on helping students think for themselves, come up with new ideas, and make a real difference in the future.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Birth and Early Childhood
The beginning of Senkou Ishigami's life wasn't normal. His early years were rather bad. after being adopted by Bakuyao Ishyami; it was reported that one of his original parents was Bakuyao's best friend, but no specifics were disclosed. Growing up in an inquisitive environment, Senkou's fascination with science began in first grade when he had aspirations of visiting space. He was enthralled after that. Bakuyao encouraged Senkou to immerse himself in books, experiments, and inquiries, supporting every crazy notion.

High School Years
Senkou's passion for science only grew stronger in high school, especially with Yuzuriha and Taijio, his best pals, by his side. Together, they conducted innumerable experiments, trying everything from building basic devices to launching homemade rockets, frequently utilizing readily available materials. A memorable attempt involved sending light objects into orbit, with stuffed toys Yuzuriha had made as “passengers.” Though they didn’t quite make it to space, this playful yet determined attitude set Senkou apart. Just before college, Senkou decided to push himself further with a six-month survival challenge. For the first few months, he went alone, putting his science knowledge to real-world use to survive. Taijio later joined him, making the experience as valuable as it was challenging.

College Years
Majoring in physics and chemistry and minoring in biology and engineering, he seized every chance to learn and experiment. Motivated to learn more provided guidance and insights but at a high cost. Senkou, ever resourceful, flew to America, obtained Bakuyao's credit card with little consent, and used it to finance his initiatives back in Japan. He even went to Africa to conduct practical research on viral illnesses, which deepened his awareness of science as a tool for practical application.

Adult Life and Career as a Professor
After graduating, Senkou decided to become a teacher, encouraging his students to think critically and come up with new ideas in addition to lecturing. He immediately gained their respect by using his practical experiments, direct approach. He urged pupils to view science as a tool for solving problems and discovering the unknown, eschewing rigid regulations. Senkou's current goal as a professor is to mold innovators and thinkers who see science as a means of achieving a better future.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Ishyami Senkou.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:


Gender & pronouns:
Male, He/him
Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:
Single, Married to Science


Current Location:
Right now, I'm in Tokyo

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics

Teaching Experience (# of years):
1 year
Working Experience (# of years):
5 years

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:

Physics, Chemistry

Electronics, Biology and Engineering

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
(Im going to apply for more)

Preferred Teaching Subject:
Interdisciplinary Science

Nothing, Thanks for taking your time to read this!
Additional notes about your application (if any):

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Last edited:


Level 98
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Thank you for taking the time to write this application. I have decided to place this application on pending, if you'd like it to be removed or have any questions please DM me on discord (@muffincats).
- The science department is currently full​


Level 98
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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