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Seth Midges || A Biography


Level 10
Seth Midges

Basic Information


Build: Scrawny man, with very little muscle (As shown above)

Skin Color: Light skinned, with a beautiful light brown tan

Eye Color: Dark brown eyes that looked like liquefied chocolate

Hair Style: His short, wavy hair was wild and untamed. Sticking up and settling down wherever it pleased. He had one particular cowlick that stuck upwards on the left side of his head.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Fashion: Seth enjoys his flannel shirts, along with baggy pants due to how comfortable they are. He doesn’t really care about the style of the clothes he wears, since comfort is his biggest concern.

Abnormalities: The top two left teeth were missing from his smile, leaving a goofy gap in his smile. You also notice that his palms and fingers had a few small scars on them.. All of which were different sizes.

Date of Birth: July 3 (18 years old)

Place of Birth: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Nationality: Canadian

Race: Métis; Ojibwe and Franco-Canadian

Religious Beliefs: Catholicism

General Appearance

The smell of pine trees filled your nose as you set your eyes upon a scrawny, Métis male; who was leaning up against a wall. He stood to be 5’10” tall; his short, wavy hair was wild and untamed. Sticking up and settling down wherever it pleased. He had one particular cowlick that stuck upwards on the left side of his head. As his soft gaze met yours, you’d notice the liquefied chocolate eyes he had. He’d offer you a warm, mellow smile; where his top left teeth were noticeably missing. Leaving a goofy gap in his smile. As he waved at you, you’d notice some small scars on his palms and fingertips. All of different sizes.

Character Voice:
Seth’s accent exhibited ‘Canadian raising’; where he pronounced all his vowels higher than usual. However, when he speaks French, he is extremely fluent in it. Enunciating every word just like a native French speaker. You’d notice a quiet, whistling sound coming from the gap in Seth’s smile when he made a “sh or “s” sound.

  • Skateboard
  • Lighter
  • Sketchbook
  • Mask
Seth enjoys a wide range of hobbies. Other's are more popular for Seth than others, due to moving to Karakura; where practicing all his hobbies may not be possible. After all, it is hard to play Lacrosse and Hockey by yourself. Especially when those two sports aren't popular in Japan. When Seth is wanting to chill out, he'll wander around town until he finds something or someone to draw. Unless he feels like staying home; in which case he'll practice his drumming or just write down story ideas. Other times if he's feeling energetic, he'll skateboard. You can find his skateboarding at the skatepark, the streets, or even inside the school. If he sees potential in a certain spot, he'll try to skate it.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Seth’s been addicted to cigarettes ever since he stole one from his Dad back in grade 8. It started out as a monthly occurrence until the urge for more turned his monthly habit into a weekly one; and as you guessed it, it became a daily occurrence. He also has an sever allergy to bee stings, which can trigger anaphylaxis.

Skills: He is somewhat athletic, due to being on a Lacrosse team for many years and because of skateboarding. Outdoor survival skills that he has includes knot-tying, shelter building, and forging. All of which he learned from his father. He’s also able to read music sheets, thanks to the band classes he took.


Jackie S. Adachi
They'd meet after school, at the skatepark, during a rainy day. Jackie was busy, practicing tricks. At least until Seth had approached him, to strike up a conversation to the lonely looking man.
"Nice and rainy day; should make it easier to grind along these rails without wax, eh?" Seth leaned up against his board as if it was cane, as he warmly smiled at Jackie, who had only just realized that he wasn't at the park alone now. "Doesn't matter, since I can't skate very well," Jackie shrugged as he maintained focus on this friendly stranger. "What's your name?" Seth's smile opened up, revealing his gappy smile, as he offered a handshake whilst responding to Jackie's question, "The name's Seth, and you?" Jackie shook Seth's hand, give a quick nod in acknowledgement, "Jackie."
Both of them, seemed to get along so well at the skatepark that they had decided to keep in contact after meeting. Making new memories as friends.

Julia P. Aiko
Discovering a room that was up for rent, he'd meet Julia and grow a friendship whilst renting a room from her apartment. The other roommates were fairly weird, and as Seth thought; Strange and unpleasant. Despite the other roommates, he'd stay at the apartment due to the great amount of money he was saving whilst also avoiding becoming homeless in a town where a housing crisis seemed to be really bad. They'd play video games together whenever they had the chance, and Seth would lend an open ear to Julia whenever she needed.

Miffy M-Nishika Joyce
He'd meet her at school when he'd been grieving over his deceased friend. Or, at least she found him when she decided to approach him, and he'd immediately saw a younger sister in her. Sure she may ramble a lot, but it's usually quite informative. She's always eager to find bugs and to tell you all about them too. Maybe it's the fact that she's just so cheerful all the time that draws Seth to her. That or the fact that she was willing to give skateboarding a try, even though she was scared the moment she hoped onto his skateboard.

Gabriella 'Gabs' Watcher
Just one of the two gals he'd meet through his sister. Gabba Dabba, as he nicknamed her, seemed alright. Despite the fact that she knocked him out after he said he wouldn't date her; which made no sense since she was already in a relationship with someone. He'd forgive her and continue to build a friendship with her, since she too could speak French and because she still showed how loyal and nice she actually is.

Sky Calimeris
A very odd, possibly possessed girl that Miffy had introduced him to. He's extremely concerned about how often she barks, and about the inhuman amounts of energy that she seems to have, never really taking a moment to slow down. He prays that she'll overcome her many issues, and that she'll eventually get over her idol; Mister Bean.



Seth Midges was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His father came from the Ojibwe people, whilst his mother came from a francophone family who came from Quebéc. Being raised by his two parents, both of whom were from families who desperately wanted to preserve their way of life and their cultural traditions. Due to how much of a minority both cultures were within Canada. His father however, wanted to preserve his way of life for another reason. His father’s side of the family had gone through the residential schools. The Canadian government for years had restricted and outlawed the practice of Native American cultural practices, and forced many Native American families to send their kids to these residential schools to assimilate the Indigenous peoples into the European lifestyle. They had even banned the Native Americans from speaking their native language; punishing anyone who broke these rules. Sadly, many Native American tribes had lost a lot of their cultural practices due to the strict rules that were intentionally put in place to repress Native Americans. And due to the heavy influence of the Catholic Church in residential schools, Catholicism became a huge part of many Native American families. Seth’s father’s family was one of those families who ended up getting converted to Catholics due to going through the residential schools. Fortunately, not all of the cultural teachings and way of life was destroyed for the Midges family.

When Esme was pregnant with Seth, her and Julian bargained and argued on what would be taught in the household. They both agreed to follow the teachings from the Catholic church, and attended Mass weekly. However, in regards to the main language to teach Seth, Esme insisted that she'd only speak to her son in her native language; French, and that she'd appreciate it if Julian would also speak to their son in French. Julia decided to speak to Seth and Esme in English and French, but he also took Seth on many camping trips so that he could teach his son his culture’s language and share the stories that came from the Ojibwe peoples. Julian would also use these camping trips to teach survival skills to help bond with his son. Sometimes, Julian would take Seth out to Powwows to socialize with his father’s side of the family and other people of his heritage. Seth and Julian never ever spoke or told Esme what was going on during the camping trips due to how livid she’d get when she’d find out Seth wasn’t speaking or learning French. Esme was very controlling about the language that she wanted to be used in and outside of the household by the family. To the point where she insisted that they enroll Seth in a French Immersion school. Even though Seth was already using French daily. Seth attended École Saint-Norbert Immersion when he was old enough to go to Kindergarten. There he made many friends. Some of which played on his Lacrosse team. Others would play hockey during recess on the basketball court during spring and summer, and would play it on the outdoor ice rinks during winter. As Seth got older, he picked up a few more hobbies that he shared with the friends he kept throughout childhood. In grade 7, he began to learn how to play the drum set during his band electives. And in his free time he’d begun to learn how to skateboard with his friends. Falling a ton for the first few years; breaking and spraining his arms, legs, and wrists as he attempted tricks throughout the years. In the eighth grade, Seth and his friends would start to play music together biweekly. Playing cover songs of their favourite bands. When Seth got to grade 10, he’d transfer to another French Immersion school; Centre scolaire Léo-Rémillard. He’d stay in contact with the friends who’d go to different High Schools, but grew closer to the ones who went onto the same High School as him. During grade 10, there was a huge fight that has escalated between his parents. And after many months of asking and begging his mother to go across the country to finish high school, she'd finally agreed. Giving Seth a break -and a fresh start for Grade 11- away from the family drama he had endured all of his childhood.

A Shattered Family;

In Seth’s eyes, families were like gardens. Some were taken care of, proving to be very fruitful; displaying millions of beautiful flowers. Others were simply neglected. Leaving a ground full of dry, sallowness grass; dead grass that had no hope of reviving. If Seth had to describe his family, then his was a garden full of fake, vibrant green grass and bright plastic flowers. All for show with no intention or knowledge of how to nurture it. He knew that every “I love you” and every single hug or kiss between his parents was all for show. Absolutely everything about his parents, in the public eye, was fake. It didn’t matter if they were out attending Mass or if they were on a family outing. Every so-called loving action towards each other ended up with an action or two that contradicted itself. After all, behind closed doors, in the Midges family, all that could be seen and heard were scornful remarks and constant bickering towards each other.
CRASH! The sound of glass echoed down the hallway followed by muffled screams and yelling through the hallway. Seth’s eyes shot wide open as soon as he heard the first crash; which was followed by loud screaming and shouting accompanied by the sound of more glass shattering. When Seth had jumped out of bed to try to see what was happening it had been too late. All that was left from the altercation was his crying mother on her knees, surrounded by trillions of glass shards; crystals that sparkled as he cautiously approached her. As he approached her, he noticed the butter tarts and cookies that were scattered along the floor along with the pieces of a blue porcelain plate that stood out amongst the crystal-clear glass shards.
“Ma mère? Where’d Père run off to this time? What happened?” He’d ask, as if he was actually puzzled. But the reality was that it was obvious as to what actually happened. Tonight was the night that their arguing had escalated further than ever. As Seth ****yzed the living room, the sour stench of cigarettes lingered and filled his nose. The heavy smell of smoke filling his lungs was enough to make a non-smoker dizzy and nauseous. No one seemed to be hurt. Well… physically at least. Silence filled the room for what felt like an hour as his mother pleadingly looked into Seth’s eyes with her red, glossy eyes; until she finally broke back down into quiet, pitiful sobs. He didn’t understand why they remained married during his entire childhood. His father always complained about how controlling and unreasonable his mother was, whilst his mother always cried and yelled at his father. Protesting about how unreliable and incompetent of a father Julian was. It was always some stupid excuse that made no sense. When Seth was younger he’d ask his parents why they didn’t just split up. But he knew better now, since every time he asked he’d get the same response. I can't, I love her, and I didn’t mean it. Or the classic; Love makes you do crazy things.
He’d sigh, “Ma mère. You keep promisin’ that you’ll stop argu-”
“Dear, i-it’s okay. Just go ba-back to bed,” She’d assure him as she wiped her tears with her sleeve whilst stumbling; trying to get up. “I j-just have to clean up.”
“Maman, I can’t keep doin’ this like ya guys can. Not with all the yellin’ ya do, and especially not with the breakin’ of glasses..” Seth pursed his lips as he looked towards the pieces of glass that had once been a cup or two. Along with remnants of a broken plate that had held butter tarts and cookies. It was hard to tell exactly how many cups had been broken… His eyes looked back up, to the sight of his mother’s red, tear-filled eyes.
“Ya know I’ve been askin’ ya for months now to go across the world to finish school. I’ve even been practicin’ the language.”
“I’m sorry but we’ve been over this Seth. Staying here ensures that you stay with family. Where you share our traditions and language. You may have some knowledge of the other country’s language, but no one is likely to know French over there. Plus we’d miss you too much. Just for two more years dear. Finish High School he-”
Maman. I’m not a little kid. I’ve been speakin’ French my whole life. It’s not somethin’ I’ll forget. It’ll widen my horizons. It’s a good learnin’ experience, even if the school doesn’t teach in the language ya prefer me to use. And I need this.” Seth’s lips eased, allowing a quiet sigh to escape. It was hopeless. She’d never agree to let Seth go to another school for a break, nor would she ever do anything to permanently fix her relationship with his father. Turning to retreat back to his room his mother reluctantly replied, in the form of a question.
“If your father and I said yes.. Would you call me, your loving mother, daily?” His mother avoided eye contact as Seth turned back around. She'd stopped crying, but the streaks from the tears on her flushed cheeks were still there. He gazed into her eyes as he furrowed his brows, smiling slightly, “Yah. I promise Maman.”

Au Revoir Winnipeg...

It had been awhile since he last received a call back from his parents. And they had stopped picking up his calls, after the last call that ended in a heated argument. His parents became concerned about Seth's safety in Karakura; what good parent wouldn't be after hearing their son break the news of their best friend being murdered? You'd think they'd call more often or at the very minimum, continue the calls to keep in touch with their son. Especially since Seth refused to come home, even though the murder of his friend did frighten him. Seth didn't want to leave the other friends he had in town, and he didn't want to go back home to a house filled with bickering.

The soft crunching of snow was felt beneath Esme's boots as she sprinted, huffing.
"WAIT! ESME, PLEASE!" Julian hollered, the strong gusts of constant wind and snow muffling him only a tad bit. Esme, continued to run, with Julian trailing far behind her. As she sprinted far away, the ground became more slippery under the snow.
"ESME, PLEASE. LET'S JUST TALK ABOUT THIS!" Before she knew it, she she lost her footing, slipping and diving into the snow. CRACK! She froze as she heard more, quieter cracking beneath her, over the loud whistling winds. Julian stopped as soon as Esme turned her head towards him; huffing and puffing, trying to catch his breath. He was still far away. But he thought for a second that she'd finally come to her senses as they stared at each other. The moment the wind shielded his view with the snow was the moment she'd disappeared without a sound. She didn't disappear without a trace, since what remained was the broken ice. in the middle of the frozen river. Julian's eyes were horrified the moment he realized what happened. He was speechless as his knees dropped to the ground. It was almost like the wind took his words, as he remained there. Processing.

Whiskey trailed down Julian's chin as he guzzled another bottle. His glassy, half opened eyes stared at their wedding photo, that was cracked. It had been weeks after witnessing his wife's death. He'd already called 911, even though it was pointless that night. Once you fall under ice in a fast moving river, you're dead. Didn't feel like she was dead to him. It just felt like she was gone. Gone for a long time. But he knew better than that. He knew that she really was gone. Was it his fault that this happened? His brothers and sisters had comforted him, telling him that it wasn't. But it sure felt like it was his fault. He'd refused to do to or stand by what she'd insisted on for a long time. And when she urged him to help to convince their son to come home, he had refused. Insisting that it should be up to Seth to make the decision to remain at Karakura to study or to come home to finish High School. What kind of husband doesn't stand by his wife's decisions? Like the old saying goes.. Happy wife, happy life. Pulling out his box of cigarettes that was already almost empty, as he muttered, "Fuck, why did I have to tell her she was dictator? And a brute to live with?" His eyes looked over to the picture of Seth when he had only been 14 years old. Rubbing his face and groaning, "What am I going to tell Seth?" Leaning into the sofa, silently crying, he'd drop his arms. Passing out with his lit, half smoked cigarette. There was a fire that night, in the neighborhood. Burning down four houses, taking two lives along with Julian.

Seth's aunt contacted him a week after the fire. That was the tragic night he found out that his parent's both died in the same month. Ultimately Baptista Midges became Seth's legal guardian. Seth did come home for a few weeks to honour his mother and father; but with his aunt's permission, he'd return to finish his schooling in Karakura. Keeping in contact with his extended family. His new plans were set. He never wanted to return to Winnipeg. Even if his other family remained there. Not when that was where his bad memories were.
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