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Accepted shadowisanerd | Doctor Application


Level 8

IGN (In-Game Name):
shadowisanerd (main account, [College][PhD][Track] tag on my primary slot)
ilovemyplanex0 (account I’m applying with, [Bird] tag on my primary character slot)

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I always try my best to remain active! Despite my longer breaks this summer, I can log on daily, usually between 5pm and 12am. It’s not impossible or unheard off to see me online at the worst times imaginable, too. Can’t blame me, SRP is very active when I’m supposed to be asleep. I have no trouble staying online anywhere between 2-10 hours, depending on what I have going on.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:

Russian Application - Accepted
Latin Application - Accepted
Third Language Application - Accepted
Korean Application - Accepted
Doctor Application #1 - Denied
Doctor Application #2 - Denied

List your current roles on the server:
On shadowisanerd:
[College][PhD][Track] Felix J. R. Stark
[Grade-12] Mirae Komaeda
[Grade-12] ‘Yen’ B. Kimura

On ilovemyplanex0 (account I’m applying with):
[Bird] “Subete Mite”
[Grade-12] Caturix MacAlasdair

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I think I’ve made it fairly obvious that roleplay has been a big passion of mine for a solid chunk of my life! From all of the obscure RPGs that I’ve played (Yes, I can and will replay a lot of Bioware games this year) to trying out any new tabletop systems I can!

Not only that but since I have a lot of free time and access to - certain websites, I've been trying my hand out with things like RPGMaker as well. It looked a lot easier, compared to Unity. I mean. It was only 2D graphics!
And a few years back, in 2020 with a lot of time to waste, I managed to get my hands on two books - Player’s Handbook for D&D 5e and Kids on Bikes! This was - honestly, something I’ve spent way too much time on. From drawing maps and crafting encounters to adapting certain video games, and modded content for them, into those systems, I’ve certainly had my fair share of work. And as for more recently, I’m trying to understand Cyberpunk RED and soon enough I might even be able to run a campaign for it.

Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to schedule D&D sessions for the last few years. With my friends and I being university students (and being employed), we did not have much time. I was bored again! And so I did what I always do when I’m bored - get back into anything Minecraft related. And why shouldn’t I! I googled Minecraft roleplay servers, quite literally, and you can guess what was the first result - obviously SchoolRP. I’ve been playing since October 2022, with a few short breaks, usually during summer. During that time I did- a lot, now that I think about it.
I’ve been helping my friends with their projects a lot. Leading the Kuznetsov, Kyoshiro and Stark families has defined my perspective on how families in SRP could be done, especially the Kyoshiro family. There is so much lore and it required so much collaboration, I’m quite proud with how it turned out to be. I’ve had a lot of great experiences with the people there and managed to develop a few characters.
Same was with GangRP, considering how I say “Yeah I’m quitting guys!” only for somebody to suggest creating a gang and me toppling over cause I had nothing better to do either way. Still, while I understand that gangRP can be a bit controversial, I’ve always enjoyed it. I was pretty bad at uh- “doing perms” as some people call it, therefore I rarely did that, unless it was something pre-planned and/or with consented permissions or helping out other people. Since I was taking my time to do things, I really learnt to enjoy detailRP! Which is a little ironic, considering how bad I was in the beginning I really disliked writing long things. And now here I am! I can for sure thank SRP for all that. I’ve been in a few gangs, Kyogoku Shiryo, Kyorin-Kai and Valhalla being most notable and memorable for me, both as a regular member and as a Higher-Up. I hold a lot of love for the faction (and the suggestions channel in the Crime server is one of my favorites at this point) and despite some critique I may have, I love the place it is in right now.
The crime faction is always fun! And figuring out that I don’t need to be in a gang? And that I could do things other than run after people for a living ICly, really made my day. So I applied in Fight Club! Bartender, naturally, and eventually I’d get the referee role. It was one of my greatest experiences in SRP, and I even got to substitute one of the fighters for an opening. It led to a really nice development for my character and now that I’m thinking about it, I should apply as a Fighter, too!

On the other hand, doing the same thing over and over leads to insanity - or boredom in my case. A few months ago, I took a break from SRP, returned, and- did the unthinkable. I became a sports team member. Jokes aside, it was an expected change, that I’ve been planning for a bit and retiring my gangRP character from that faction (he needed a break, guys, he got stabbed several times per week at one point).
Considering my enjoyment of detailRP, the Track team seemed like the best option! I’ve gotten to meet some really nice people, develop my characters a lot more and experienced another side of schoolRP! 10/10 would do again.

Besides SchoolRP, I’ve done several Fantasy related roleplays - both in Minecraft, which included me hosting my own servers, building a map, organizing events and generally collaborating with others, and through Discord - text-based only, usually, sometimes adapted into 5e campaigns.

What is your motivation for applying?
Haha, how can I not want to apply????
First, and most important reason, I enjoy walls of text! Nothing better than seeing large blue paragraphs when going to the hospital, always brings joy to my heart. I’m being serious, of course. Writing has always been a bit of a hobby of mine and SRP actually made me invest and spend time on things that I’m not naturally good at. Before 2022 I really hated writing more than two sentences on a topic but I will be for real, SRP gave me appreciation for details and the effort they take. While I still have a lot to improve on, I have gotten pretty fast at writing detailed actions (although I need to learn to stop misspelling. Eventually)

Second, although just as important, reason is my general enjoyment of the faction and technically the medical field in general! I almost pursued medicine as my specialty in university, I did have the grades for it and I’ve always been interested in the field, from watching medical TV shows to looking into whatever my friend, who’s in med school now, had been studying for his entrance exams. Furthermore, I’ve had to do my own research several times for the past two years, a lot more often than I’d like, haha. Thanks, SRP.

Lastly, I honestly wanna have fun and contribute to the experience! It’s not new for me to spend a lot of time in the EMS lobby already, considering how often certain people like to give majors out like candy.

Which role are you applying for?

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
For obvious reasons, I will say not much! Still, I did observe quite a bit and I have had a lot of interactions with EMS as a whole.

A doctor’s job is to diagnose and treat an underlying condition or injury (with some that involves performing surgeries), and if possible, they’d choose the least invasive method. To accomplish those duties, the doctor can perform all kinds of tests, run and read scans (X-Ray or CT scan from what I’ve noticed for SRP), perform physical exams, prescribe appropriate medications(this also includes keeping note of a patient’s allergies, other prescribed medications that they could be taking and other physical and/or mental conditions the patient might have). Among their duties, doctors are expected to keep an eye on the patient's vitals and oversee visits.
At one point, there was a Surgical department as well, that would handle major surgeries, and anything related to prosthetics. Now, its duties have been taken over by the Clinical department and the doctors.

We did talk about physical ailments a patient may have but a lot of people wish to engage with certain mental conditions as well. That’s where the psychiatrist’s role comes in. They are supposed to perform a mental evaluation of a patient, often done in the form of a one-on-one conversation. Then the doctor will have to continue working with the patient by creating a treatment plan which may or may not include the prescription of medication. A preferred approach is to prescribe those medications only when necessary - and to help with that, psychiatrists offer their patients counseling. A way to talk about their issues and find an appropriate solution.

It involves any work related to locating an injured person, stabilizing them on-premise, transporting them to a healthcare facility and providing further stabilization. The paramedic/emergency worker has to be able to take care of injuries caused by blunt/bladed weapons and even gunshots. They have to be able to perform a so-called fast scan(usually performing an ultrasound) to discover and repair any internal damage and quickly fix it.
Once their job is done, the patient is considered stable and can get additional treatment from other doctors and/or psychiatrists if required.

A veterinarian is considered a subspecialty for a Doctor (at least, in SRP). Ideally, they should focus on providing all of the Doctor’s duties(along with a few more) for animals but if available, they will need to treat smaller in scope injuries and oversee visitations.

Additionally, the hospital is equipped with a pharmacy! There, hospital staff can sell medications and items ICly, according to their role, with the exception of a few. common items (like bandaids, paracetamol, melatonin, cough syrup, cane and a few others). Other, stronger medications and crutches require a prescription.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

Character’s Full Name:

“My name is Mi-young Woong. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
“Female and she/her”

Character’s Age:
“I am 36 years old, born on May 2nd, 19XX”

Character’s Academic Background:
“I have completed my Master’s of Medicine in the Tokyo Medical University.”

Character’s Nationality:
“I still have Korean citizenship.”

Character’s Marital Status:
“Unmarried, currently. Next question.”

Character’s Religious Denomination:
“I’m not religious.”

Character’s Spoken Languages:
“My native language is Korean. I can also speak Japanese and English fluently.”

Character Backstory:
Mi-Young Woong was born on May 2nd, 19XX in Busan, South Korea. Her parents had both found success - one is an entrepreneur with his own Tech Start-up into the medical sector, while the other was a plastic surgeon. The young woman had become accustomed to a certain amount of privilege all her life. And with that privilege came certain expectations. While growing up, she was home-schooled, Mi-Young managed to quickly excel in all of her studies and quickly picked up her father’s talent for technology and her mother’s passion for medicine. One could argue that she took it even further.
The young woman decided out of her own free will to learn as much as she could! She picked up her mother’s textbooks and read through them. Languages, large books about anatomy, anything she could get her hands on. Eventually, she would hear about a prospering town in Japan, in which all kinds of interesting events transpired. With whatever form of basic Japanese she had, she decided to move there and continue her studies in Karakura College, even if it was only for a single year! Booking a flight, filling many, many documents and honing her social skills, she moved into the town as the next chapter of her life began.
Living in Karakura had been. . . interesting to her. Always observant, she would hear constant rumors of secret organizations. With her easy smile- she would dig deeper, learning as much as she could about the city she now called home. While living in Karakura, she met a certain woman who loved playing the role of a thug. It seemed as if those two would never get along - and it would be best for them to not meet again. She had a new-found hatred for Karakura's underworld after an accident which resulted in the loss of her eye.
This incident changed Mi-young, in more ways than one. She was wary of others, while still always playing her role of a supposed “people pleaser”. She took no risks when it came to criminals she had worked with during her future work either, especially if it involved people that were originally from Karakura. It’s almost as if she hated the entire town at this point.
The young woman believed she needed a break from all of this. Instead of pursuing medicine in Karakura, she would transfer to Tokyo Medical University. It was where she had developed her passion for neurology and quickly made her name through the field.
Eventually, she would find love (or the closest thing she could consider love). She was happy with how her life was, for a while. Even having a few kids with her then-husband. That peace did not last, however. It was like she longed for something that she could only find in Karakura. And so she moved there after finishing her neurology residency, along with one of her sons, Min-Soo, and her adoptive daughter.
Perhaps, she holds some regrets when it comes to her daughter. Specifically, since almost as soon as all of them had arrived in Karakura, she had disappeared. Mi-young seems to carry some sort of guilt towards this, and in turn she ended up becoming even more shut-off from other people in her personal life, never quite connecting with them.

What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?

Neurology. Perhaps, she seemed a bit too interested in it. Generally, very few people know what even is happening in the brain, and a lot of doctors have stated that we do not understand much about it. Her genuine curiosity, the amount of time she had spent studying it, only seemed to further her passion. She had often been finding herself not only reading the study material required by all students but she even went out of her way to discover more - she read the works of various psychologists and philosophers to see how they think, what kind of social experiments they have performed even and double check their results against the things she had been thought in university and on the job as well.
Even to this day she still has books of some people that have been long discredited due to lack of results and/or proof. While she considers some ideas abhorrent, they propose an interesting challenge. A food for thought, some could say.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Any student needs money, not going to lie. And just like the rest of her peers, Mi-young had spent a considerable amount of time as a Nurse while she had been pursuing her degree in Medicine. In an emergency department. It was stressful - on top of having her normal school work, she still pulled on average 40 hour work weeks. On the other hand this provided her with a lot of opportunities - she learned first-hand about concussions and other common injuries. She got to meet a large chunk of her future colleagues, too. Turns out that being overworked is a great way to get ahead in your career by networking!
After graduating from Tokyo's medical university, she took her time. A short break of only 2 months, she would immediately jump into her postgraduate training. She spent 2 years, rotating through various hospitals and departments where she had the opportunity to work closely with other established doctors in various fields. And as I said earlier, Neurology did fascinate her. As soon as her training had finished, she began her residency in Tokyo Medical University Hospital, in their neurology department. Throughout the years she deepened her understanding of the field and has been seen mentoring and helping out her juniors and the interns the hospital kept taking in. She’d often say that the best way to test your own knowledge is to teach someone else how to do things you do.
Circumstances, however, made her reduce the hours she spends in Tokyo, and recently, she had moved to Karakura for a big portion of her time.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Mi-young was slightly above average height - she stood at 5’8. Her complexion, on first glance, would appear clear, one with no scarring whatsoever. Had the person observing her looked closer, they would notice the rather-large amount of make-up she used, concealing a few facial scars. One of her eyes never seemed to move either, and judging by the way it looked, it seemed to be made of glass. Her working, coffee-brown eye seemed to follow whoever she was speaking with rather attentively.
Looking downwards from there, you would notice that she often had a rather clean, well-kept appearance about her. Whether it came to her actual looks or how she presented, it was clear she took pride in both, as she did in most things.
On duty, she usually wore a pair of blue scrubs, sometimes with her doctor’s coat, sometimes without. Off work, she preferred suits and skirts, usually pastel colored ones.

To some people, she appeared approachable and polite - as if she had valued first impressions first and foremost. When speaking to her, she would keep all discussions light, rarely getting into serious topics nor did she take any risks - she always seemed to choose her words carefully, especially with strangers. In a sense, she always appeared to be nothing more than perfect to the people she presented herself to. On rare occasions, that is with her family and people that actually knew how she was, Mi-young was nothing short of an ill-tempered perfectionist. She seemed almost always ready to shift blame around, manipulating people in doing or saying whatever she needed them to.

Mi-young is not unaware of how people perceive her. She simply chooses to ignore it or make insincere apologies. She sees herself as a victim of circumstance of sorts, blames her own misdeeds onto other people that she considers to have wronged her. Her priority is to make a good life for herself, and by proxy, her family. The woman, however, is completely willing to put on a mask in front of new people and do her best in playing a cheery, approachable person, one whom others would not consider a threat. One who cares for others.

How does your character act around the hospital?
During work, the woman was approachable and competent. She loved solving problems and had impeccable attention to detail - a quality that is first and foremost for any physician, if you had asked her. She had an easy smile while talking to her colleagues, and always tried her best to impress others and get on their good side - expected, considering how she managed to get where she was. To her patients, she was always polite, answering their questions to her best knowledge and always doing her best to ease them for any upcoming procedures.
Off duty, she was completely different. In her home Mi-young was a closed off person, barely talking to her son unless it involved having to lecture him over trivial matters (and sometimes not so trivial, considering the trouble maker she saw him as). The woman rarely kept connections with other people unless she had some use of them - her work being the only important thing in her life.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
That depends. Hospital work, at the end of the day, requires a lot of collaboration and cooperation, no escaping that. The better question is can Mi-young even work well with others? And that is a clear yes, in general, she adapts very well to the personalities of other people, some could even call her a people pleaser if they did not know any better. She could even thrive in that type of environment without problems.
Still, she is a solitary person at heart - she rarely bonds with other people and is generally distrustful of them, often having the habit of micromanaging those junior to her. While she is able to be a team player, she prefers to do things on her own and on her own terms, and she takes any opportunity to do so.



Level 277
Hospital Lead
Model Coordinator
Firstly, thank you for applying to the Hospital Faction, and we appreciate your interest. We hope you're excited to hear that you've been accepted as a Doctor! You will be contacted in regards to setting up your roles shortly.

In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles. You will also be contacted over Discord in regards to receiving an introduction to all of the information you will need as a worker, your duties as a Hospital Worker and receiving the necessary equipment to follow through with said duties.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - @6Pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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