Shi 'Anubis' Meikai
Basic Informations:
Name: Shi
Last Name: Meikai
Nickname/Alias: Anubis
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color (Without contact lenses): Black
Home country: Egypt
Race: Arabian-Japanese
I am sure you have heard of the Egyptian god of funeral practices, Anubis. Yes, my character is based off of that very being. He tends to wear gloves that appear to fade into his arms, yellow contacts covering his normal eyes, mimicking the color and shape of more animal like eyes. The contacts are quite realistic. He wears clothing deemed comfortable for himself, he is rather resistant to the cold, so it does not bother him. He ensures his own cleanliness by taking care of his hygiene every day, taking care of his usually bare feet. Speaking of, he always walks around barefooted, preferring the sensation of the earth beneath his feet. He has a slender, yet muscular, fit and athletic build. He often drinks a special fine wine when he is alone, the wine itself has quite the sweet smell, following him wherever he goes. At this point the scent is bound to his body from how much he would drink. Whenever he opens his mouth to speak, noticably sharp canines can be seen, which are slightly longer than the average canines people normally have, the other theeth of his would be sharp too, a bit sharper than the average teeth aswell. He appears quite intimidating at first, although he is usually rather pleasant to have conversation with. His respect for the dead is unmatchable, as he sees himself as somewhat of a priest, wishing to mimick that of the ancient Egyptian god who would embalm the dead, and take great care for them.
Seen near his wrists, torso and arms are an assortment of beautiful Egyptian jewelry, adding to his already unique appearance. Like earrings, ribbons are attached to both of his ears, having an egyptian symbol on them. Held in his hands frequently is what appears to be a scale. It is extremely similar to the original, crafted carefully and precisely to mimic the real deal. This scale is usually seen in Anubis mythology, as it measured the purity of those who have died. Weighing the heart of the dead on the scale of justice, against the feather of Ma'at, the goddess of justice. The process itself is to determine whether if the individual who has passed on, is worthy enough of entering the realm of the dead. He had a soft and masculine voice.
Backstory (Summarized):
Born in Egypt near the Nile River, he has always been quite fascinated by the Egyptian mythology along with its pantheon. His two parents had raised him being Christian, even now still being one. He had two siblings, one brother, one sister. His mother and father were always quite supportive of his actions and thoughts, taking careful consideration into how he felt. His mother is Arabian, father Japanese. His siblings had always been protective of him for his tender nature, careing even for those who had done wrong against himself and others. Over time, he has learned to speak Arabian, and Japanese, taught individually by his mother and father. After spending most of his time in Egypt, his curiosity for Japan grew, and he decided to move there, now residing in Karakura.
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