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Denied Shop Application | Joyoung

Jack Sun

Level 0
----Player Information----

What is your Minecraft username?
My Minecraft Username is Refine_1

Do you have Discord? (If so, what is your discord username?)
Yes I have discord the username is Refine.#9815.

-What is your time zone?
Brasilia Standard Time.

Describe your activity on the server.
I play everyday and I am on most of the time I roleplay a lot and make friends on the server!

Have you ever been banned? (If yes, when and why?)
No I have Not been Banned.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?
Yes, I totally understand and find it a valuable reason.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server
This is my first Application!

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level)
I am in Grade 10.


What shop are you applying for?
Joyoung I'd like it to become a giftshop with a ton of unique items which will be sold there!

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?
I want to be a shopkeeper because it seems fun and will open loads of new roleplay opportunities for me and because I would like a new way to earn yen.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?
I plan on redecorating the store and having sales to make our customers happier!

What will you sell in your shop?
A ton of cool items from toys to accessories and as time goes by we will have more items to sell.

- How many employees do you plan to have?
Currently I have me and 2 friends that will work there I was also thinking of hiring some more employees if the shop grows and gets many customers.

Extra /You may leave this blank/ Additional notes about your application:
I do not have any notes

Do you have any questions?
I do not have any questions since I have read most of the website.​
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Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying for the role of Shopkeeper! Your application is too short compared to other applicants. You are welcome to reapply in the future.

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