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Ryūketsu┇Application Form
Ryūketsu is a Japanese fine-dining restaurant, owned by an older man going by the name of Yoshi Byun, Yoshi Byun is a 78-year-old Japanese male who has owned the restaurant ‘Ryūketsu’ for fifty years though not always in Karakura. Just recently, within the last few months, the standalone store made the overseas move from Hiroshima, Japan. Ryūketsu has been known for its traditional Japanese cuisine, and many people have frequented it over the years. However, after running the restaurant for so long, Yoshi Byun decided that it was time for a change. He wanted to experience something new and different, so he decided to move to a small city named Karakura.
Karakura, a bustling city located off the shore of Japan, entranced him. The town is known for its upheld tradition, busy atmosphere, and wide variety of stores and activities. Yoshi fell in love with the town the moment he landed, visiting for a business trip. Quickly, he decided that it was the perfect place for him to turn a new life and begin another chapter in his life. Yoshi Byun's new restaurant is reflective of his life's work, the restaurant features traditional Japanese cuisine that he has perfected over the years, as well as signature art pieces along with photographs from his life’s travels. The walls are adorned with Japanese artwork and rarities, while the furniture is simple and tasteful.
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⋌┇Ryūketsu's Discord Link
⋌┇Ryūketsu's Application Link