Previously known as Auffallen, Tokki-yo is a luxury jewelry & cosmetics store with a vast range of items that cater to any individual and their own distinctive style. With an assortment of influences from both Korean & Japanese cultures, you can expect the utmost quality from this high-end emporium. 'Tokki-yo' is also a play on words. It has the same pronunciation as the city ‘Tokyo’, despite its actual meaning. ‘Tokki’ translates directly to 'bunny' in Korean, representing the rabbit that can be seen running across the field of the shop’s logo. The ‘yo’ added to the end makes the word formal (in Korean). In Shintoism and in Japan in general, the rabbit is a highly respected organism. This is because in the year of the rabbit, financial success and success, in general, are more common than not. It also shows respect to the enshrined rabbits that reside in Shinto temples.
Applications for Tokki-yo are currently OPEN! We're looking for TEN brand-new cashiers. If you're interested in joining our fluffle, click HERE to apply.
Want to sell your custom item to Tokki-yo? DM sake#7777 to get started.

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