Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
I have many accounts, the one I will be applying on is rosorial and my other three are disinure, khdar, and TW15TY
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, I do! My username is Twisty#9912
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
My primary focus is roleplaying with the Spartan Football Male team on my Khdar account, but I also participate in GangRP as a council member of Bonten. I am on quite frequently and consistently, I also aim to experience many separate fields of roleplay. Since I live in CST (Central Standard Time), I have noticed that most of the server is online around the time I get home (roughly 4-5 pm), allowing me to participate in many casual and gang-related situations.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have never been banned during my time on the server.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
The possibility of being demoted exists if I become inactive.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
KPD Application
Italian Application
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
[College] [M] [Football] Juntei Okazaki | khdar
[Grade-12] Vincenzo Bianchi | rosorial
[Grade-12] Levi Izana | disinure
[Grade-12] Marcello Romano | TW15TY
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
The achievement of owning a shop is one that I would cherish. I have never owned a shop and I believe everyone should get out and experiment with different roleplaying games. The idea of owning a shop in a community where your employees can make money is wonderful, and I would like to help those who lack money and responsibility to work hard in my shop and to succeed. Working hard and taking care of my shop pays off, and I am willing to accept the hard work.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
In the event that I succeed in obtaining the shopkeeper role, I plan to change the shop's name, appearance, and inventory. My intent is to transform the Larenco establishment giving it a winery-like appearance by using the space provided to me. I will change the restaurant's name to Izakaya in honor of Japanese culture. My customers will be able to order alcoholic beverages like whiskey, gin, and wine. I would like to follow construction by adding something special to the establishment such as a beauty pageant runway, giving bored customers something to occupy their time and interest them allowing more roleplay availability than a standard sit down, eat, and leave.
What will you sell in your shop?:
Among my bar's offerings is alcohol, specifically wine, which I intend to serve to the hard-working and unemployed children and adults of Karakura. Upon request, small, inexpensive snacks and other types of alcohol will be allowed if the customer wants something to accompany their drink.
In the future, I would like to offer my customers new varieties of drinks, including a special wine.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
Typical bars and other establishments following these trends don't require a high number of employees, since they do a lesser amount of work than restaurants. Below are the rankings of my employees.
Shopkeeper - 1
The owner of the establishment, me in this case, will be in charge during shifts and will be able to assist staff with any information needed. They will ensure their establishment remains lively and meet customer demands. I will aim to be present during the openings of Izakaya to greet and interact with guests of course.
Co-Owners - 1
If the Shopkeeper is busy, unable to answer, or unavailable, our Co-Owner at Izakaya will assist any other employees in need. As a co-owner, they will open a shop, run it, record drinks sold, and ensure that business runs smoothly.
Mangers - 2
Managers will be our last precaution to ensure confused employees will have someone to ask, they will be present within the restaurant during shifts and will organize the company if neither the owner/ co-owner is not available.
Bartenders - 3
Bartenders will have the difficult job of directly working with customers beyond the bar. Their responsibilities include granting customers their drinks, verifying their age (keeping in mind fake IDs are present), and taking direct orders from customers. Bartenders must be over the legal drinking age of 20 to be able to distribute alcohol. Each bartender will control a part of the bar, and one of the three will attend to the servers in need of beverages.
Servers - 4
Servers will wander around the restaurant responding to any new customers that have not seated themselves at the bar’s counter. They are expected to know the prices of beverages and sort, whether that be from memory or another source to tell them our prices and to greet the customer, asking them what it is they wish to order and verifying their age. Depending on the server’s age they will relay the order to the Bartender, and have the Bartender hand them the drink of the customer's choice (if the desired drink contains alcohol). If the server falls above the legal drinking they will be allowed to directly distribute the Alcoholic beverage to the customer by grabbing it out of its location. Age difference will however not matter with nonalcoholic items.
Bar Porters - 2
The job of a Bar Porter is to assist any personnel that may need it by covering their position, if their age fits in some circumstances, and providing extra help to employees. This is considered the simplest job within the establishment as you just answer when you are needed.
Each unique role in our bar will have an outfit to pair with it, Owner, Co-Owner, and Manager outfits will not be provided. Managers will still be accompanied by a role of their choosing, they are expected to use the outfit for that role. Shopkeepers and Co-Owners do not have a specified dress code however the Co-Owner is expected to wear nice things excluding special occasions.
Bartender Uniform
Description of the uniform
A bartender uniform at Izakaya is a white dress shirt overlaid by a black vest, moving down a belt tied around their waist through the highway of belt loops around the pair of black khakis. The outfit is topped off with a pair of black dress shoes.
Server Uniform
Description of the uniform
A server’s uniform consists of a black dress shirt with a small yellow circle on the top left of the shirt displaying the establishment's logo and their name. Around their hips is a waist apron, allowing their arms free range of movement while allowing them protection from spills, and a series of pockets holding spare silverware, napkins, and straws.
Porter Uniform
Description of the uniform
There are many similarities between a porter's uniform and that of a server, but they are distinguished by noticeable differences that allow the porter to properly identify their ranking. Other than the white dress shirt, the Porter's uniform is distinguished by a stomach-length tie that hung tightly around the collar.
Additional notes about your application:
I am in the current stage of developing a discord to fit the establishment.
Do you have any questions?:
I do not currently have any questions to be answered!
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