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Accepted Shopkeeper | vincenoli's application


Level 125


Credits for Background photo to @Aania

Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
The account I am applying for the role with is vincenoli
My main account is gncme

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is diverse, but I’ll narrow it down to two: Roleplay and Writing.

My roleplay on the server consists of mainly three characters: Patricia Masuo, Emil Blackwood and Yoake Saiky. As Patricia Masuo, I enjoy roleplaying his chaotic life filled with soap-opera topics including gossip and cat fights with other people. The character focuses on jer status greatly which is something that affects even the smallest of actions. Being a cheer captain, Patricia sometimes has bitch-like tendencies and would be a bully. Emil Blackwood becomes Lady Whistledown from Bridgerton and uses the school newspaper to spread the gossip. His character development is interesting, especially with the number of people that are interested in him OOCly. Yoake Saiky, also titled Lord. Saiky, is my Governor character and is an important asset to the Saiky lore that I am writing, which I will get to in a second. Yoake’s personality is much different than Katsuhito’s, allowing me to roleplay differently during the same time period.

Writing has always been a passion of mine. I write many pieces of lore and documents for the server, and the latest which has been posted is the History of Karakura, a project the lore team has been working on for months. I am focusing right now on writing the school timeline and lore, and establishing a proper transition from a public to an international school. When it comes to IC pieces of writing, I always enjoyed writing for the school newspaper and being a journalist as a whole. It gives me another purpose to write which brings me joy.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Never and hope I never will.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
I have three roles on the server:
  • gncme - College Cheer Captain (Patricia Masuo)
  • vincenoli - Professor (Lord. Yoake Saiky) - I am applying with this account.
  • kourusai - Grade-10 Journalist (Emil Blackwood)

Shop Information

Shop Logo: (Credits to yours truly)
What shop are you applying for?:
The shop I am applying for is Joyoung

Will you be renaming the shop?
I will, and its name will be Igen'noaru (Meaning: Regal)

What character are you applying with? Describe them:
Lord. Yoake Saiky is the twin of Hikaru Saiky and is one of Eikichi Saiky's many sons. Rather than boring you with his family details, talking about his degrees and achievements is much better. Yoake Saiky has earned the following: A Bachelors of Law from the University of Cambridge, a Masters of Engineering from the University of Stanford, and a Doctorate in Jurisprudence from the University of Harvard. Here comes the question, why did such a man with such high educational and law importance become a shopkeeper? Because he needs the money to not only keep up with his daughter and siblings but the rest of his extended family carrying the same last name as him.

Do you have any experience with shops or shopkeeping?
Unlike many people I know, I’ve only worked in two shops in SRP. I worked in Hanakotoba when it was under Rini's ownership and currently work in Shinboshi Sakaya. The reason for the low amount of shops I have worked in is because I never saw the need in working in one, but things have changed, and I will answer that in the reasons why I want to apply. As for shopkeeping as a whole, I do not have any previous experience in shopkeeping. In addition to what was stated, I recently received a job at Shizukesa and am yet to work there.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I’ll be answering this question in two parts:

Unlike the other roles and factions on SchoolRP, the Shop faction has the largest freedom, allowing room for unlimited creativity. As a creative person myself, I am willing to use the freedom given to me to produce, create, and deliver the best experience for myself and other players on the server. I’ll be able to host my own events or give my store its own lore which I’ve already written out. Not only will I get to be creative, but also try something new. I have been in the employee, club, and government factions. Every faction has given me a brand new experience that I get to cherish and exploring a new faction would not only allow me to have a new adventure but also enhance my skills and increase my knowledge of the different factions as I do need that.

I’ve always been intrigued by the business world, another reason why I want to apply. Recently, I found out that apparently, Karakura has proper inflation which I wasn’t aware of previously. I am extremely interested in finding out when prices need to increase and decrease and see why some shops sell a certain item for a higher price than others.

Finally, as a small goal of mine, there is currently a small Masuo-Saiky rivalry after several IC incidents. Becoming a shopkeeper would allow the rivalry to get to a new level with roleplay and lore around Karakura, especially on the economical side of things.

Previously, the store Hanakotoba was part of a larger company named Saiky Corp, a family-owned company. Suddenly having the shop disappear would not make sense. I've already set an IC-Explaination that the Saiky Coporation sold the store to Salty's character. Yoake Saiky will start a new business called Igen'noaru and that would reopen his family’s lore in the business world. I’ve explained the OOC section with the rivalry part, but when it comes to it being ICly, the family right now is looking for some sort of income to keep the estate running, especially after Junpei Saiky died. While there is nothing wrong OOCly, ICly I enjoy giving the family hectic problems that will be solved eventually using different methods. First, it was with snaking Yoake into the government, but now it is to rival the Masuo’s money.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Being a family store for generations, Igen'noaru is a traditional Japanese accessories shop. Rather than most accessory shops publishing magazines, selling modern items, and having an overall 21st-century design, Igen'noaru will have a design relative to tradition and culture in shop and item shape. When it comes to interior and exterior design, the shop will follow traditional Japanese architecture and furniture whilst being fancy at the same time. The reason behind this is that the shop's aim is to preserve culture and tradition for future generations and ensures that the people of Karakura do not forget their roots after westernization. Not only that, but Igen'noaru would act as a tourist shop for people who decided to visit Karakura whilst they tour Japan. They would find the shop intriguing and would visit it after finding out about its history and items for sale. This is the result of the shop owner himself wanting to preserve Karakura's history. The shop's focus is also to introduce what Japanese nobility was like in the past and allow all individuals to be able to have a piece of it. This makes sense ICly as the owner of the shop is very strict with tradition.

There are several accessory shops in Karakura, specifically in the shopping district. Shops, such as Auffallen, follow a modern theme and are owned by the Masuo family. As I've stated before, this is important to the IC ideas and events I have planned. Having diversity in the types of shops in Karakura that sell the same category of items is vital to player activity on the server. Players would like to have a different experience when shopping at different stores, and I would like Igen'noaru to leave customers/players in awe when visiting. The traditional theme has been suggested as a shop before on SRP but has not been executed properly. I'd like to change that and offer something new, different, fresh, when at the same time it ironically is old, traditional, and preserved.

The area surrounding the shop is currently modern. If the building appears to be traditional with people buzzing around the shop wanting to buy items, it will attract people to visit the shop, another marketing ploy. In the case of an event that requires shop stands, I will gladly participate in them and have a show for a stand that catches the eye of surrounding individuals.

Here are some examples of exterior and interior design:
IMG_5309-1024x684.jpg Japan - 3.jpg

As you can see, the shop from the outside follows a traditional Japanese style whilst still having room for modern features, and on the inside also follows the same theme. Famous artworks would be placed around the store and old artifacts that typically could be seen in museums would be presented here. These artifacts could be family or Karakura related and might include katanas and other various items on display. Boards would be hung with information about the shop's history, something quite common in family stores, and Igen'noaru is no stranger. Customers would be able to learn more, perhaps resulting in an attachment with it, bringing them back to the store. This would be considered a marketing ploy.

What will you sell in your shop?:
The items that will be sold in Igen'noaru will be a mixture of different Japanese accessories such as fans, brooches, hairpins, glasses, and more! Most items will follow the traditional theme while allowing space for also other items like cat ears and headphones. An idea of adding fox masks was given to me after a google search, another type of item that might be sold in the shop. Narrowing down the list of categories that I showed earlier, I've noticed a lack of amount of hand fans on SRP, something I'd like the shop to sell. Fans remain important and are interesting to have in roleplay. Brooches are rare items, and they signify affluence, especially pearl ones. The current hair pins are more modern and franchise-related, another thing I'd like to change on SRP is to include more historic items. Lastly, medals that could either be held or pinned would be an awesome new addition. These items would hold cultural significance, making the shop more unique than others with a goal of preserving, enlightening, and educating.

Already stocked with various items from the previous owner/s, I’d like to also add some more traditional Japanese accessories such as the following:
Golden Dragon Fan (Japanese Fan)

Royal Pearl Brooch (Pearl Brooch)
Igen'noaru Pin (Butterfly Hairpin)

Meiji Medal (Fan Medal)

I wouldn't just want Igen'noaru to be a "theme" store, but an actual store that sticks to Japanese culture and introduces to the people of Karakura what their history was. (mainly because I posted the History of Karakura and want people to read it.) Instead of using magazines that are sold or placed in the store, I thought of adding aesthetically pleasing posters. Here is an example of one modeled by our favorite Cece Hart (@Mariav )
These posters will be hung around town after a special license or request from the town hall. We will be hiring models for these posters and posting them OOCly on the forums probably either in the roleplay documents or the general section depending on where posting it is suggested. Again, based on the logo and poster design as well as the shop design and items sold, the shop follows a traditional style. Here comes the question what makes your shop unique from others? Well, there will be additional staff hired for introducing customers to the door in the form of bowing. If you will have a properly styled place, might as well make the workers fit it. I will be talking about employees in their designated section. Another idea to make the shop stand out is to be able to work with the shrine, and maybe supply them with some of our items for future shrine events. This would be considered a sponsor for both the shrine and the shop, encouraging players to visit both.

How many employees do you plan to have?:
I'll keep my list of employees simply without overcomplicating it with so many roles.

Managers are common in shops. They assist with counting the number of stock and restocking, hiring new employees, and making sure everything is in order. I believe one manager is enough for my shop at the current moment. If needed, I will increase the number of managers in the future.

While it may be a high number, I have noticed a shortage of employees in several other shops and would like a big amount of space for cashiers. If the introducers became an actual consistent thing, this will allow some of the cashiers to be able to work as introducers for about 40k per opening. Cashiers are always welcome to become models for accessories whenever they want. I'll be paying them 20k per item they model.

I do not think we ever need security since the intimidating devil that Yoake Saiky is the owner of the shop. In addition to that, uniforms for shops as a trend have decreased and there is no proper reason as to why I have to force my workers to wear it. In complete honesty, I see no need for them as no other store in Karakura uses them anymore. This excludes restaurants.

Instead of uniforms, workers in the shop will be wearing accessories to promote items and allow others to observe and be able to determine whether they want to buy the item or not. This would work very well with newly added items, persuading customers to buy them. While some people might argue that this is a traditional shop which means workers must wear traditional clothes, that isn't the case here. This isn't a traditionally themed shop, this is a traditional shop run by family members, welcoming customers to a home-like environment while having royal-like aspects to it.

How would you work in a team with others and what makes able to lead the shop?
Teamwork makes the dream work. To be able to get my shop to work together in order to make it a success, I must be able to lead them properly and work among them instead of bossing them around. (OOCly, that is.) My skills as a team player have been proven to make me able to work with others. Currently, I am part of many teams on SchoolRP ICly and OOCly. My time in those teams shows how I am able to work with others, and an example of this is the staff team. This question might sound trivial to add, but it is the most crucial since the most important bit of any success, is to be able to work together.


Additional notes about your application:

My application does contain a lot of honest opinions, but I do hope that those opinions make my application stand out rather than hinder my chances.
Do you have any questions?:
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Level 128
Shop Lead

Your application is amazing, and I love the detail you put into it. You'll be put on pending until there are more spots for an accessory shop in the roster.
You can edit/delete your application before the next time applications are checked.​


Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying for shopkeeper! I am excited to announce you have been accepted! The ideas for this shop are unique and interesting, I would love to see how they are executed.
DM me on discord to sort out your roles! (sak#8404)

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