players online

shopper keeper application

IGN: Vault_Boy
Discord: genericusernamenow872897#3862
Describe your activity on the server: I do fishing, and auction stuff. my main activity is buying/selling items in order to make money. i would say my activity on the server is about a 9/10, 1 being almost never, and 10 being always.
Previous applications: none
Previous warns/kicks/bans: none

Shop wanted:
(UNOWNED SHOP #4 or UNOWNED SHOP #3 or UNOWNED SHOP #2) Bows Bin (tech \ toys \ tools)

I want a shop that can provide players toys and tech, (kind of like a target). I want it to be capable of being open as much as possible, and provide players with jobs on the server so that they can make money too. I plan on selling technology, toys and sports equipment, and other accessories related to tech, sports, and just fun. I won't sell anything related to food or drinks. I also want to gain lots of money off of it to invest in other ventures.

Why do you want to own a shop?:
I mainly want to provide people with the things they need like phones, as people often buy them all of them out, to sell them on the auction house. by increasing activity and availability of the products I sell, I can help fix this problem that stops players from getting things they want. I also plan on making money off of it, like all other shopkeepers. in summary I'm just a simple person with a simple dream of making a way to earn money, and help others earn money along side me.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:
I plan to make the shop into a place where people can constantly shop without need to look up the opening times, or worrying about the shop being open a lot. I will allow better ease of access to things people need like cellphones/headphones, as well as backpacks and school supply's, toys, sports goods, and other tools people might need. I also want to provide players with a form of job. I plan to make my shop as profitable and as convenient as possible to the consumer.

How will your shop be unique?:
my shop will offer things at good prices, and the goal will be to keep it open as much as possible, attempting to make sure we get the most customers as possible and provide as many jobs as we can. the design will be minimalist, but also with different detailing in different locations of the store, as to differentiate parts of the store form other parts of the store. my shop will be unique as it will be the (most likely) first mainly tech themed store. I will also pride myself on a extremely efficient security system. essentially I plan to run it much like a real business would run.

some things I have in mind:

customer requests: if I do not have a item in stock, a customer can request it, and there order will be placed with me, in which I will notify them of there order, and they can come and pick it up from the shop

delivery: if someone wants to buy a item, they can have it delivered to there doorsteps by a worker. a normal fee of what the item is worth, as well as a small shipping fee will be charged before the item is delivered, and to insure delivery, they can contact us if they did not receive their item. in the event that the worker claims delivery, and the customer doesn't, measures will be taken to insure that scamming did not happen on either end. the customer and the employee will be placed on hold until the employee is fired, or the customer is banned from service.

How many employees are you planning to have?:
owner: me, Vault_Boy in charge of managing stock and funds.
several general workers (about 10-15) who are located in different time zones to keep the store open as long as possible. this way I can provide players with constant service. these people will work all the jobs depending on what is needed i.e. restocking and working as cashiers. this is to prevent there being too many cashiers or stockers at 1 time, so workers will often switch rolls as to prevent issues.
I plan to have staff groups of 2-3 log in at scheduled times, and stop working under certain circumstances, but only if needed.

security staff (most likely 4) who are also located in different time zones to work with the teams and keep theft down to a minimum.

employees in different positions may be hired later on in the business if I can't keep everything related to money in my hands

Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it:
no, but what I do have is lots of money. (about 180k as of writing)​
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Level 193
  • Your application is fairly short compared to other applicants and you haven't been pretty active within the server itself
  • You may re-apply in 7 days

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