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Accepted Shrine-Priest-Application| Lycheeru


Level 6
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Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section



Lycheeru#6816 (Discord Username: lycheeru)


1-hour-ban for grinding acrobatics while afk

Yes!, I've got a working microphone. (Though within large crowds I tend to keep a fair bit quiet)

I tend to log on everyday for at least 3-8 hours, If I possibly haven't logged on I'll probably be dealing with wifi-issues or out, I'll definitely shoot a dm if I won't be active for a number of days!

I am applying for the priest position

When I was younger I enjoyed watching videos about what other cultures & religions believed in, An example of a tale I know:

Kusanagi No Tsurugi; The tale of the grass-cutter, The grass-cutters story begins with the thunder-god, Susanoo-No-Mikoto who had recently been banished from the heavens due to irritating his sister, Amaterasu in some way(The videos I watched on it never covered the subject of what it was fully) While he's wandering the earth he encountered a grieving couple who tell him that Seven out of their eight daughters had been eaten by the giant eight-headed snake 'The Orochi', Susanoo offers to deal with the snake in exchange of their last daughters hand in marriage, They obliged and Susanoo turns the daughter into a comb temporarily for safekeeping!. Susanoo tricks the snake into a false sense of security with eight-barrels of sake, once the Orochi fell to the intoxication Susanoo leaped from the bushes and cuts it up into pieces, Though while he was doing what I previously mentioned his sword hits something hard in the end of its tail, and when he investigates he finds a sword, This swords name is 'Ame-No-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi (Aka Sword of the gathering clouds of Heaven,) He relinquishes the sword to Amaterasu as an apology, (Its said the supposedly the emperors of Japan can trace their lineage back to her) Amaterasu has a grandson Whose name is 'Ninigi-No-Makoto' Who she sends down to rule Japan; As sign of his status she gifts him three symbolic gifts, A mirror which respresents purity, A jewel representing benevolence and The sword of the gathering clouds of heaven representing courage!, And the regalias were passed down generation to generation, All belonging to the reigning emperor at their respective times.

I am more then willing to learn more about this religion, I'll do whatever it takes to prepare

I'm very eager to learn and interact with the community, I'd love to participate within the server-wide events held at the shrine and I'm glad to spend day in and out learning about the culture & religion of Shintoism, I've been active with-in a few other events on the server that were mainly related to crime-roleplay while it was fun I believe I could do much more on the server and be generally more active with-in the community; and I believe working as a Shinsei-Seinaru-Priest would help me do such things. I Promise to take my tasks as a shrine-priest seriously, and I'd love to create an enjoyable roleplay atmosphere as my time being priest

Yes I'm aware I'll have to attend these mandatory trainings and I'm actually rather excited if anything to learn more about the religion and culture!
In-Character (IC) Section

SECTION 1: Character Details


Shoji Kosuki

CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):

CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):

Single; Divorced

Born in Osaka-prefecture of Japan, Half Japanese; Quarter German & Quarter Korean.


"My motivate.!... I wish to make something with my life, After my father perished I shut down for days-that-turned-to-weeks-that turned-to-months Before I knew it, It Had reached my birthday. My fathers wife had taken me shopping. It was as if I turned around and She faded away... I was left to mope around a park for-hours before my fathers only-true-friend had shown up, Standing before me. He inquired about why Osada's son was sitting alone in a park moping. I explained the situation in as great detail I could at that age and after it all He ended up becoming my legal guardian due to the fact The police couldn't find any living relatives that resided in Japan, I'll skip past the messy hassle of finding out My fathers wife skipped town completely.
His name was Jun. He resided in the rural region I grew up in as a Shintoist priest, Though I somehow managed to stay clear of the classes-on-Shintoism due to my chores/tasks, I always found it quite interesting. He inspired me and now I wish to make him proud."

Karakura houses the Shinsei-Seinaru-Monastery which first began construction in the year 744 by Buddhist monks as a place for worship of shintoism. It's considered to be one of the oldest structures in Karakura History, The monastery holds multiple different accommodations such as; The dojo, A Gift-shop. A tea house and many more places to explore. Throughout the years it's burnt down only twice. First was 1176 because of a rebellion by the monks. soon rebuilt in 1228 which said to have held it's condition for 350-so years before it's next destruction. Being burnt down as a warning in to those inhabitants of Karakura at the time to cease their rioting caused by their frustration at the reigning warlord of Japan at the time. It's said it was rebuilt to restore hope in the people of karakura. Where it now stands tall as a beacon of Hope and History
Dear Shinsei-Seinaru-Monastery Kannushi priest..

I, Kosuki Shoji. am writing to you not as another citizen in-search of a job but as a man in-search of redemption for the actions I've commited during my younger-years. I grew up around a close-crowd at a shrine and yet I remained an outcast; I've always held this career close to my heart, I'll provide my loyalty and trust in you. I appreciate the chance of consideration for this position and I believe given due time I will be able to educate those about Shintoism and steer those who live as I used to in a better direction.
Shoji Kosuki.

BACKSTORY (100+ Words):

These events began numerous years ago. Sometimes it’s partially difficult to recollect how such traumatic events could have begun. 19:40 15/09-.... The year crossed my mind, At the previously mentioned time. My father. Osada was driving home from his routine visit to the local bar intoxicated. He was one to believe if you had traversed a path numerous times, That it’d be nearly impossible to lose your understanding of the once familiar terrain, Though he hadn’t accounted for the new-found obstacles. I suppose I’ve got him to thank for my intellect. His car had begun to swerve around the once familiar road, A horrific collision had occured resulting in a horrendous crash, During dinner of all times our power had suddenly shut off. My Moth- The woman my father married, Shibuya. Had begun nagging at me to check our power-box, Assuming the breaker had tripped. Though when I stepped foot outdoors I saw a crowd of people traversing the road. Of course I was young, it intrigued my interest so I began treading the asphalt with light steps. Due to my height the best attempt to see the view ahead was tumbling through the crowds as I created my stance ahead the crowd as my eyes were unveiled to the gruesome scene. My eyes had widened with terror. Osada began to tussle with the seatbelt, trying to break free of the shackles he was bound to. Managing to burst free as he began to force himself to tumble the doorframe, The fabric of his pant legs caught against the booze and hand clutch as he swung the door wide. His extended hand outstretched towards the onlookers. The booze was revealed to the world. His secret. My Fathers eyes had locked with mine waving me forward with his signature brightened smile In Fact, the brightest i had ever seen. I stepped forth. . .Or at least I had tried. The adults around me held me back. Including the echoing of a snap through the mean streets I grew familiar with. A singular set of power lines had fallen loose, Tugged back by the crowd. His face held no sense of fear. His smile reflected as the flames grew around. Accepting his fate as if it was as clear as day. . . Soon after Emergency services arrived. Though it was too late, the vehicle succumbed to fire moments prior, taken aback by the loud crackling I tumbled to the ground my now bruised face succumbed to tears alongside the reflection of the flames light. The rest of the night became a blur


Shibuya alerted of the accident as my bruises were treated. I can’t recall the weeks after his death. I temporarily became a Shut-in. . . On my 11th birthday I left my house alongside Shibuya. She took me out shopping over all things. Shibuya blurted something along the lines of She’d forgotten an item and left me outside a park. I’d wait and wait for hours on end. My eyes burst with tears streaming down my cheeks. On his routine patrol around the city Mr. Jun, A local shrine priest came making a stance in front of me, flicking my forehead asking about exactly why Osada’s half pint kid was sitting around looking all sorrowed and mopey . . . Mr. Jun was a close friend of my father exactly how they met I didn't know until later. . . Much later. . I lunged forth hugging the male ahead. Sobbing into his uniform. He took care of me as he contacted the local authorities, Though they believed I was a runaway. Accompanied by Mr. Jun we ventured to my house. Entering a completely darkened, Empty home. The door was left ajar, Houseplants smashed along the stained plywood flooring, Books tossed around, Cabinets emptied the works. . I was held by the police for hours as they tried locating my relatives, Though Osada’s family never answered. And henceforth I was left in the guardianship of Mr. Jun. Afterwards I was taken to the shrine. I forced myself to well. . Keep to myself. Primarily only being seen around Jun.

I wish I knew how it all went to crap. . . During my shift of sweeping the grounds around 17:32 I saw a crowd of men trailing towards Jun’s office, Which once more intrigued my interest, Treading along the dusty and dirtied ground with light steps. Propping Against the pillar, broom in hand as I glared through the door, left ajar once more. Glancing upon the troops as my eyes forcibly darted around through the cracks, The troopers were muttering out threats towards Jun. . In essence they were looking to force the monastery to pay their delinquent group 100,000 yen monthly as a fee in order of protection. If not they’d try the less pacifistic route. Including, Beating the ever living crap out of Jun and the workers and damaging the overall shrine. Though Jun had begun to cackle. Immediately shutting the group down by telling them to go to hell with harsher words.. They began cracking their knuckles, as I heard metallic tapping sounds that echoed through the halls peering closer through the frame as they edged closer Jun’s jaw bit down, forming the cheekiest grin I’ve ever seen. He stuck his tongue out before the Delinquents grew enraged handling the bat tightly, the rest readying their stances, Their fighting styles were slacking. Though it was quite the impressive feat. Jun slammed his fist into one guy's gut. The other's upper thigh, Overall he was wailing on them. Though Jun left the trooper holding the bat alone. He went for a swing. I made a brisk run into the room. The broom trailing behind me as I brought it up And slammed it into the back of their head. Jun began to genuinely laugh when this happened. His Irezumi was revealed as he darted forward, and began to beat the bastard to a pulp. In turn I also managed to get a few good hits in. but then i got cornered by the others, I had been beaten in due to the fact of well. . . I wasn’t exactly the best person to be taking on a group of grown delinquents. One pulled at my hair, Another slammed his foot down onto mine. . . And then the last. Swung a violent punch into my solar plexus region. . . I immediately became winded. Wheezing. That’s roughly around the time I swung my head back, Tumbling to the ground into a ball. Gasping for air as my head created a creaking sound of the floorboards and then a thud when my head landed. I kept fighting. Until my last breath.

I awoke in a huff, Damp hair vailing my view, my body aching as I swiped across my face with my palm. I soon brushed the abundant strands of hair from my view my gaze focused onto the shadow behind the door as it swung open from the hinges piercing a loud creak through the once-previously silent room, Stood ahead of me was Jun, He stumbled forward tossing a cold bottle of water towards me, Taking a seat on the bench as he began to spin a tale of the past, Exactly why wasn’t aware to me till the tale had concluded. Of course I was in disbelief, I thought he was crazy, My father?. Osada Kosuki?. An ex-yakuza member- heh. Kind of funny that I'm saying this. Any who… Moving on. After all this is my life story right?. Once more we made the tedious walk down the hillside. My bruised face radiating in the sunlight., One glorious hell of a bitter day, Minutes turned to hours traversing through the forests and rural regions, As the walk concluded, We stood ahead of ‘Jurōjin’ heh.. Frick this is gonna be painful to remember. Practically being shoved in, I barged the mighty oaken door open making my presence known to the bar as the music halted. Jun, Stood behind me. The cackling flew past my ears. The guy was dying of laughter as he kept shoving my thin shoulders forward. Here’s the part where it begins to get fuzzy. I remember Being pitted against this guy ‘Katashi.’. He looked to be no less than two years older. But what can I say?. I got bested. Time and time again I got up each time I fell. Took me a while before I began to miss his fists by a thin hair. Course’ Yer’ hearing it from the source and yet I’m not gonna fuge about any of it. I lost. Fair and square, tossed to the curb, left out for scraps near the trash. Course’ ya’ also know How I am, I’m not one to give up just like that, I’m not a weakling! I obviously needed more knowledge about the general basics of fighting. When Katashi approached me, Blurting out how exactly I could improve, Just critiquing my form and fighting ability. He told me the basics and scuttered off to the bar. Jun at this point nowhere to be found. As if he hurried off into the sunset, I mean the guy practically ditched me.

Figuring my life out.
So I trained. Nonstop. Over and Over again. Day in, day out. Sleeping on the streets. On trees. Etc. Finally I said To hell with it. Burst into Jurojin. Bawling my fist. And I pitted myself against Katashi once more. As they shouted go, it was as if my instincts took over. My Spirit carried through the battle. I spun to the side of his body, entangling my arm around His closest arm & jabbed my knuckles into his abdomen. Katashi pushed me to a pillar slamming my spinal-cord against it. Frickin’ hurt. He got loose from the entanglement. And went for a simple blow to my nose as I ducked, his fist collided with the pillar; He drew it back shaking. Musta hurt right?. The next part hurt worse. I swung around him, wrapping my arm around his throat enclosing the space between, Striking my fist into his back, Jabbing my knee into the back of Katashi’s. Rolling his body over mine. Toppling to the floor, I brought my foot up and struck it down like lightning. Burying his face into the floor. . I raised my head to the crowd. The sharp sound of applause bouncing through the bar. The cackling came back. Though. It was me?. . The creaking of the plywood floor became apparent as I stood victorious. I swung my fist back though it was caught. I cranked my neck upwards to Jun. He nodded to me. And As if I understood. I nodded back. He released his grip and we took a stance beside each other. His other hand held a bottle of which he was sipping before he abruptly tossed it up and Barreled it through the air and caught it. Before he threw it across the crowd shattering upon impact. The guys crazy right?. I thought so too. He charged forth. And I sprinted after. The workers tried to halt our crusade. Oh boy was that a mistake. Jun leaped up, Springing his boots Into the bartender's chest . sending him into a table. Of course’ he took the harsh landing rolling out from between them hopping up bowing to the crowd. Whereas I launched myself into a guard’s back toppling them to the ground. . It continued to go back and forth numerous times. Between me and Jun Managing to get the guards to collide with each other, Though. To be honest we got knocked around a few times. Though when we stood back to back. We both glanced around the room. Exhausted. And the battleground laid empty, The bodies of the four or five guards laid limp. Bruised. We turned to the exit and left soon after. Pushing through the once overwhelming oaken doors with ease, Treading our journey elsewhere.

(I'm still currently in the midst of writing the lore even though the character is over a year old!)

SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details

What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:

Numerous duties are held by the caretakers of the Shrine. The Priests duties include but are not limited to; Tarot-card reading, maintaining a healthy relationship between the Kami & citizens. And perform Shinto Rituals, Providing lectures to visitors who seek to know more of Shintoism. These are only a few examples of the duties for the priest,
While for Shrine-maidens their duties include; cleaning the monastery compound, Provide tea to visitors. Aid priests with Shinto Rituals. sell products to previously mentioned visitors and as well to explain the relationship between Kami and Humanity as well as explain Shintoism itself.

What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
You hold a ladle in your right, pour water over your left, swap hands and repeat with your right. Pour water into your palm and rinse out your mouth. Spit off to the side never into the reservoir and continue on your journey traversing to the monastery
How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
There are numerous amounts of offerings that can be performed, Whether it be money, Food. objects; The traditional offering consists of rice-cakes and sake among other things. The priest performing the offering must purify themselves beforehand and usually must keep the offering as traditional as they possibly can. Among some of the offerings that aren't allowed; one is animal meat. Due to the rule of no shedding blood within the sacred space.
How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
Once offering a visiting party tea they follow you to the tea house where you prepare the station you'll be working with. scooping the tea, pouring it gently into the pot and begin boiling a teapot filled with water. seat the company on the tatami mats and go back to your station. Once the water is boiled begin to carefully transfer the liquid into cups. Once ready begin locating the tea-cups onto a tray and carefully tread to the tatami mats where you can place the aforementioned tray onto the counter and begin to answer the questions the company inquires about. there are several different methods which this one may be considered rather unorthodox.
Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
Tamagushi is a form of an offering made with a sakaki-tree branch prepared with shide strips of washi paper, silk, or cotton wrapped along the branch. held by Kannushi priests and or Shrine maidens and are usually ritually presented to the Kami

Ofuda is a talisman made out of various materials such as paper, wood, cloth and or metal; considered to be imbued with powers of the deities, You can stick or hang an Ofuda on the walls of your household to bless it with safety from harm and protection.

Kagura suzu are a set of twelve bells used in kagura dance. It consists of three tiers of bells held up by coiled brass wires from the central handle. Two on the top. four in the middle and six on the bottom level. They are a special tool oftenly wielded by a priest during ceremonies during offering the Kagura ritual dance.

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Level 86

Thank you for taking your time to apply. As a team we've come to the decision to accept your application. Congratulations on becoming a priest, if you aren't already, please join the Karakura Town discord and request your roles.

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