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Sihyeon Lee | 시현이 | Biography


Level 0
{ Sihyeon Lee }

Basic Information

First Name: Sihyeon (시현)
Surname: Lee (이)

Nickname: Yeon, Yeonnie

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5'4

Weight: 56 kg.

Build: She has a taller build, with long, slim legs. She has a thinner, hourglass-shaped body.

Skin Color: Pale

Eye Color: Dark blue

Hair Style: Semi-long with curtain bangs. Her hair has a natural wave to it.

Hair Color: Black

Fashion: She has a mix of a cuter and a y2k fashion style. She loves Korean street fashion.

Abnormalities: She has a small cut below her left knee from tripping.

Date of Birth: November 17th

Place of Birth: Icheon, South Korea

Nationality: South Korean-American

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Religious Beliefs: Atheist

General Appearance

Appearance: Sihyeon is a Korean-American female. She has round ocean-like eyes. Her beautiful black hair lays to one side of her face, and her longer curtain bangs shape her face. Though she is on the shorter side, standing at 5'4, she presents proudly and confidently. She wears light makeup, complimenting her natural tones. Her aroma smells like the Miss Dior Rose Essence.

Personality: Sihyeon is a kind, compassionate female, pretty unpredictable. She describes herself as introverted but acts more extroverted. To people she doesn't know, she could be described as cold, but she is a very fun and bubbly person to be around. Her outgoing nature makes her pretty adventurous, never wanting to stay in one place for too long.


Character Voice:
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She loves going to small shops and the mall and filling her arms with things she wants to buy. She specifically likes to buy clothing and beauty products.

She loves listening to every genre of music. It takes her into her own little world where she can be in peace. Her favorite music genres are any kind of pop and krnb/khh.

She has a strong passion for fashion and beauty. And her love for fashion has led her to create her own clothing. She loves to upcycle her old clothes and make beautiful dresses.

She did competitive dance from 6 to 14, quitting when she entered High school. Even though she no longer takes dance classes, she still loves to dance!

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Though she acts confidently, she does struggle with body dysmorphia. Though she is proud of how she looks, she tends to compare how she looks to others, picking out specific aspects of herself and comparing them to others.

Skills: Sewing and Dancing, though she is always looking for more hobbies


Mother: Ha Rin Shi
Relationship Status: No Contact, Passed Away
Cause of Death: Car Crash
Other Info: Ha Rin Shi and Sihyeon had a very strong relationship. When her mother and father got divorced, her mother took her to the U.S. They moved there when she was 5, so she doesn't have much recollection of what life was like in Korea. Her mother passed away when she was 16, around 1 year ago. She lived alone ever since.

Father: Lee Ji-Hoon
Relationship Status: Very Little Contact, Alive
Other info: When Lee Ji-Hoon and Ha Rin Shi got divorced, he stayed in Korea. Since Sihyun moved to Korea, they haven't seen each other face to face and barely talk. The only reason he ever texts Sihyeon is just to wish her a Happy Birthday.

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