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SillyHols | College Council Application


Level 2
13_10_2024 16_50_31.png

College Council | 'Raven' Yoshi Onodera
OOC Section


What is your Minecraft Username?:


What is your timezone?:


Please provide your Discord tag:

sillyhols - Main
kztc_12 - Personal account (only for emergencies.)

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

French Application N°1 - [Denied]
French Application N°2 - [Accepted]
JSL Application - [Accepted]
Russian Application - [Denied]
Caretaker Application - [Accepted]

(The character I applied with as a caretaker was rolled back to be a
college student again for lore reasons, I am currently applying
with this very character.)

Describe your activity on the server:

I am on most of the day every day, on a scale from zero to 5 I would say
I am active as 4. I have been playing at least 5 days a week for the past 3 years and I am hardly gone for more than a few days if it has to happen.

List your accounts and roles on this server:

[Adult] (Not used)
[College][B] 'Raven' Yoshi Onodera | A. 'Ace' S. Caldéron (Second character)
[Grade-10] Joūgen Togomi-Andō
[Grade-7] Y. 'Sariel' Stark
[Grade-12] (Not used)

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

I have been in faculty by the past and am fully aware that inactivity can
lead me to be kicked from the council.​


What is the student council and what do they do?:

The student council is here to maintain the order within the school, however not as close as faculty does.
A council student may give out detention and is able to used the intercom and threaten to involve SLT, they are
mostly the shoulder to rely on for the faculty staff, as much as for the students around school, they can be here for the others as form of authority but also as a friend, someone who can be trusted.
The student council can also help to prepare the school events and animations, they also can host detention when the room lacks people.
Most importantly, the council is the voice of the school, if they put enough efforts on it they have more chances than a regular
student to convince adults to make necessary and important changes happen within the school.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):

My character has arrived to a chapter of his life where he has almost completed all his life goals, now his every day life is slowly
becoming plain and I wanted him to have a new challenge to accomplish in his college student life.
I also wanted to try something new in school, I liked being in faculty and I want to experience something similar but on the student scale

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):

I’m excited about the opportunity and to organize events that engage the student body.
I enjoy fresh ideas, and I know that creativity will play a huge role in making successful events.
I am aware of the team spirit that I must demonstrate among the council, and teamwork is a crucial step
as a councillor. To work closely with my peers to achieve our shared goals.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

1. The President

They lead the council and represents the student body, they watch over the team and insure that everyone can achieve their duty in the best conditions possible, they also oversee meetings, coordinates council efforts and can communicate to the school administration.

2. The Vice-President

The Vice-President assists the President and steps in when the president is unavailable.
They are the extended arm of the council, they often responsible for specific projects or committees.

3. The Council

The council as I said previously is a secondary form of authority among the school, closer to the students and able to demonstrate more of camaraderie than our dear faculty members who are not able to be
much closer to students, individually. They provide order and well being for the students and can reprimand misbehavior.

4. The Faculty

The faculty members are the adults, the superiors and are also here to insure the well being of ALL members inside the school walls, they are to support the council as much as it does for them and can assist them in various
situations that are hardly able to handle, they most likely called over whenever things are turning too tough for the team.​



While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

"That's tough, errhh... I would first try to identify the causes of the student's behaviors, if I can't seem to find the provenance of the disruption I shall ask them politely to not cause troubles along the event, we should all make sure that
the event stays enjoyable.. if they refuse to cooperate I'm afraid I might need to tell about the situation over the radio, remind them of the school policy and that they could get detention or a report if they cause
too much troubles."

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

"Ohh.. I know this situation, well as I know I would not be too sure if I should I'd ask over the council radio if I need to intercom them, I'd rather ask than make a mistake and get in troubles, you know. .
If I am allowed to intercom, I would do it and mention that SLT could be involved as it is against the rules to cover your face on school grounds and that running away from faculty and council after being threatened of being given detention is
enough of a reason for SLT to be brought up."

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?

"I think i'd assist the teacher as best as I could, as their role have more power over mine I would most likely stay aside if needed and if the situation escalates I'd ask the teacher if I am to call for help over the radio."

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?

"First of all... the freedom of speech is something I judge important for the students, however they would need a proper place in the school provided to let their voices be heard while avoiding to disturb
the students around the school and the teachers/professors and other staff around... it is crucial to give everyone the space they need to insure their well being and safety."

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

"Naturally, I would ask them what my mistake was and apologize for it, every mistake is a path to take to learn better the next day. No one is perfect, and this is the key to understand how the world works.. !"

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

16_10_2024 18_11_20.png

Event: "Matsuri Magic!!"

The school campus would be transformed into a bustling festival ground, with different areas representing traditional stalls, games, and activities commonly found at a matsuri. To create an authentic feel, paper lanterns, streamers, and festival banners will decorate the venue, giving it the vibrant look of a summer festival.
One of the main attractions of any matsuri is the food, and this event would feature a variety of festival foods. Students and volunteers can run these stalls, offering dishes. Each stall can be decorated with signage and staffed by councillors and faculty.
Throughout the event, there will be scheduled performances showcasing various aspects of the famous matsuri, like:​

- Bon Odori (Festival Dance): A traditional circle dance where students, staff, and attendees can join in, learning simple steps to traditional music. This encourages active participation from the audience.

- Cosplay Parade: A nod to modern Japanese pop culture, this section of the festival allows students to dress up as their favorite anime, manga, or video game characters and participate in a parade.

-Omikuji, set up a fortune-telling station where participants can draw omikuji, or traditional paper fortunes, to add a mystical element to the event. They can tie their fortunes onto a tree for good luck if they receive a less favorable one, as is done in temples.

This event not only provides a fun, festival-like experience but also serves as an educational opportunity for students to learn about Japanese culture. It encourages creativity and teamwork, as councillors will work together to design and run the stalls and manage the event. Additionally, it offers a chance for exchange, allowing students to experience both the traditional and modern aspects of their school years through games, food, and performances.
By incorporating both educational and entertainment elements, this event can bring the entire school community together, while promoting an appreciation for Japanese culture. It could easily become a highlight of the school year and a memorable part of the school’s festival lineup.​

Personal Information

(in character)


"Uhm.. Yoshi.. Onodera Yoshi, that's my name!"


"I'm a male, unless I can be proved wrong. ."


"I turned 20 years old in June."

Phone number:

"Wh- well.. Here it is, 030-345-3753."

How would you describe your personality?:

"I'd say I'm a little introverted on regular days, but sometimes I'm quite outgoing, that's mostly in those moments I make friends."

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

Description Appearance:

Before you stood a 6'1 (186cm) young man with a toned build. He weighted at around 160 lbs (73kg). A scar on his right eye caught your attention as a few other ones were spread all around his body, neck, ears... He also had fangs, popping out of his mouth whenever smiled. Finally, his hair was a messy jet black, allowing a few strands to poke out, giving him a certain resemblance to the anime character 'Astro Boy'.

Biography Appearance:

Yoshi would stand in a strong an imposing figure, he radiated a mysterious aura, an aura that would tend to distress some people and yet a calm and kind smile rested on his face, erasing any bad impressions that might have crossed your mind.
Yoshi would also have teeth filed like fangs, popping out of his mouth whenever he smiles or speaks, giving him a slightly childish look.
He would have several scars on his body, five round scars on his neck appearing to come from needles that could have been stuck with a collar, another scar on his right eye made with a knife, another one that you could see between the collar of his shirt, a scar starting from his right abdomen and joining his left shoulder, it was caused by a katana. Another barely visible scar on his right arm is said to be covered by his tattoos.


What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

"I am dedicated for what I aspire to, I like to be given tasks and I like to help people in their life. . I raised my little sisters and I assume I have a good experience to hold this role."

Why do you want this position?:

"Well. . . I have seen a few friends of mine joining the student council, I admired them for a long time until I realized if I was putting the efforts to it I could be a councillor as well, it would also help me with my social anxiety as it became a real problem over the years."

What interests you the most about student council?:

"Mmh.. I think preparing events would be the most entertaining thing I'd do as a councillor, I'd love to do this actually.. !"

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

"I have always been loyal to the people surrounding me, I always have the heart to offer a hand to the one who needs it. . making the school a safe and fun environment is something that makes me want to get up every day.
I'd focus on fostering inclusivity, respect, and positive interactions among students and can actively participate in making a welcoming atmosphere with kindness and I would be encouraging open communication to make everyone feel valued and heard. I would take parts in school activities and events with enjoyment, making sure to lead by example by being respectful and responsible in all my interactions.
I can also help raise attention to issues like stress management, ensuring that students feel supported both physically and emotionally. . ."​
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