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skinnyasparagus's Lawyer Application!

Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?:
skinnyasparagus [alt account of skinnylettuce]
Do you have discord?: Yup! Discord tag is stupid bitchitis#3488
Do you have a microphone?: If you count the half-decent microphone on some wired Apple headphones as one, then yes, I do in fact have a mic.
List your timezone and country: EST [Eastern Standard Time], United States
How active are you on the server?: I think it’s fair to say that I am extremely active on SchoolRP if I’m really tooting my own horn here. I have a character on the Spartan cheer team and another character who is in the student council, and I’ve been balancing my activity on both accounts very well in terms of having genuine roleplay interactions with other people. And, considering how committed I am to several different aspects of SRP at once, it’s safe to say that with being given the role of Lawyer, my activity and willingness to roleplay with others using all my writing skill will remain consistent on each account.
Do you have any previous bans?: There are only two bans that have specifically happened to me, however very long ago and neither had appeals, for one was some silly, petty thing and the other was a false ban that was later lifted. The first ban was a 24-hour ban in late 2017 for abuse of cosmetics. The second one, however, was around mid-2018 when a former staff member had falsely accused me of stealing items from the KPD chest despite having been on three months of inactivity. He had banned me originally for what I believe to be a week or two, however it was immediately lifted due to several screenshots that proved my innocence sent to staff members who were in the voice call during the time of the false ban.
Link any past applications below:
Application for School Festival’s Maid Café: Approved
Application for Karakura Police Department [KPD]: Approved
Application for Karakura Music Club: Approved
Application for Karakura Beautification Committee: Approved

Spanish Language Application [skinnylettuce] | Language Application | SchoolRP | Approved
Tagalog Language Application [skinnylettuce] | Language Application | SchoolRP | [Denied (due to not being available)]
EMS Application [skinnyspinach] | skinnyspinach's Doctor Application | SchoolRP | Approved
Korean Language Application [skinnyspinach] | Language Application | SchoolRP | Approved
Hawaiian Language Application [skinnylettuce] | Language Application | SchoolRP | Approved
Spanish Language Application [skinnyspinach] | Spanish Language Application, Round Two | SchoolRP | Approved
JSL ‘Language’ Application [skinnyspinach] | JSL Language Application, Round Two | SchoolRP | Approved
Student Council Application [skinnyspinach] | skinnyspinach's College Council App | SchoolRP | Approved

Out of Character | Morals & ideas
What position are you applying for?:
What is your motivation for applying?: As a lot of people who have been long-time members of the SchoolRP community know, there have been a lot of situations where GangRP scenarios- whether they be petty or severe- were left unjustified to the point it kept characters talking about it for months. For instance, there were many occasions where a character would commit a severe crime, such as manslaughter or even a mass murder (whether it be attempted, or successful), yet they were able to be bailed only a few days later despite their crimes having needed no bail and long, long sentences. Situations like these leave people out of character and even our own OCs ICly confused, wondering even months after the situation happened, “How did they basically get away with it?” There are also many other incidents where even when characters do end up getting their long sentences thanks to those helpful evidence grabbers, they somehow have other people sent out to kill innocent characters who merely want to rid of the petty GangRPers who either ruin people’s roleplay experience, or have developed to the point of seriously deserve to be put behind bars. With all these unfortunate things that really butcher the RP experience and seem to take major favoritism over certain sides depending on the scenarios, I want to be the person who is there to make sure things like this don’t happen anymore. So, with all that was said, my motivation for applying for the role of lawyer is to genuinely roleplay out developing a much, much more fair justice system with the way crime occurs in SRP, and ensure that I am part of the reason that the INRP justice and general GangRP systems become way more fair for everyone else, and enjoyable for all parties involved.
Are you aware that you cannot discriminate against others in character or deny service due to race, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, etc.?: One hundred percent. It’s something I know that happens in the real world in the world of Justice unfortunately, so I’m glad to see that this is something that is being openly avoided on SRP!
What qualities prove you suitable for this role?: If I am going to be honest with you, I’ve already put myself into a Lawyer-type position within the SRP community, though in the OOC sense instead of the IC sense. To elaborate, there have been incidents where I was witness to players who have been nothing but loyal to the SRP rules and respectful towards the player base get banned for false accusations. With my distaste towards the fact that people had to undergo getting punishments for acts that they didn’t actually commit, and were banned for things that had little-to-no true evidence and genuine information on the situation, I took my time to gather every ounce of evidence there was to exist on the problem that has been put in hand, and bring justice towards the unjustified bans. And, not only have I managed to pull these with false bans OOCly, but I’ve also managed to bring these skills into IC scenarios where characters were put down for things they either had nothing to do with, or had the bare minimum of involvement with that were given punishments that their characters did not deserve. I pull these same skills of mine into in-character context, however also bring in OOC defenses if it is needed in case things are becoming a little too unfair or out-of-character opinions/bias is apparent, and bring those characters (and sometimes the player of these characters as well) to justice. So, what I’m trying to say here is that if I can legitimately do the basic and some of the more complex skills you see in a Lawyer, and as someone who has been deep into lore-based and actual genuine roleplay, imagine what I can bring to the table with Law RP.
Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?: Yup
Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?: Yup, maybe a little too much.
Do you have a good understanding of this position?: Perhaps an awfully good amount of understandment, yup.
Summarize what your position does: As a lawyer, the basic gist of your job can easily be put into three words; Defend your client. When you are a lawyer, some of your tasks when it comes to working on with a client is to advise them when it comes to speaking in court and simply about their case in general, as well as to simply represent them. And you are to stick with your client, whether they are either fully innocent to the point it is painfully obvious, guilty of every single crime they have been accused of, or it is completely uncertain as to whether they are even guilty or not- As mentioned from the start, your job is to defend your client. And outside of working with your client, in a courtroom, it is your job to speak to the judge, jury- the whole room in general about your defense over your client’s case, from vocalizing the needed evidence to even calling out others for making statements that could potentially go against them and help you prove your client as the one in the right.

In Character | Questionnaire
[!] The application would be completely typed out and printed. Size twelve and Times New Roman font; Your stereotypical form of formal typing. [!]

Full Name: Dionisie Severus
Preferred name & Title: Dionisie Severus
Current age? (25+): Twenty-Eight
Past job experiences?: Upon graduating law school, I dived into the legal system of New York City, in the States and became a full-time lawyer. I mostly worked on cases that involved rather gruesome acts, from the different degrees of murder to the more creative works of serial individuals. However, having heard of the crime rates in Karakura, Japan whilst studying with professors from this country of traditions and temples, it caught my interest enough to step down from my workspace in the United States after four years and began to approach the legal system in Japan. But, other than working in the world of crime and justice, I did work in the front register of a McDonalds when I was a senior in high school.
How would you describe yourself?: How would a blind person describe theirself? Considering the circumstances of this application, perhaps through their work ethic. So, let’s roll with that. Despite the physical inculpabilities I face on a day-to-day basis, I push those aside and live my everyday life as though these disabilities of mine simply do not exist, because that’s the best way to go about things. Living normally, and putting yourself in a healthy mindset that nothing about you is abnormal- thus allowing me to express that I have the ethics and traits of the hard worker you would be working for, if not then with even more extra attributes that you don’t even realize you need in someone defending clients in the criminal justice system. So, yes, I am a hard-worker, perhaps a harder worker compared to most people you will see, despite how I am perceived by the majority of people merely due to specific physical aspects of mine.
What plans do you have for the town?: To not only bring justice to those who deserve it and help quicken the process of closing certain cases, but also to lower the murder rate that Karakura has compared to the rest of its country- make its scale of ‘how many deaths a year’ equal to every other prefecture in Japan. There’s a reason the island doesn’t have many visitors despite being such a beautiful place, and I think it’s time that there is a change for that by assisting in taking down the infestation in Karakura, one bug by one. I’m sure a bit of Raid spray from a couple of decent Lawyers will do the trick.
What jobs will you execute with this position?: The job I’ll get done as a lawyer that- hopefully- every other lawyer does is to advise, represent, and defend my client. It doesn’t matter whether they are innocent or guilty in a case, what matters is to do the exact task that you have been asked to do as a lawyer. And, though it’s more of a mental task, another job in this line of work is to keep all opinions and biases out of your work, and to strictly state facts.
Do you practice any sort of religion?: No.
How did you get into politics?: I wouldn’t necessarily say I got into politics, per se, but instead I grew up with this broad interest towards the criminal justice system, and just law and order in general. But, when it comes to politics, though I’ve never taken a vital interest in it considering the chaotic diversions it has created between the people of many countries, I will admit that based on the different preferences within each political party and such, my beliefs lean more towards the Left, if you will.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes: No.
Nationality & Born location: Roman-American; Brooklyn, New York City, NY
Fluent languages: Romanian, English, Japanese


Level 165
Congratulations on being accepted for your role of choice!

Keep in mind that the rules stated in the format are strictly enforced and
certain acts can get you instantly removed from your position depending on the severity.

- After reading, you may DM me in order to get your roles set up. (Oph#1556)

- Ensure that you are in the following discord: KARAKURA TOWN


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