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Denied SKShadowFlux's Doctor Application | Take Two!


Level 4

IGN (In-Game Name):
SKShadowFlux (main)
ilovemyplanex0 (alt)

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
It has gotten a lot better recently! I am available anywhere from 9am EST to 5pm EST. Usually I spend anywhere between 2-6 hours and maybe more during weekends!

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
Doctor application #1 [DENIED]
Korean application [ACCEPTED]
Third language application [ACCEPTED]
Russian application [ACCEPTED]
Latin application [ACCEPTED]

List your current roles on the server:
College, Masters (SKShadowFlux)
Grade 10 (SKShadowFlux)
Bird (ilovemyplanex0)
Grade 12 (ilovemyplanex0)

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
Video games
What initially sparked my interest was RPGs, plain and simple. I pretty much grew up on BioWare games, have replayed the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series a few too many times than I’d like to admit and you can guess that I jumped at the first opportunity to play Baldur’s Gate 3 once it came out and at one point I genuinely thought that I played every RPG possible (I was dead wrong but shhhh).

Roleplay Series
We all remember how 2020 was (shudders). A lot of free time. Especially for me since most of my teachers were too old to figure out how BigBlueButton works. I figured out that Aphmau exists and pretty much watched a bit too much of MyStreet. It’s fiiiine. Out of boredom, I decided to start my own roleplay projects. Usually in Counter-Strike 1.6 with friends from school. Yeah, honestly, I have no idea how I managed to work that out. Turns out though! There are better mediums for that! Speaking off. . .

Tabletop games. With real people too! In real life (fake gasp)
I have managed to get my hands on A LOT of tabletop games. Betrayal: At House on the Hill was one that I made my own small expansion too! With a bit of tweaking and the support of my friends, I managed to have a good roleplay experience! With apple juice in hand and in a 4x4 room with nerds, anything is possible. And that was just the start! One of my RP group members had Eldritch Horror. Silly game. That kind of started our new hobby.

Tabletop RPGs (double fake gasp)
Picture this. You live in Eastern Europe and DnD is too expensive for your 10th grade self. What to do. . . get bootleg DnD- I mean, try out another Roleplay System. And Kids on Bikes did provide a lot of freedom for 4 nerds in an apartment. Scheduling was very easy initially! Just straight up ask “Are you free after school?” And story inspiration was even easier, considering how many RPGs and/or books we have experienced (yes, I did run a campaign based on a very weird Skyrim mod. Goes without saying). Usually we stuck to one-shots, rotating our Dunger Master. We don’t want a forever-DM!
Alright, eventually we did move on to DnD. Like the civilized folk. It offered- a lot more freedom. And the best part? You only need one experienced player (or one stubborn enough to read everything they could get their hands on… It was me. I was the forever-DM). And off we go! To university. With a lot of scheduling issues. (To say the least, I did manage to work through that. At least we were all in one timezone)

Minecraft Roleplay
Kinda obvious what I’m talking about. I literally googled “Minecraft Roleplay Servers”. First result? SRP. Mmm, October 2022. Anyway I have not been as active as I’d like to, taking several long breaks in-between (I was mostly gone during the 2023 summer). What I mostly did was familyRP, crime businesses (Fight club!) and. . . dare I say it, gangRP (timbers are being shivered OOCly). Despite its reputation, it’s one of my favorite factions (gnagRP am I right?). It offers a lot of freedom - you are free to do crime with any kind of character (from gangiest of 7’5 giants to tiny menaces to society) and is surprisingly welcoming to new players in my opinion. It has improved my writing (including DetailRP) skills tremendously and has been a driving force in developing all of my characters.

What is your motivation for applying?
I have always had great interactions with the faction! Most likely with my characters being patients (poor Allen, constantly showing up stabbed. L him)
I have always had interests in medicine (and done way more research than a non-med student needs to…), mostly used for the various roleplay scenarios I had participated in and the EMS faction would provide me with a lot of new and interesting roleplay opportunities. (Side note, I love the idea of any roleplay scenarios involving criminals in a hospital. "Ah yes- I fell down the stairs and shattered my leg in multiple places.” It's something I'm really looking forward to.)

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):


What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?

Hospitals exist to provide healthcare to the population. Be it dealing with medical emergencies (Heart attacks, stab/gunshot wounds, bone fractures and many many others. This also includes the triage of all incoming medical emergencies), providing a one on one conversation and examination which could diagnose mental and/or physical conditions and even offering advice on health-related matters which could improve the patient’s quality of life.
A physician cannot do all those things at once, however. So a division of labor and specialization is required.

Medical department
A doctor in this department’s job is to diagnose and treat the patient with the least invasive method possible. To accomplish those duties, the doctor can perform all kinds of tests, run and read scans (X-Rays, MRI, CT, PET, ultrasounds and others), perform physical exams, prescribe appropriate medications(this also includes keeping note of a patient’s allergies, other prescribed medications that they could be taking and other physical and/or mental ailments the patient might have). Among their duties, doctors are expected to keep an eye on the patient's vitals and oversee visits.

Surgical department
A surgeon is supposed to be able to perform many procedures in order to treat a patient. Surgeries can be performed to diagnose and treat a patient where the above mentioned methods have been either not applicable or ineffective. A surgeon should have a deep understanding of human anatomy, fine motor skills and an exceptional ability to perform under pressure.

Psychiatric department
Until now all we have talked about the physical ailments a patient may have but what about the mental ones? That’s where the psychiatrist’s role comes in. They are supposed to perform a mental evaluation of a patient, often done in the form of a one-on-one conversation. Then the doctor will have to continue working with the patient by creating a treatment plan which may or may not include the prescription of medication. Still, not all issues can be resolved by prescribing medicine! The psychiatrist (and even the doctor) should always try to work with the least invasive solution for a problem first.

Currently, there is no ‘Surgical department’ as from what I have noticed, it’s role has been taken up by the Doctor’s/Medical department. A new one had been introduced in its place!

Emergency department
It involves any work related to locating an injured person, stabilizing them on-premise, transporting them to a healthcare facility and providing further stabilization. The paramedic/emergency worker has to be able to take care of injuries caused by blunt/bladed weapons and even gunshots. They have to be able to perform a so-called fast scan(usually performing an ultrasound) to discover and repair any internal damage and quickly fix it.
Once their job is done, the patient is considered stable and can get additional treatment from other doctors if required.

Veterinary services
An all-in-one department, focused on providing specialized care for pets and wild animals. Anything from vaccines and health check-ups to long-term treatment of animals is handled by the vets.

Veterinarian services, along with the Emergency department, are considered a specialty for the EMS faction.

Additionally, the hospital is equipped with a pharmacy. Any EMS personnel can prescribe and sell medicine from a list, defined by their role. For example, doctors cannot prescribe antipsychotic medications and psychiatrists cannot prescribe strong opioids, like hydrocodone.There are a few items that don’t require prescription. They can be bought from any EMS worker present and you will not get fined for owning them!
Iron supplements
Cough Syrup
Wooden cane

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

Character’s Full Name:

Felix Ashbourne

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Male, He/Him

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background

Masters in Medicine

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Japanese, Russian, Latin, Korean

Backstory (100+ Words)
Felix was born in the United States of America, to a family of doctors. He basically grew up in a hospital - which is to be expected, considering that both his mother and step-father did not have much free time. Considering how his parents dealt with their own kids, Felix took the role of a caregiver from a very early age. It was his job to take care of his two younger siblings and despite the- many issues he had with his family, he truly did love them. Still, that made it very hard for him to socialize with actual people his age. He still has that problem, to some extent. Preferring the walls of his own home than showing up in college.
Maybe a child playing the role of a parent was not the best way to spend his childhood. Still, he did get a chance to experience something different.
Felix has always been- very sneaky in a sense. Good at not being detected, often eavesdropping on people’s conversations. One time he overheard about his biological father. Victor Kuznetsov. With some unorthodox thinking and questionable actions, he DID learn more about him. And figured out that he must have lived in Karakura, Japan. What a strange name… Never heard of it before. That’s what he thought. A city kind of appeared out of nowhere for him. An entire family (maybe something even better than what he had) existed somewhere far away. To say that he was tempted to leave everything behind would be an understatement.
Still, he did not wish to just up and leave his siblings. And he did not have any money either. He needed to save up. He waited, bided his time and tried his best to play the role of the caring brother. And eventually, at the age of 14, he left for Japan, with barely any money to his name but he did it.

Karakura (and meeting the Menace)
Meeting his family in Japan was one of the highlights of his life. So much has changed for him since pretty much day one. He had not one but several friend groups. Turns out that extroverts liked to pick a random kid and talk their ears off! And Felix took it in stride.
He got to meet the Solas-Kuznetsov family! Well his father was not here like he had heard. But that’s good enough for him! He had several older siblings (And many of them had a lot of children. A habit he would later pick-up in life). And honestly he loved spending time with them. Lily and Washu? They were teachers. And there was Zakhar but like- Felix never saw him work. He always wondered what he did for a living. And despite being technically his siblings, they pretty much raised Felix. Teaching him how to navigate Karakura. How to not lose a limb (well, the young man kind of failed that lesson. Several times). And a simple lesson was pretty much stuck into his head “The only person who will never hurt you is your sibling. So do not hurt them either.” In hindsight, that would be tested several times in the future. But Felix trusted his beloved siblings and took that lesson to heart.
I was talking about earlier how Felix was taught to not hang around gangsters, right? Uhm. Yeah, he did not listen.
Felix met two people that changed his life forever. Both of them were involved in the criminal world of Karakura. Both of them were completely unhinged! But the young man could not stay away for long, quickly being dragged into whatever mess they got themselves in. He joined in on whatever bad idea they had. And helped them out in any way he could. He was attached! Those were his closest friends! How do you expect him to not turn into a criminal like they were? Bright side, he was never caught. It’s almost like among the three, he had the most brain cells.
Those experiences reshaped him. Changed him into someone more outspoken. Someone more confident. And honestly? No longer shy and meek, he finally started standing up for those he stood for. He got used to spending a lot of time at the hospital, too . . . Either staying there due to his own injuries, supporting his family members while in recovery, or literally having to drag certain people to make appointments with doctors and psychiatrists.
If it was not for some of those- very awful experiences, he never would have gotten married to the love of his life.

Change (stop while you still can, Felix)
His life was a chaotic mess. Felix lost many people he had grown to care for. His brothers (yes both of them). His sister. Had it not been for his new-found family... and new husband, he doubts he would be where he currently was. Now, a med student, he believes he found a little bit of peace.
But haha, jokes on him! He literally has 1/10 luck! He is noooot done with being put through a metaphorical blender!
A certain event almost completely ruined his life. The many conflicts in his life finally caught up to him - a certain book had been leaked, containing information of many people he cared about. Many people that were - on the wrong side of the law. Felix had been left with no choice - he had to leave the city before things turn for the worst. One evening he was almost completely prepared to leave, having prepared a note and all until he saw Haruki. A young boy, whom he had considered a son figure. They both were extremely similar. Green eyes, red hair. Hearing the kid plead with him to stay made the man reconsider his actions. He hated Karakura. That had always been the case considering how many people he cared for he had lost here. On the other hand, he did not wish to leave it all behind. He chose to stay.
And maybe that finally changed things for him. Oh right. I forgot to mention. Felix Ashbourne was never his name. He did choose it in the end. Time to start a new life. A quiet one. He would no longer be afraid of people banging on the door at 3am. He would never again have to fear for his siblings - everything they did, was on them now. And most importantly? He would be with his husband. And actually have the chance to start a family.

Here he is now, standing at the waiting room in the Karakura Hospital, waiting for the recruiter to appear.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

Felix had a rather simple motivation - to help as much as he could. Emergency medicine seemed like the perfect field for the man: fast paced and intensive, stressful in other words, for sure. And yet it was completely rewarding. Being one of the first responders and/or stabilizing people in critical condition was perfectly suited for the man. He had always done well under pressure. Quick to adapt, he can handle all kinds of working environments. Perfect for the field.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
He had completed all mandatory rotations, required by the university (Family medicine, Internal medicine, Neurology, General Surgery, Ob-Gyn, pediatrics and psychiatry), additionally, since his preferred residency program required it, he undertook an EM rotation. It had set him up for his Emergency Medicine residency at the Tokyo Medical University hospital. Completing it was challenging to say the least. The people he worked with were not the best at teaching, very easy to snap at someone but Felix took it in stride (hey he is very good at coping!), like it had been some sort of a test, to train him how to work with people who were not very helpful! He had grown a lot more patient with his coworkers and his profession was something he had come to be proud of.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Aside from his residency, Felix had worked as an orderly, and later, as a nurse during his time in university. That type of work had made him better prepared to work with his patients and generally given him time to develop connections in the field - something he would need. He was constantly keeping in mind what his patients would need and how to help them better. Additionally, he was well liked among nurses - he knew what they had to do and knew when and how to not get in their way.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Felix has taken as many classes as he could in Karakura College, a lot of them had nothing to do with medicine but he did find them useful nonetheless. Later, he would move to study full-time at the Tokyo Medical University.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Felix is a rather short man, compared to most people in Karakura, barely reaching 5’8. He stands out a lot with his platinum blonde hair and green eyes. He has several prosthetics, the most noticeable one being his right arm. His skin is rather pale and he appears to wear a fair amount of make-up, mostly to cover the burn marks he had on his face. Felix’s voice was often very soft, he rarely speaks loudly or yells. He can never be seen without his signature crow pendant - a gift from someone important to him.

How does your character act on and off duty?
Felix always tries his best to appear friendly and approachable. He has the kind of attitude a good teacher would have - he is there to not only physically help people but to also guide them into making sure they take care of themselves. That has always been his number one priority when it comes to patients.
With his coworkers he tends to keep the relationship professional. Most of the time. Can’t expect a man to not do dumb jokes. Man sure knows how to pretend to be an extrovert!
All in all, he tries to be the best person he possibly can. He is always willing to learn from his mistakes and knows when to ask for help. At several points he has been able to mentor newer people in his previous jobs and knows how to be patient and understanding.

Off duty he is not too different. To the average person he keeps that professionalism that comes with being a doctor. That is, if they are being nice to him! He can easily snap at others, specifically if he does not like them too much. Old habits don’t die I guess. Still, Felix tries to always put a smile on his face and be a supportive and loving father and husband. It has always been his number one priority.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Felix is exceptionally good at improvisation and resource management! Adapting to all kinds of environments has always been one of his strongest skills. There were many instances in which he has had to make do with supply shortages and crying children, I meant, irresponsible colleagues! He is quite independent with any job he partakes in, easily grasping the basics once given instructions. And furthermore, he knows how to use google. How to check information quickly and how to verify its authenticity. Nothing cannot be solved without a cellphone!
Still, in his past he has had many situations in which being alone was not viable. Felix knows where his strengths and weaknesses lay, he can be very self-aware as a person. He understands that not all situations can be brute-forced or outwitted on your own. And for that he knows how to work with others really well. He is good at assessing situations and problem solving. He knows how to voice his opinion on high-stress matters and how to help others be the most effective version of themselves. It’s as if he has had some sort of experience with coordinating people. On the flip side, he knows when to shut up and do what he is told, without complaints. Either as a leader or follower he is able to do his best in any situation and improvise if needed.
Therefore, whether on his own or with others, as a leader or follower, it’s all a matter of a preference for him. He prefers working quickly, on his own. Without additional distractions, he is ready to hold accountability for all outcomes

What plans does your character have for the future?
Felix never really thought about what he could do in the far future. He already considers himself in a perfect place - with anything he could have ever wanted. The man genuinely wants to see his children grow and succeed in life. He wants to spend his time with his husband and siblings - having fun, bickering like they all would usually do. He has small ideas, little projects of his own. And a potential clinic in Karakura? Another place where people could seek help? That would be a dream. Especially considering how full the hospital is. How the staff is always overworked there. How the triage nurses have to navigate hell in order to figure out who needs help most urgently.
Yeah. Starting his own clinic would be nice.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
The man always smiled. And that is the first thing people would learn very quickly, as soon as they had laid eyes on him. He was soft-spoken, and rather- comforting? Specifically to patients. He knew how to calm others down, and the best way in Felix’ opinion was to make very dumb jokes. They worked! Most of the time. He did not talk about himself often, mostly too busy to speak fondly of his husband or kids. He was smart. A massive nerd even, especially if you mention… certain topics around him.
All of that is a front he always placed for others.
Felix has never seen himself in a good light- he has always been very critical over everything he does and says. He even says it himself- he is a perfectionist. The man has had a lot of bad things happen in his life - and he is to this day trying his best to move on from them, with the help of his loving husband and supportive family. He tends to take failures personally and is always trying to find ways to help others as best as he can. He always seeks to improve himself and to provide all the support he can for those who are in a position similar to the one he had once been in.

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Level 238
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application. This is due to the following reasons:
A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation, meaning we tend to pick players who have been on the server for a while and have a relatively clean history.

Nonetheless, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any future applications and therefore improve your chances of being accepted in future waves:
Try applying to other factions to improve your reputation around the server.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you have any further inquiries, you may contact me - 6pancake - via DMs. Otherwise, any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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