Level 5
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IN-GAME NAME (IGN): Skyhigh2
DISCORD NAME & TAG: S!kyl4r#7108
DESCRIBE YOUR ACTIVITY ON THE SERVER: If I had to rate my activity on a scale from 1-10 it would probably be a 7.5/10 due to the fact of my timezone it's very difficult for me to hop on and have something to do or have somebody to roleplay with. I find myself bored most of the time because I have nothing to do on the server, so here I am applying so I don't move away from SRP.
WHAT KNOWLEDGE DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE OF SHINTOISM AND ARE YOU PREPARED/WILLING TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE RELIGION?: Shinto is polytheistic and revolves around the kami, supernatural entities believed to inhabit all things. The link between the kami and the natural world has led to Shinto being considered animistic. The kami are worshiped at kamidana household shrines, family shrines, and jinja public shrines. The main beliefs of Shinto are the importance of purity, harmony, respect for nature, family respect, and subordination of the individual before the group. There are many Shinto gods or spirits and these have shrines dedicated to them where people offer food, money, and prayers. I am extremely prepared & willing to learn about the religion, I love finding out more about Shintoism its a lovely religion and I connect it to myself a lot.
WHAT MAKES YOU STAND OUT FOR THIS ROLE OVER OTHER APPLICANTS?: I believe that I would stand out for the Maiden role because I already know a lot about Shintoism, I've visited areas around Japan & Seoul that have shrines as well, and I would learn more about it and I just feel so much connected to it and it somewhat comes into play with the religion I practice , so I feel if I was to learn more about it and somewhat experience what it would be like to be a Maiden then I'll take that chance.
In-Character (IC) Section

SECTION 1: Character Details
CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss): Miss
CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80): 28
CHARACTERS MARITAL STATUS: Single, Divorce & Widowed
WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVATION FOR APPLYING TO WORK AT THE MONASTERY?: My motive for applying is because ever since I was little I would always wander around the forest, I would always look around and wander to the monastery. I love looking into spirits and I have had some alters and offerings set out to multiple spirits & Kami's the main spirit I have an offering altar for is the Kadoma spirit, I have seen or had hallucinations of spirits and I want to open that world up to more people. I want to show people that all spirits aren't evil they may be angry about what happened to them in the past but as a Maiden or a Priest that is their job to soothe a spirit and to take care of them and allow them to pass on to the realm of the spirits where they can finally rest. I would love to get this job for the fact of meeting people who have the same interests as me and to look deeper into this and solve what has happened to those spirits and heal the people who have faced their wrath.
TELL ME WHAT HISTORY AND INFORMATION YOU KNOW ABOUT THE SHINSEI SEINARU MONASTERY: I don't know much about Shinsei Seinaru Monastery and that's why I'm applying so I can know more and expand my way of thinking and my world and the way of how others think about our Monastery. I want to get a hands-on full in-depth job and to learn and open myself up to more opinions that this world holds.
WRITE A LETTER TO THE MONASTERY LEAD: Hello my name is Reasen Lunamrue. It is my pleasure to write to you and has been resting in my mind for a while. I want to apply towards being a Maiden but I want to know more about the Monastery itself and the spirits of Karakura. I believe there is a reason, why we have a lot of spirits due to the crime rate here but also that is why the Monastery exists and that is why our priests and maidens are here too. So they have a job to do and to soothe these spirits. I would love to be one of these people and to join them in this journey of life and death or spirits. I want to understand why this happens and why they are attached to people and the grounds we build and walk on, it would be a great pleasure to work for you so please take time with my application and know this is why I'm here, to learn to listen and heal spirits.
BACKSTORY (100+ Words): As you look at Sen you would slowly come to realize she has both of her pinkies missing, small little stubs are all that remain where her pinkies once sat. The female is covered in tattoos but the main three that stand out are the two rose tattoos on each side of her arms, one is a pure red vein of roses and the other is a lilac pink. Her third tattoo is very visible and rests on her neck it is a blood-striking red that reads out 'Pretty Little Psycho''. The female has a curvy body figure almost exactly like an hourglass and seems to weigh 118lbs. She has a carving on her left thigh with the initials S.H placed on her skin. As your eyes continue to wander the female's body you realize she has a couple of facial piercings that include the three nose piercings, the bottom three lip piercings, and the medusa piercing. You would never realize but the female has a forked-like snake tongue with two piercings resting on each side of the forked tongue, this seems to have been done surgically. Reasen seemingly dislikes her life and how full of boredom it is. She would slowly come to the realization of how much she enjoyed the interesting stories of the spirits and their lives, she would wander around the town so called "Haunted" areas. The female would always come to ponder around why these spirits were attached to this earth, could she soothe them, and could she be a valuable asset to help health these lost souls that need to be led the right way. That is why she would go to the monastery and slowly begin to speak to the maidens and priests. She continued to gather information before taking out her biro pen and slowly writing away at her application to be a part of the monstery.
SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details
What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?: Miko, or shrine maiden, is the name of a type of priest working at a Japanese Shinto shrine. A Miko typically refers to as a young female priest. For centuries, Miko has performed kagura (sacred dances for entertaining and satisfying the Shinto deities), conducted exorcisms, practiced divinations, and acted as an oracle.
What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?: The typical purification is to 1. Fill a ladle and wash your hands and then rinse your mouth and clean the Ladle afterward and then enter the Shrine, but other ways are to wash your hands with water and dry them off as well.
How are offerings to a Kami performed?: You should present your offering as soon as you meet the shrine staff or priest. They will place your offering on the offering table and let Kami-Sama know that you made the offering. We see many people present the offering after the gokitoh or service.
How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?: The tea ceremony consists of the host first bringing the tea utensils into the room, offering the guests special sweets, and then preparing and serving them tea made of pulverized tea leaves stirred in hot water. Then the tea bowl is placed onto the tatami mat in front of you, with its front facing you. Pick it up with your right hand and place it on your left palm. With your right hand, turn it clockwise by around 90 degrees so that its front is not facing you anymore. Drink the tea in a few sips and place it back onto the tatami
Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda, and Kagura Suzu are and what they're used for:
Tamagushi is a tool used during matsuri, for formal homage during official visits, and of course other Shinto rituals. A tamagushi is composed of a piece of white paper, attached to a Sakaki leaf with a hemp string.
An Ofuda is a type of amulet or talisman used by maidens or priests. It is a small piece of paper with varying power, size, and price and is mainly used to exorcize supernatural beings and create barriers. It can be affixed to an area or spirit, or thrown like a weapon.
Kagura Suzu is a set of twelve bells used in the kagura dance. The set consists of three tiers of bells suspended by coiled brass wires from a central handle: two bells on the top tier, four bells on the middle tier, and six bells on the bottom tier.
(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?: Kunitsukami , the gods of the earthly realm.
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IN-GAME NAME (IGN): Skyhigh2
DISCORD NAME & TAG: S!kyl4r#7108
1 Ban from Mariav for Medium ERP from 29th September 2022 - October 5-6th
DESCRIBE YOUR ACTIVITY ON THE SERVER: If I had to rate my activity on a scale from 1-10 it would probably be a 7.5/10 due to the fact of my timezone it's very difficult for me to hop on and have something to do or have somebody to roleplay with. I find myself bored most of the time because I have nothing to do on the server, so here I am applying so I don't move away from SRP.
WHAT KNOWLEDGE DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE OF SHINTOISM AND ARE YOU PREPARED/WILLING TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE RELIGION?: Shinto is polytheistic and revolves around the kami, supernatural entities believed to inhabit all things. The link between the kami and the natural world has led to Shinto being considered animistic. The kami are worshiped at kamidana household shrines, family shrines, and jinja public shrines. The main beliefs of Shinto are the importance of purity, harmony, respect for nature, family respect, and subordination of the individual before the group. There are many Shinto gods or spirits and these have shrines dedicated to them where people offer food, money, and prayers. I am extremely prepared & willing to learn about the religion, I love finding out more about Shintoism its a lovely religion and I connect it to myself a lot.
WHAT MAKES YOU STAND OUT FOR THIS ROLE OVER OTHER APPLICANTS?: I believe that I would stand out for the Maiden role because I already know a lot about Shintoism, I've visited areas around Japan & Seoul that have shrines as well, and I would learn more about it and I just feel so much connected to it and it somewhat comes into play with the religion I practice , so I feel if I was to learn more about it and somewhat experience what it would be like to be a Maiden then I'll take that chance.
In-Character (IC) Section

SECTION 1: Character Details
CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss): Miss
CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80): 28
CHARACTERS MARITAL STATUS: Single, Divorce & Widowed
WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVATION FOR APPLYING TO WORK AT THE MONASTERY?: My motive for applying is because ever since I was little I would always wander around the forest, I would always look around and wander to the monastery. I love looking into spirits and I have had some alters and offerings set out to multiple spirits & Kami's the main spirit I have an offering altar for is the Kadoma spirit, I have seen or had hallucinations of spirits and I want to open that world up to more people. I want to show people that all spirits aren't evil they may be angry about what happened to them in the past but as a Maiden or a Priest that is their job to soothe a spirit and to take care of them and allow them to pass on to the realm of the spirits where they can finally rest. I would love to get this job for the fact of meeting people who have the same interests as me and to look deeper into this and solve what has happened to those spirits and heal the people who have faced their wrath.
TELL ME WHAT HISTORY AND INFORMATION YOU KNOW ABOUT THE SHINSEI SEINARU MONASTERY: I don't know much about Shinsei Seinaru Monastery and that's why I'm applying so I can know more and expand my way of thinking and my world and the way of how others think about our Monastery. I want to get a hands-on full in-depth job and to learn and open myself up to more opinions that this world holds.
WRITE A LETTER TO THE MONASTERY LEAD: Hello my name is Reasen Lunamrue. It is my pleasure to write to you and has been resting in my mind for a while. I want to apply towards being a Maiden but I want to know more about the Monastery itself and the spirits of Karakura. I believe there is a reason, why we have a lot of spirits due to the crime rate here but also that is why the Monastery exists and that is why our priests and maidens are here too. So they have a job to do and to soothe these spirits. I would love to be one of these people and to join them in this journey of life and death or spirits. I want to understand why this happens and why they are attached to people and the grounds we build and walk on, it would be a great pleasure to work for you so please take time with my application and know this is why I'm here, to learn to listen and heal spirits.
BACKSTORY (100+ Words): As you look at Sen you would slowly come to realize she has both of her pinkies missing, small little stubs are all that remain where her pinkies once sat. The female is covered in tattoos but the main three that stand out are the two rose tattoos on each side of her arms, one is a pure red vein of roses and the other is a lilac pink. Her third tattoo is very visible and rests on her neck it is a blood-striking red that reads out 'Pretty Little Psycho''. The female has a curvy body figure almost exactly like an hourglass and seems to weigh 118lbs. She has a carving on her left thigh with the initials S.H placed on her skin. As your eyes continue to wander the female's body you realize she has a couple of facial piercings that include the three nose piercings, the bottom three lip piercings, and the medusa piercing. You would never realize but the female has a forked-like snake tongue with two piercings resting on each side of the forked tongue, this seems to have been done surgically. Reasen seemingly dislikes her life and how full of boredom it is. She would slowly come to the realization of how much she enjoyed the interesting stories of the spirits and their lives, she would wander around the town so called "Haunted" areas. The female would always come to ponder around why these spirits were attached to this earth, could she soothe them, and could she be a valuable asset to help health these lost souls that need to be led the right way. That is why she would go to the monastery and slowly begin to speak to the maidens and priests. She continued to gather information before taking out her biro pen and slowly writing away at her application to be a part of the monstery.
SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details
What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?: Miko, or shrine maiden, is the name of a type of priest working at a Japanese Shinto shrine. A Miko typically refers to as a young female priest. For centuries, Miko has performed kagura (sacred dances for entertaining and satisfying the Shinto deities), conducted exorcisms, practiced divinations, and acted as an oracle.
What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?: The typical purification is to 1. Fill a ladle and wash your hands and then rinse your mouth and clean the Ladle afterward and then enter the Shrine, but other ways are to wash your hands with water and dry them off as well.
How are offerings to a Kami performed?: You should present your offering as soon as you meet the shrine staff or priest. They will place your offering on the offering table and let Kami-Sama know that you made the offering. We see many people present the offering after the gokitoh or service.
How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?: The tea ceremony consists of the host first bringing the tea utensils into the room, offering the guests special sweets, and then preparing and serving them tea made of pulverized tea leaves stirred in hot water. Then the tea bowl is placed onto the tatami mat in front of you, with its front facing you. Pick it up with your right hand and place it on your left palm. With your right hand, turn it clockwise by around 90 degrees so that its front is not facing you anymore. Drink the tea in a few sips and place it back onto the tatami
Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda, and Kagura Suzu are and what they're used for:
Tamagushi is a tool used during matsuri, for formal homage during official visits, and of course other Shinto rituals. A tamagushi is composed of a piece of white paper, attached to a Sakaki leaf with a hemp string.
An Ofuda is a type of amulet or talisman used by maidens or priests. It is a small piece of paper with varying power, size, and price and is mainly used to exorcize supernatural beings and create barriers. It can be affixed to an area or spirit, or thrown like a weapon.
Kagura Suzu is a set of twelve bells used in the kagura dance. The set consists of three tiers of bells suspended by coiled brass wires from a central handle: two bells on the top tier, four bells on the middle tier, and six bells on the bottom tier.
(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?: Kunitsukami , the gods of the earthly realm.
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