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"SLAM THE BALL NOT THEIR HEAD-" | P.E. Teacher Application Melotism


Level 18
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:

What is your time zone?:
GMT +1

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge, and will make inactivity logs if nessecary.

Describe your activity on the server:
When I'm on SRP, I typically explore the city in search of opportunities to roleplay as my adult character! I switch to my animal personas when I'm bored or can't find anyone else to roam the plaza and engage with other players in the animal form.

My favorite thing to do in Minecraft is roleplay, which I truly like as a hobby! I discovered the server on YouTube. I can still remember how my early days were spent exploring the sewers and deserted metro stations!

(Yeah it's bugged, full screen ss has been taken :})
On these days, I usually tend to play from 16:15 to 18/19:00 CET.
On Friday and Saturday, I play from 14:30 till 21:00 CET.
On Sunday, I tend to play from 12:00 through 20:00 CET.

Being the manager of the newfound shop "Henki-Do,", I work a lot on that shop with the owner, ErikFinster. My activity there includes opening the shop, hiring employees and making sure the stock is up-to-date (Reference to roleplay history)

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:


What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):



What subject are you applying to teach?:

P.E. AKA, Physical Education.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
During my time as a faculty member, both inside the teacher faction and the employee faction, I've gotten a lot of experience with being a faculty member. I've made mistakes, I've learned how to be professional, what to do and what not to do, etc. I made jokes with the others, and was very active on both Discord and the server itself. Usually, on Discord, I would be answering questions in #help, and generally yapping in #faculty-chat.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
Yuh uh!

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher Logs is a mechanism created to guarantee that each member of the Teacher faction finishes their monthly allotment of 10 lessons, in order to get a reward of ¥350,000 if you are a Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT). Qualified teachers who complete 10 classes will be paid ¥400,000 at the end of the month. But the absolute minimum is ten classes every month. If a teacher decides to work longer than the minimum requirement of ten lessons, they will receive an extra ¥50,000 for every five classes they complete over the minimum, up to a maximum. (However, on an OOC day, teachers are only allowed to teach four classes.)

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
When my class is in session, all students must follow these rules to not break their spines:

1; No Masks. These will be confiscated.

2; No Swearing. Swearing will be punished with a warning and/or a kick out of the class.

3; No Physical Assault. This behaviour will result in immediate detention.

4; No Food or Drinks. I don't want to be held responsible for choking...

5; No Electronic Devices; Well- no... just no... I don't have time for this- I... no...

6; Play along in class! You are expected to play along during my P.E. classes. If you don't play along, you might as well not have showed up.

7; Stay together. If we are leaving the classroom, you are expected to stay together so nobody gets lost or hurt.

8; During fieldtrips, you are expected to behave formally outside of the school.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying for almost 1,5 years now, starting back in May of 2023. Back then was filled with FailRP for me, because I was a greenie. After a month or so, new friends taught me how to roleplay correctly, and they told me my place in the community, telling me all the information on the server that I needed to know

For a few months, I was active a lot because of new friends I made, and I was always excited to log back into the server and create a character with a detailed backstory and personality, instead of the non-detailed and unlogic characters I had before. I met a new friend and joined some IC families, and people started liking me. Someone bought me a rank and taught me how to fit deeper into the community to enhance my roleplay experiences, which worked out well. I made several friends for the following months and had many new and fun experiences roleplaying with those friends.

In November of 2023, I took a break from the server, and when I came back I made some new friends to roleplay with, expanding my friends list. Since 2016, I've been obsessed with character creation, but I was never good at it. SchoolRP taught me how to do it properly, and how to have fun inside a large community and that fun experiences are endless.

Since the end of August 2024, I've started working on the Henki-Do shop for ErikFinster. I've since climbed up their ladder to become management together with Dalparpe. In Henki-Do, I usually supervise, get stocks sorted (not made, adviced or ordered (Leo_14 im looking at you))

I've been in many families over the past few months, including Toki, Nakazumi, Nakamura, Yuogio and Finster. I had new experiences roleplaying with the people from these families and learned a new kind of roleplaying. FamilyRP to me was new back then but I learned everything about it quickly.
In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:

Head of Department
↳ Description:
The Head of Department is a teacher who has shown over time that they are responsible and are someone who takes their job seriously. They have been a teacher for a while, and know what they are doing. They help to train the new teachers and improve their talent in hosting classes. They make sure there are no issues or problems, and to make sure the other teachers follow the set rules. The Head of Department is the highest rank in the teacher faction.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Qualified Teachers are the teachers that have much experience inside of the faction. They understand the rules and have proved this, and they know how to handle students and teach classes correctly. Qualified teachers are the second highest rank in the teacher faction.

↳ Meaning:

Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Newly Qualified Teachers are teachers who have shown to be able to handle teaching classes alone. They have finished the teacher training and proved they are worth the role of a teacher and that they will take it seriously, trying to improve their teaching.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:
The Unqualified teachers are the teachers who are newly accepted into the faction. They are required to undergo teacher training led by other, more experienced teachers. They are monitored closely to see if they take the job seriously, and if they are a good fit inside of the faction to succeed in getting higher ranks inside the faction. This is the role I'd be applying for

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers In-Game]
Teachers are here to provide roleplay for the students on the SRP server, what's a school without teachers? They host classes and keep students active, by hosting activities for the students. Teachers make sure that the students are safe inside of the school too. They make sure that students stay out of trouble during school hours. The salary of a teacher is managed during the Teacher Logs, as explained earlier. A Newly Qualified Teacher can make ¥350,000 for hosting 10 classes per month. The Qualified Teachers make ¥400,000 for 10 classes every month. If a teacher decides to host more classes than the minimum amount of ten, they will receive an additional ¥50,000 per five classes they host

[Teachers Out-Of-Game]
Teacher's Out-Of-Game are there to give students from school a comfortable learning environment and protect them to avoid getting anyone hurt. Every teacher has their style that they use to teach their classes, and their lessons can vary. They make sure that every student gets enough time to learn for tests, and make sure that they have what they need. In primary schools in my country, each class has a teacher, who only teaches that class and teaches all subjects besides P.E. These teachers have gotten different training than the teachers from high school. In high school, however, every subject has a different teacher, to make them more focused on that one subject to provide more needs for the students and make the job easier for the teachers. They make €2,200 to €4,600 per month, without taxes.

Whilst many people ICly and OOCly think that teachers aren't doing anything outside of school, they are wrong. Teachers have the same complex lives as everyone else does, with friends, families, hobbies, and things to do. Even though grading assignments and planning classes takes a lot of their free time, they still have a social life outside of their work. They have a family to be with and they have their hobbies, which they want to do as well. Spending time with friends and family will create memories that are worth more than grading the assignments all night. They have a lot of free time to do so anyway.

[Methods Of Teaching]
There are a lot of methods to teach students a subject, and it differ from teacher to teacher and depends on what subject they teach. Some teachers like to give students a project or go on field trips to teach them in interactive ways, whilst others do it in the classic way of a worksheet and talking to students to teach it to them. Many P.E. Teachers that I had throughout my school time always taught in ways that made the class rather look more like a game than actual learning, which made P.E. one of my favourite subjects. P.E. teachers often go into detail on how to improve your tactics in sports, and that helped me a lot in my life.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
The teacher faction helps to bring the school aspect of SchoolRP to actual reality. A school is centred around education, which teachers bring to the students, together with the Professor faction. Teachers help to give the school an actual school feeling and give people the experience of the school being a school. Teachers help enhance the subject of the server, a school. A school without teachers is not a school, but rather a prison cell. Teachers make sure the students are safe inside the school as well and try to make sure that no students get into trouble.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
MoSCoW. This stands for "Must Have, Should have, Could have, Would have."

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Amane Nakazumi is a 31-year-old, Japanese woman. Her skin would have a light sun-touched tone, reflecting onto her wavy, brown hair. Her blue eyes would always make her look sweet. She stood at 5'6 with a lean muscular figure. She would be an adventurous person, yet self-disciplined and friendly. She would also sometimes have a childish side when not being on the job. She would smell like "La Vie Est Belle Perfume". Her voice, often sweet and soft, would get a demanding voice if needed. Amane has a childish side, which she often shows when outside school hours. During school hours, however, she shows her professional and adult side. Her adventurous personality makes her want to explore, learn and teach. Amane always tries to help students who need it the most and teach them everything they possibly need.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

Amane always wants to help the students see the best in them and motivate them to do anything they want to make their dreams come true. Amane would try to be everyone's favourite teacher, and be accepted into the faculty by the students. She looks at the students as a family, instead of students, wanting to protect them in every way, inside and outside the school. Amane wants to be a person that students will go to if they have something they need to talk about.

Amane's outlook on her colleagues is positive. Amane believes that teamwork is the key to success. She would try to befriend other teachers and faculty members, not wanting to be anyone's enemy or to be seen as someone who wasn't nice among the faculty. She'd respect all co-workers, help them when in need, and help them to get a hard job done, expecting this back as well.

What are their plans for the future?
Amane wants to travel around the world with her partner. She wants to make many friends in Karakura and is thinking about having children. Amane would retire from her job as a teacher a few years later, furfilling her dream to travel with her partner, and to then get back into the Tokyo Police Department, where Amane worked all those years ago (see backstory)

/*Do not mention the use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
As Amane walked down the hallway towards the students she'd notice the swearing. She would watch them for a moment and then intervene in the situation. She'd ask them what was going on and why. After hearing the situation she'd warn the students about their language, telling them to not swear on the school grounds. If the students decided to ignore her warning and continue, she'd hand them a Detention slip after multiple warnings.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Amane would notice nobody in her class was listening to a word she said. She took out a crayon and randomly started writing a difficult equation on the chalkboard, even though it wasn't a math lesson... She raised her voice and with a loud "AHEM" sushed the children down. She then told them to work on the equation, in total silence. If they'd even make a sound "You'll be kicked out of my class, but not before solving this in the cry corner,", now having the children dead silent.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

Amane would use the coffee machine to brew herself a fresh cup of moldy school coffee. Afterwards, she'd once again glare at the rotting pie, before making herself a hotdog. She'd then sit down to chat with the other faculty members. If no one's present, she'd leave the lounge to patrol the school for sinners- I mean rulebreakers..

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

She'd open her drawer, as she took out a white crayon. She'd turn around, making her brown hair swirl with her. She'd start to write on the board loudly, tilting over. &r"Be Quiet" &bstood on the board. Amane would then write a full stop behind it, with a loud &r"POK!" &rShe'd turn around back to her desk, putting the crayon back in and taking out a big ruler, as she slammed the board saying &r"Follow this or talk outside." &bShe'd lay the ruler back into the drawer, and close it. Amane would then proceed with her lesson like nothing happened.

/me As she threw her bag on her desk, failing miserably as the bag fell off on the other side. She sat down on her desk, her legs intertwining with one another, swinging back and forth, gently hitting her desk a few times creating a silent "duf" sound. She waited until the class settled down.&r"Hands; Baseball?" &bShe waited... &r"Volleyball?" &b... &r"Football?" &bOnce again, no reaction came, &r"Alright, then it's my choice. I hope you have your running shoes on, because I want you to run 4 laps in the inside of the school. Don't hit anyone, 3, 2, 1, GO GO GO!"

/me She'd open her drawer, taking her crayon out of it as she turned to the board, starting to write. She'd say &r"Alright, hangman it is. The word has 5 letters, if you want to guess raise your hand, don't shout" &bAs "_ _ _ _ _" appeared on the board, She'd then inspect the class for raised hands

/me Amane would slowly walk over the student, taking their phone and walking back to her desk. She'd put the phone into her drawer before proceeding the lesson.

"July 15, 1993. Amane was born in Tokyo. She was the third child of Utaho Mitsumoto and Tokiwa Nakazumi, she grew up receiving affection from her family. From the age of 8, Amane wanted to become a magical girl of justice and defeat villains and admired them in comics. At the age of 10, she was told by her older brother Ryoki that to become a magical girl she had to be strong enough to help others and defeat bad people. Afterwards, she continued to do good deeds, such as picking up trash on the street and began learning judo to increase her strength.

When Amane entered high school in Tokyo, she got bullied because of her dreams and her soft character. Amane had no friends, but she didn't care. This made her mentally strong and resistant. After being beaten up multiple times by bullies, and locked inside lockers, she started going to the gym, to train herself physically. Amane met someone in the gym when she was 15. A boy, named Nathan. She became friends with her and started training with him. Soon enough, they fell in love. The bullies soon came to know this and started bullying Nathan as well. Soon afterwards, Nathan's parents had enough of it and moved to another town, together with Nathan, leaving Amane behind alone.

Afterwards, as she got older and her body grew, her dreams changed from being a magical girl to becoming a police officer. She entered the police academy at the age of 25. She spent five months there, studying general education, law, and police practice, In addition, she learned the things necessary to become a police officer, such as arrest techniques, first-aid techniques, and how to use a handgun, and she graduated after enduring the tight schedule and strict regulations there. After three months of on-the-job training, she finally became an official police officer in Tokyo.
When Amane was 29 years old, she wanted to do something else than being a police officer, so she quit her job and moved to Karakura, applying for to become a P.E. Teacher on their local highschool. She was always obsessed with physical education when she was a child back in her school time. Amane wanted to give this experience to other children aswell, hoping they are going to love P.E. like Amane does"

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

"My full name is Amane Baptiste Nakazumi"

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):
"I'm currently 31 years old!"

"Female, She/Her"

Religious Denomination:
"I'm an non-believer, also known as an Atheist"

Marital Status:
"I'm currently single"

"I'm born in Tokyo, Japan"

Current Location:
"I'm currently in Karakura, Japan"

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

"I have worked at the Tokyo Police Department for 5 years, and in a restaurant for 2 years, and have worked at Karakura High for a year adding up to 8 years in total"

Academic Degree:
"I have a bachelors degree"

Year of Graduation:
"I graduated college in 2014"

"I have a major in teaching, aswell as learning languages and sports"

"I have a minor in science and religious subjects"

Native Languages:

Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
"No, i don't"


Additional notes about your application:

Once again, Playtime is bugged with colourcodes. If you need it, request a full shot in my DMs.
Do you have any questions?:
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