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Accepted Slavya | School Council Application

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Level 110

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: Slavya
How old are you?: 13
What Country are you from?: United States (Central Time)
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?): Yes, EROVE#0053

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:

Nepali Language Application -
Italian Language Application -

Both of these applications are on two separate Minecraft accounts, and Slavya is my third account. There are two accepted weapon applications in a private message, and an additional, older club application that was accepted. The club was never created, however, due to people joining the college in-game.

All listed above are applications linked to this forum account, as I do not have any other forum account.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: Mostly, I am on midday (12PM - 9PM) to midnight (11PM - 4AM), and will remain active on the server for several hours a day. There may be some days though where I won’t be on until later hours, but I normally come online every day.

Forumwise, I do not post often unless they are reports or applications. It will not be a problem for me to become more active if necessary, but I normally check the forums at least once everyday.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I have acknowledged such.


What is the Student Council?: The Student Council is a functioning group of students that plan school events, to debate over what will improve the school, and to be an example for the other individuals.

What happens in the School Council?: The School Council meets somewhere and discusses improvements and changes they wish to have in the school, along with planning events for the school. They’re a group of hardworking students that are there for the better of the students, and specifically, Karakura.

Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?: I prefer to work in a group rather than alone. Although it may be easier to focus when alone, being in a group can have its advantages. For example, you’re allowed to hear the opinions and suggestions a peer may have. The reason why I personally prefer this is because I work better with preparing and assigning roles for certain jobs.

Do you have any experience Roleplaying?: I do have much experience in roleplay. Although my account has only spent less than 10 hours online, my main account Erove is in a College-Dropout rank. My other alternate account, aplastic, is currently Grade-12. I have read all of /rules and have only gotten a few warnings for OOC reasons (PG in OOC).

I have been playing on SchoolRP almost daily for over a year, but was introduced to it over two years ago. Ever since, I haven’t had any real warning or punishment for failure to properly roleplay.

Roleplay Scenario

- You are on the Student Council and the chairman submits an awful idea.
What do you do?:
Just like any group activity with peer evaluation, I would respectfully and politely state what I believe is wrong with the idea and what could be done to improve it. Additionally, I could provide my own ideas for the chairman to review.

You submit an idea - everyone hates it.
- How do you deal with the situation?:
Of course, I would be disappointed from the reaction, but would be willing to make improvements and ask what was bad about the idea. I would make changes to the idea to form it into a more beneficial one, if any of the other councilors wish to offer their ideas.

There is a split decision on an idea. The Councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on the debate turns into an argument!
- How do you handle the situation?:
I would attempt to step between the arguers, calmly asking everyone to simmer down. After this, I would suggest a compromise to the situation that has both ideas and is still helpful to the school.

In-Character Information

Character's name: Slavyana A. Dvoikina
Character's gender: Female
Character's age: 14
What Student Council Position are you applying for?: A regular Councillor.
Why do you want this position?: I would like this position to help out the future of Karakura High School and the students that are in it. Although I am young, I still have ideas that could become real for our school. The students come to the school to learn, and I want to be involved in making it better for them.


I want this position for new roleplay experiences and the more personal experience of being a councillor in itself. Since most of the “GangRP” is slowly fading from the server, I believe there should be different, more realistic types of roleplay on the server now.


Any additional information you would like to add to your application?: I can not guarantee that the times listed for my activity will always be consistent, but I normally go on at least once a day.
Do you have any questions?: If there is any age minimum for the School Council, will I be able to re-apply when my character is older?


Level 32
@pinkings you have been accepted!
- Outstanding answers to questions
- Good activity
- Good grammar and spellings.

- Try and pick up your activity on the forums.

You will get your tag and perms in up to 2 weeks. So try and be online as much as possible, this will allow Ducks to give you them asap.
For your question, there is no minimum age. As long as you're not a college student, you're fine. But I personally think it would be best being a 12th-grader. But this does not really matter, it's more on the understanding of RP and how the school council works.
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