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'SOFT EPILOGUE' | Prolonging's Doctor Application


Level 3
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IGN (In-Game Name):

lowprofit (applying with)
note: /seen is broken, it says I haven't not been on for 243 days, it won't portray my activity properly.

What is your discord username?

My Discord username is prolongin

Describe your current activity on the server:

My current activity on schoolRP on a scale of 1-10 would be 8 pushing towards 9, I rate it this as I am able to get on everyday due to my motivation and passion for a minimum of 10+ hours a day upwards. If anything happens to come up, I will inform a higher-up. However some days this might not be doable as I tend to spend time with my family, friends and have things going on outside of playing on the server. If I am accepted into the faction - I will dedicate my time, effort and knowledge to the role which I am applying for.

What is your timezone?:

My timezone is GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), it is not subject to change.

List your current and past applications:

Prolonging's Counselor Application [ACCEPTED].
Prolonging's Counselor Application #2 [ACCEPTED].

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

I have not been banned or warned in my years of playing SchoolRP.

List your current roles on the server:

My roles on the server are currently as followed

[Counselor]: Nyoko Corella
[College ; B]: Chiyo Sato
[Adult]: N/A

[Grade12]: Keiji Corella

What experience do you have with roleplay?:

As of now, I have been playing SRP for 4 years, pushing 5. I have recent experience within schoolRP and the community in multiple factions. Some examples of this are the crime faction, the gang faction and as of recently, the school employee faction. I joined the server back in late 2020, early 2021, I can admit my roleplay and actioning was not the best back then but I have gained a better experience and knowledge on the server as I was in Toman when it was a thing. I took a 2 year break, and within this time I focused on my studies and myself. I recently got back into schoolRP as of mid 2023 and in that time, I was a member of Bonten before it disbanded and as of recently, have been focused on detailing my acts in general. Having experience in the delinquent side of roleplay (P2L), which makes me fairly knowledgeable and up to date when it comes to detailing painRP or my acts in general. As I said before, recently I have been a part of the school employee faction, as a Head of Department, which gives me some knowledge and experience in what to do already.

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying would be the IC and OOC interactions I have had with players who are in the faction currently or have previously been in the faction; whether as a doctor or psychiatrist. I’d like to say the few interactions I’ve had ICly with them as players made my motivation skyrocket and as for OOC? It’s always been something I’ve planned to do as a member of the community. The amount of detail and patience given to actions and the faction is definitely something that interests me, I was always too worried about applying but writing this application is me coming out of my comfort zone and trying. Regardless on if it was the timing, patience or writing this application out, being apart of the EMS faction is something I’ve wanted in the years I've been playing on the server! In addition to the previous reasons listed, another reason I have motivation to apply is that I’m currently studying in the medical curriculum. In my first year of playing the server, the involvement in the hospital faction as any of the roles is what encouraged me into applying, I feel like my capabilities and talents would be useful in the faction. When applying for the faction, you need to have knowledge on what to do as well as putting effort and detail into your actions, you get to experience new things while also teaching yourself things. The main focus of being a hospital worker is to put people's needs before yours, to be patient and understanding. Adding into this, you set goals for yourself. I would like to widen my experience and knowledge by trying something new, in doing P2L and detailing actions, I’d like to say it helps me grow in a roleplay experience though, also in general. Most of the community depict being a hospital worker as unappealing, however in my eyes being a hospital worker is something that people should look up to as it's one of the main factions on the server as well as the police faction and other factions that work alongside each other.

Which role are you applying for?:

The role in which I am choosing to apply for is the role of Doctor.

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?:
The knowledge in which I have of Hospital Work are as stated below.

SurgerySpecializing in surgery, your main focuses and roles will be that you work alongside anaesthetist doctors and radiologists. The role of being a surgeon means you work in the field which is extremely straining on your life yet it's something you enjoy, you perform life-changing and life-saving surgeries. As a surgeon, your main focus should be treating injuries or diseases by operating on the body to repair, remove or replace the damaged body part. To add onto this explanation focusing on the role of a doctor specializing in surgery, you will also have a number of duties and responsibilities. The required skills for this role are that you must have precise hand/eye coordination, have good vision, emotional resilience, physical stamina and excellent communication skills.
PsychiatryIn the field of psychiatry, you must acknowledge that your role can range from helping with mental health situations ranging from anxiety all the way to schizophrenia or even worse. The main focuses of a psychiatrist are to diagnose, treat and prevent a patient's mental, emotional or behavioral state from having a bad impact on themselves or others around them. You must feel comfortable working in different settings as it all comes down to what makes the patient feel most comfortable in the end. While maintaining a career in psychiatry, you'll find yourself in a number of scenarios such as patients with mood disorders (depression, anxiety), psychosis (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or even bipolar with the symptoms of schizophrenia), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), alcohol abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder (otherwise known as PTSD).
MedicineFocusing in the field of medicine, you have to ensure that you have an open mind as patients often have more than one medical problem that they need your assistance with. Some requirements of being a doctor in this field are communication skills, the ability to teamwork and be a team leader at times.
AnaesthesiaWhen specializing in anaesthesia, you will focus on giving anaesthesia in situations such as pregnancy, resuscitating unwell patients, chronic pain, radiology (CT/MRI SCANS) or even in critical care scenarios. As an anaesthetist, you have four things that you should be taking into consideration, these are: preparing the patients wellbeing to ensure you administer the right amount of anaesthesia, inducting meaning you initiate the anaesthesia (administer to the patient), maintain meaning monitoring your patients condition, ensuring that they do not enter a unconscious state of mind, checking their blood levels, oxygen levels, breathing and body temperature. Lastly, the fourth thing that should be taken into consideration is the patient's recovery, in which you must support the recovery of the patient while also maintaining 'tabs' on their recovery process.
GeneralWorking in the general practice field, you will focus on treating the common illnesses and medical conditions. Your role is an important factor in the medical scene, you work in a wider team - with other roles. Your role means you care for patients with chronic illnesses and long term medical conditions that can affect their day to day lives. Some things that you will experience as a general doctor otherwise known as a general practitioner is handing out and ordering prescriptions to and for patients, treating patients that come to you with illnesses as well as diagnosing their illnesses or any concerns that they may have. Some must have skills as a doctor focusing on the general practice field. You must be an excellent communicator, have an interest in working with people, a strong minded work ethic and organization skills/time management skills.



Doctors play a huge role on the server and in general, this is due to them putting the care and safety of patients first. Doctors play a role in being there for a patient with any concerns that they may have regarding medications, how they feel, ensuring that a patient gets the treatment or solution which best suits them. Doctors tend to play a role in many things that range from booking appointments, giving prescriptions to patients, recurring check-ups on patients if needed to. To add on, doctors can also focus on the more tasking side of things such as surgeries, repairing body parts such as broken bones, an example of this would be if a patient came in with a broken arm. As a doctor you also have to tend to patients' medical records, wellbeing (if needed or requested to do so), ordering medications etc. Lastly, a doctor can ensure that a patient is positive in a mental and physical aspect, checking in on their diets, hygiene and if they are physically fit by doing blood tests. If a doctor is finding their role unappealing to them, they can qualify to go into another field of work, obviously in the medical aspect.


In most case scenarios, as a paramedic you will be the first to arrive on the scene. Your role requires you to work in a range of emergency and non-emergency scenarios, it requires you to use your knowledge, judgment and skills to assess a situation and a patient's condition. In short, making life-changing and life-saving decisions. To add on, as a paramedic, your role requires you to transport a patient to the hospital while ensuring that you keep 'tabs' on a patients well being; mentally and physically. Paramedics tend to work alongside the other roles in the medical scene such as doctors, veterinarians, psychiatrists etc. The reason in which we need paramedics is that they can provide the correct/appropriate attention to patients and can administer the required medical care and treatment in scenarios before a patient reaches or is attended to at a hospital. Paramedics are required to have knowledge in dealing with critically injured patients or injured patients using the equipment in which they have on hand at the time while having a range of medications on hand before they get to the hospital with said patient for their ongoing treatment at a hospital facility.


A veterinarian is a medical worker, the main focus of a veterinarian is to manage a wide range of medical conditions and injuries they may encounter in non-humans, otherwise known as animals. In most cases, to become a veterinarian, you must obtain an academic/educational degree for this field of work if you desire to work in the field. To work in this field, you have to be well educated in scenarios where your assistance would be needed. Veterinarians are needed as they protect people from diseases, they also treat diseases that can affect both animals and humans. Some examples of these diseases are rabies and flu. Veterinarians play a vital role in promoting animal welfare and educating the general community on how to treat animals correctly. In the role of a veterinarian, you are monitoring animals in their care and that they are caring for.

Playing the role of a surgeon means you prioritize working in the field of performing life-changing surgeries on others. As surgeons tend to work in different departments of surgeries, while working as one you may find yourself most commonly focusing on diseases and injuries. While in the role of a surgeon, you're trained to care for patients in all the ways necessary; to become a surgeon you must first obtain your doctorate degree before wishing to take it a step further into your career.


A psychiatrist is someone who is specifically trained in the branch of medicine which focuses on the mental, physical and emotional behavior of a person, you are able to assess both the mental and physical aspects of a person and their psychological conditions they are experiencing. In addition to this, you can also diagnose and treat the conditions. Psychiatrists treat complex mental health conditions, mostly ones that require medication or medical treatments. As a psychiatrist, you can perform a number of different psychological tests to evaluate a patient, allowing you to figure out an outcome or to diagnose a condition.

In addition to all of this, Doctors and Psychiatrists can both administer medicine. However, doctors can only prescribe certain medications and the same for someone in the psychiatrist role. Some medications that Doctors and Psychiatrists can administer to patients are stated in the table below.

AspirinAspirin can be administered by doctors. This medication is a commonly used medication for a patient that has undergone a serious injury, for example a broken bone or dislocated limb, aspirin may be used if the effects of paracetamol is not correctly working. When writing a prescription for aspirin, be sure to write the dosage. Adding onto the information provided, aspirin also plays a factor in treating fevers, swelling and even physically injuries. Some common side effects of consuming aspirin may be that you feel nauseous, feel yourself having heartburn and stomach pain.
AmoxicillinAmoxicillin can be administered by doctors. This medication is a substitute for penicillin, it is capable of treating infections that are under as bacterial, an example of this would be a chest infection. Note that amoxicillin can also be used together with other antibiotics to treat diseases and that it is often the go to medication when treating diseases a patient may have. Some common side effects of consuming Amoxicillin would be that you experience vomiting, nausea, allergic reactions or even liver problems - if experiencing allergic reactions, liver problems or worse, speak to a medical professional immediately.
CarbamazepinCarbamazepine is a medication which can be administered by both doctors and psychiatrists. It is commonly used to treat seizures/epilepsy by reducing the activity of the brain. However, it can also be used to treat symptoms of bipolar disorder, in this case, it would be considered a mood stabilizer. The common side effects of consuming carbamazepine is that you may feel fatigued, dizzy, experience nausea, headaches. Other side effects where you should speak to a medical professional immediately are as listed, blood disorders, liver problems etc.
AripiprazoleAripiprazole is a medication which can be administered by psychiatrists. This medication is used to treat and manage mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar. Aripiprazole reduces dopamine in areas of the brain where it is high and also increases the levels where dopamine may not be reaching, helping with symptoms such as psychosis, mania and irritable behavior. Some commonly experienced side effects when aripiprazole is consumed is that you may gain or lose weight, extreme fatigue, a fast heart rate and trouble sleeping. Other side effects which are considered severe are as listed, allergic reactions, swelling, seizures and a fever. If experiencing any of these, speak to a medical professional immediately.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?

I completely acknowledge and understand that I am subject to being demoted at any given time if it occurs that I am accepted into the faction, yes.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

I acknowledge and agree that by applying for this role, I am agreeing to being 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

I completely acknowledge and understand that if a training is held whilst I am online, I am expected to attend otherwise a punishment will be in place.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

I wholly acknowledge and agree that I am not to take things OOCly when dealing with training and situations, all of it must stay IC and the same goes for OOC.


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Character’s Full Name:

"Let’s start the interview, please state your full legal name - this includes your forename and your surname, sir.”

Taking a seat, readjusting himself to get comfortable before speaking, the brunette cleared his throat.
"My full name? Keiji, Keiji Corella. And yourself?"

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

"Thank you, Sir. Now, what is your preferred gender and pronouns?"

"I was born as a male, my pronouns are he/him. Thank you for taking the time to ask." A smile could be seen on Corella’s face as he placed his hands on his lap.

Character’s Age (if accepted):

"And if you don't mind me asking how old are you, Mr. Corella?"

"Twenty-nine years old,” His tone laced with confidence. After all, it was simply a basic question, a fact even. “I was born on the 15th of September, 1995."

Character’s Academic Background

"What educational degrees have you managed to obtain or are in possession of?"

"At the time of this interview, I have obtained four academic certificates.” Taking them out of his folder, sliding them over the table before repositioning himself in the chair. “A masters degree in medicine, a major degree in biochemistry and lastly, two minor degrees - one specifically in the field of human psychology, the other? The other degree is focused on sociology. Are there any other requirements needed?" Placing the folder neatly onto the table, the brunette extended his left arm slightly; enough to fix the hem of his suit.

Character’s Nationality:

"What would you mark your nationality as?"

"My nationality? I was born here, in Japan - makes my nationality Japanese.” Waiting patiently for the next question, “Are you from Japan too?"

Character’s Marital Status:

"Next question, would you say your civil status is as of recent?"

"My marital status as of now is. . complicated to say the least.” He definitely wasn’t the type to be so open about his personal relations - a slight blush could be seen on his face, hoping to leave the question alone. “Let’s say single for now?"

Character’s Religious Denomination:

"Corella, what would you say your religious faith falls under?"

"My religious denomination would fall under atheism, I believe.” A pause could be heard, his lips parting to continue. “However, I do attend church sometimes."

Character’s Spoken Languages:

"Last but not least, languages. Have you gained or taught yourself any languages in your lifetime?"

His tone filled with something, perhaps he was proud?
“Well, I can speak Japanese, after all, it is my native language. I can also speak Italian fluently, that comes in handy a lot of the time."

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Corella. This concludes the interview."

Backstory (100+ Words):

Keiji Corella was born on September 15, 1995, in the bustling city of Osaka, Japan. Raised by parents who valued discipline, tradition, and respect, Keiji's parents, Takashi and Aiko Corella, were strict yet loving, installing in him a deep respect for tradition, value, and importance of education. His father ensured that Keiji learned the art of Kendo while his mother was making sure that he participated in the tea ceremony, which truly helped Keiji embrace the essence of Japanese culture. Those lessons helped Keiji to shape his own sense of honor and duty. In his adolescent years, his father, an engineer, was offered an opportunity to work abroad in Italy. A contract with a major European automobile manufacturer was a great career choice for Takashi. Even though Corella's family valued stability in their lives, the offer was too great to be passed upon. And after deliberation, the Corella family made the decision to move to Milan.

When Keiji was 12, the transition was rather difficult for him. The new language and foreign cultures were overwhelming for such a young mind, yet he was determined to adapt, encouraged by values installed within him by his parents. During his years in Italy, Keiji became fascinated with the idea of new traditions from different parts of the world. Despite some difficulties, mixing Japanese culture with Italian one, he finally got a chance to embrace it's warmth fully. He was able to learn Italian fluently, made friends, and even developed a taste for Italian food. He was often found to help his mother cook traditional Japanese foods with an Italian twist. By the time Keiji was sixteen, Takashi's contract ended, and the Corella family returned to Japan, to their roots. This time, however, they settled in Karakura, a smaller city compared to Osaka, which felt like those two places were put worlds away. Karakura was a quiet place, which helped Keiji reconnect with his Japanese identity, rediscovering the thrill of Japanese culture and language. In Karakura, Keiji attended a local high school where he excelled academically, particularly in biology.

His mother's scientist past was always making Keiji curious about how things worked. But it was a mere moment that directed Keiji towards the medicine. A close friend of his suffered a severe injury in a car accident, and just then Keiji was able to witness the dedication of the doctors and how human life is fragile. It was then that he realized he wanted to contribute to society and dedicated his life to helping others through medicine.

After graduation and hearing all of the praise towards medicine from his family, Keiji set his sights on his Doctorate degree, aiming to become a certified medical professional. To add to his inspiration, Keiji often spoke to employees in the hospital about their job requirements, as well as their mindset and personal tips and tricks in the field. Soon enough after years and years of blood, sweat, and tears put into endless studying and academic success, with a double-major in Biochemistry and Medicine, as well as a double-minor in Human Psychology and Sociology, Keiji came out of his secondary education with his PhD in Medical Science.




What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen).

Since his childhood, Keiji always looked up to the public services, specifically the hospital side of it. Hearing all the different things about the workers at the hospital in Karakura, Keiji studied to obtain the opportunity of working alongside them. He definitely has an uncommon personality, he had always had a passion for the medicine side of hospital work. Knowing that he couldn't obtain the job without gaining experience beforehand, Keiji did his best to inquire through the actual staff.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?

As of now, Keiji has only just obtained his academic certificates for medicine causing him to not have any previous experience in a medical field/aspect. Despite this, he still studies the books from medical school to keep his knowledge up to date.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

As of now, Corella does not have any work experience in a medical position. He feels more comfortable gaining hands-on experience, rather than reading through textbooks which he still does.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?

Keiji has not completed any additional schooling other than the ones which are required to become a doctor or a hospital worker.





Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?
Keiji Corella stood at a towering 6'1, his deep blue eyes complimenting his olive-toned skin while his arms were adorned with tattoos which told a story of their own; his story. His unkempt hair had a tendency of its own, the tendency in question? To cover his right eye. As for style? Well, he liked to dress in formal clothing, you wouldn't catch him wearing a hoodie unless he felt a little under the weather! You wouldn't only find in suits, no! You'd sometimes find him wearing corsets, Keiji had a style of his own which he wore with pride. His personality definitely stood out, given he has a personality which could be depicted as sarcastic, energetic even. If you're lucky enough to get close to him, you'll notice he has a scar vertically under his right eye, while the left? It seemed like a knife gash of some sorts. . ?

Corella definitely wore his accessories with a sense of power, pride as he'd never be seen not wearing them; a necklace which was secured around his neck, attached to it was a dog tag. If you ever see the male in public, he'd be sure to strike a conversation and to keep it as best he could. . and if he couldn't? He'd offer to take you somewhere as an apology. He is a Corella, but that didn't mean much to him, after all it's just a last name!

How does your character act on and off duty?

On duty, Keiji would act professionally yet calmly with co-workers, ensuring that he does his best to lift the mood. Undoubtedly, Keiji has a difficult time socializing, his personality shying away from work; he preferred to keep it separate. Despite the slight hint of sarcasm he had, Keiji always made sure co-workers were doing the best they could, physically or mentally! Off duty, Keiji would drop the demeanor of being professional slightly, he was the type of figure to go out of his way for anyone he knew or the general community. His tone is usually sarcastic towards people however, he would let it be known that he meant no harm. Regardless of if the brunette was on duty or off duty, he’d remain professional while also acting as himself.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?

Keiji’s characteristics are better acknowledged when working in a team. However, everyone requires a little time to themselves to work better, right? Whether Corella is told to work alone or as a team, he does so depending on the situation at hand or what is requested. This is due to his upbringing and understanding of what most people work better in, a group or alone.

What plans does your character have for the future?

My character has always aimed to become a hospital worker, it's been his dream since childhood. His plans for the future? He wishes to settle down in this profession, each day brings a new challenge and that's what he loves about hospital workers, they get to witness a new task at hand everyday, which hopefully motivates them to stay in that profession while being able to push themselves further. In a way, out of the box.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themselves?

In a professional setting, approaching work with a constant outgoing and enthusiastic attitude, Keiji is able to put aside his personality and focus on the current task which is at hand. Regardless of how he is perceived, Corella remains to keep a positive environment and attitude towards work, aiming to keep an approachable, friendly feeling about himself. This contrasts with how others see him as his personality is what makes him unique;, reserved and an outgoing figure that people look for. While people misunderstand Keiji, those who take the time to figure him out understand why Keiji is the way he is, his personality and what shaped him to be the man he is today. Before interacting in social scenarios or on a first encounter, Keiji’s first tendency is to acknowledge the situation - not interject himself into it.



I would like to thank all of you or whoever reads my application, I know it's a pretty long one and thank you for the consideration <3.

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