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Denied SolicitedWolf127 | Kendo Club

IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):

RPName of Club Leader:
Solic Zafeiriou

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):

Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?
I believe that my strong leadership skills, passion for learning new things, and ability to motivate and inspire others make me a great candidate for the position of club leader. I have experience in coordinating events and managing teams in real life, which I believe will be beneficial in leading the kendo club. As a leader, I am dedicated, and always looking for new ways to improve and grow. I have some great ideas for the club, such as organizing workshops with guest instructors, hosting fun events for the club members and community, and creating opportunities for members to connect and learn from each other as well as others to learn from us! I believe my ideas, skills, and experiences are what makes me a strong candidate for club leader, and I am truly excited about this opportunity to contribute as a leadership position for the club!


What is the official title of the Club:

Kendo Club

Your current members RPName & IGN:
Kenia Nowakowski | aurelki
Yuno L. Kawayama | Profikiler10
Odessa C. Onodera | CherryRP
Sid Hwang Omori | yewovv
Rose Wynn-Feik | Rose_Pog

The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:
Sakura Kobayashi Y. | Lemxnades

What is your motivation for creating this club:
My motivation for creating the Kendo Club is to share my passion for Japanese style martial arts. Also, my desire to promote discipline and camaraderie. Kendo is a great sport and I’d love to share it with the community on the server! It would give Students/members a sense of belonging. I would like to host fun and enjoyable activities for the whole SRP server! I have noticed there is also not really any Japanese martial art type things in the server, and to be fair Karakura is part of Japan, so why not have Japanese martial arts somewhere. I also would love to give students the opportunity to join a club and improve skills for things such as combat roleplay since it involves being detailed. I have always had an interest in Kendo and would love to teach it and share information about it. Since my time on SRP I realized that not many people have the most experience with detail roleplay and this club could help improve those skills and the members can have someone who will teach them it, so they don't have to learn by themselves like I had to. Kendo is an amazing sport that I could see a lot of potential in making a club for it and that it would also be both engaging and enjoyable for anyone!

What activities and events will your club do?
School Wide Events:

I am planning on hosting a tournament event among the club members on the school stage that will be open school wide for viewing. For our second school wide event, we would host lessons on the basics of Kendo origin, the basic Kendo etiquette, as well as things such as stances, the scoring system, and not only make the student body aware of the existence of Kendo but also try to peak their interest in said sport and attempt to gain members.

Club Only Event:
We will, a few weeks ahead of time, talk to the shrine keepers and ask them, and school faculty, for permission to have a field trip to the shrine with our club to learn more about the history and cultural significance of Kendo. As the day arrives, we would ask our club members to all meet inside the club. After everyone has arrived, we would announce the news of us going on a field trip, then pack our kendo equipment and head to the shrine’s dojo. We would then sit down to listen to the shrine keepers explain the long-lasting history of Kendo, its cultural significance, and its significance to present times. We would then prepare ourselves to have tournament style matches against the shrine keepers, and maidens, with an undecided reward.

How could your club benefit the School?:
I believe my club could benefit the school via several matters. My club would help to preserve and promote Japanese cultural heritage as well as teach the students about it. My club would also build a sense of community. Kendo is also commonly seen as a way to build camaraderie and teamwork among students! With our Kendo club it could get word out and spread the amazing knowledge of Kendo through not only the students but also Karakura’s whole community! The Kendo club would provide the students and faculty with something fun and exciting to watch as well as expanding the interests of the students! It also gives students more options of clubs. Having this club also would allow our members to talk with the student body and connect with them, as well as spreading the teachings of Kendo!

How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?
We would design the club room to be a dojo. We would use the club room to hold lessons, training, meeting, and discussing things such as our events and Kendo itself, like its history, cultural significance and so on!

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:

Members must be active
Participation is a key requirement because Kendo is a team thing and often practices will involve partners.
When accepted into the club, wearing the club attire will be required during club events and trainings.
Must be grade 12 and up
Must participate and show up to meets, unless given a valid reason of not being able to go


Level 144
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following:

- Your application is on the shorter side of applications and the events need building upon.

- The shrine hosts kendo sessions already and splitting the subject into two different places might harm the engagement of your club.

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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