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Sophia Marino's Biography


Level 143
Government Lead
{Sophia Marino}
Basic Information
First name: Sophia
Last name: Marino

No preferred name

Aliases: None

Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 4'8/ 96lbs
Build: Small frame, Athletic
Skin color: Tan
Eye Color: Bluish Purple
Hair Style: Straight
Hair Color: Blond
Fashion: Uniforms
Abnormalities: Claustrophobic
Date of birth: 2-13-2000
Place of birth: Italy
Nationality: Italian
Race: White
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religious beliefs: Christianity
Political beliefs: None


Appearence: Earrings, mothers necklace, High socks, flats, long blond hair, glasses
Personality: Reserved, kind to those who are kind to her, timid at times, psychotic side
Diseases/Illnesses: None really..
Character Voice: (couldn't find a good voice)
Equipment: Japanese translator Journal, School bag, umbrella, surfboard, mothers necklace
Clothes: Mainly wears uniforms (Plaid skirt, black top, long socks with black flat shoes)
Hobbies: Reading, sports

Serious Problems: Claustrophobic. Tends to pass out when in REALLY tight spaces.
Skills: Fighter, cooking, drawing, lying
Quirks: Fiddles with her necklace, opens her bag a lot, constantly looks into a book.
Family: Mother and father divorced. No known siblings, step-mother is cruel. Biological mother is missing
Backstory: Sophia was born on February 13th, 2000 in Italy. When Sophia's parents got divorced, her new step-mother was cruel to her. She would tend to lock her in dark closets and beat her senseless when Sophia didn't please her enough(why she is claustrophobic). Sophia's father has no known knowledge of Sophia's beatings and thinks of his new wife as an angel. Sophia then got fed up with her and decided to move away from Italy and start somewhere fresh. She came to Japan seeking a new start to a new life. Hoping she would never go down the same route she did in her past. Sophia doesn't quite know the Japanese language yet so she is currently working on it. She focuses on her school work and says she doesn't have time for friends or relationships.

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