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Accepted Soudachan || Caretaker Application

sir meow

Level 42

What is your Minecraft username?:
Soudachan [Applying]
memerchan [Alt]
Z0mbI3chan [Alt]

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
I do, my current username is .sircat (With the dot)

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I would say I’m a very active player on SRP due to my huge free time that I have on my hands which allows me to be on almost at all times of the days, the only times when i'm not online is either when I’m watching after my twin sisters or out to hang out with my family which doesn’t happen too often. I’m unable to form a schedule of when I’m online but as of now I’m online at 10am-11pm.
On a scale I'd put myself at a 9/10 for activity.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Yes, once for ERP which was 2 years back when I was first playing the server and not having a total idea of what exactly the rules are. I’ve learned tremendously from this and do my best to be better.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I take full note of this and understand.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The roles of Caretaker are quite important for the school as they work hard to keep everything clean and keep stories true with the help of CCTV footage. Just like all of the other school employees they are some of the second hardest employees in the school other than SLT and of course the beloved teachers. They are ready for anything when it comes to messes needing to be cleaned or or aid others while a messy situation is happening between students.
Another special perk the Caretakers possess is the ability to access the CCTV footage in the school building, making them a valuable resource to check if a student is telling the truth about a fight or anything along those lines. Along with the CCTV perks, they are able to report situations to SLT if anything goes to a point beyond their control. Caretakers, along with each and every School Staff are allowed to watch over detention at the end of the day and even hand out detentions if need be.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I’ve been roleplaying since I was young, I’ll be the one to say it I was a bit addicted to it after coming home from a boring day and just getting to relax and play as a different person for a bit, but usually I just ended up roleplaying on roblox servers which of course didn’t let me feel all the emerged with the experience. It led me to even trying to do my own, with the help of my phone and LPS toys, to create a small world for myself to let everything play out how I wanted it.
After I found out that this wasn’t all too fun I started messing around with MC until I found out about SRP. So far I have spent 2 years playing on this server and it has grown my skills of writing out more and more and with the different roles, I have created a few characters over time with drastic differences and it has made it easier for me to adapt to my environment to different situations and such. Sometimes I practice roleplaying different situations on Google Docs to help me visualize things better and also to try and gain some more skills with my grammar and overall experience.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Last year I was accepted into the faculty faction as a Professor! I managed to gain the title as AP until I sadly had to quit due to lack of class ideas, motivation, and of course empty classes which I never wanted to do fun classes with barely anyone to participate which led me to ultimately quitting. Ever since I’ve left I have been thinking more and more about returning as all of my friends have shown a lean to the school side of all the factions presented to all, but I knew I couldn't keep up with classes so I began to look towards the more simple side, that being school employee would be way easier on my mental health since I didn’t have to worry about classes, times and such. Even if some situations can get stressful I still really miss being able to participate in the school side of the server which of course was the one to help it be functional and run better

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Soudachan - [Cat] | [Grade-10]
memerchan - [HS-Swim] | [College][M]
Z0mbi3Chan - [Doctor] | [Adult]

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During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Let’s run it back a few seconds.

As the first insult was thrown towards Cornflake, he’d flash the verbal warning to watch his language, keeping note of how many times he’d have to repeat that. “Language, please!” The kids still not fully understanding the warnings said another, resulting in a prick at Cornflake's patience, but these kids couldn't break down his walls of professionalism! That's for his off duty hours. Another warning was sent out, this time more harsher to put more weight on the words were added to let the children understand what exactly they were doing. “Hey, I said language right? Please watch what you're saying.”

Cornflake tried to push past the kids who seemed to have no better things than to play around with the Caretaker who just wanted to finish his job up, resulting in a third warning. “This is going to be the last time I’m saying this,” Felvin took out an empty detention slip as he showed it to all the watching eyes. “One more insult towards me and your name will be on this slip, I really don’t wish to have this taint your record.” He turned his back to them as he continued to clean the school's tables, shaking his head as a sigh left his lips. Thankfully, the children understood how severe their words could go; causing them to flee and let Cornflake peacefully work.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Felvin Cornflake quickly rushed over to where the fight had been reported, eyes widening at the physical encounter that was going on between the students. “Hey!” He yelled out to try and get their attention, clapping his hands as he made his way over, placing his arms in front of the two to try and separate them. “Knock it off both of you, unless you want to gain further punishment other than detention.” He scowled towards the kids as he quickly grabbed his radio, pressing down on the PTT button as whispered, ‘Got a fight happening on the third floor, left hallway near the club rooms..’

Cornflake hooked his radio to his hip before looking between the students who had calmed down now thankfully, sighing as he shook his head. “Alright keep some distance between you two.” Felvin kept his body in between the children to keep them from going back to fighting as he brought out his book of paper detention slips, writing their names down before handing them both a slip for ‘Fighting On School Grounds’. He saw the other employee’s coming over to check out the situation, raising his hand to signal that it had been dealt with. “I expect you two to go on your way, I’ll be seeing you in detention.”

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Cornflake quickly rose from his seat as his eyes widened from watching his co-worker try and do something immensely stupid, shouting out; “Hey! What in the world are you doing man?” He said confusingly before walking over as he tried to see if this so called employee was drunk, high, anything to make him act out like this. Cornflake's nose scrunched up before a glimmer was shined into his eye, peeking up as he noticed the CCTV camera.

As he watched the red blink on the lens bloop on and off he was slightly pushed from his co-worker, putting his hands in the air. “Calm down, you're on duty.” His eyebrows furrowed as he watched this staff member walk away, sighing as his hands were placed upon his hips.. He headed over to the principal's office and grabbed a report forum, filling it out before sending it in. He made sure to take note of the footage that was recorded, and Felvin was going to be using it against his employee.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Felvin strolled into the break room, whistling as he promptly shut the door behind him, making his way over to the sink as he quickly cleaned his hands before taking his lunch out from the freezer and made his way over to one of the longer tables. Cornflake reached for his earbuds from his pocket, along with his phone as he propped it up against his lunch box, playing some videos to watch and truly relax as he leaned back in the chair, taking a bite out of his cold sandwich. Call him weird, but it was good!

While he was on his break, he left his radio on the table just in case, waving to the other faculty that had entered before focusing back on his show. Soon enough his entertainment switched to music before he took a piece of paper out from his pocket, looking over the school's layout as he kept track of the time. Sadly, lunch time was ending, and thus so was Felvin’s break time.

He finished his food and quickly set it away in the fridge before washing his hands once more, removing his earbuds as he neatly stuffed them into his pocket. Making his way out of the break room he was off, to do his job of course which was cleaning the lunch tables.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

whistled as he rolled his cleaning cart over to the cafeteria lunch tables, placing an earbud in as he turned his music on but kept it at a flow volume so the murmur over his radio was audible if focused on. Felvin clicked his tongue as his hands retracted to his hips, shaking his head disappointingly at the visible waste of food that littered the table, reaching over as he took each and tossed it into the garage; making sure to separate the foods and plastics.

Once he took a drying up orange, he frowned at the display before sadly tossing it with the other food waste, placing some gloves on his hands as he took a dry rag and began to clear the table of any crumbs. Once it was cleared, he then swiftly grabbed his spray bottle and spritzed the surface down, slapping the rag on top as he went in circular motions, moving down the table to get everything prepared for tomorrow's breakfast. As he reached the end, he took the rag and dragged it along the edges of the table, spraying the benches down as he cleaned them off.
After a few minutes of repeating motions, Cornflake shook his hands out and plopped his supplies back into their buckets, moving his cart along to the other tables; He wasn’t done just yet!
rolled his cleaning cart over urgently as he stared down at the vomit splattered across the floor, grimacing at the sight. This Caretaker knew what he must do; and thus slapping some plastic gloves on he took a rag and kneeled down, picking up most of what layed on the floor before dumping it into the trash can; there was no use trying to salvage that. . .Quickly he grabbed a spray bottle loaded with Enzyme, spraying the wood down as he made sure to cover the surface of where the throw up was, well, thrown up on before he dragged another, clean, rag across to safely disinfect the floor.

Cornflake then pulled some baking soda out and laid it across the floor to get rid of the stomach-retching smell, leaving it there for a few before cleaning it up. Felvin then grabbed a bucket and brought it over, pouring heavily scented soaps into the water before standing; bringing out the mop as he dipped it into the liquid and began mopping the area, sighing.. After what felt like years, the smell and stain finally had vanished, allowing Cornflake to pack his cleaning supplies away and stroll off to have a hard earned break.
shut the janitor's door as he reached for his keys and squinting before he held one out and quickly secured them closed before he brought out his radio, pressing down on the PTT button. “What’s the situation?” As his colleagues reported the situation to him, Felvin hummed to himself before his pacing grew some heft as he heard the words ‘Accusations’, eventually making his destination; the front desk. His arms crossed one over the other, peering at the two students with conflicting stories as his brow rose.
“Stop arguing, we’ll find out who is telling the truth- whoever is lying will have detention.”

A simple shake of the head before Cornflake was off to the boiler room, opening the door as he looked down to the CCTV cameras. A snap of the tongue confirmed the reality, and he grabbed his radio as he pressed down. “Go ahead and give — detention.”

View attachment 66636
Full Name (First & Last only):
“My name is Felvin Cornflake.”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“Mr, Please.”
Preferred Name:
“Felvin is fine, I’m not too picky.”

Age (Minimum is 25):
“I’m 30 years old.”
“Biologically Male.”

Academic Degree:
Masters Degree
Major in Culinary
“Food is my specialty.”
Minor in Ecogastronomy
“Always best to be safe, even with food.”

Known Languages:
“This one is a gifted.”

Welcome Home.
Felvin Cornflake, named awfully by a mother by the name Clarissa Cornflake who was far too gone with her Anesthesia and pain killers to even think coherently about her child's permanent name. As his mother would call, a happy accident was born on a Saturday, 1085 at 11:08pm.
It didn’t take his mother long to send him off to a public school, where sadly, just like in every show ever was bullied and picked around from his name. Eventually it all became too much for the now twelve year old, and Clarissa pulled Felvin out from the public Education to instead home school the boy, keeping finances high with the help of Clarissa’s new found husband; Dorian Cornflake.
As Felvin had finally graduated High School, he worked endlessly in college to get his degree in cooking; to fulfill his dreams.
Past Meets Present.
During a solid 3 years of studying and college work, Felvin had finally done it! He'd earned his master's degree in Culinary Arts as well as a minor in Ecogastronomy, perfectly specialized for what he would want to do now, and with the financial and physical help of his father and mother, he was able to gather money up to open up his own Bakery in a little area of his hometown. As his time of working at his own Bakery, run completely by himself he had cherished every second, working hard to create a peaceful atmosphere for the store, that is until around 8 months of owning his own store a problem arised.
While Felvin was busy cleaning another table off a group of what looked to be 3 young adults strolled into the Bakery. With their sluggish way of walking and talking, it was clear they weren’t going to be the typical cash in and go type of customers. They felt familiar, before one of them called out Felvin’s name.
Oh, oh no. These were kids from his school. Slight panic arose in Felvin as he tried to take their orders and get them out quickly, however things escalated a bit too far, resulting in the police being called and the group of 3 being forcefully taken out.
Burning Aspirations.
On a beautiful day, chirping birds, you could only think of the best, right? As Felvin made his way over to his business, he spotted a small group following shortly behind him, not thinking too much of it as he signed himself in. The day began to pass as a man in a hoodie strolled in, heading straight for the bathroom. The clock ticked as seconds turned to minutes, rather long minutes. "Jeez what did that guy eat-" Felvin couldn't even finish his thought before the man was rushing out, a scream from a customer as they pointed towards the bathroom door; smoke slipping out from beneath the crack.
Felvin quickly ran over as everyone evacuated, tugging on the doorknob as it had toppled over; knocking the man to the ground as the back burned with red and orange flames. The man couldn't even try to put it out as he was dragged out by a local citizen, coughing as smoke seeped into his lungs. As the Fire Department made its way over, Felvin Cornflake was only able to stand and watch in horror, as his time, money, and dreams had lightened up in flames - burning and melting away.
Once it all was watered down, Cornflake could only walk around to stare at the charred mess. Nothing was the same, nothing could be the same ever again.
New Era.
The man quickly packed whatever he had left at his parents house, he hadn't figured out where he was going just yet before his mom rushed in, offering the adult a plane ticket. Felvin said his goodbyes to his family, before moving his luggage into the airplane, settling himself into the ship. He knew nothing about where he was heading, only that his mother had bought the ticket as the 'cheapest thing' available. Cornflake looked out the window, staring at the clouds before he made his way to Karakura, a new place to have a true, fresh start.
Maybe this time it would be for the best to put the restaurant dreams aside, instead putting together his resume as he applied himself for the Karakura High School, taking the position underneath as a Caretaker. Why not take the knowledge he had gained when he was younger from babysitting angsty teens and finally put it to use? He just hoped these kids aren't corrupted with hatefulness.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
“Looking down at the role of a Caretaker brings me a sort of peaceful mindset. I understand how this may not always be sunshine and rainbows, but that's why I want to work here; I’m not aiming to spend all of my days resting back easily, that's just no way to live. It'd be an honor to look after the students all while making sure to keep up a somewhat friendly atmosphere for the school even if it can get a bit hectic at some times, that's truly all I want. Children need a good environment to grow and learn safely in. That’s all I can think of doing now. I don’t think I can imagine myself working any other job than this, it's what I wish to do now, and will do my best to perform at my highest; say goodbye to a dirty and unhappy school!”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“I used to own my own bakery, and being your own manager has led you to deal with a multitude of customers." As Felvin explained, his hands flew through the air to create a visual aid to his words. "Some angry, some blarin’ insults at you or even other citizens who just wish to relax and have a nice evening, or people who try to complain and say everything is wrong or horrible. I’ve even had to deal with babysitting back when I was a teenager! The parents always used to tip me either due to their child being a handful or just from good feedback from their children.”

“With this experience, I’ve grown a lot mentally to be able to be prepared for all kinds of situations, floods, a cat fight randomly spawned out in the halls, or even just someone who decided to puke all over the ground," Flevin snapped his fingers enthusiastically. "I’m your guy for it!" A smile shinned across his expressions before relaxing, "I’m a bit of a clean freak, so you can expect all tables to be squeaky clean once I’m done with them. I’ll be on duty almost 24/7, you don’t have to worry about me being busy with something else; I always make time for my work and put immense dedication to it and everything that comes along with it, whether that be the Pro’s or Con’s.”



Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?:
Nope! Thank you for reviewing my application.​
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Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the employee faction! After careful review, we've decided to place your application on pending as we're currently full on spots for the Caretaker role, and think you'd be a great candidate for the next wave once a spot opens up! If you wish to edit your application you may do so, or to retract your application please edit your post's title to reflect this.
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Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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