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Spiceccubus | Esperanto Language Application


Level 18
IGN: Coffeeccubus (Also owner of 5 other accounts: Teaccubus, Sodaccubus, Sugarccubus and Spiceccubus. I am applying on Spiceccubus)
Language your character knows: Esperanto
How does your character know this language?: The courses in Varduhi's school included an option to chose to learn a second language. Although German and Ukrainian was avaliable, there was this also third one, Esperanto. She was always interested in learning Esperanto, due to it being a proposed international language which is very simple to learn and pretty easy in comparison to many other languages, which requires more complexity. Plus, it could also add to the fact that maybe, just maybe, she could try at a hand to help expand the Esperanto community to other places. Although she does occasionally slip up, Varduhi understood Esperanto in about a year. She was pretty shocked to figure out how easy Esperanto truly was, and started to speak it with her friends, who also were fellow language enthusiasts, and even was apart of a small club in her school who spoke only Esperanto to help keep the language alive, with their teacher overseer there speaking it to them as well.


Level 104

Congratulations, your application has up-to-par with our standards, and has been accepted! You can request for your language to be added on the server through /help, or through direct messaging an Administrator+ on Discord. Good job!

P.S: If you have any questions/inquiries about this application, feel free to message me over Discord!; Knot#2096

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