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Pending Sporkmoment's BMD Application | "Imperfect Porcelain."


Level 21
I didn't mean to become a member of "The longest application ever" group, it just kind of happened. I considered chopping it down, though I believe it's best to stay how it is. I hope my answers can show you a hint of my determination. If this is a reason for denial, I understand and will shorten it next wave. During the writing of her backstory, I had to practice for the pep rally about 2 hours before the applications were checked, so it's more rushed towards the end than I'd like. Now without further adieu, the show must go on.
“Porcelain . .—”

QueensGambiit | ADULT | (APPLICANT)
(If able, I'd like the second slot of my /character on Sporkmoment to be replaced with the role on my potential acceptance)
TragicCarousel | DOCTOR
SporkKitty | GRADE-
Describe your activity on the server:
Hello, I'm 'Spork'! I've been playing on the server for three years now! Recently I've become a lot more involved with the community, and believe it's time for me to do the one thing I've always wanted. Let's start with my 'eras' per say.

The Akihito Clan, it's different divisions, and the War; the start of my journey.
I have Akihito to thank for keeping me on the server as a new player, and showing a part of 'CrimeRP' that I've come to cherish. One filled with lore, adapting to other's roleplay styles, and not being scared to reach out of my comfort zone. Though it did kill me doing recruitment tasks, I'm still not very good at those, no matter what it's for. I participated in the Kishi Versus Akihito War, and was apart of almost every single division the Clan had to offer. Each one gave me practice in different skillsets of roleplay and writing, that I always found myself in a pickle of what to stick with! Though, it didn't get too hard once the 'Bosozku' of Akihito was made. Every moment of it do I look back on and think about the memories and events we've done, creating so many friends I still enjoy the company of. Once leaving, it made me realize just how much I missed being apart of the crime community. Even as just one player in a sea of many, it was always something I cherished. Unfortunately most of my time spent in the crime faction had gone under a different name, 'bxw_queen'. I'm not proud of it, though at least there isn't bad blood associated with it.

Kuchisake and Rakkiyatsu; The attempt, and almost success.
I had been an active member of Akihito my entire time within the server at this point, finding myself missing the crime aspect of roleplay as forementioned. Afterall, anything I've read, watched, or played had always included a form of it. Either it be the batman comics, or even just an anime about an old Yakuza man becoming a house-husband; it all went down to what I found enjoyable. So, as an attempt of bringing my joy towards the server back? I worked with Luvochi, Aidanator14, and a few others to create a rivalry bosozoku gang with cult aspects to his 'Rakkiyatsu'. Unfortunately due to Rule 7.2, we had to shut it down almost as soon as it began. In the span of around three to four hours of applications, we gained over seventeen active, good members only to disband two weeks later.

So, I did the reasonable thing of simply joining Rakkiyatsu once Aidan scouted me to continue my love of street-racing and the delinquent side of Crime. I was a higher-up before it disbanded. Though even then, I always itched for more, delinquency wasn't always enough! It was fun for certain characters of course. Even then, Solo-CrimeRP was fun, just would've been better to share it with.

Factions, and growing as a writer.
As of writing this, I'm currently an active Doctor of the EMS faction! Though before this favorite of mine, I was once among the few female priests on SchoolRP! Shrine was a calming, learning experience that taught me a lot about myself, and being a writer. Even kept me researching Shintoism after I quit! Unfortunately due to the Shrine's overall in-activity, I departed from the faction I once knew as home nine months later. Though it wasn't all bad, as it gave me the encouragement needed to continue on and apply for EMS also months later!

Roleplay families, most notably The Heddo Family.
"Isn't it a little weird to bring a family up into an application they won't even be in?" Perhaps, though the family is a significant reason for why I'm still active on SchoolRP to this day. After I quit Shrine, I was considering leaving as a whole. Until being invited to the Heddo family—Creating who I see as my favorite, most fun character to write. While helping with their lore, interacting with and spooking them all out? The Heddo family and those in it mean so much to me, and have kept my love for the server stronger than ever. Since then, I've been invited to join two other families. Akihito, and Asogi. Both of these amazing families have encouraged me to continue my creative writing style, and incorporate unique traits into characters.

The College Cheer team and the ridiculous world of SchoolRP's sports teams.
I'm currently in the College Cheer team on my main account, of which can take up some of my availability if practice is taken place. We tend to practice once or twice a week. This team has been an absolute savior when it comes to socializing and keeping me out of my comfort zone. I've adored every moment of interacting with my team, and the others. Even though it's a far different experience than anything else I've been in, there is almost nothing more enjoyable.
Now, all of the shortened versions of my history aside; let's go into my availability.
12:00 PM - 9:00 PM
11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
10:00 AM - 12:00 AM
10:00 AM - 2:00 AM
'Monday' is my catch-up day, though if the situation calls upon it; 5:00-7:00 PM is available to me.
I'm far more free on Tuesday compared to the previous day, I'll either already be online or open to being on.
I'm completely free on Wednesdays, unless an event calls for it. Again, I'm probably online.
I'm once again, completely free unless an event or practice comes along. I'm probably online.
I'm also completely free unless an event or practice comes along. I'm probably online.
Guess what? Completely free unless an event or practice comes along. I'm absolutely online.

I'm sure you see quite the pattern here. I'm essentially free 24/7, and find myself on the server every day. If there is anything needed in a short second, I'm a good chance to call on. Even at the latest hours of the night, the 9-10 PM scale is just assuming I felt tired.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
My discord is
@KISMETSFATE , I do have a microphone and frequent VCs often!
Specify your country of origin and time zone:
I’m in the US, my current time-zone is EST.

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
Adoration and infatuation
I've never been so infatuated with a faction. Genuinely. They're the most unheard of characters, ones that go without the casual interaction most experience. The way the faction itself operates, without a 'proper' role and freedom of characters and their morals comes to a sense of creativity unseen in other factions. When you're KPD, yes there aren't exactly rules—though everyone serves the same purpose. EMS, you heal. Black Market? Well, everyone sells weapons. Everyone is a criminal. Though, the reasons they are, and how they came to be is such a unique standpoint that isn't comparable. Playing a hero, isn't always fun. I want nothing more than to help bring on new events, deepening and creating lore with those I never thought of, and seeing this dynamic of my character and the other Dealers; criminals alike.

A dream since I got into Crime on SchoolRP.
Though, along that comes with my simple want of becoming a 'B.M.D' for three years, essentially since I truly started really getting into the Crime aspect of roleplay back in early 2021. Yet something always held me back. As if I felt like I wasn't ready, my writing wasn't on par or I 'break character' too often. Now? I feel far more confident in myself and my writing, the entertainment I can help bring others during roleplay. I've met people who have improved my writing substantially, my confidence skyrocketing. Improvements still need to come in a few waves, though this is just another step of the way.

Crime, it's characters in Media and Psychology.
The Crime genre has always been the most watched, played and read in my little library of media, though specifically the kind with underground and stealth aspects, some super-villains and manipulator character types alike. It's an untold chance to peak inside of unique perspectives, the kind that makes me all the more passionate about this application or even the thought of joining. Something about exploring the thoughts and backstories of 'evil', upsetting characters. Ones with a past that few 'hero's' can relate to. Either it be the deranged, laughing mad-man of the Joker—To the alcoholic, uncaring ex-detective looking to finish his case in any means possible, envious of the underdog taking over his work. The easiest way to learn is to put your research into action, this faction is the best way to do so.
There is nothing more interesting than a villain, a criminal, someone so miserable that they've come to enjoy it. As stated in 'On The Brain', a Harvard psychological study of criminality;
These people don’t have the necessary filter to measure their impulses, ****yze situations, and count to ten, as our mothers used to tell us to do, so they commit criminal acts that have consequences, whether a criminal knows right from wrong at the time he or she commits a crime.” They are unlike anything else in this world, and to see them portrayed well? I want to be one of those people, the ones to bring to light how different ways can affect the human mind when we're young. It isn't pretty, yet it's the most beautiful thing to write.

Stealth? Stealth is my middle name! No, really it is.
Okay I'm a liar, it isn't my middle name. Though it's enticing. This high-risk high-reward scenario of keeping yourself anonymous and uncaught, with a large payoff that no other role in the server can match. There is this thrill that comes with it, this adrenaline rush that comes even in single player games. I've grown fond to the thought of it quickly and was one of my first considerations when staring at the first announcement of 'B.M.D' applications opening.

Money! Money! Money! Must be funny, in a rich man's world!
Though, really. We all can't deny the pay off of being a 'B.M.D' is fantastic. That's what leads most to considering it, and I agree. It was absolutely a factor. Though, even before I realized how much they've made did I want to join. Not that it was ever, 'oh, it's not about the money!' . . Let's be for real. It was a motivation, the easiest ways to make anyone do anything is with money. Though, you pair money with an enjoyable time? A chance to make memories, friends that you never thought you'd make, create a form of history (albeit, in a roleplay server)? It becomes more than that, it becomes valuable in the sense of the potential experiences and friends you'll have. With a sweet reward like money to add on, no doubt. Afterall as a tailor? It's the only thing that has stopped me from quitting making skins.

The faction's current members I'm on good, or even great terms with .
When I took a look at the roster, it's exactly who I expected. The people I've had few interactions with, but have been in calls or knew them previously. There is no better feeling than working on something like this faction, with people you like and want to keep talking to. It's not that I'm on 'bad terms' with others, I'd like to even say I've gained a nice reputation among the other players as I've dived myself into the community further. Though, the people in this roster? I trust to create a fun, enjoyable experience.

The opportunity of something greater.
I've always worked just in the middle when I was in Akihito, my own co-creation Kuchisake, and Rakkiyatsu out of the fear I'd ruin a good thing. Yet as the anxiety passed with time and I learned to trust myself more, slowly I came to realization that it wasn't about 'ruining' it. It was about the effort you put in, your passion. Fear only holds you back of your deepest creative roots, and I'm tired of ignoring mine. I wish to help make decisions, host events unlike others, give my ideas and have them considered while brainstorming another's. The B.M.D is a chance for my potential to showcase itself, to show my improvements as someone with the capabilities that I denied myself. For example, when The Akihito Clan and a few others were invited to essentially a dinner party hosted by the B.M.D of the time? That little event, showed me everything I wanted. Now, call it greedy, and you aren't exactly wrong. I want to be one of those people. Like so many players. We see those moments and think of it in awe, at least, I do. Though I've always complied with what was given to me, and never strived with anything further that I'm interested in. I don't want to do that anymore, just waiting won't get me the result.

To put it all simply,
“I wanna be in the room where it happens.” Aaron Burr - Hamilton; The Musical.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
My passion for unique character design and lore.
It's of no surprise that I enjoy making characters, and have even helped those who needed a story or initial ideas for their creation. Though what is surprising is how quickly I've been able to do it. I've had people send me a picture of their character asking for a unique idea, a new take. In under six to seven minutes I'll give them a simplified version of a backstory, traits that separate their character from others, and even links to the design such as a reasoning for a scar. This happens often, I've become someone to go to for helping a beautiful creation come to the server, and I am so grateful for people trusting this of me. My lore-heavy adoration of design is something I'm very proud of. I believe this can assist during times of events, where the event team needs character ideas that suit the plans and storyline, while making others feel intrigued in the persona they display. Himawari Heddo is a fantastic example in my opinion, and for those who have interacted with her? I believe they'd agree.

Determination, and passion towards achieving this role.
I've seen it, I've seen how many times people have tried to apply to 'B.M.D' and ended up denied, they might give up while some try again immediately. If I am denied, than that'll likely happen. Though, on the time of my potential acceptance? I'd be love to dive head first into learning, and giving it my all. I'm someone of passion, when I see something I love? I want nothing more than to help it, than to feed the rose it's food until bloom. Repurposing every fallen petal to maybe make perfume, or rose-water. Every single inch of that rose will I try my best to care for, and that's how I'm choosing to apply my interest to the role in a 'poetic' sense. As cringey as it sounds.

I'm fantastic at entertaining people.
I know, I know, call me a clown! Though to give people either a little chuckle during a serious moment, or even make those close to me cry with a character? To seek entertainment and a bigger story is no doubt something that I believe separates me and a few others. I'm capable of writing moments that encourage those around me to improve their own roleplay as I've been told. Or, even make a character of theirs feel betrayed, and lost. Carrying on a story that most would've dropped. The kind of feeling that you'd stare at in a play, feeling sorrow for the main character as he's pushed down to his knees once more by the antagonist. I'm absolutely the mentioned antagonist in most scenarios I get into. Throw me a bone, we all enjoy playing the evil characters. It's why we're here! Continuing below would be,
my form of writing.
Writing is another form of art, something everyone takes their own style into. Yet most stick to a certain formula, keeping it relatively simple. I prefer to consistently use ****ogies, to flip inanimate objects on their head and treat them as if real. I've found my form of writing to catch attention quickly, remaining readable but enticing. Everything has meaning during a story, even rain that appears 'out of nowhere'. To work off of your surroundings and bring life to everything, a vision forming in readers minds is something I'm proud of being able to do.

My long term experience in roleplay and writing as a whole outside of SchoolRP.
I've been roleplaying since I can remember. Even if I was a little kid fighting with sticks to a hero, passing a paper back and fourth during class with a friend as we wrote our responses to each others character? Even my days of 'amino' if anyone remembers it or over-text filled with characters from media we enjoyed, roleplay has carried my life. I can provide a sort of insight to creation as mentioned previously, or even how to handle an ICly conversation that you aren't sure how to navigate. I'm here for that!

Though overall,
I believe my take on CrimeRP could affect the faction nicely. Either it be bringing new ideas to the banquet of possibilities, to the sheer amount of time I have to get on the server? I'm reliable, a person of many ideas that can adapt and collaborate with the other dealers to create an experience we will all enjoy as time goes on. If I'm accepted, I don't plan on leaving until the time I quit SchoolRP. Which honestly? Won't be for a good while. I want to make the idea of our 'Crime Community' to no longer be this rocky, terrifying thing that people are scared to be judged in. Which, has always been someone's fear at one point, mine included.

At the end of the day, I'm 'me'. Everyone provides a unique perspective of themselves, no matter the common themes of skillsets. I'm passionate, determined, eager to learn, creative, and have a reputation that I believe is nice. That goes to anyone applying, we can say the same things yet can carry them out in unique ways.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
Oh boy, here we go.

Akihito, Rakkiyatsu, Kuchisake.
The three crime-related things I've put ton of effort into, to create exactly that. An efficient team capable of bringing through plans and creative ideas, that can only be accomplished through trust and planning. You can put one head together, but that only brings so many ideas. When you get even just three to four more? It runs rampant. In Akihito during the Kishi war me and a group of three others stuck together back to back. Through their help, we almost fought through! Of course, until eventually we were struck down. Whoops! Even before that, my old penthouse was used as an undercover spot to lead someone in to get rid of 'em! It was pretty awesome, who knew that secret passages in housing would come into use! In Rakkiyatsu, nothing was more frustrating than losing your fellow members around the street during get-togethers. We yelled out where we were turning to help guide, even developed a form of 'honking' language to determine where to go! That was always fascinating and tons of fun. Kuchisake on it's own was built from a team of me and two others. Though once we were in? Oh boy we were IN! Even during fights did we end up working together, balancing our characters skillsets to distract, fight, and block our way to enjoyable fights.

Town Factions.
As forementioned, I'm currently in 'EMS'. Even as someone in the newest wave, it didn't take long to see just how much teamwork goes into each patient. Sometimes when a really bad one comes in, there are two doctors working on them at once. Or, saving a group of people from an exploding ambulance! It goes a long way of just adding another person to your work, two heads work better than one! In Shrine too, especially during weddings. Those can be so chaotic. Each movement of the ceremony is planned ahead of time, and takes around three to four people to properly enact without everything spiraling downhill! Or the dangerous mission of capturing, and banishing spirits. Every time we need more than one person, or we're essentially as good as gone. With a spirit's constant fighting back, or burning ofuda? The amount of communication you have to have is insane.

Managing the shop 'Yeobo'.
To really etch in on the idea of combining team efforts and leadership, managing a shop on the server has taught me quite a bit. One, it's given me genuine experience on managing stock and payment, keeping employees motivated and have a happy experience working under our lead. I've been the manager essentially since it's creation, and constantly give my best efforts to work around event times for my fellow employees—Even going out of my way to ensure each employee is helping each other out. One needs to go afk? One of the other employees or myself will take over, even giving their proper amount to pay to our shopkeeper. During events such as the arrival of the circus a while back, we had to do actions of creating popcorn, giving it to another to bag it, and to hand it off to the customer.

The College Cheer Team.
There is nothing else more in the server from my beliefs that require so much communication and trust as the cheer teams require. If a single person messes up, it can ruin a routine horribly. Sure practice is there, but you need to believe that everyone in your group understands what they're doing. From performance key-binds to well timed commands? It impresses me of how far I've come regarding it, as it is no easy task.

Real-life experiences!
As most people have, I went to school. Though not just going there and doing team projects, I was a theatre-kid, a track runner, a cheerleader! I dove into extracurricular activities to keep myself sharp. Was it tiring? Absolutely. Even outside of school, I was in ballet and performed at my local theatre in the summer. Every inch of those require communication and team efforts. Though, all in the same? Everything above ties into also trusting how you perform alone. During the 'B.M.D' process, you don't really have people with you all the time during your openings, which means you have to work alone just as good as you can with someone else. I trust myself just as much as I trust others to carry on tasks.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
I sat down with this answer for a long while honestly, as the faction isn't perfect. Far from it, though it's hard to determine what would 'fix' it. Until I came across the realization, it isn't up to us, adding turfs back in or 'bringing KPS back'. It's about encouraging good behavior among the others, keeping healthy competition. It's hard to dictate how many toxic players I use to come across! Even though that has lowered to an impressive degree, it's still there. It always will be, but the best we can do is encourage those to 'play nice' and hear everyone's side. To do said encouraging, I've come up with a few ideas to get the community more invested once again.

Bounty Hunting Advertisement.
I've seen the amount of mentions towards the bounty hunting system, and there'd be no reason to repeat something that has already been said a multitude of times. I can imagine it gets tiring to see, how many people bring up it's in-activity, even though getting it active is a fantastic idea! It's a hard system, especially since the removal of gained KPS. Which, I don't have a problem with, far from it. Let's consider ways to get it used though instead of just saying 'It's gone unused!' Indeed, it has.
The services listed are ones I would've brought up, though it's far less advertised, a similar situation to my personal favorite, 'The Crime Clinic'. I'd like to see someone new leading the business (Unless there already is, and I haven't noticed), begin advertising and scoping people out for it. Either it be a form of 'sponsorship' announcement during Club Ikigai or Fight Club's openings. I believe people just need to remember, it exists. Even then, most gangs and criminals prefer to do their own dirty work. I say we give them a sort of 'brownie points', something to make it really get the encouragement. Perhaps after enough services, they gain a weapon of their choice! Or, can even host an event to our dedicated customers, as a valued customer reward. It's a bit of a commercial suggestion, though I believe it'd help bring proper attention to a fantastic idea.

The Unused Speakeasy.
One of my favorite memories of Akihito was when we had our 'Speakeasy'. A classy, semi-rundown bar that we commonly came to to prepare for fights, or just have our characters hang-out and drink. Now, what could this be used for? I believe it'd be beneficial to have a form of 'Off-branch' to the Ikigai Club of a more casual setting for criminals to come and enjoy a drink with more traditional gambling, perhaps a game of pool someone? The far more 'useful' idea of it would be a backroom for meetings, most gangs currently since the loss of turf have either been gathering in public areas such as the Zen garden, grave yard, or in a tunnel right across from the police station. Why not have a place they can comfortably rent off for an hour or so to discuss over some drinks? Perhaps Bounty Hunters can even bring their clients here to entice them, a sweetened deal. Afterall, who wouldn't want to feel like an important old 1920s gangster making a deal in a bar? Sippin' whiskey and discussing prices, the target, and estimated time! Delicious.

Verified Gang Crates.
While scrolling through the crime discord one day, I saw the mention of how Verified Gangs could get a 'crate' of supplies every month or so, and while it seemed to just be a joking idea that was there to get on the nerves of someone—It takes on an interesting idea that could encourage gangs further to get the 'Verified' status. Afterall, the roster for Verified Gangs only has one. Which is, unfortunate to say the least seeing as the Black Market tends to get the most money from Verified-Only weapons. I can see this idea re-implemented, though perhaps working a tad differently. How about Verified Gangs have to meet a certain expectation, think of it as 'Earning Pay'. Where if they get enough genuine activity, or host criminal-related events, they can get a supply of weapons for that month. Now would it be many? Probably not, though saving money is saving money. Criminals lose their weapons all the time, I'm sure it'd be an interesting pace. Though with the suggestion below, I think it'd be rather interesting as we'd still gain money over time.

Weapon Durability and Status Effects.
Isn't it slightly strange how items like the katana, metal bat, or even the pipe wrench don't get damaged when used? Well, the bat does if someone mentions it's dented. Yet I've also noticed there could be quite a few people lying around it, with no proof there isn't anything on it. Afterall, who wants to be asked or ask for screenshots each time you're searched? Welcome to the potential of the Durability System. Let's get started.

When a KPD officer goes to search a player, they could hover their mouse over a weapon to view 'status affects'. Such as 'Bloodied', 'Dull', 'Dented'. For katana even though it's already gonna get you arrested, could also have a status such as 'Bloodied' and 'dull' to show if it's been used. For the moment EMS have to perform blood scans, they could be handed the weapon and type '/scan' where it'd grab the name of the victim when it has a 'Bloodied' status affect. Sounds great! Though, how would they actually gain these status effects? Let's talk about the next part of this system, commands. This is useful for those who participate in rolling combat and P2L, allowing both sides of preferred combat to be pleased and kept track of. These commands could work in a similar way listed below:

The player sends the command after their roll succeeds ↓

Once the command is done, it'll apply the 'Bloodied' command if it's a blade, alongside encoding their IGN or Roleplay name for EMS to uncover. I understand this isn't fool proof, and someone could easily just not do '/hit', though that follows under a similar situation to /grab where someone can just action and ignore the use. /Hit being optional allows for those who do P2L to place status effects on their weapons.

Nifty! Though, how can that prevent people randomly going up to someone AFK and smacking them around with a weapon?
As long as someone understands the system, they'd know better. It'd only be a lose, no win of even entertainment. Their bat would be dented, or if it's a blade, they'd get blood on their katana and it'd lose it's sharpness. The person who was AFK, probably wouldn't even realize it happened.

Okay awesome, what are 'valid weapon' types? It utilizes the set 'stats' we have on each default weapon to dictate the effects. Katana cannot 'K.O', but metal bats can, same with a spiked bat. Yet, spiked bats leave behind blood! Using different weapon tags, the command can separate status effects from the other. It's not too complicated, this doesn't even need it's own section! Katanas have katana stats, and customs can adapt those. Anything that has the 'stat' of a katana can have 'Bloodied' or 'Dull', while a metal bat can have 'Dented', spiked bat? 'Bloodied'. I think you get the 'gist.

Where do the 'B.M.D' and criminals alike come into this? Doesn't this just help KPD and EMS?
I know it appears that way, though this system can bring in consistent flow of yen to each BMD, and create a 'tactical' environment for criminals where they must plan their moves carefully. Let's give an example such as, a katana being dull. A dull blade can result in obvious use to KPD, so you'd get more than just an arrest for ownership of illegal weapons. It'd be clear as day you've used it. To solve that, the B.M.D come in.
For a fee, which would be figured out if this idea is ever considered, B.M.D's can wipe a certain status effect off of your weapon. They can sharpen your katana, attempt to fix the dents placed in metal bats, and so forth. This can bring people to constantly get their weapon repaired after it's use, resulting in not just a 'one-time' buyer. They'd have to come back eventually.

How would the 'Dull' status work?
A blade being dull after one use would be ridiculous, especially considering the effort katana realistically take to make. Though we take smaller blades like the 'pocket knife', they'd get dull quickly. I imagine it to work in variations of 5. Meanwhile for the bat, 'Dented' would be within 5 hits.
Pocket Knife | 5 hits = Dull | Tactical Knife | 10 hits = Dull | Katana | 15 hits = Dull | Naginata | 20 hits = Dull
Alright, what about the 'Bloodied' status effect?
Now this can go a two way road. The first is involving the Crime Clinic, and the second is involving the player's sink at an apartment.
The player notifies the Crime Clinic as per usual, though mentioning the need of weapon cleaning. Let's be honest, it's always been easy to assume everyone has chemicals to properly remove blood from weapons in their home. Though, wouldn't the Crime Clinic have something better? Afterall, there isn't exactly an item for removing blood. You'd pay a small sum to have your weapon removed of it's 'Bloodied' status while 'scrubbing off' finger prints in the cleaning process. For those who want to do it on their own and have a stash of cleaning supplies at the ready? It'd be nice to have an item you can buy from the Crime Clinic to assist you in your own home of removing evidence efficiently!
Filling a water gun with your home sink, a simple and wholesome way to annoy your friends! Let's turn this into a method of getting away with murder! Right clicking a sink with a weapon in your hand with the 'Bloodied' status will clear your weapon. Of course, this is far less 'realistic' as the blood would still show under UV light. Though, it could be seen as a free but far less affective way of clearing your weapon. At the end of the day, a professional can do it better.
For the sake of continuing the application, the other details are spared. I believe the basics I've given are enough to understand the base of the idea behind effect statuses and durability. Originally I wished to include event suggestions, though I believe they wouldn't necessarily enhance the Crime faction as a whole.
Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
I'm more than familiar, being comfortable with the rules and have them consistently memorized.
Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
I'm familiar and acceptant of the consequences leaving could have against my character on the chance I leave.
Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
I'm familiar and compliant with the consequences of essentially 'getting caught'.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
I'm more than happy to keep any in the works situations to myself and others involved.
Untitled design.png
A dingy, dusted room of minimal lighting is comforting to me. Leaning back in a chair that wouldn't stop creaking to keep the silence away as potential criminals walk in and out of this 'office' from interviews I've grown tired of. The blank clock I haphazardly placed on the wall kept twisting a hand around the empty plane of white—a creation, the illusion of time as it's ticking filled my head like an explosive waiting to release. Though, that's when I heard it. No, them. A shuffle of expensive shoes, two pairs of oxfords and the sound of short heels following suite of my office.
A polite knock, one I never cared to respond to previously with a musical hint in the rhythm to get my attention, “Come in.”

You know the kind of person that doesn't come here? Doesn't enter this shitty, gross underground we call home? This is that. Manicured nails with a seemingly simple trench coat, until you look at the end of their sleeves and she is covered in foolish ruffles—Only to hand me a card. All I could do was sit back down in my chair in judgement as she waved the two others off. Is this some kind of joke? Finally, she had spoken out. “Do not be fooled, Mister ▋▋▋▋▋▋.” As the childish, frilled trench coat was folded on her lap—A wave of slight relief slipped my mind in the form of an inaudible sigh. What met my eye now of the interviewee was a black fur jacket with far more situation appropriate attire, a misguided illusion, as if a reaction was all she wanted.

image (1).png
Full Legal NameAyatsuriko, Kowareta | 操り子 壊れた
Criminal Alias“Dollmaker”, exactly as it appears.
Age & Occupation26.
Gender & Marital Status Female.
It seems she placed her phone number here..
Ethnicity & RaceJapanese.
Known LanguagesJapanese (Native) and French. Avoidant of speaking French.
Former Associations/OccupationsCirque de'Lothaire - Circus in Marseille, France
Arial Silks performer, Target Girl, 'Dollmaker'

Neonkādo - Casino in Tokyo, Japan
Dealer, former waitress

Ayatsuriko Arts - Family business of 'self-defense' in Kamakura, Japan
"Don't trust anything about this place, it was far from just 'self-defense'."
Highest Level of EducationHomeschooled, earned the equal of a high school diploma.
Ongoing apprenticeship of Togishi Ayatsuriko, (A registered master of katana creation)
Physical AilmentsMental Ailments
On first glance, nothing appears inherently wrong with Ayatsuriko. That is, until you attempt comparing her eye to the other. Having lost her left eye in a freak training incident when Kowareta was younger, she had put a resin-crafted eye of purplish-brown meant for a doll in it's place. “Yep, cleeaan out!”'HPD' - histrionic personality disorder, or commonly known as 'dramatic personality disorder' is a psychiatric disorder distinguished by a pattern of exaggerated emotionality and attention-seeking behaviors. Often coming off as erratic, she is borderline unpredictable at times. Either it be pathological lying or manipulation to dancing in the middle of an upset situation, it's all for a reaction. Prolonged or short-term, boredom is her true crime. [UNDIAGNOSED] “Am I mentally ill? Ha! Absolutely not. You are though, I see it in your pupil. Go on, say it.”
Known Family Members
Family MembersStatus
Mother - Mitsuri AyatsurikoALIVE
Father - Kanashinō AyatsurikoALIVE
Grandfather - Samishigari AyatsurikoALIVE
Grandmother - “He didn't talk about her.”MISSING - Presumed dead.
Siblings -“Too many of them.”ALIVE - ALIVE - DECEASED
I shift my view from the document given, back up to 'Dollmaker'. My eyes adjusted properly to the new individual seated in front of me, getting a proper look of who exactly I've been reading about, the only expression that met me was an upwards grin. Great.

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Throughout the audience of countless beautiful faces comes one actor of shockingly mediocre quality. Horrible features, yet such lovely harmony that one couldn't help but stare. Pretty like a car crash, she'd have eyes glued to her like a confident tragedy. Kowareta doesn't go anywhere without a Cheshire smile pressing against each corner of her cheeks, ink painted lips parting with the grin. Either it be the black lipstick or overall dark makeup—an overwhelmingly pale visage took any attention you once had as one blue eye became far more noticeable. Yet her left eye didn't seem, right.
No, no it wasn't moving, and there were no blood vessels to be seen. It's, too small? What's wrong with it, and why in the world is it a purple-tinted brown? That isn't normal.
For proper movement, Ayatsuriko kept her hair bundled in a ponytail or two buns with slick peek-a-boo strands of purple interrupting the void. As for clothing, she was a woman of class, fur coats and styled suits or leggings suited her strong physique best. Although being 5'8 made her reluctant to wear heels, out in public the Dollmaker wouldn't hesitate. Infact, the conspicuous aesthetic changes made her job and her out to be two completely different people. Yet no matter the day or scene, Kowareta took extra loving care of her nails, always decorated in gaudy gems and over luxurious designs.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
The Muse of Tragedy, and The Muse of Comedy. What beautiful representations of the drama world, though when they splay on the ground comes Kowareta walking with a confident stride; snapping Comedy's sister of Tragedy, and snatching her up to put on display for everyone to see without care of her loss. Selfish, Outrageous, no—Erratic? That didn't quite fit either, in an illusioned world personality gets lost between the cracks. Ayatsuriko's mental struggles of Histrionic Personality disorder cause her to act out of line. Outlandish, unpredictable.
The large smile plastered against her face met with laughter the second someone says even the worst joke, just to see a reaction from those who failed to see the punchline. From singing in the dusk halls of the underground, to jumping up and clicking her heels together comes a mix of chaotic evil, certain traits of her are consistent despite her trickery.

A wildcard. She's a gambling woman at heart, and tends to think of the most dramatic solutions to even the simplest of problems. You could hand her a box of Jenga blocks and she'll put them vertically on each other, trying to remove one without it falling—despite knowing very well it would, only to see a look of disappointment and confusion from those around her. Don't be fooled though, Kowareta is a woman of wisdom. "It takes a lot of genius to appear as incompetent as I do!"
No matter what you hear or see however, almost nothing she says is to be trusted once you speak to her more often. A pathological liar, Kowareta will tell an entirely different story to two people, no matter if the truth is staring them point-blank in the eye.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:
Ace of Clubs | 'Hinamatsuri.'
Hinamatsuri is a day where all little girls can feel important
, a day where you celebrate the childish and pure nature to disguise
dysfunctional families who can't bother to give their attention and love, giving dolls as their form of emotion. The Ayatsuriko family were no stranger to this phenomena, if anything they gave their youngest daughter that very idea. Kanashinō was far from a good man to the world's eye, yet in his own? Everything is done correctly, perhaps it's the need to appease his own father, and his children's grandfather. Samishigari is a Japanese war veteran turned Togishi, a master of his craft, katana. Registered and recognized by the government, his work was nothing short of remarkable. Though his love for the craft was anything but for the sword, it was for the purpose. As gruesome as it was, he wanted nothing more than for his blades to be used against people, not testing mats or bamboo. A For eons of his time after his son was born, Samishigari attempted every generation he could. In search of someone who'd take on this legacy, continue each part of their family history.

Out of five children, Kowareta was the youngest. In most families the youngest gets the most attention, though in their little world in a small town of Kamakura? Her family was anything but. First it was the eldest, her brother. Since her first birth their mother had gone under, expecting to escape a horrible family through marriage without realizing she'd assist in creating one, one so horrible that her duty as a wife and mother would drop in an instant. With no where to go, Mitsuri held onto her first baby boy with so much hope and love. So much so, that when they had their second child four years later? It was impossible to have that want, that need to love them. Her eldest daughter, her eldest son.

Low and behold, she had another child. Perhaps it was out of the hope she'd gain her love for them back one after the other, the need to try again. Yet even with 'Mitzuki', no love could be found in her heart for the child in fear she'd turn out as the others have. No amount of care could bring the feeling of a family back, Mitsuri idling her days away from house chores to gardening, only able to mentally bare one more attempt. On March
3rd, 1998 Mitsuri's last chance at love had been born, staring deep into her baby's eyes came few words.

“What have I done?”

Winding up the jack-in-a-box to where we began, March 3rd 2002 brings us to a festival. Street corners filled with Hina doll displays, smells of freshly baked goods or fried noodles fill stands as young girls and their families walk around with laughter and hearts in their hands. Kowareta had just finished managing to wrap the small obi around her kimono, tying it off with a large grin as her grandfather stares at through the window. “Kowa,” he said, closing his eyes with a shake of the head, “Do you ever wish they'd stop this nonsense?She tilted her head, geta stomping the ground as she made her way over. Their house was old, traditionally built by her great grandfather, tatami floor still remaining in pristine condition. “The festi-vaahl?How Kowareta was able to speak was a mystery, perhaps she just caught on very young. Yet since she was born, her family paid the minimal amount of attention to their youngest daughter and sibling. Too busy, too fussy, always an excuse. Fortunately Samishigari had managed to try more than her own mother, in the hopes she'd become close to him. It worked only because the youngest Ayatsuriko had no one else to turn to. “No, Kowareta. Your family.” Her grandfather looked down from his chair, giving a smile of false security. “They only give you the time of day on your birthday, even then it's not because it's the day you were born.
“Why do they then Grandpa?” She returned the smile, hands cupped together in curiosity. Unaware of the impact such words could have, underlining meanings between each vowel that her brain unraveled immediately.

“Because, little Kowa. You were born on the day your sisters can feel important. Not you.”
“Appeasing a mentor is like appeasing a god, there is only so much time until it isn't enough.”
Two of Clubs | 'Art.'
Unimportance, The word that burned into her skull like photographic memory. The very reasoning for her existence was to make others feel special, nothing else. Yet even then, she stood by her family while walking under lantern lights, eating the food her father 'graciously' had bought. Though treats and music was nice, the thing that intrigued young Kowareta was the Hina Dolls. Made from straw to hand carved, every set represents a girl's life. Not a girl like her, no. One that her family searches a husband for, one that encourages an education and their interests.

The price tags on these 'toys' were something else however, all being hand made what else could one expect? After running across the isles of vendors, the young Ayatsuriko's eye had been caught. A hina doll, that was shiny. Beautiful black hair thrown into two buns, almost a splitting image of herself. The sign said something about exclusivity, and 'porcelain'. A hefty price tag would make a consideration into a dream, looking down in her coin purse.
“Doll. Is she unimportant too?” A desperate need, something to make Kowareta feel special was out of reach. KOWARETA! The calling of her name in the distance distracted her, grandfather walking swiftly towards her before kneeling down to meet her eyes. “Let's get out of this festival, it's too noisy. Besides, who would want to look at boring, useless dolls all day? I'd like to show you something far more interesting.
'Doll.' is all she could think as her grandfather lead her off, head turning behind her as the Hina doll disappeared into the crowd. The doll, that's all she wanted. Samishigari lead his granddaughter to the other side of their family home, his workshop. The place no child was allowed to enter, let alone his own son. Not because it was unsafe, even though it was—Samishigari simply deemed none of his family worthy to the workshop's presence.

Other than his youngest grandchild, whom he selected on the day he met her. Kowareta was destined to continue his legacy from what he wished. It's not that she was inherently interested, 'oou-ing' and 'awwh-ing' at the expensive swords placed on racks, labeled and priced. No one can deny a handcrafted art's beauty, not even a child. An entire stock full of weaponry that few would dream of were staring her right in the eye, considering Samishigari's wants of the blade. “Is this what you do, grandpa?She inquired with a smile, tiny fingers running across the side of a blade. Of course, he was proud to admit his work. Each hour put into it was another memory made, every blade had this man's heart and soul nailed into it the second they were forged. “I'm a very important man, Kowa. This is my job, I sell these beautiful blades. Katana, is what they're called.The smile in his eyes said enough along with his pretentious ego, crows feet wrinkles meeting his grandchild's vision. “Let me teach you how to create them with me, Kowareta. Don't you wish to be important too?”
Of course she does. The love of the craft didn't matter, importance. Importance, the need of. . The doll, that's all she could think about after hearing it. That doll on the wooden platform decorated with flowers, unfiltered beauty of handcrafted art that was incapable of hurting people, making them feel unimportant. So, a deal was to be made. “Grandpa, I'd love to. It's just, there is something I want before!” All she heard was her grandfather chuckle out of surprise, raising up with air-popping knees, “What can I give you to start out lessons?”

“The doll, the one made out of porcelain. She was on a wooden stand with fresh flowers, please grandpa. I want her for my birthday, and then I'll take your lessons.Kowa stared up at her grandfather with a smile of hope, and determination. Of which, Samishigari misinterpreted for the determination of learning his craft. Immediately, her grandfather complied as they left the workshop in a hurry to buy that one doll. The one of porcelain, sitting on a wooden platform with fresh flowers.

“The 'craft' isn't something I enjoyed, porcelain was always beautiful. Meanwhile, red was never my favorite color.”

'Family history.'
It was impressive, as if they had started a decade ago, a thirteen year old Kowareta bent with a blade—sharpening the katana she had been working on just for herself since the lessons began seven years ago. Porcelain was it's name, and it was the most lovely weapon Samishigari had seen. Perhaps it's the love she put into it, the way her eyes light up at the sight of it sitting in her room on a stand when she gets home from her chores and tasks. Yet today, today would be far more different than the two realize. The young Ayatsuriko sat her prized blade down, giving her grandfather a hug. “I'll be heading out for a while, Grandpa. Can you make sure Porcelain doesn't get hurt?” She chuckled, grabbing her bag and sliding on her flipflops, knowing what his answer would be as she mouthed it exactly. “If she doesn't hurt me first!” The two laughed together, harmony in the family only between them, a bond. Afterwards Kowareta closed the door, sprinting outwards to her bike as fast as her legs could take her before throwing a crumpled newspaper between pale fingers into the rattling basket, likely the sunniest expression you could ever catch splayed across her face.

Recently a fire had spread across downtown, destruction of homes and restaurants. Though, that didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was the Momosoka Porcelain factory being burnt with it all. A chance to find parts, to string her own creation into life. Not the false belief of finding love in an art that could damage her. After peddling, and peddling for what felt like two hours had she arrived at the factory. Ayatsuriko parked her bike and chained it up, smoothing the news paper out on a lamp post. “This is it, really this is it!” A squeal overtook her tone, clutching the informative to her chest in a hug. The one time she could feel happy, a wonderland of porcelain limbs and plastic-woven hair all for her.

“Sister.” A condescending tone spoke, interrupting the daydreaming Kowareta, “What do you think you're doing? Planning to become an arsonist?” The voice caught the youngest sibling off guard, opening her eyes as the smile dropped. “Haha! No, nono! Of course not, just curious about the.. the damage. You know?” Mitzuki raised an eyebrow, glancing downwards of her sister's eyes, “The porcelain doll factory? Is that what you're so curious about? You're an awful liar.” It was true, Kowa had never managed to successfully lie one time to her family during the few times they've spoken.

“Nevermind that. Dad wishes to speak to you, believe it or not.”
She couldn't. There wasn't a way he wanted to have a conversation with her, It's not anything special. Don't get all caught up in it, we all had this talk when we were your age. Afterall, you're becoming a woman and all of that jazz. .Kowareta was confused for a moment, placing her fingers on her chin to think properly. Until a possible answer was given, eyes widening in fear and a hint of embarrassment. “WHAT?! No, nono Mitzy! I don't need that err.. Uh, conversation!” 'Mitzy' could only roll her eyes, lifting a palm up and smacking the back of her little sister's head. “Not like that you little weirdo. In fact, from your reaction? I'd say you already know what that is, thank god that you won't HAVE to hear that. Now, are you coming or not?” She lifted her blueberry helmet, clipping the strap under her chin before rolling her bike forward, waiting as Kowareta did the same sequence.

The youngest sisters of the Ayatsuriko family biked down the streets, through cross walks, and potentially a side-walk considering Mitzuki's recklessness all the way down to Ayatsuriko Arts. A business their father runs that has kept their name relevant throughout the town, as much as it could be that is considering the population size. A building in the style of a traditional dojo all made for self-defense, guaranteed that you or your child wouldn't be in danger anymore! Quite the promise isn't it? It's no secret however of how little these forms of classes can really teach, most karate studios are just for fun, competitions against those who practiced it. Useless in a true fight. The real nature of their 'business' was to train those who sign up? To kill. Very simple, though affective. Why would a family ever do such a thing, isn't this cruel? Absolutely, Kanashinō was obsessed with getting his father proud of him. Samishigari had never been impressed with anything else his son had done, other than this very business. A way to make his preferred method of using katana all the more 'common' between a group of individuals.

It was a difficult topic to drop on a child however, only allowing parent's to sign their 'darling' off at thirteen. So far there hadn't been a single Ayatsuriko that hasn't taken the courses, Kowareta wasn't going to break such a cycle, a tradition. Once her feet even took a step through the front doors, she had been paused by her father.
“Come along, Kowareta.” To her, the fact he remembered her name meant everything in the world. Though honestly, Kanashinō only knew it from Mitzuki and his wife. Following her father's footsteps, she looked around in fear mixed with awe. There were children, teenagers, and adults alike 'training', which looked more as if they were fighting. Instead of blades however, in their hands held bokken—safer she supposed. “Alright, take a seat.” It wasn't long before Kowa realized they had entered another room while she was lost in her mind.

“Hello, da-,” He interrupted and corrected her almost immediately, "Father.” She cleared her throat, getting into a seiza position on the cushion, “What did you, need to speak about?” It wasn't long before Kanashinō explained the business, the reasonings, every detail of this building and it's purpose etched into the wrinkles of Kowareta's brain. It took time to process of what was essentially an undercover training facility to manipulate, create, and build killers in the world all for the sake of her Grandfather's katana being used properly and not on mats or bamboo. What the fuck. Pardon the narrator's French, however it was difficult to find her surroundings feeling.. safe. “Why now, why did you wait to tell me? Or, why couldn't you have just not?” She knew why. So desperately did she want to hear him saying it was to keep her safe, or for her own good. No, it was all because of Mitzuki. When the news of the fire had spread across town, she gathered the paper on her morning out while coincidentally walking past the Momosoka factory. Her grandfather's worries of Kowareta's loyalty to the art was known throughout her family, he talked about it far more than anything else.

Mitzuki put together the pieces, watching as her little sister snatched the newspaper from the table and went into her bedroom. It wasn't difficult, not even the slightest. “You have two choices, Kowareta. Leave this childish idea of creating these toys behind, and come help your family continue our legacy properly. Or, you can run off into your little fantasy, only to realize you'd be utterly alone—Not even your grandfather would be there. You'd grow out of it either way, but your pride wouldn't allow you to come back here.” The choice was obvious, as Kowa handed her father the newspaper and signed her name on a list.

“Unlucky me.”
Three of Clubs | 'Escapism.'
Time wastes away, days feel longer than ever without a morning to look up to. Her adored katana had only grown in quality, yet it's glossy shine had been revoked. It's been three years since the agreement, the signature. It feels as if she had sold her soul, the very reason to live while idling by on a schedule undecided by her. Despite her efforts of going to the 'Family Business' and continuing her apprenticeship under their grandfather—nothing was good enough. It was all an excuse, an effort to keep her out of trouble and keep her quiet. That's how Kowareta saw it that is. She had gone from the happiest she might ever be, to being sixteen and wanting nothing more than to leave her 'home'. Being aware of how her family was 'trained', nothing else would be more dangerous than disappearing in the middle of the night.

Except one thing, her family despised when she acted out against their wishes. It was the only time she has gotten consistent attention, thriving off of it for just a taste of a normal day as a 'moody', 'overreactive' teenager. Speaking in tongues, running to the back of the closet for 'hide and seek', her father was convinced she had turned into a mad woman! Kowareta leaving in the middle of the day or evening had become a usual scenario that Kanashinō failed to see the point in keeping track of her, Mitzuki's findings only resulted in tame behavior such as going out to find rocks, or even working part-time jobs frequently such as a dealer in the local casino. A bit of an odd job to have at her age, though Kowa wasn't doing anything wrong from what they were aware of. The reactions when she'd return home from being an 'idiot' were always the same, yet laced with different meanings on each arrival. It had grown to be the attention she craved, and weaponized against them.

Now, surely you must be thinking, all of that prolonged gaslighting just to enjoy dolls? Absolutely. Being denied something as simple as dolls your entire life, when it overlaps your desire for socialization or activity. The thought of a porcelain figure dressed to the nines engulfs Kowareta's mind, the need of porcelain bursting at her veins. As her precious Hina doll sits proudly at the top of her wardrobe, the youngest Ayatsuriko gets reminded of her true goal in life—To become a doll maker. Yet today was another moment of slipping out into the day after her 'training', comfortable with the idea of her family under the illusion of a day in the life from their daughter.

Kowa was awfully convinced Mitzuki wouldn't be watching her moves today, so much that she even went towards the alley of her once upon a time trip to the Momosoka Porcelain Factory. No one stopped her, nothing even moved from their spot. Unfortunately, that wasn't where she was heading off to. Down the street and off to the corner was a lake she frequented with a new friend of her's, a foreigner working at the casino alongside Kowa in the desperate need of side change for his own dream. Much like Ayatsuriko's, Claude wanted nothing more than to defy his family's wishes, becoming a. . Rockstar. Okay, perhaps not exactly like Kowareta, though it was close enough of a relation that her trust had been won over. Every morning they'd sit by an old fishing dock on the lake to gather their savings. A plan so simple, it might work.

“Hey, Kowa!” Claude Jaun waved out, beckoning her over with a toothy grin across his tanned visage as the sunlight spotted him in it's rays, like a spotlight on a stage on a theatre she adored. “Claude, hello! You seem extra energetic today.” She ran over towards him, throwing her bike carelessly into a random bush nearby. The sun had just begin to set over the water, calm waves cradling the wooden platform with ease, no wind. No clouds, only a bright sun for the stage they've shared. All was well, Jaun spouting good news to the masked comedy muse Ayatsuriko. A friend of his appears to have gotten boating tickets to France, and it leaves. . To-

“Sister.” The unexpected voice caused a shiver down Kowareta's spine, turning behind her from the dock to meet eyes with Mitzuki. “Is this why you're acting out? Is this boy a bad influence?” The youngest slowly stood up, facing her sister with pin-straight eye contact. “Of course not, I'm too busy from your schedule to have time for a love life.” It seems little miss Kowareta has gotten far better at lying, eye contact direct without changes in breathing. Body language was the key to success, as communication is to any relationship. Business wise or not. What do you need, Mitzy?” A question she'd soon wish was said more often, as a smile formed on Mitzuki's face. “You've improved during father's courses, I'd like to challenge you myself to see how far you've come.” Unfortunately the sun-kissed boy was left in the dark, confused. Afterall, he hadn't actually seen her family yet. He was beginning to think she might've been hallucinating them.

As usual, the girls went on their bikes towards a new location, leaving the very man who should've been there back at the docks. For the very first time in Kowareta's life, she and her sister were laughing together, talking. Genuine conversation while heading to the final destination, throwing their bikes once again
recklessly off to the side into the brush came the sisters running up a hill for a flat surface. Unannounced to the youngest, her sister had been planning this all day. A bokken, and Kowa's precious blade 'Porcelain' sat out on a blanket. She looked between the two choices, and grabbed the perfect selection for her personally—handing Mitzuki the blade she crafted. This was the last thing Mitzy expected, staring at the sword in awe of it's craft. It's always been difficult to deny, her little sister was truly taught by the best. “Why have you given me your katana, Kowa?” She looks up distraught towards Kowareta, the exact facial expression she was hoping to see. “I'd like to see if another person can wield it just as good as me.”

Kowareta looked down at the moonlight-tinted grass, taking her sandals off as she planted herself firm on the ground, bokken grasped tightly. Mitzuki looked at the blade, shifting her view to once more reach the loneliest person she had ever known. With closed eyes, and a count down from ten, the 'training' had begun. It appeared so innocent if you ignored the katana, a bonding moment between the watchful, yet neglectful eye of the family who attempted to bring her little sister safety in the pockets allowed despite all she had done. The gentle moments of betrayal rushing to the head, wood and tamahagane of the blade clashing in spouts of laughter yet power. From throwing eachother off of their feet, to blocking and even some kicks? It just felt like that, training.

A smile so precious, Mitzuki never wanted it to fade away.

Black Diamond | 'Security.'
“My forever.”
No amount of hope, adoration, or even porcelain could fix the mistake done. Mitzuki had been reckless her entire, life. From it being throwing bikes in random spots to causing the most injury at Ayatsuriko Art; she had aimed the wrong way. A single inch of planning ahead, seeing Kowareta weaving left and right to avoid getting sliced by her own weapon made her feel too confident. Too, assured of her baby sister's skillset. In a horrific, bloodied scream came Kowa down on her knees. A misinput, a miscalculation as Mitzuki dropped 'Porcelain' onto the grass beside them, not seeing the very cause of her sister's distress.
She tried to move her hand, desperate to see what she had done. “Kowareta, please, let me- ” A blood soaked hand pushed past her own, taking the handle of her own sword. Tailored to fit each finger, sharp enough to do the damage that had already been done. Shivering, attempting to stand was Kowareta Ayatsuriko, in an absolute fit of rage with tears flooding down the side of her face. Mouth agape in shock, the sword was shot into the eldest's side. Spit and crimson-colored lifeforce spitting out of her mouth, leaving Kowareta to run. Horrified, heart pattering like a rabbit being chased by a wolf. The only carnivore here was her, running off after a failed hunt to find security.

Even after hours was Claude sitting on the dock, humming to touch until he heard the shrill screams of an injured Kowareta. It was difficult to tell what to do, an entire appendage had been removed. He tried, he really did. A med-kit already being at his disposal. WHEN, WHEN WAS THE BOAT COMING?She pleaded. It was coming tonight, that's why he was there. To load her onto a boat in safety, along with a gift that seemed to suit the situation rather well—A purple-hued brown eye from a porcelain doll.
“What now?
The two had went on to France, yet his dream of becoming a 'Rockstar' had caused him to fly too close to the sun, Kowareta's family had been informed of their location and sent her eldest brother to bring her back home. Unfortunately, she had gotten away by the time blood was spilled in the alleyway. Narrowly missing her chance of freedom, Ayatsuriko was left without a job, and without a companion in the back of Marseille, France. The only qualifications she has would be acrobatic wise, train of thought interrupted by the sound of a music box. It was a man in colorful attire, walking while winding up a tune. “Excuse me miss, are you alright?”

If only she could understand his language, looking up at him in confusion, “Eh?” From that day on, she had joined the circus as a target girl. Getting spun around while laughing, knives being thrown between her limbs for an audience to cheer. Or, standing in the globe of death while the audience cheers for her being brave.

“Is it bravery, if you simply don't care?
By the time she had turned twenty-three the circus got repetitive, and so did the consistent failures of her grandfather's attempts to regain an apprentice. Through a series of letters, bribes, and even apologies? She once again returned home, reluctantly that is. After arguing for what felt like eons, they had come across an agreement for him to send her off to Karakura—The chance of selling his katana to the criminal minds of their underground. After all of her experiences? She might as well. Kowareta had been set off to Karakura for a new chance of continuing business, in a way that she'd prefer far more.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:
The boys in blue.
An order gone entertainingly wrong.

Twisting hallways and a descent of stairs leads us down into the sewers, silence filled from the sound of chipper humming with gloved fingers snapping against each other for an idled song of dwindling patience. Behind the dollesque mask laid a smiling, bored 'Dollmaker'. Squealing of rats scattering, pattering their feet and tails across the concrete. Oh how she dreaded the noise, the racket they made. Each desperate attempt of finding food in a place where living is a biohazard, making their own 5 star Michelin meal out of the bloody scream of a sewer worker. Kowareta began to head towards the location she selected shortly after, lightly skipping down the burdened halls on the beat of her internal song. Who knew rats made such fantastic backing vocals?

Finally, The dealer had arrived. This was a larger section of the sewers she lead us into, water piping steadily treading across each corner of the walls while some old, damaged ones were hanging down. Speaking of hanging, it seems Ayatsuriko didn't feel like standing around—keeping herself upside down on a low pipe akin to a bat, hands not bothering to grab on. “Dollmaker, Hello?” After what felt like forever for her; the sound of a nervous, first time customer stepping closer derailed a train of thought. She tightened the grip around the goodie bag like she had left a birthday party before calling out in return, “Oi, Boooy!” She whistled towards the fresh meat, snapping along with it to get his attention. Her customer took a step back after getting a proper view of who he was buying from, her legs hooked around the water pipe like a t****ze. After watching him nervously stumbling around the hallway, Kowareta extended her arm to showcase the bag further. “Your stuff, allll here in just a little bag!” She hissed out, a smile audible in her tone as 'Dollmaker' twisted her wrist to shake the contents. Isn't it a shame, of how greedy those doomed to be prey can get?

A swift look up and down of his demeanor said all she wanted to know, “Some people believe they can easily take from those who provide. You're nervous, you're up to something aren't you?Ayatsuriko whispered, yet it echoed in the room as she chuckled. Her laugh was like a music box, an old and unwinding tune cracking out of time. “No! no I'm not. Just, come down here and give me my weapons for the deal.” Now, who does this child think he is? Truthfully he probably wasn't much younger than her, but the audacity. “Monneey!” A nonchalant grabbing motion from a hanging woman interrupted his defense, “I'm. . I'm sorry?” All Kowareta could do was stare, stare right at him through the lifeless eyes of the dolled up mask before lifting herself up from the blood rushing to her head.

Dropping down, Dollmaker was now eye-to-eye with her 'customer'. Wasn't it common sense?
“Eye-eemm soo-arryy?” She mocked, snapping at him from behind the mask. No, genuinely like a growling canine. Did you not expect to pay?”, She paused giving herself time to laugh at such a ridiculous idea, OohOoHou..HOUHEAahAHAHAAAA!!..All the criminal could do was stare as she entertained herself from the sudden burst of laughter, taking a step back in an attempt to remove himself while he could. The feeling of something cold, as spindly as a spider wrapping it's webbing around a fly, her hand gripped his own gloved wrist. Kowareta wasn't exactly going to let him leave, dragging him to a wall as she kicked the 'goodie bag' aside. YOU are CLEARLY new at this. Did anyone follow you, fly?” Yeah, that's a good nickname.

It didn't take words to answer that while he gulped, quickened shufflingly of feet made Dollmaker's head turn towards a tunnel, sluggishly turning back to him. You suck.” Ayatsuriko let go of the fool with force, essentially shoving him away as a flashlight made it's way closer into their location, and right behind poor 'Mister Fly'. KARAKURA POLICE DEPARTMENT!The new officer yelled without thinking, spotting the new named 'Fly' and 'Dollmaker'. Though, before he could say anything?

“He tried to sell me weapons officer!!” She said in false fear, pointing at her customer with a foot stepped backwards in an accusation. “He's one of those, err uhh... Bee-em-Dees!” Now look, it didn't even take an actor to realize she was just being 'silly'! The fresh recruit looked down at the man he has in restraints and back up to face the dollesque mask's eyes as his hand stumbled for the cuffs around his belt while trying to decipher her obvious lie. Kowareta took it as a win however, walking away and attempting to pick up her bag. Unfortunately, the new officer had a not-so new man with him.

She stopped in her tracks almost immediately, looking at the badge of 'L.T' on the new arrival's chest once he came into the tunnel. It was too late however, as two hands grabbed each wrist and brought the dealer to the wall like a child in timeout. “Soo.. Any plans tonight?” Ayatsuriko asked, jokes of course, with the unfortunate result of silence from each officer. “Boo-hoo.. Come ooon! Have some humor!”

“Miss, do you have any idea of what situation this is?” The L.T raised an eyebrow as he looked down towards the masked dealer, Of course she did. “Uhh.. Obviously! THERE IS A BODY IN THAT BAG!” She shouted, pointing at her weapon baggage—of which, looked perfectly like a dead body in the flashing red light and bats inside. Lieutenant ▋▋▋▋▋let go of her cuffed wrists, walking towards the bag while keeping his hand up at the newbie. “Stay there, keep watch of 'er while I look at this.” After Kowareta gave the secondary officer a wave from behind, she took five steps back from the wall. Meanwhile the rookie? Well, he was trying to remember how his taser worked..

POW.pngTonight wasn't the night she was going to be caught, or arrested. Ayatsuriko was going to make sure of it as she heard the audible zipper of her bag, Dollmaker ran straight towards the wall that previously restricted her at full speed—Yet the world was slow. Every second passing by was nothing more than a stop motion film, camera click after click to capture each frame of her motion. Kowareta kicked her left leg out towards the wall, heel flat against the surface as her right built the momentum needed to spin her around like a vertical carousel, though the moment required something she wouldn't prefer. It required failure, just before she struck the ground Dollmaker tucked her knees in and hooked the cuff chain around the back of her heel and pulled each hand in front of her torso.
Was it uncomfortable? Absolutely. The success was mediocre at best, landing splat on the floor cheek-first. 'Ow..' After she realized the Lieutenant absolutely heard that, Ayatsuriko pushed off of the ground to see him staring towards her with a taser in his hand. It seems he had also come across the realization that the bag wasn't for a corpse, nor had one in it exactly. As the officer dashed towards his potential next big-time arrest, she jumped up to grab onto the pipe one was hanging on at the start of this all.

Lifting her body weight up, the only thing that met the cop was the soles of her shoes to his head. Yikes! Stumbling backwards into the concrete, damn these sewers. It'd be a shame if someone were to push him into the disgusting sewage, would it? Well, that's when Dollmaker had a devious, horrible idea. A deliciously, lovely, evil idea. In the time stamp given to her by the world, she quickly snatched one of the metal baseball bats from her bag by the handle. The officer was lower than usual, rubbing his forehead for just a second. With two hands on the grip, Kowareta blew the L.T a quick kiss before winding both arms back with the bat; slamming it down.

Thanks to physics or, gravity, whatever it was! The bat's barrel tip smacked the ground, bouncing up for the handle to give him a no-hands uppercut at his chin—causing an inevitable trip backwards into rushing sewage. Let's be honest, she is far from capable of beating an officer like that, getting creative is the only way to survive. Brute strength isn't helpful when you can't apply it properly! Looking back at the distraught look of the new runt to the litter of KPD, Ayatsuriko flourisBAM.pnghed herself into a bow.

Making a 'Call Me!' sign towards him, she grabbed her bag to skip off and out of the disgusting place she adores. Oh, and to find someone to take these cuffs off. .

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
Kowareta tends to be a bit unpredictable when it comes to writing her, considering the internal guidelines I have of playing as Kowa; It can even be a wildcard for me. Just as it is with my main character Himawari, or even my EMS Vivian. All characters written by me are a challenge, difficult. For my entertainment and your own, understand I'll still be figuring her out as she's played. For now, I leave you her fate in your hands, along with a song that reminds me of her perfectly. I understand she isn't the usual type of character for BMD, though I ask of you to put that aside and think of it as a 'plus'! More dynamics of variation can be made with this conflicting persona!

“—. .Will crack underneath rough hands.”


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Level 252
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

Thank you for applying, your application is amazing. However, the rest of the BMDs and I want to see you become more involved in crime first. This application will be re-reviewed the next time we have a spot open.​

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