The thread will explain the basics of SchoolRP's Volleyball plugin, the objectives, how to sport is played as well as anything else you may need to know. Alongside the basic tutorial, this thread will also include the competitive statistics, rules and information explaining what each position in the game controls and how to play them.
Credit to greehn
Setting/Receiving - (EASY)
Setting the ball is the most important move you need to know when playing volleyball on SchoolRP. Setting the ball causes all the momentum the ball had to be killed and sent directly upwards, stabilizing it. This is why setting is often used for receiving the ball as well. To perform a set, hold SHIFT and LEFT-CLICK directly on the ball. It should look something like this:
Setting the ball is the most important move you need to know when playing volleyball on SchoolRP. Setting the ball causes all the momentum the ball had to be killed and sent directly upwards, stabilizing it. This is why setting is often used for receiving the ball as well. To perform a set, hold SHIFT and LEFT-CLICK directly on the ball. It should look something like this:


Spiking - (EASY - MEDIUM)
Spiking will be your main method of attacking. Spiking is simply just hitting the ball down onto the other team's court. It is a lot easier to spike a ball when being set by another player. To spike, you need to be in the air and LEFT-CLICK directly on the ball while aiming at the place you want to hit to. Spiking relies heavily on timing, so keep that in mind if you plan to practice it. Spiking should look something like this:
Spiking will be your main method of attacking. Spiking is simply just hitting the ball down onto the other team's court. It is a lot easier to spike a ball when being set by another player. To spike, you need to be in the air and LEFT-CLICK directly on the ball while aiming at the place you want to hit to. Spiking relies heavily on timing, so keep that in mind if you plan to practice it. Spiking should look something like this:

Blocking - (MEDIUM)
Blocking is another defensive move alongside receiving. It is just like spiking as you are spiking the ball back to the opposing team's side. Blocking can also be used to shut off an area for the opposing spiker to spike and narrows down their options on where to attack, assisting your back row in easily positioning themself to where the spiker may hit. Like with spiking, all you have to do is JUMP and CLICK on the ball to send it back to the other team's court. (YOU MAY NOT DO THIS ON SERVES)
Blocking is another defensive move alongside receiving. It is just like spiking as you are spiking the ball back to the opposing team's side. Blocking can also be used to shut off an area for the opposing spiker to spike and narrows down their options on where to attack, assisting your back row in easily positioning themself to where the spiker may hit. Like with spiking, all you have to do is JUMP and CLICK on the ball to send it back to the other team's court. (YOU MAY NOT DO THIS ON SERVES)

Self spiking is used mainly in 1v1s when there isn't anyone else to set you but can also be used as a surprise attack in a 3v3. Self spiking utilizes the other two moves before this, so it is best practice to understand the other two before attempting this. To perform a self spike, you want to set the ball at head level, press SPACE immediately after you set the ball upwards, and finally spike the ball as you are jumping up with it. This one is quite hard to explain in text, so I suggest asking someone who knows how to self spike to teach you if you didn't understand this explanation. The self spike should look something like this:
Self spiking is used mainly in 1v1s when there isn't anyone else to set you but can also be used as a surprise attack in a 3v3. Self spiking utilizes the other two moves before this, so it is best practice to understand the other two before attempting this. To perform a self spike, you want to set the ball at head level, press SPACE immediately after you set the ball upwards, and finally spike the ball as you are jumping up with it. This one is quite hard to explain in text, so I suggest asking someone who knows how to self spike to teach you if you didn't understand this explanation. The self spike should look something like this:

Credit to greehn
The setter is essentially the brains and the playmaker of the team. They are the ones who are calling the strategies or plays most of the time on the team. They are situated at the front of the court and usually in front of the net, where it is easiest to set the ball. They are also in charge of the blocking for the team. They will be setting the spiker most of the time, coordinating where to attack on the court.
The spiker is the main attacker on the team. They are the ones who are receiving sets from their setter and spiking the ball down on the other team's court. As a spiker, your main job is to look for open spots on the opposing team's court and spike the ball there. The spiker is able to help with defence in two ways: blocking, or receiving, depending on what your team wants to do defensive wise.
The libero is in charge of the defence for the team. Specifically, they are the ones in the back row picking up the balls that get past the blockers. They are situated in the back of the court. Libero is not able to serve but are allowed to spike as long as they jump before the 10-foot-line.

(Basic formation for these positions.)
Rules updated by official team captains.
1. Games will follow an out-of-game scoreboard meaning that the plugin score will not be accounted for.
1a. A team must reach 25 points to win the set.
1b. A deuce occurs when the team in the lead does not have a lead of two points once they reach 25 points. If a deuce occurs, a team must win by two points to win the set. (ex. Both Team 1 and 2 are at 24 points. A team has to be ahead by two points to win the set.)
1c. Matches will be played best of three sets for normal games, meaning a team must win two sets to win a match
2. A team must consist of three players, one of which must be a Libero in order to play a match.
2a. Liberos MAY participate in offensive attacks, as long as they jump before the ten-foot line.
2b. Liberos are able to set the ball only from behind the ten-foot line. (Receiving and stabilizing the ball does not count as setting as long as the ball is not spiked after.)
3. In scenarios where the plugin gives a point for a ball that is either spiked under the net or behind the net, the point is awarded to the opposite team. (The ball must be hit down afterwards to give the serve to the team that was awarded the point.)
1. Serves must go over the net in order to be valid.
2. You may take multiple touches on a serve.
2a. Serves may NOT leave your vicinity in these touches. They must stay in the same area as it spawned in. (ex. hitting the ball away from you, but still being in court or hitting the serve into the net and then spiking it.)
3. Servers must rotate after a point is gained. (ex. Player 1 serves and your team loses the point. Once your team gains the point back, Player 2 must serve until your team loses a point.)
4. Serves may not be blocked or spiked. A touch must be taken by the receiving team before being able to spike it.
5. You may not shift-click during your serve.
6. Libero is not able to serve the ball.
1. Teams must show up to their matches at their given match times. If a team does not show up ten minutes after their given time, the team that did not show up will be forfeited from that match.
2. Teams are allowed a maximum of two timeouts per set and four substitutions per set.
2a. Only captains may call out timeouts and substitutions.
2b. Captains must inform the referee about who they are substituting onto the court before resuming play.
2c. Switching positions on the court will count as one substitution. (A Libero may swap with another Libero, but cannot swap with Spiker or Setter.)
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