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SRP Business (stricter?) Monthly Quotas


Level 3
What's your Minecraft Username?: X4ER0
What's the title of your suggestion?: SRP Business Monthly Quotas!!

What's your suggestion?:
I find that the rules on owning a shop are very lienent, which to extents is really nice. BUT taking a few walks around shopping district is enough to realize there are so many of them that could provide or benefit peoples roleplay ideas. Problem is, they don't seem to open very often. And, while some do try to keep a reputation, some have been inactive for several months. I hoped that by suggesting to add a quota, there will be a certain number of openings for an alloted period of time that businesses are required to meet per month.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
Helps shops fulfill the purpose that they were created for. There is a variety of items from consumables to accessories that players rely on shops to provide for them. If they already exist in NPC ran shops, player ran shops tend to provide them for a much lower cost. I also believe a frequent opening of the currently dead restaurants around Karakura would give a little more of a lively feel to the town, if it makes sense.
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Level 134
It's been a few years since I was a shopkeeper on the server, but when I was playing, there was a quota to meet for monthly openings. I don't think that's changed, but the stores that are inactive for months may be on inactivity (you're allowed vacation n stuff). You can see the shops that are allowed to be applied for under the shop applications tab somewhere, perhaps it should be thought about to make the quota more strict though?


Level 36

What your on about here, is actually shops, businesses are an entire separate thing, businesses do not open per say like a shop does (from what im aware don't quote me ive never been involved in the business faction)

Furthermore shops do have quotas already of 12 adverts (6 openings a month)

However as of what I know all the shops are working through their quotas besides 5 which are


Ryekestu (being redone)

Ushi no koya/yaekodo amai (being redone)

Henki-do (Starting quota next month)

Dear karakura (being redone)

Every other shop besides these I believe are active and meeting their quotas, as for seeing them open, it really depends on YOUR timezone, through being quite involved in the shop faction as a higher up in many shops, I have found that the time zone that shops favour are the late European timezones (so England France Switzerland Italy etc) along with the majority of America.

For example, sayonara owned by hataltola the shop I am a manager for, opens around 8-11pm GMT on average, meaning that the later America timezones like PST wouldn't physically be able to see Sayonara open (unless it was a weekend due to school)

As for restaurants being "dead" most of them were inactive however in mid august shop applications were conducted and the shops are now owned, they are just being prepped so that they are fully capable to open (hiring employees, planning restock as restock is not cheap!!)

Basically shops do open, they are just very timezone based meaning that if your time zone does not correspond with the owners you will most likely never or rarely see that shop actually open.

Plus if you go behind it, it Is a huge load of work to open/own a shop, you have to make sure your stuff stays as relevant as can be, you will have employees nagging you to open or to promote them, you will have to wait for restocks, you will have to do activities checks every 1-2 months, hiring every 1-2 months (unless you hire a huge bulk)

Therefore I feel the rules regarding shopkeeping do not need to be changed as shopkeeping takes up a good portion of time and people have oocly life to deal with too :))
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