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Karakura's Poet

I'm Crow, I'm know as the courier in Karakura. This blog is for me to post differant poems anonymously including ballads about people in Karakura and my own experinces on the island. I release my own products of poems below.

Since 2023 I had just arrived to Karakura to meet my family. My mother fell in love with my father before I was born in Karakura being a maid for differant residents. Once I was born I was rather mischevious as I grew up. Once I found a couple of tickets back to Karakura not knowing the outcome I ran away from home for this 'city life'; but it fell apart. Once meeting my inner friend group they all split apart. Before the death of my father I went to the shrine seeking to be trained due to a dream but it failed.

So I am going to be stated before making differant poems and more in honor of them and those that have fallen in Karakura. Not everyone gets to get to say goodbye along with having a proper funeral for them. If you don't like poems this place is not for you!

Summary of Skill


Cake Decoration

Before you pass by,
Hold love close, let laughter in,

Wisdom lights your way. - Young Woman
To Be the Last to Die

In the silence, shadows whisper low,
The cost of surviving is a debt to borrow,
To be the last, I tread on dreams long spent,
Where echoes haunt each breath, a cruel lament.

I look upon my barren stage of night,
Familiar faces fade from mortal sight;
Yet in this heart, where deeper thoughts conspire,
A spark ignites—a will that won’t expire.

Shadows gather round my weary soul;
They beckon softly: “Will you pay the toll?”
With every breath I clench in bitter strife,
Each heartbeat pounds a tribute to lost life.

Desire, like a phantom in chains;
It binds me tight and drives me to the plains—
Where grief cascades like torrents toward the deep,
Promising but dreams I cannot keep.

And here I stand, encased in anxious fright,
A specter of my choice between wrong and right;
To journey forth for those who’ve crossed the line—
But what remains when fate draws every sign?

Defeat is not an option carved in stone;
Yet reality wraps itself around like bone;
My aching heart—an anchor lost at sea—
Torn between what life demands and what’s set free.

Compassion wades through waters filled with dread,
An afterlife crafted on the words unsaid;
For souls departed linger close behind,
Awakening desires once confined.

Confusion sits like mist around my feet—
How can I greet the dawn when darkness greets?
And in this struggle for a threadbare light,
Is strength just fear disguised beneath the night?

Ah! But I am deadly still and yet alive,
I grasp at fleeting shadows—how they strive!
To show these spirits trapped within their plight—
That strength is borne from depths of endless night.

So let me carve through sorrow’s heavy veil,
Illuminate each path where courage trails;
For if I must be last amid this throng—
Then let my name be sung among the strong!

With trembling hands and all that’s left inside—
I raise my voice to pierce the veils of pride:
“I am alive!” etched deep within this cry—
“To be the last to die makes me defy.”
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