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Denied st4rl0v3r | Debate Club comeback


Level 62

IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):

RPName of Club Leader:
Honey Nabatasai-Auichi

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):

Club name of the club you are apply for the leadership position:
Debate Club

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?

Personally, I have some mixed feelings about this question because every individual seems to have great qualities for leading the different clubs in Karakura High/College, along with excellent ideas for events and activities for the club. It's kind of hard for me to gauge whether my qualities stack up against theirs! However, let me share some of my skills, abilities, and ideas that give me an edge against the many others.

Leadership Skills:
All of the senior members in the current roster I've picked, including myself, possess strong leadership abilities. I ensured this when selecting them. They either have prior leadership experience whether it be in clubs, sports, other srp related businesses or I have complete confidence in their ability to lead meetings and events, even giving input when needed. When choosing the initial members, who happen to be close friends of mine, I made sure each of them could effectively lead the group in my absence and handle any situations that may arise with maturity.

I've chosen individuals for the club whom I trust to actively participate. Personally, I am committed to staying actively involved in the club and engaging with the other members, continuously coming up with ideas and topics to debate about, and ensuring that all members stay engaged alongside me. I am even considering implementing a gentle reminder system for inactivity because it's important to me that everyone contributes actively to the club. Alternatively, they should remain engaged on SRP or even Discord.


What is your motivation for becoming the new leader of this club:

(150 Words)

When the previous club leader left the club long ago, leaving the position vacant. I've developed a keen interest to lead a club ever since my early college days on an older character. When I eagerly participated in classes led by a professor who has since left as well.. Debate has always been a passion of mine, especially as I play a cheerleader character and cheerleaders are very often associated with creating debates and pushing forward their ideals. Recently, I discovered there are many others who also miss those classes or the club that has faded away over time away since the last club-lead left SRP. Their absence motivated me to attempt a revival, aiming to strive and be far more active than the previous owner's efforts whilst keeping the same agenda that the previous debate club had. It has taken me quite some time to reach this point, as my schedule has been packed until now. With summer break granting me more free time, I've decided to take the leap into club leadership, eager to guide and inspire others.

What activities and events will this club do?:
(Work out at least one club members only event & two school-wide club event)

I asked my members about this one to not only have my idea; but to also have their ideas.. This is a mix of them all, each labeled with the person that helped with the idea.

(could be either)
(idea by st4rl0v3r)
We debate on what to eat! This event would be used as bonding specifically, where every once in a while the club debates on what to eat. Whatever side ‘wins’ after a set amount of time, with the most people also wanting that food or even if a restaurant is open, we head there! If it's cooking; the ‘losing’ side gets forced to cook the food, in detail.. (We don’t accept /me cooks in my household.)


(idea by HEXATICA)
This one is also a bit about bonding! Debating on if we should wear colours on certain days, then debating (if it does win the debate) on what colours to wear on certain days.


(idea by st4rl0v3r)
Do we even require uniforms during events? Should we require some sort of uniform during school hours!? Who knows! Let the club decide, this one will be specifically on if the club should require some sort of specifically jacket club attire.


(idea by aloeveraa1)
Bringing up slightly similar items, (ex; foods, clothing, drinks, etc.) and choosing between this or that.


(idea by aloeveraa1)
We all need someone to represent us in life, a voucher. But... who could it be? A favourite animal? No... we all have different favourite animals. What would we all decide on? Why not bring it up for debate.
(idea by st4rl0v3r)
This one is specifically supposed to be Spartan VS Bobcat, why not add to the rivalry? We have bobcats and spartans in the club, so it could be rep’s from the club, or trusted outsiders of the club. (Like captains, ext.)


(idea by HEXATICA)
The current menu is.. very embarrassing. Not only does it not live up to Japanese standards or the health of students and dietary treatment, but... nothing is seasoned! Not even the tacos!?


(idea by aloeveraa1)
Isn't it mysterious? How come you never see a caretaker enter or leave it? How does it stay so tidy? Do the caretakers even use it or is it a prop to take the students eyes off something bigger?? (conspiracy)
(idea by aloeveraa1)
Isn't it strange how it's always raining during school hours but it seems to be perfectly fine after school hours? Isn't it strange how it rains every sports team practice? Maybe there's something bigger hiding behind this seemingly innocent weather.


(idea by HEXATICA)
Should SLT still handle situations during schooltime? When a fight happens on school grounds, the school staff should have every right to punish shouldn't they? Why should bullies have to get away with violence just because it was 5 minutes before the bell.


(idea by aloeveraa1)
A debate is set on whether the bullying amongst peers has become out of hand or not. Is there too much or not enough control over the students and how they handle conflict? If so, what's the best approach, how could it be stopped? If not, is it thanks to the persistent councilors that roam the halls??


(idea by HEXATICA)
Are the students really dressed so horrifically or are they fine?

How will the club benefit the School?:

Its primary function will be to assist the SLT in determining whether to retain items within the school, with input from students, whilst also providing some interesting roleplay situations about the school, such as topics of dress code, the school menu, how to handle team drama etc. If there's controversy about the popularity or utility of certain items among the student body, the debate club can play a strong role in ensuring that the SLT and the student body know of eachothers priorities and letting the SLT know of what the student body wants. After all, who doesn't enjoy engaging in debates on various subjects now and then?

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:

rule 1 - Your character must engage in these debates. Whether they choose to react brashly and with confidence like a cheerleader, or being politely suggestive on a topic like a regular student.

rule 2 - Activity is important, however so is showing teamwork. Engage with your fellow debate club members in and out of the clubroom, whilst also keeping it courteous, whether or not you agree with someone on something or not.

rule 3 - Your character must be over the age of 16, that way we could both see from a younger point of view whilst also being mature enough to understand some of the topics we may bring up

rule 4 - DetailRP is required! You can't be very persuasive in your debates if you just say "Grr, but blah blah blah"


I do understand it’s been a while since the Debate club was active, and there most likely isnt a server for it anymore.. I do have a server, members, and a supervisor incase the old server was deleted. Thank you for your time.
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Level 142
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following:

- The idea of a debate club has been attempted for over a year now and each time its lacked engagement; the club is very wordy and talking based, which fits the theme of the club well, unfortunately, doesn't provide much engagement to its members.

- The events provided are all debate topics applied to different themes and settings, which remains on topic, but unfortunately remains very stale and unengaging.

- This is one of those clubs which I have seen come and go almost six times in the past, each time loosing engagement faster than the last.

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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