Staff Application Guidance
In this thread, we'll cover everything you'll need to know about applying for the role of 'Helper' on SchoolRP. This guide is made to help guide players through the Staff Application process to provide you with a 'mental checklist' of things you should tick off before submitting your application.
In this thread, we'll cover everything you'll need to know about applying for the role of 'Helper' on SchoolRP. This guide is made to help guide players through the Staff Application process to provide you with a 'mental checklist' of things you should tick off before submitting your application.
Firstly, thank you for your interest in the SchoolRP Staff Team! Applications are always open, however they will only be reviewed when there are vacancies on the team. The team itself is made up of four voluntary positions: Senior Administrator, Administrator, Moderator, and Helper, all of which have their own jobs and duties. New applicants are only able to apply for the role of 'Helper', this role being the starting point for all members of the team. There are a maximum of 20 individuals on the SchoolRP Staff Team at any time, you can see the full team roster at https://schoolrp.net/staff/
Whilst anyone can apply for staff, we generally recommend that you only apply once you consider yourself an 'experienced' player, however exceptions can be made based on the quality and overall initiative shown in your application. 'Experience' can come in all shapes and sizes, here's a few examples of what we're looking for (note that these are only examples):
- A well rounded trustworthy individual with a good reputation.
- A mature individual aged 16 or above.
- An individual with a good reputation and few infractions (warns, bans, etc.) on the server.
- An individual with a good knowledge of the server rules.
- An individual that has contributed to the server in some form (community teams, roleplaying, helping other players, etc.).
- An individual with at least 2 months of recent activity on the forums, discord and in-game.
- An individual with common sense, and the ability to be mature, patient and fair.
There are a few guidelines players should follow when submitting a Staff Application, these are things you should use in your 'mental checklist' during the writing process:
1. All applications for staff must be submitted via forums under the Staff Application section, any misplaced threads will be instantly denied.
2. Applicants must wait 30 days before re-applying, and you cannot apply more than three times per year.
3. You cannot ask a current member of staff to review, or assist you with your application.
4. Do not copy/paste your previous application.
5. Do not plagiarise from other people.
6. You must have a working microphone to be able to communicate with other members of staff to answer any questions during the interview stage, as well as contribute in fortnightly staff meetings.
7. You must have a working Discord account.
8. You must not remove any questions asked on the form when editing the application.
Remember that your application must be written by you, and that you may be contacted with questions upon being set as a 'pending' applicant via interview, or direct message.
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