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Stefany Nakamura | Biography


Level 36

Stefany Nakamura, one of the Nakamura Twins
by WhiteSnowy1737

Ugh... That is so booooring... I wantto do something else. - Stefany Nakamura



Stefany Nakamura. Known for her albinism which makes her hair appear very light blonde, and for having a twin sister who is the opposite of her personality, it is one of her main highlights.
And there's no denying it. Stefany has a very energetic personality, where she always tries to exhaust that energy, doing a lot of things that she likes, be it playing video games, playing with other people in different activities (Sports, toys, playing games, jokes and more). Her activities always generate some kind of mess or confusion, after all, his way of playing is a reflection of his personality.
Stefany is known for being arrogant, sarcastic or bad-tempered, but that's not quite the truth. Stefany is mischievous like a parrot, for several reasons, but one stands out, being the center of attention, but why? Simple! Stefany is an extremely social person, but sometimes shy, so she tries to do something that catches people's attention. These things include shouting or making sounds of objects, singing, being sarcastic just to annoy someone, using mild swear words (not to insult), imitating people, etc. In the end she does it just for fun.

However, this does not mean that she is a person who doesn't get angry easily, unlike Melany (her twin sister), Stefany is not tolerant of insults towards her, something or someone she likes or her family (especially her sister). leads to a fight, without thinking twice, whether verbal or physical. And it doesn't end there. Stefany is also spiteful, if she loses a fight or if she finds out that someone has done harm to her family, she can harbor feelings of revenge for a long time, she only leaves it behind if the person forgets about her, or she forgets about the person. Also if never disturbs her again. Her resentment is obvious as she glares really angrily at the person who hurt her or someone she loves.

Stefany like a lot these things

1- Shiny, flashy objects or things: It's very clear why. Shiny objects such as crystals, jewelry, stars in the sky. It makes Stefany feel enchanted
2- Things that can make her have fun: Toys, videogames, Funny videos, jokes, anything that is cool and fun makes Stefany cheer up
3- Foods: Stefany loves many types of food, but not all types obviously, but on the list are snacks, hot dogs, pizza, hamburgers, sushi, cotton candy, barbecue sauce, ketchup, french fries, fried fish, blue cheese, cake chocolate, strawberry, banana, avocado, orange.
4- Drinks: Like foods, she loves many type of drinks, but is not all, she loves sweet drinks, like Peach Juice, G**** Juice, Lemonade, Strawberry Juice, smoothies, sodas (Coca-Cola), Strawberry Milk
5- Good/True Friends: Good company is always good, isn't it? Always someone to help you with problems and cheer you up
6- Being the center of attention: Explained before

Stefany dislikes, or hate a lot these things
1- Get dirt (Especially for mud): Stefany always uses light clothes, if get dirt, is hard to clean, also, sometimes its make her feel very itchy.
2- Getting sun burn: Due albinism, she is really sensible against UV, and her skin can easily get burned, and she dislikes a lot that. Its common see her using a lot of sunscreen, or staying inside of places that sun doesnt reach her.
3- Strangers talking with her: She not feel confortable with strangers. she always tends to ignore or get irritated by them. Depending of situation. Normally she ignores people instead fighting.
4- Foods: If she loves some, she hates some, and in the list can add Onions, Bell Pepper, Yam.
5- Drinks: Well, she hates not sweet drinks, or alcoholic drinks

Miyuki Nakamura (Mother) [ALIVE]
Takashi Nakamura (Father) [ALIVE]

Melany Nakamura (Twin Sister) [ALIVE]
Lily Nakamura (Young Sister) [
Charli O. Nakamura (Sister) [
Christal Nakamura (Sister) [ALIVE]
Hiroshi Nakamura (Uncle) [
Akiko Nakamura (Aunt) [
Aiko Nakamura (Cousin) [
Niki Nakamura (Cousin) [
Nami Nakamura (Cousin) [
Ekin Q. Nakamura (Cousin) [
Maki Nakamura (Cousin) [
Honoka Nakamura (Cousin) [
Chris Nakamura (Cousin) [
Eiko Kobayashi (Matern Grandma) [
Isamu Kobayashi (Matern Grandpa) [
Yuko Nakamura (Patern Grandma) [
Kenji Nakamura (Patern Grandpa)

Jake M. Telerson (Close friend) [ALIVE]
Faraji Shavenko (Friend) [ALIVE]
Friday Federov (Friend) [ALIVE]
Harry K. Shima (Acquaintance) [ALIVE]
Ava M. Telerson (Acquaintance) [ALIVE]


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