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Denied strafeo | Event Team Application


Level 1

Strafeo | Event Team Application

IGN: strafeo

Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:
I'm on usually all day if I'm not it's because I went out but will be back on.
I don't have any punishment history besides a ban for a day due to spam accidents.
[7:50 AM - 9:30 PM.]

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied: this has been disbanded since then)

Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:
strafe#7777 I DO have a microphone but at the moment it is broken and may have to join on my phone.
even if I don't join on my phone I am very used to no-mic chat and can respond quickly.
I have just bought a microphone so I should be able to use it.

What are your time zone and country of residence?:
USA (United States Of America) EST Timezone (Eastern Standard Time)

Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?
I am fully aware and am ready to have any punishment for being inactive.


What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:
I have not been in any team in SRP, though I have been someone who likes the idea of roleplaying I do have some of my own experience (temp) I used to run a server with 70-90 people and though I do not have screenshots of it I can say I have some experience in it!
I'm not here to outshine anyone else I'm just like them. though I'm happy enough to give it a chance to see if I can use my experience to make an eventful SRP.
I'm really good at working with a team, I remember working with my friends on a science project. I was the leader of it and we all passed!
I'm someone who really wants to engage in the event side of SRP, I'm here to make the SRP experience fun!
And the amount of motivation I have, Not only am I willing to learn what to do as an event team member but is also ready to Make fun events for people to experience. And I want to take on more roles for myself to test my skills.

Are you currently part of any Community Team? If so, which one do you think you are able to manage your activity in both?
N/A. I am currently in None! this is the first one I am going for.

Please provide a minimum of three (maximum of five) detailed event suggestions that would work for our server:
(Going over the set limit of event ideas can potentially jeopardize your chances of being accepted.)



[!] The Intercom would ring "All Students Head to the gymnasium please." Guess The Word | This would take place in the "gymnasium" and the dean and the vice principal would participate as event overseers You would be asked to sit down and then you would be given 30 cards, The dean would head up to the stage of the "gymnasium" and explain how to play, You will have 30 cards. The dean will reveal one letter on the board, You must guess what the word is using your cards. If you need help, they would reveal another word. and you would guess and if you got it right you would level up in the round, There would be 5 rounds. in the 2nd to last round, you would not be given any hints. This'd be a guessing game, and it would test your skills in remembering. Before, the dean would have said words that resemble the cards, So can you remember? If you made it to the last stage, You would probably be one of the 3 people who made it. You would be given only 3 cards, and you must choose the right one based on One letter. Can you do it?

Location: Gymnasium.
Date: N/A
Extra Information: Bring your guessing cards!
Staff: We wouldn't need a lot of staff, Just the ones that would be giving out the cards.



FLASH WARNING | TORNADO | BAM! [!] What the hell was that? The entire ground would have shaken, Causing an earthquake in the floor and cracking it, You'd receive a notification on your phone "FLASH WARNING | TORNADO INCOMING" TORNADO LEVEL 4, The only place you could go was your home, Or get locked in a shop. The sky would start thunderstorms, And there would be no escaping it. The tornado would have destroyed trees and houses, Are you next? Thunders would start to summon around the town, flashing cars and buildings. The rain would be heavy. . Wonder what could have caused this? Slowly, But surely. The weather would start to calm down, And the winds would start to stop. The tornado would soon fade. What the hell was that? You'd walk outside, checking the weather. It would seem you've noticed the water dyed down. The tornado was fading, I Wonder what was that? We all wonder what was that, Surely reporters will report this. Guess we have a lot coming

Location: The school
Date: N/A
Extra Information: Have an umbrella!
Staff needed: We would need staff to make it start raining.




[!] MISSING PEOPLE STAY INSIDE AT ALL TIMES [!] | The missing person case
You'd receive a notification from your phone, It was from a news case done by a reporter. You'd slid it out looking at what it said "THIS IS THE NEWS STATION! Just in, 6 People have gone missing in the last 3 days, Please stay inside at all times and be warned." You'd run back to your home, turning on your tv You'd watch the news. On the news, you would see a dead person, One of the missing people. They told you about their family and their parents. You thought to yourself "Who could have done This"
You couldn't think about it right now, you had to believe this was a threat and you were in danger. You'd quickly stay in your home and lock the door. . . Until you hear a knock. . You check out the window and there would be a masked man. . With a crowbar. . . Was he about to Oh no- SHIT! You'd run into the house, hiding in a closet. . Was he about to kill you? Kidnap you? KO You?.. You worried for yourself, slowly lowering your heartbeat. . . . . He heard something . . . He came to the closet, About to open it Then. . . SLICE!

Location: N/A
Date: N/A
Extra Information: N/A
Staff needed: N/A Unless Something weird happends


Additional notes (You may leave this blank): Getting a new microphone right now!


ada [College][Basketball] Ada A. Sakiwyaishimehito | [Omega] strafeo
ken [Grade-12] Kenzo K. Isamu | [Fundraiser+] Strafedhearts
tam [Grade-12] Tamu Tsukumo | [Fundraiser+] Strafedhearts
Last edited:


Level 211

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Event Team! Unfortunately, we have chosen to deny this application for the following reasons:
- We think you have the potential to come up with more unique events but unfortunately the ones you wrote in this application really lack detail and care. We recommend you re-apply with other events and develop your ideas more!

Feel free to re-apply anytime!

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