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Student Council Application


Level 1

What is your Minecraft Username?: Ecstasie

Past warns/kicks/bans?: I have never received any warnings nor bans. The only time I have been kicked from SRP was for role changes.

What is your timezone?: My time zone is EST.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?: I do have discord. My discord tag is; Ecstasie#5480

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending): The list of application links are in order from oldest date to most recent date. Denied. Denied. Accpeted. Accecpted. Accepted. Accepted. Accecpted.

Describe your activity on the server?: I am very active on SchoolRP. I usually log on around 9:00AM and can be on until 9:00PM at night during the week. On Saturday and Sunday this time increases till 10:00PM. The only times I am not present online are when I need a break and to do something else to keep myself entertained, to get some exercise from sitting down in my chair for too long, or if a situation with my family is going on. I am still in school IRL currently until June 22nd, but that does not interfere with my activity on the server.

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?: I am well aware of this rule with inactivity. If someone is not communicating and is not functional within the council then there is no reason for them to hold a position that another more active player could have.


What is the student council?: The student council is a select group of individuals that strive for the purpose of a well organized and chaos free environment. In the Student Council, they want to create a place where everyone can feel safe and be themselves, while also giving select opportunities to more social situations and to find themselves a group where they feel comfortable. Other benefits that student council provides is help to any new students that may be having a hard time around the school, and helping every student in a general sense to find their way and to find happiness within the school day.

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc): My motivation for applying to Student Council is my want to be involved within the SchoolRP aspect of SRP. I have been aimlessly searching around the server trying to find the RP situations that I fit best in. For awhile I just waddled around and looked for any activity that I could get myself involved with. Then I started getting associated with people who GangRP and for a while I wanted that to be my group within SRP. My only flaw with GangRP is my high adrenaline levels and anxiety that come with it. GangRP is a very uncomfortable situation for me to be in often and I try to avoid it as much as possible. I do have quite a few friends who use GangRP often but I am always trying to make more friends that fit my group standards! I want to meet all different kinds of people and get to know the other types of roleplay situations that exist. I also value organization and orientation which means that I like when everything is flowing smoothly and collectly. I am well aware that the Student Council plans most of the events within the school and I would love to be able to take part in that, and situate events that the majority could enjoy while also leaving a lasting impression. Getting more involved with the community of SRP is always something that I look forward to and hope to get more options to do so. Student Council is a good selection of confident players that I would love to become acquaintances with, as well as other students.

What does the school council of Karakura do?: The School Council or Karakura sets and delivers rules that are to keep the school life safe and secure from any destruction or violation of either property or other students. The Student Council also plans out school events, which is a good way to increase activity with SchoolRP and to get more people conversing with one another. While keeping the school safe and organized, they also bring a lot of different variations of activities for all to enjoy and experience!

How would you describe your work ethic?: I am a very neatly organized person and keep tabs open at all times to look up anything I am unsure of from a trusted source, and I also take notes frequently when I believe that I may forget or delay something. My communication skills are strong and I am not afraid to ask questions to my peers if I do not know what I am meant to be doing, or how I am meant to be doing it. Most importantly I work with confidence and productiveness to keep up my motivation to continue working. Ways I keep myself motivated and avoid losing interest are to take breaks in between assignments so I do not get overwhelmed or tire myself out. I also take one assignment at a time and try not to multitask to avoid clutter and confusion. Concentration is the one strategy that I lack in most, to keep up my concentration I deal better with either smaller assignments or group assignments.

What interests you the most about the student council?: My interests within the student council consists of, the planning of events, the organizational part of roleplay with keeping everything in order, and being part of a bigger community where I can learn from and express my opinions openly with.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?: I have been active on SRP since the summer of 2019. In these past couple years I have grown with SRP and experienced many different activities while also meeting all sorts of different people. When I first joined the server I was unaware of the work and productivity that was put into this server. I would run around and find anything that I could get myself involved with, some may have not been the best situations and or people but I feel that I have learned from past mistakes and I am expanding my reach to new heights. In 2020 I started to get into the theme of family roleplay, in which I had many families of my own that all fell through and did not work out, a positive outcome of that is the fact I now have made a lot of loyal and trusting friends that I continue to grow and share my experiences with. One of my other characters is now the leader of a family that is made of people I care about and trust and have kept my motivation on SRP. Earlier this year I started to affiliate myself with the GangRP aspect. I found out the GangRP brings me a lot of worry and anxiety that is very hard for me to deal with as I am a very anxious person. I do not let my flaws get the best of me and I continue to push through. My other character is also now in a private organization that is well put together and well organized. I do not GangRP in this organization currently but I offer my help when it is needed and I stay involved because it is a group of individuals that I feel comfortable around. I want to take another step into SRP and expand my reach, to new people and opportunities. I feel that being involved with the Student Council would highly benefit this future hope that I am looking for.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?: If a fellow council member submitted an idea that could negatively impact the environment of SRP then I would calmly and respectfully suggest my opinion on their topic and maybe tell them some of the pros and cons of their idea, trying to make them understand in the long run of how this could affect others and in which ways. Everyone’s opinions are valid and everyone has a motive to their suggestions so I would not be blinded by my own, I would try my best to understand where they are coming from with this idea.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?: In a situation where my idea is not favored by the council I would try my best to convince others, but if they continued to not be in my favor then I would understand that there may be an issue with my proposal, that I should rethink the idea of, or re-think my presentation on.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?: If a debate started to turn into an argument I would suggestively hold my ground while also listening to others opinions and how they were suggesting their idea. If the opposing side is more convincing then I would follow their lead on the idea. Whereas if my party was more convincing then I would offer the option to bend slightly to be more fitting to the opposite party’s taste, while still keeping the main proposition.

A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?: If one of my fellow councilors were seen harassing other students I would confront them by telling them that the way they are treating other students is completely inappropriate and does not follow our code, while also telling the student that they can carry on their way. I would then confide in the council president, letting them be aware of the issues with this un-professional council member. If a councilor was causing disruption or disturbance to the school environment or activities then I would suggest to them to maybe go for a walk of air and try to clear their mind to be able to take situations more seriously. Following this occurrence I would once again report this situation to the council president.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?: If the Council president were to say something that I was not completely fond of, I would give my opinion in a respectful way while also trying my best to understand their judgement. I would also suggest that they bring the idea up to the whole council to get more opinions on.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?: I would talk to them both to try my best to understand both of their perspectives while also trying not to get involved with the drama. I would give them both my honest opinion, keeping the story the same and suggesting ways that they could possibly keep professionalism at least inside of school. Then I would bring this situation to the council president’s attention and tell them what I have learned is causing the issue and try to suggest for them to talk to the other two councilors about the issue and how they can fix it.

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?: In a situation where I had seen a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds, I would avoid conflict with them directly and try to avoid making the issue worse. I would bring the attention of the situation to the principal, taking a photo of the situation and maybe even a recording as evidence to show.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?: If one of my friends was given detention and asked for my aid in helping them out of trouble, I would simply tell them that breaking the rules violates my responsibilities and that if they have done something with a negative impact on a situation or another person then they may need the time to think about the consequences to their actions.


Character Name: Diana Yahontov

Character Gender: Female

Character Age: 18

Character phone-number: 587-574-118

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: If I were to put my personality into a summary I would start off with my rather serious demeanor. I do not see a need for violence nor foul language or attitude. Showing off the fact that you can use cuss words or communicate mainly in sarcasm does not show that you are either respectful, nor can you take anything seriously. I believe that everyone enjoys moments of joy and that bringing more fun opportunities to others can motivate them. I have been told I am a very mature and charismatic young woman, with the intelligence and knowledge to help guide me through my journeys. Many look up to me as a loyal sister or even a motherly figure which is very flattering for me at such a young age. I respect those older than me, and believe that there is often wisdom in their words, as they have already progressed in the world more than I have. I believe that everyone’s opinions are valid and that everyone has a motive that they believe behind every opinion. I try my best to understand these motives and put myself in their position to get a better understanding. I am a very forward person and I feel that I am good in debating situations with others.

Character appearance/attire: Standing at the height of 4’10, I, Diana Yahontov have a slim and thin body type. My hips are rather wide and my posture straight and outgoing, this gives the impression that my whole outside appearance is based on my personality. The flared salmon pink contacts that I wear constantly burn into others with a single gaze and every time I would give a command it felt wrong to deny my wishes. My nails are filed down to a normal length, careful not to get in the way of my work. Hair is silky and pink, just like velvet and has a scent of cherry blossom conditioner to anyone who was close enough. I usually wear a formal and sometimes playful type style. My main wardrobe consists of a white long sleeve button up with tight black skirt and polished black buckle shoes, a red thin strap crop top with red and black checkered pants and red high heels, finally a hoodie that has the appearance of a brown bear with a black skirt to complement it and beige sneakers. When walking by me, the breeze rushed off a scent of Honey by Marc Jacobs, this scent gives me a lighter and warmer nature.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?: What separates me from other applicants that are applying for the same position as me, is my light natured personality and tame attitude. I am the type of person that believes everyone should be respected and treated equally. I do not let my personal opinions on someone interfere with my work or cloud my judgement. I enjoy having a bit of fun just like most, but I also understand that there is a time where hard work and concentration must come into the mix. My personality alone separates me from the rest because I am honest and loyal, while taking in the interest of others to heart. I strive to set hard limits to protect others and make sure they feel comfortable and safe in their environment. Violence is not something that I support nor feel that is needed in society.

Why do you want this position?: I want to try my best to open new opportunities for others to reach new heights and to find their people they fit in with. I want to make the school experience a joyous time fit for anyone. By bringing these situations to Karakura High School, I inspire others to go outside of their comfort zone and to push themselves to be their very best. While also meeting all different sorts of people, I want to be more involved with other students and faculty and get to hear others' opinions and perspectives. I want to be able to make my change in the school for the better and for everyone's voices to be heard, while also taking disciplinary actions on those that try to ruin the joy for others.

What interests you the most about student council?: My main interest in student council is the productivity of council members and the debating that goes into it. I am the type of person who likes a good argument as long as it’s beneficial to society. Hearing others opinions/suggestions and where they’re coming from with this is very exciting and it lets me know a bit more about someone’s personality. I want to be able to be more active with school activities and take part in the planning issue of it.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?: My open minded and outgoing mindset could be majorly beneficial to the school system as a whole. I do not pick a side in an argument unless I am at least 95% sure that this is the most positive outcome. When I believe in something and are confident about it I try my best to persuade and convince others to understand where I am coming from and to agree with my presentation. I am a hard worker who is always very confident when I feel that I have done something good and I am very committed to whatever activities I enjoy. I am very loyal to rules and do not feel that they should ever be broken, as they server a point of existing to protect others and keep the community flowing smoothly.​


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Congratulations! After both the council presidents and I have reviewed your application we decided to accept it!
To get your roles on the Karakura Academics discord applied ping @Tippie#6666 in #help, for the roles in-game you can either DM me or paste the link of this application in /help. Welcome to the student council!

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