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Accepted Student Councillor Application Attempt 2 | Hyundi Tomohiro-Sumisu


Level 8
Highschool Council | Hyundi Tomohiro-Sumisu


What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?:

1 past ban-It was temporary and for spouting silly things in icly chat this happened when i started srp
What is your timezone?:

Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001):

SillySilus. (with the . )
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Describe your activity on the server:

My activity on the server is nearly always active other than Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm not online, every other day you will no doubt see me!
List your accounts and roles on this server:

SillySilus (High School Student)
Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

Yes I am fully aware


What is the student council and what do they do?:

The student council is a monarchy of students within the school who work with teachers to create a safe environment for teachers and students alike. They stand as what a ideal and successful student should be and not what you see in every day society. The student council provide safety too other students from delinquents and as they strive to keep the school and its piers safe. Additionally, the school council help teachers organise and prepare school events, dances, and the future of the school and what it represents.
What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):

What highly motivated me to join the student council was my curiosity of different sides of Japanese culture. The way the councillors work and why they do what they do. I would also like to get an idea of the responsibilities and challenges that the student council faces on a day to day basis.
Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):

I am fully aware of this. Teamwork is the whole point of the student council if teamwork was not such an important factor then we wouldn't need multiple people to apply.
Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

The highest and most respected role of the council would be the President; leader of the council. The president is bombarded with the most responsibility and is tasked with separating their studies with their President Curriculum related role as they settle their school life and success. The next highest role would be the Vice-President. The right-hand person of the President, helping and aiding them whenever they need it. Making sure the President can get the work done in the time they have. Of course the Vice-President has high responsibility of their own as they must help the President and succeed at school at the same time. Then the standard Councillor role, is the Student Council, they strive to give ideas and organise events, setting out the Presidents plans and ideals. They strive to give safety among the school and its academic students. The students als


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

I'd observes the situation at first- just over listening their conversation as I see hand movement and signs of yelling and cussing. I'd step in and force them away from each other, not hurting them just keeping them separated until further help arrives, E.G Teachers, nurses, anyone really! Until further support arrives, I would try and get a handle on the situation and find on what's going off- I'd speak to both students individually in a 1 to 1 talk about what's going off. Still keeping them separated, i'd warn them both of any further actions WILL lead to a detention. As soon as teacher or staff arrive, I will tell them about the situation and let them decide their punishment.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

I'd remembers a good look of him head to the nearest staff or teacher as there would be nothing more I could simply do if he's ran off, as has been warned multiple times that detention and expulsion is a possibility- of course we have the CCTV which we can check and find out the students name and report directly to Head Principle or Teachers.
There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?

I'd step in straight away- telling the kid to get the teacher or Councillor President. As only a fellow Councillor in this situation, there's nothing more I can do than warn her/him and correct him/her on their actions, but I can and WILL report it to staff, teachers and Councillor President.
You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?

I'd stay behind after the meeting and talk to another councillor or Councillor President, asking for perhaps a notebook with everything we spoke about at the meeting so I'm not wasting her/his time when they can be out helping and preparing for other important matters and that’s all I'd do because it's all that’s NEEDS to be done.
A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

I would simply apologise and ask what I did wrong. I would take a long eye-widening chat and get them to navigate me into the right direction so that next time I'm in a situation I can learn from it and better myself but the students too.
Please provide atleast one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

A very cool and creative idea I have in mind is to have a professional Karakura Highschool Beach Night Event! Where we will have many cool games and fun activities plotted throughout the course of the beach with a dance floor and DJ Set underneath the pier, there will be stunning attractions such as Ocean activities and decorations over the mountains and to end it off a huge firework display; e will have three main attractions! The Dance floor/Dj set! A Beach-style fashion competition Where the winner will get a prize of their choosing of which is appropriate and sensibly chosen, not too expensive! And for the final main attraction the Firework Display where we can float surfaces floating on the ocean as a place for Highschool and College students alike to enjoy, relax and watch the fireworks! Of course, there will be little games and activities spread out around the beach too! Perhaps a “WHO CAN BUILD THE BEST SANDCASTLE" and many other enjoyable games and a last idea which is a bit laid back with a lot of walking! A full tour of the beach and its history of how it came to be! Wouldn’t that be awesome! To not only plan and setup this event but considerate the students' learning skills and academic abilities! If all goes well and according to plan, we can even think about getting in contact with shops up on the pier and maybe a having a walk-around-market where students can buy food and items for discounts and low prices! A win-win for everyone! There will be some over stunning attraction over the pier which is why I suggest adding some stalls, where you can compete with friend's head-to-head and win prizes and enjoy it with your fellow school students!

Personal Information
(in character)


Hyundi Tomohiro-Sumisu


Phone number:

How would you describe your personality?:

Hyundi Tomohiro-Sumisu would have an odd sense of humour; some find it quite unique! He’s rather intelligent and protective of his close friends' students- he doesn’t like people bad mouthing for no evidential reason and is all around a silly but kind-hearted individual!
Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

I will not let personal drama get in the way of the duties of the student council. I wont change priorities or have mixed feelings because they're my friend or I know them. I will stick to the rules and not let it slide, as rules and consequences are important to establish a functional society. I would like to put students first and make sure they achieve their highest, friend or not.
Why do you want this position?:

I want this position as I would like to make a good example for other students of what a respected and succeeding student should look like. I would like to help them reach their goals and higher as well as make the student council proud and even one day exceed them academically.
What interests you the most about student council?:

Their passions, responsibilities and their organisation. I would like to involve myself and create a justified society with them and help students exceed. Their undergoing determination to better others and the school and their reputation is something I truly would like to be apart of; making them ideas and coming up with the solutions, just like the student council I'd like to be a safe environment for others where they can speak freely and let out.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

As apart of the student council I'll give my undevoted attention and respect. You will get the 110% of me all the time and I will work hard to prove myself and make sure my convictions are lead out as much as possible so I can gain the trust and respect of each councillor. You will have my relentless determination and stubbornness so we can better the school and others. Additionally, not only will I contribute to the council but also the students as I open my arms willingly for any who need the talk or advice.
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Level 199
Council Lead

This will have a definitive response once spots have opened up.


Level 199
Council Lead

Congratulations, and welcome to the Highschool Council. Please ping @[Dean] gotsnapped in #help on the KA Discord for your roles.

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