players online


IGN: schizoprenia
DATE: December 10, 2021
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I suggest to higher the price of cars once you have spent the 50 irl dollars, this is simply because a new player can Just get lended 200k yen, buy a custom car, and then sell it for 3.3m. I don’t suggest making it something crazy like 2m but maybe 500k or smthn.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I have seen many new players complain about p2w in this server and even though many people migt not like this suggestion it will help by removing the p2w factor or at least lowering it by a large amount.


Level 40
I do not do this and I won't deny people do this. I find it unfair to increase the price too high for the very fact that a player is paying 50 DOLLARS irl to get a custom car, that is hard earned real money. 50 dollars is a lot of money to pay just to get a load of money in a free Minecraft server.

Imagine this, you are a person who works really hard in a job to earn real money and you decide yes I want to support the server and I would like to get a custom. So you spend this time earning that money at a job, turns out because of said job you don't really have the time to play the server all that much at least most of the time, so you are struggling to get that money for the item you payed 50 dollars for and really wanted.

In the end of the day it is server staffs decision and I know they are probably going to try and work on fixing the economy of the server, so likely this price for customs will increase.


Level 12
this seems like an issue that doesn't need a solution. people spend quite a good sum for a custom vehicle, it would be a little bit of a disservice to the donators to require them to drop large amounts of money on it. the custom vehicles are certainly not the source of the server's economy problems


Level 19
I don't see any reason to change this. A custom car is already $50 and I don't see a reason to have to spend a ton of in-game money as well after buying it. As for the p2w portion mentioned- P2W is paying for something that gives you an advantage in-game and all a car really does is let you get places quicker. Which yes can be helpful in certain situations, but I don't see it as being a big factor that affects your in-game experience that much.


Level 3
I personally disagree. I don't think increasing the price ICly or OOCly would do much good, nor do I think this is a p2w situation. If someone has the 200k yen and wants to give that away to someone for a custom car that's their decision. If someone was patient and earned the $50 dollars to spend on a car that's also their choice. If this person were to make the choice of selling their custom vehicle that they spent hard earned money on, they should get a good amount of yen for putting their irl money into something that they are passing on. In the end the two people making the deal would be getting what they want so I believe that'd make it a win - win trade.


Level 113
this doesnt help w anything

i dont wanna pay extra 300k when buying a custom vehicle bc some dudes just spending alot of money on customs then selling it for IC money.


Level 13
-1 this wont really benefit the server in any major way. Who cares if someone gets rich instantly its not gonna hurt anyone


Level 87
You know… if you feel poor in game compared to the people making deals with cars… you could…. Do it yourself… or apply for a job that can make that much within the year while doing side gigs such as selling directly to the consumer or through auctions, selling artwork/skins/photography services, or even making your own kind of business that will definitely make a profit… if this was a problem, staff would have personally made it a bolded rule of not selling cars but they don’t because in the end that person spent too much money oocly for a car… -1


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
The low price of 200,000 maximum is to prevent cars from being pay-to-win & allow for anyone to be able to purchase their vehicle and get it in-game, raising the price would be unfair to those who paid real money for a model & cannot get it in-game. The price will stay the same, however changes to the economy itself will be looked into at a later date

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