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SunBunnyAlpha's College Council Application


What is your Minecraft Username?:


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Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

SunBunnyAlpha's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
SunBunnyAlpha's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
SunBunnyAlpha's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - SunBunnyAlpha's College Council Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server (Got removed)
Describe your activity on the server:
I am almost every day if not every day for at least 1-2 hours a day, maybe more depending on the day

List your accounts and roles on this server:
SunBunnyAlpha - College
Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I am aware that inactivity can result in getting removed​


What is the student council and what do they do?:

The School Council is a group of students (Highschool and College) who help students throughout the school with various activities, tasks, and keep things in order. They perform different tasks depending on what they were told to do by either the Vice-President, the President, or a Teacher. Some of those tasks may include but are not limited to, helping with detention (They hand out work to the students, make sure everything is in order and students dont act out, and keep watch and help when students are done with their task). They also help stop conflict throughout the school community (During class, just around the school, in detention, etc), they also can give warnings, or handing out detention slips to anyone who is not following the school rules. They also patrol during school hours to see if they can find any conflicts to stop

The Student Council also has a big role in helping and planning events, they help plan events beforehand and help out during the events. They make sure everything during the event is running smoothly and no fights or arguments start during it. During different events they could run stands, help out students with different tasks throughout the event, help with bigger things (For example if there was a treasure hunt they could help students if they had any questions), or any other task that is assigned to them. They also make sure everyone is school is having a fun experience, they might go to a big group and ask what's going on to make sure everything is okay or check on a student who looks off or maybe even sad, they will help with small injuries if there are no nurses around (Bruises, dizziness, etc.)

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
I wanted to apply for the council because I feel like I could be a valuable member to the team, I will help people throughout the school and stop any arguments or fights, I got motivated to apply from seeing the council in action many times. I've always had an interest in helping people and keeping the school a happy and healthy environment, I also want to have a character in a community of such good people.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):

I am aware I will have to use my creativity and brain within the student council to help out and keep things in order

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

Vice President
Normal Council Member​


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

It would depend how much the student was being disruptive, if it was a small or big amount, I would stop them from disturbing the rest of the school.

If the situation was small and they were only disrupting a couple of students, I would bring them away from the situation and talk to them personally, asking why they were doing that and ask them to stop, I would try not to add attention to the situation, so things didn't escalate, if the student continued the behavior after I had talked to them I would tell an employee and let them deal with it.

If it was a larger situation and they were disturbing a bigger number of students or the entire assembly, I would ask them to follow me out of the room, I would ask them why they were doing that and tell an employee so they could help me, I would ask them to please stop and if they didn't I would threaten detention and make them stop the disturbance (without physically stopping them of course) If it continued I'd tell an employee

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

First of all I would go find an employee and describe to them the situation and what the student looked like, I would tell the employee the direction they went and help out where I could, I would ask them to use CCTV to see if they can find the student. If the student was found, I would remove the mask and give it to a higher-up or employee and give the student detention (Possibly ask if someone could get them a suspension for having the mask) I would also make sure the situation didn't escalate further from where it was.

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?

As a member to the Student Council I would help out to my best ability, following everything the teacher had told me, if the student was present I would talk to them and ask them about why they were doing this, I would make sure no other students were around to try to cause trouble and if anyone tried to loiter I would tell them to leave, I would talk to the teacher about what we should do and if I was present during the threats and artwork I would say what I think would be best in the situation to the teacher but of course do what they think is best, if I think the teacher was being unreasonable then I would talk to a higher-up about it and get their opinion

If I was not present during the threats and artwork, I would help the teacher where I could and learn all I could about the situation, I would give what I think we should do but follow what the teacher was saying, either way the student would get a detention for threats, and I would ask if we could get them some help.

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?

First, I would figure out what the students wanted to protest about, if it was not breaking any school rules and depending on what they wanted to protest about I would accept it but make sure to be present the entire time to make sure it didn't escalate. If it was something unreasonable or against the law and or school rules I would decline and tell them they cannot protest about that.

If I accepted the protest, I would make sure to stay with the protesters the entire time to make sure nothing escalated, I would tell other staff members what was going on and the situation. I would make sure nothing got out of control, if it started to, I would talk to everyone within the protest, and tell them to stop, if they didn't, I would end the protest all together, and I would tell staff so they could help me out. If the protest was for something I agreed with I would join in, but make sure it didn't get out of hand and keep everything under control.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

If a teacher or receptionist told me that I was doing something wrong to my training from higher-ups, I would respond with kindness and listen to what they said. First, I would carefully listen to what they had to say and take it all in carefully to make sure I heard everything. Then, I would take immediate action to correct my mistakes, making sure I changed it to following the rules I was supposed to follow. I would show my appreciation and gratitude to the teacher or receptionist for bringing this to my attention, as their feedback helps me improve. Throughout the process, I would maintain a positive and friendly attitude, ensuring I would fix my mistakes and become better from it.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):
I feel like a very interesting and fun event for the students and teachers would be a schoolwide treasure hunt

It would be a very creative and fun way for students and teachers alike to team up and figure out the mystery! It would give people a chance to make new friends and explore, aswell as the winners would get a prize for figuring out the puzzle. It would be a very interesting and creative way to socialize people and give people the fun of a treasure hunt.

The school day would start like any other, but we would all head to the assembly room to hear about the rules of the event and how it would go, the Student Council could be helping with questions and talk about how it would go down, they would help people team up in groups of 2-7 people, and they would also give people a hint for their group. The rules would be 1. Each group should atleast have 2 members, no more than 7 - 2. The treasure hunt is at the school only, it is everywhere at school, in the school, around it, etc - 3. The treasure hunt will go on until someone finds the treasure, if no one does by the end of the day then staff will tell everyone the general area and whoever finds it first wins - 4. HAVE FUN! This is supposed to be a very fun event so I hope no one gets mad if they don't find the treasure, this is all for fun. The School Council would also be scattered around the school to give people their next clues.

Then they would be off! Everyone would start to look for the next clue by the School Councilor they were supposed to find, there should be 5-6 clues until you find the treasure, the treasure could maybe be a metal for the group or a little badge, but of course no one is a loser so everyone would be congratulated for participating. There would be a break in between where students could have a snack and water break (YOU GOTTA STAY HYDRATED YOU KNOWW) and they would be at it again.

I feel like this would be a very fun event for people throughout the school, and for teachers and the council, maybe we could even get a police member to come to school to give a clue, who knows. But I feel like this would be a very creative and social event.
Personal Information
(in character)


Tsukuyomi I. Rei





Phone number:


How would you describe your personality?:
If I were to describe my personality, I would say I am a sweet person who will check on anyone in need, I have a soft heart and a brave spirit, I am willing to stand up for anyone who needs it. At the same time, I am very caring, I love helping people no matter who they are or what they need help with, I am up for any challenge.

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
View attachment 69041

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

I feel like I am different from other applicants because I am very sweet and caring, I have experience with helping people and I am brave enough to stop conflict and get people's attention, I feel like I would be a good addition to the team and be able to help out with many people and events.

Why do you want this position?:

I want to be in this position because I feel like I can be very helpful to the Council and help them strive and be very successful. I feel like I would be good with the job because I love helping out and I am good at keeping things in order. I have always been a leader type person, and I will continue to if I get accepted. I hope I can shine a little light on the school and everyone who talks to me. I would be good at helping out with every event and I will learn over time. I also want to be in this position so I can meet some amazing people and learn about the amazing community that the School Council is.

What interests you the most about student council?:

I think the most interesting thing about the council to me is the community of people who make up the School Council, they have inspired me time and time again and have helped me be the person I am today. I've always wanted to be able to help out and shine a little light to everyone I can, If I get accepted, I will try my very best to help out and make the school a better place from where it is. The Student Council has gained my attention in recent time, and I hope that maybe I can join them.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

I feel like I could contribute to the school by stopping arguments and fights and making sure everything is going well, I will make sure students are happy and that people can be friends instead of enemies, I will make it a goal of mine to keep everyone safe under all circumstances without making other people feel bad.

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