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supereepy | KPD Application


Level 4

IGN (In-Game Name):
supereepy <- Applying
2500 [Grade-12][Volleyball-Captain] Louise Fellton & [College][В] Mila Groenewald

Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

No previous faction applications

Describe your activity on the server:

I spend a good amount of free time on the server every single day, I usually involve myself in various jockrp situations and other generic student related roleplay scenarios. About a year ago is when I really started actively playing and indulging myself more into the community, joining a team in the sports faction, making friends along the way and learning what there is to know about the server. I'm pretty much always down for a chat, as long as I am green on discord, I can most likely hop on the server if I'm not there already. My uni schedule isn't all too strict, allowing me to balance it with SRP fairly well.

What is your motivation for applying?:

Since rejoining the community last year, I wanted to experience new things and have my stay last longer. I have always considered police related RP situations to be very interesting and intriguing, and have participated in similar scenarios in the past (on a different game). Where I had a character move up the ranks of their in-universe police department, which I was very passionate about. So far however, I have only really played on one or two characters in my time on SRP and I really think now is the time to expand that. Now that I have improved my roleplay during my time in the sports faction I want to be able to experience the server and its community from the perspective of a something new, exciting and. . A little nostalgic? One memorable memory I have with the KPD in particular was when one of my characters ended up involved in a vehicle chase in which the KPD was scattered around the city in an attempt to stop her and a friend. I admire the level of teamwork and cohesion that appeared to take and it cemented my desire to be a part of that someday, really cool stuff.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

Outside of SRP,
I don't know all too much about police work other than the things I have seen on the telly- I love watching police related programmes that follow the life and daily activities of PO's and other public enforcers. And as I mentioned earlier I have also been a part of a whitelisted police department in another unrelated RP community where the duties seem to be relatively similar to what happens on SRP. Some of those activities included
- Patrolling, per foot or squad car.
- Responding to emergency calls, taking in criminals and serving appropriate justice.
- Participating in raids, keeping the public away from said danger and supervising lower ranking officers present.
These tasks require a keen eye, good patience and a listening ear.

Inside of SRP,
In character my run-ins with the KPD have been relatively few and far between. Two of my characters being arrested at some point, one for the street racing incident from earlier and the other for another organized roleplay situation in which they broke a law and was tracked down later, genius. I've obviously witnessed a fair few of arrests as well, been on an organized tour ICly during the "Bring Your Kid To Work Day Event" where I got to get a better look at the place and ask questions to learn more about what the duties of a KPD officer are.

I know about the equipment that is specific to the KPD, listed on the information thread. Some will obviously be used more than some others. Below I'll list a few in order of how commonly they might be used, along with a short one-line description of them
Accessible to all officers;
  • Police radio - Used to communicate with other on-duty officers.
  • Body camera - Used to record from the PO's point of view, similar to CCTV. (itemRP)
  • Handcuffs - Metal cuffs used to restrain suspected criminals.
  • Luminol spray - Used to spray on masks or weapons to check for any illegal use. (itemRP)
  • Stun blaster - Used to apprehend fleeing suspects in a situation where they resist, flee or form a danger to themselves or others. Immobilizes victim temporarily (60s)
  • Police baton - Used to apprehend dangerous and violently resisting suspects. (2x for KO)
  • Pepper spray - Used similarly to the above two, blinds victim temporarily. (60s without gas mask)
  • Gas mask, Riot shield, Breathalyzer, Gloves, Fingerprint scanner and First aid kit - Situational equipment that is only commonly used in specific, self-explanatory applications.
Accessible to CPL +
  • Crowbar - Used to perform police raids on apartments, able to break open doors and containers.
Accessible to SGT / Det. Insp +
  • Tranquilizer - A more potent, longer range stun blaster capable of immobilizing victims for longer (120s)
Furthermore you also have the police vehicles, given to higher ranking officers. Notably the police cruiser and motorcycle.

Just like with the equipment, I'll write a few one liners of the most important duties that an officer has to do while on duty. Mostly ordered from most to least common.
  • Patrolling the city - Going around town along with other officers to be on the look out for criminals.
  • Station duties - There's plenty of work to do while tending the desk at the KPD, like taking reports, filing logs, dealing with bails and more.
  • CCTV - While at the station, you can also oversee the city using the CCTV cameras to catch criminals at a distance
  • Raids - In some cases, if a weapon is found on a suspect or there is a warrant police may be able to raid apartments.

Ranks appear to be a little different from what I am used to, but they still seem to follow a similar order
Main patrol division: CPT - LT - SGT - CPL - PO - Cadet
Detective division: Det. Superintendent - DCI - DI - DS - DC
And overseeing both of these is the Commissioner.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

I think the police faction is important to the server for one main reason, balance. Without the KPD, there would be no repercussions for participating in criminal activities on the server and it could drive away those not interested in that kind of roleplay scenario. In a way, the KPD creates sort of a balance for criminal RP to rest on, yin-yang. Additionally, it adds a sense of realism and immersion to the experience, as if you exist in a real world where- you guessed it, police also exists. This further allows people to create their own narratives for their characters when it comes to law enforcement or EMS. In my experience this is often a very polarized topic where some choose to give their character a set opinion or prejudice of the KPD / EMS. I think this creates interesting characters, and would be lost without it.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yeah, makes sense


What's your character's full name?:
"My name is Jerry Watson, acquaintances call me Jer."

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

"I am currently 36 years young. And thriving!"

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

"He, him, sir, mister. Whichever fits the situation."

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

"I have finished a bachelor in Forensic Science, I uhh- didn't feel the push for a masters"

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

"I was raised bilingually, English and Japanese."

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

On the surface, Jerry appears as an unremarkable figure, not standing out from the crowd, a chameleon, a turtle. He's a simple man, with a modest outlook on life and a tough shell. Often seen wearing neutral tones, grey and black. Oddly, hidden underneath his shoes he wore. . Yellow socks? "I'm superstitious, they bring me good fortune. ." Is something Jerry would likely say. An unruly bunch of brown curls sat on top of his head, above his dark brown eyes. While a monstrous beard hung on his chin, long-standing and well maintained. Making him appear as if he was older. While Jerry's face isn't covered with shades or a hat you would notice a distinct mix of heritage, Japanese and American. Underneath his usual cover-up Jerry concealed a well trained body, not muscular- but sturdy. Covered in slight scratches, hitches and bumps. His demeanour is highly polarized, having great mood swings- Serious, casual. Extrovert, Introvert.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

While on duty Jerry goes about his business with undeniable determination. Hyper-fixating his attention on the tasks at hand, he's a perfectionist- not looking to make any more mistakes in life. This does not always work as well of course, Jerry often blames himself for his own mistakes, believing he could have done something a different or better way. On his on-days Jer takes good care of himself, he would trim his bushy beard and conceal emotion.

On his off days however. Jerry would show a different face, being jovial- yet alert. His emotions clearly peeking around the corner more, in times where he feels safe with companions he lets his guard down. Longing to crack a joke, kick some ball or have a chat with whoever he meets. On his own, Jerry could be seen driving around. Clearly one of his favourite hobbies outside of working. Having been put behind the wheel at a young age.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Jerry is able to work alone, and in a team. He's familiar with the attributes of a strong and dependable team, most important to him are respect and reliability. Always being able to count on and respect your colleagues and cohorts is paramount to a healthy team. It's never too late to build new relationships and improve cohesion, the more the merrier. Not all tasks need to be done collaboratively, some are best done by yourself. Knowing when to call for assistance from a teammate is incredibly important too- rather than being stuck on one piece of work for much longer than necessary.

What's your character's backstory?

Jerry Watson was born in the midst of the West-American 80s, a period of immense population growth and music. Jer was born to a diverse, not incredibly wealthy family. His mother, Kayo Akane, was a second-generation Japanese woman. Raised in an all Japanese household after her mother migrated to the States. Kayo's an avid photographer with an eye for detail, always making sure that her children would present themselves RIGHT. His father, Alexander Watson was a half American half Japanese carpenter, a hard worker with determination to feed his family and contributing for them.

For a few years, Jer was raised as an only child, before he was blessed with two new additions to the family. Five years after Jerry, mother Akano gave birth to twins- Kai and Ken. He was destined to act as the perfect role model for his two younger siblings, who automatically clung to him. Outside of his home and family situation, Jerry found himself at an intersection of culture. His mother, set on teaching him all there is to know about his heritage. Taking him to festivals and telling him stories of Japan. While his father, was much less culturally attached to his heritage. Not expressing his connection to Japanese folklore, likely due to mishaps in his past. Jer naturally gravitated towards his father more, seeing him as an important monolith. Destined to follow him in his path.

As the days, weeks, months and years went by, the atmosphere in the household remained neutral. As a teenager-young adolescent, attending high school was absolutely not one of Jerry's top priorities. He'd often skip out on school and hang out with his friends just out of reach. One time in particular, Jerry and his friends decided to head into the city's shopping district with a plan. The trio of delinquents met up together, each one was tasked with stealing a specific item from the stores nearby. One friend drew the challenge to steal some sweets. Easy work. Another would be challenged to steal a pack of Pokemon cards, also relatively harmless. Jerry however, drew the short end of the stick- He was dared to steal a bottle of vodka from a nearby liquor store. As the boys approached, Jerry would head into the store while the others sat outside, eating the leftovers from their earlier plunders. In an instant, Jer bolted out of the shop- leaving the sound of shattering glass in his wake as he desperately ran. His friends, following along. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was pure misfortune; Jerry tripped on the side of a curb and fell flat on his face just outside the shop. The relatively small bottle he was carrying with him rolled over to the other boys, who snatched it before cowardly running off. The owner of the shop grabbed 15 year old Jerry by his collar, utilizing every known cuss word under the sun. The police were obviously called and took him into the station, this was his first ever bump in with law enforcement. The hairs in his neck stood up as the sound of his father's voice took him by surprise, the normally laid back man stood there, face like thunder- staring at the boy. This encounter left a lasting impression on the young fellow, forever remembering himself of the friends who bailed on him and used him for their own gain.

After the ordeal, Jerry had put himself on the right path. Choosing his companions wisely and carefully, this change of heart reflected in his academic performance too. Opting to pay more attention and pursue a path in college. Even outside of school, Jerry took his hobbies more and more seriously as well. From a young age he was interested in Japanese martial arts and attended at a local dojo to hone his skills further. He also began working toward getting his drivers license, occasionally being allowed to drive around in the family car as practice. On the side, Jerry helped his father out in his own work. Believing this would help him gain strength and willpower, useful abilities to have in the future. Jerry's choice of forensic science came as a surprise to the family, little did they know that this was a mostly blind choice made by him. Alas, he pushed through, seeking to prove his worth no matter the subject. And things were looking up as he was on the path to graduate, Jerry finally succeeded in his obtaining his drivers license, allowing him to expand his horizons and visit places in the country where he previously only dreamed of visiting.
The young man was expected to graduate as he reached the age of 22, passing his exams and collecting his degree was a big milestone in his life. He had proven to everyone that he was able to do whatever he set his mind to. Despite his successes, Jerry had accumulated a load of student debts and his regular jobs weren't cutting it any longer. And if things couldn't get any worse, things took a desperate turn. The family situation had not aged well either, Jerry's father- who had been the main source of income for the family had gotten injured at work, his old body had been torn down by years of work and a table saw incident didn't help him either- he was deemed unfit for work. This left the household no other choice but to kick Jerry out of the house, as he was "old enough to fend for himself" at that point.

While disappointed, angry and sad- he understood the decision. He had just turned 23 after all, maybe it was time for him to make a life for himself. Jerry found himself sleeping in the open air for the first few nights, before finding a place of refuge soon-after. No longer did he live the life of cleanliness and no longer was he being taken care of by his family. The only thing he still had going for him were his wits and his love for martial arts. While living on the streets Jerry would often get into fights with others, in an effort to survive.

One fateful evening, Jerry was invited home by his family- his younger brother Kai had found a new well paying job, it would suffice for the time being, they thought. While dining with his old and estranged family, an argument broke out between the twin brothers and father Alex. Jerry took his mother outside into the rain to spare her the stress of having to sit through the argument.

Standing in the rain, outside of a small apartment complex in the middle of the bustling city at night. The scene was oddly ominous yet calming, the two stood outside- looking at the reflections in the puddles as they caught each other up on their respective lives. As they were about to head back in, their moment of peace was cut short by a group of armed teenagers, with their faces concealed. They demanded money, to them- it seemed too perfect to be true. Two unsuspecting people, smoking in the rain with as little as a single street light illuminating the nearby scenery. Since neither of the two were headed anywhere, they had no money to hand over. Kiyo panicked and let out a loud shriek as Jerry attempted to jump one of the assailants.

The night ended poorly for the already torn apart family. The loud screaming from their mother was enough to bring the family outside where both mother Kiyo and son Jerry laid on the floor, bleeding out. The emergency services were quickly called for the two, both had sustained deep stab wounds and were rushed to the hospital. But it already became clear in the ambulance that Miss Akane was not going to make it there. She passed away in the ambulance. As Jer woke up in the hospital, he received the news from his two younger brothers who stood beside him. His father, Alexander, simply stood in the room and looked out of the window. Father had not said a word yet. He pressed his cigarette out as he turned away from the window, eyes locking onto Jerry for a brief moment so as to say "Oh, so you're still alive.". The same look on his face from when he was held in police custody, a look of pure disgust and disappointment. Alexander had blamed him for the death of Kiyo. He gestured to Kai and Ken to follow him along before slamming the door shut.
Once Jerry had made a recovery, he put his cents together and set off to leave the states behind in an attempt to start over in Japan. Honouring his late mother in doing so. First he moved to the outskirts of Tokyo, where he worked various cleaning jobs and even attended a build site for a little while. At the build site he was familiarized with some acquaintances who he would continue to stay in contact with, his hard work was finally paying off.

Notably, one of his ventures found him moving to the island of Karakura. Initially arriving as part of a paid job he was fulfilling for his occupation- he fell in love with the city and it's sparkling culture. Once again, he had found a purpose and a goal to strive for. A place with a rich spiritual values, sure to honour his mother- and calm his restless mind.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"On my streets? Not at all, there's not a situation where it is acceptable to be roaming around with a sharp object or blade." - "If I caught anyone wielding or carrying a pocket knife I'd make sure they get charged accordingly, it is a serious felony after all."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

"Medical items, hmm? The first ones that come to mind for me are reading glasses, a left or right eye patch, melatonin or multivitamins. And walking-aides, like a wooden cane, absolutely NOT crutches though. ."

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

"In this police department? Surely this won't be common occurrence. Yes, I would first assess the situation closely, ask myself a few questions. Are they a higher ranking officer than me, have they seen me? Are there additional units available, if so; inform them and attempt to separate them immediately. We're not a fighting club in here, show some professional ethics. I would approach my co-worker carefully, I don't know what they could be capable of. Once backup has arrived and the situation has settled, I'd make sure the inmate and- or the officer receive appropriate medical attention."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

"As much as I'd love to immediately stand up for my fellow co-workers, I can't take the situation lightly and must think ahead. Radioing for additional units to our location is the first step. Once that's done I'd approach the scuffle with appropriate equipment in hand, dependent on whether the attacker is armed or not. This could be the baton, stun blaster or pepper spray. Evaluating the situation is absolutely key here. Again, once the situation has simmered down I'll make sure both parties are in good health physically, we're not going to potentially leave a victim wounded. Finally, the assailant must be booked in for assault on a government official, 6 months in the slammer."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

"Corruption is one of the lowest things you can possibly partake in. I won't stand for any of it. If I ever suspect anyone being manipulated by outer sources I'd compile as much evidence as I deem necessary before taking it to a higher-up. They'll surely take my report serious if my evidence is clear enough. There's no need to spread these rumours around to other uninvolved colleagues. I'll watch them closely, making sure they don't potentially hurt anyone else."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

"Simple, you can't bribe me. Bribing is a fineable offense, no amount of money would match the worth of my badge. If some nefarious figure were to try this on me I'd serve an appropriate ticket."


Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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