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Survival of the fittest | NotCrash's BMD APPLICATION #2


Level 8
Crash_RPs (inactive alt)

Describe your activity on the server:

I am a very active player on the server and spend between 3-7 hours almost every day. Depending on my work schedules I'm online from 9pm up to 6am [GMT+2].

'What I've been doing so far'
I've been a part of this community for several years now and so far I tried quite a few different areas on the server. I have engaged in the school roleplay as a student, but aswell as a part of the nurse and teacher faction in the past. Tho my most interests always was within the crime and gang roleplay scene. I have been in a lot of gangs over the month and each of them brought me different experiences and also a lot of fun. Working on storylines and watching the group grow along with myself was always a thing I enjoyed during these times.

Specify your Discord username and if you have a microphone:
My discord is not_crash and yes, I do have a microphone.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
I am from germany, my timezone is GMT+2.

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
I have been part of the community for several years now and am particularly active on the CrimeRP/GangRP within the server. I have been a member of many different gangs and have gained a lot of experience, including playing on another small server as a BMD for a short time. My motivation applying for this position lies in the experiences I have had with Crimerp, be it solo or with gangs. Compelling storylines, events, interactions, battles and more. I've experienced things like that from time to time. See this application as a step towards experiencing CrimeRP in its more depth and discovering more new things.

My personal motives aren't my only motivation to join the KBM. Over the years I was able to watch lot's of different gangs, but also the loads of changes within crimerp itself. Many things used to be very PVP based, but it all started moving to the more roleplay based approach step by step along with a bunch of rule changes. Some adapted to it and some are still trying to, while a few also sadly make claims like "gang rp is dead". It is a phrase that is often heard every now and then, yet I don't think that is true. By joining the BMD I also want to help the various gangs of the server to develop their storylines, while exploring the loads of opportunities that come with crime and gang roleplay.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
What helps me stand out from other applicants is my extensive experience in Crime and Gang RP, working within gangs and being part of narratives over the time have spent in the community. I have lots of experience working in a team, and I try to bring some cool ideas in to keep the things dynamic and exciting.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
Be it in my personal everyday life or in the midst of the community, I have worked very often and a lot in a team.

<Real Life>
I have loads of activity working in a team in my everyday life and my job. I am currently workin a job in a restaurant and hotel, here I activly work with many collegues of different departments and within my own department. Communicating, prepareation and trust are very important things to rely on in this field of work.

<Within the Community>
In my time on SRP I have been part of a lot of gangs. In many of them I worked myself up to a higher up position and tried to help with trainings, activities, planning and leadership overall. When there is an arguement between two members I try to help on working out a solution. If someone wants to plan out an event or storyline I am always one to help.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
The crime faction has a lot of opportunities within it. I wrote down a few of the ideas that came to my mind, thinking about this question.

'New Equipment'
Looking at the KBM's weapon offerings, I can't help but think that more weapon selection would be a good change and that it would be great to have more various weapons to choose from.
Upon thinking about possible new things for the BMD to offer I had following example idea in mind.

Hooked Blade:
A hooked blade is a specialized blade, designed with a curved, hook-like end. This shape allowed the blade to catch small objects, such as the straps or clips of a ballistic mask. This blade is designed with exactly this purpose.​
RANGE: 2 blocks
K.O. (HOW MANY HITS?): Unable to K.O
MUGGABLE (Y/N): No (Unless hands cut/K.O.)
- This weapon can remove any mask from one's face, regardless of it being muggable or not (if you have permissions).
PERMISSIONS REQUIRED?: Minors/Mug (to unmask ballistics); Majors

'Bounty Hunting Service'
The BMD Bounty Hunting Service is offering a wide range of services for people. Yet it is barely used at all. I think a better way to advertise the services are a good idea to bring a little more activity into it. Maybe the new hangout spot "Nexus" could be used to officially offer the BH services. I also took a moment to think about any other things they might could offer. This is what I came up with.

The concept is simple. People can hire the BH to go undercover within a target's organization or circle to gather intelligence or sabotage from within.
Price: ¥400,000-¥550,000

Controled Chaos:
Controled Chaos is also following a simple system. You hire the BH to orchestrate controlled chaos in a pulic place to distract law enforcement at a certain time.
Price: ¥250,000

'Crime Clinic'
The crime clinic could expand it's services by offering a wide range of exclusive medications.
These could range from strong painkillers up to the many different medications that you would need to get a prescription at the hospital for.

Karakura Crime roleplay can give a lot of opportunity, lore and storylines. A few more BMD hosted crime events around the server would be great thing to see.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
I am very familiar with rules, combat, permissions and weapon profiles. I give my knowledge on those a solid 9/10.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
I am aware of that.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
I understand that if my character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, it will lead to removal.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
I understand that I cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential additions to the black market to anyone.


Full Legal Name:

"My legal name is Shin Drakos Hatake."

Criminal Alias:

Kaizen is a Japanese term that means "continuous improvement."
Shin chose the alias "Kaizen" to reflect his relentless pursuit of improvement and power. It shall embody the philosophy of continuous growth and adaptation to the ever-changing rules in the world around him.

Age & Occupation:
"I am 21 years old, I recently dropped out of college. I am currently working for the black market "Bounty Hunter Service" under the leadership of individuals "GUARDIAN" and "PRINCE". In addition to that I work as Head Security for a small start-up company for event-planning.

Gender & Marital Status:
"I am a male and as for now, I am single."

Ethnicity & Race:
"I am obviously Japanese. I was born in the Kanto prefecture, Tokyo."

Known Languages:
"Languages? - Alright, let me go through this one quickly. My native language is Japanese. Out of interests to the complexity behind it I started to learn it's sign language aswell. In addition to that I am fluent Spanish and Korean. Both languages I started learning after holiday trips in said countries."

Former Associations/Occupations:

"Seijutoma, I remember it like it was yesterday. During my high school years, I was suspended for a week and ended up using my time to cause all sorts of trouble. One evening, however, I met a red-haired girl who introduced herself to me as Cora. We started talking and hang out for a bit, after a while she asked me if I was interested in joining her crew. I agreed. It was joining my very first gang."

"Moving onto the next one, Valhalla. After Seijutoma unexpectedly disbanded, I have kept a low profile for quite some time. Yet a few months ago, I started to get more involved with a few thugs from the street and eventually ended up joining the group that went by Valhalla. It was a fresh start for me and I learned a lot of new things during that time. One thing led to another and before I realized it I had worked myself up into their council and leadership, getting more and more involved with their doings."

'Black Dragons'
"At last there is Black Dragons. Till recently I have been a part of that gang and compared to the two before, it was propably the best one. After I had noticed the struggle that developed in Valhalla, I saw more and more hints that it had become a sinking ship. A ship that I have abandoned to move on. I have joined the Black Dragons, the currently biggest and most powerful gang there is within Karakura."

Highest Level of Education:
"I recently dropped out of college, so the highest I got is my highschool diploma."

Physical/Mental Ailments:

Shin has three scars, covering his body. One in the area of his abdomen in the left inguinal region, another one at his right chest and the last one, the scar that slid across his neck. All three of them are results from stabs or slices with sharp blades, used against him in battle.

'The left Eye'
It was in a duel against a rival gang member, where Shin lost his left eye. It got penetrated with a knife and due to the massive damage, it had to get surgically removed.

Since Shin doesn't allow himself to be examined for such things, he could not get diagnosed with any mental ailment up to now.

Known Family Members:
"I have a wide range of people that can be considered family. It would take too much of your time to go through all of them so let's just move onto the next part of this."

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Shin Hatake was a standard Japanese man, standing at 6'4 with a rather muscly build. His thick yet short black hair was nicely styled, a black earring hanging snugly on his right ear. A scar slid across the left side of his neck, another one was at his right upper chest and a third one in the area of his liver serving as reminders of lost battles in his past. Another interesting feature was his left missing eye. It was gone, leaving a scared mess in his face which he mostly covered with a black eyepatch. Tattoo's lay across his body, specifically his back and arms, contrasting with his pale skin. His demeanour seemed a little cold, yet a strange warmness was riddled within. He seemed confident, his attitude not faltering even slightly.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
Shin is a complex character characterized by intelligence, ambition and ruthlessness. Driven by a relentless pursuit of power, Shin refuses to settle for mediocrity and strives to rise to the top, willing to take significant risks to achieve his goals. His ruthlessness is evident in his willingness to make difficult decisions and sacrifice others when necessary. Nevertheless, he respects loyalty and competence. Charismatic and persuasive, Shin has a natural ability to lead and inspire others, using his charm and wit to win allies. Beneath his hardened exterior, he hides a deep sense of responsibility for the people in his inner circle, fiercely protective of his closest allies and willing to do anything to ensure their safety and success.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:

Shin was born and raised in the Kanto Prefecture, in the large city of Tokyo, Japan. He grew up in a quiet neighborhood, yet survival was a daily struggle. His family struggled a lot to scrap by and his father worked multiple jobs in order to keep the food on the table. He was mostly ignored and neglected by his parents, so Shin learned to fend for himself early on, often finding solace in the streets and corners of his neighborhood while avoiding trouble.

Shin's early life was filled with neglect and abandonment. His parents, preoccupied with their own struggles, had little time and no energy to devote to him. As a result, Shin grew up quickly, becoming fiercely independent and self-reliant. The harsh environment of Tokyo's streets taught him valuable lessons in quite a lot of things. He learned to read people, understanding their intentions and motivations, but up until the age of 16, Shin was a relatively normal boy. He went to school, although he skipped classes quite often, preferring to wander around the neighborhood to learn from his surroundings rather than some boring textbooks. He picked up lots of knowledge and street smarts from observing older kids, gaining skills that would later help him a lot when he got in trouble.

The island of Karakura, Shin moved to this place at the age of 16 to live with other family members. His parents hoped the move would give him a better future, so they enrolled him into the Karakura high school known for its great education. Shin of course tried to fit in at first, attending classes and making all efforts he could, but his rebellious nature and tough upbringing made it hard to stay out of trouble. Ot was 4 months into the school year and Shin got into an big argument with another student. An argument that turned into a rough physical altercation.
The school ended uo suspending him for a week and with this week of free time, Shin roamed the streets of Karakura, looking for ways to occupy himself while exploring his new hometown a bit further. The evening of the third day it was, while wandering through the alleys behind the bowling alley, he met a red-haired girl who introduced herself as Cora. They started talking and eventually hung out during the next days aswell.

Cora, recognizing sometjing in Shin, asked him if he was interested in joining her street crew, and intrigued Shin agreed to her offer without much thinking. This event marked the beginning of his involvement in the underworld of Karakura. The initiation into his very first gang, Seijutoma. Joining Seijutoma was a turning point for Shin. He began to understand the dynamics of gang life, learning about loyalty, honor, and the unspoken rules that governed the streets. His experiences in the gang started to shape his identity, transforming him from a loner into a formidable and respected figure within the gang.

Shin spent a lot of time with Seijutoma and got to know many of its members well. He stayed with them until he was 17 and they have grown to be his new family. Things took a turn when one day their leader, Corazon, vanished without any traces left. This resulted into the gang disbanding and they disappeared from the streets of Karakura completely, just like many before them. Shin was left with memories of those eventful and exciting months and the new things he had learned. The last record he had from this old group, was an old diary entry, a record of a night when they faced an enemy who later turned out to be the gang known as Bonten. A group that they had faced in a brawl in that fateful night.

[!] excerpt, journal of Shin Hatake [!]
Another day on the streets.
Today we hung out in the bowling alley, a few others from the crew and me, and had a great time. We laughed, knocked over pins, and joked with each other, it was good to get known to eachother a bit more. The place was filled with neon lights and the sound of crashing pins and we even had some booze with us. I drank a bit of it aswell, tho I remember how strange it tasted. After a few hours into our hang out I got a bad feeling and a bunch of noisy people came in. When I saw them I already knew... trouble. They started acting up a lot and after a while we got into heated arguments. A fight broke out. Both sides began to swing. There was chaos all over the place and even I had to deal with one of the guys that came at me. He was tall and intimidating, yez we exchanged a lot of blows.. In the middle of the fight I spotted a bowling ball. With a rush of adrenaline, I grabbed it and swung it. The ball hit his head and he fell to the ground. I was lucky.... that's when I realized . . .

[!] The rest of the page appears to have been torn out [!]

For a little more than one year after Seijutoma disbanded, Shin kept himself away from gangs and organized crime. It was a quiet and uneventful period in his life. But at 19, everything changed when he got involved with Valhalla, the biggest gang in Karakura at the time. It all started with an altercation with one of Valhalla’s members. They saw Shin’s talent in the fight and quickly recruited him. Hanging around with Valhalla members, Shin soon became a full-fledged member of the gang. His skills and determination helped him rise through the ranks quickly, eventually reaching their council. The constant pressure to prove himself led him to commit many violent acts, getting into fights nearly every day.
However, Shin soon noticed that Valhalla had a lot of issues. Having been part of a gang that disbanded, he recognized the signs of a sinking ship. Despite their ongoing battles with the Black Dragons, the number two gang in the city, Shin saw Valhalla's decline. In one of these brawls, he faced the Black Dragons and witnessed their strength firsthand. Realizing Valhalla's inevitable downfall, Shin decided to switch sides. He joined the Black Dragons and fought as a traitor against his former Valhalla comrades instead.

Shin had freshly left Valhalla and spent a little time on his own before joining the Black Dragons. He never regretted that decision; for him, the Black Dragons were the best gang he ever ran with. In a brawl, he was forced to face his former friends from Valhalla, who disbanded a few weeks after he had left them, wiping all kinds of doubt from his mind. Looking back, he thinks it was the best choice - adapting to the change and continuing to improve. During his time with the Black Dragons, Shin started to get into trouble with the Karakura Police Department. He committed more violent acts, including kidnappings, assaults with deadly weapons, and even murder. Yet, he was caught in his acts only once and remains a suspect in several other cases of committed violence to this day.

In the Black Dragons, Shin developed bonds and deep friendships with several members, finding himself a new family and people he could rely on. However, Shin is a person with ambitions. He wanted to continue to grow and improve to gain more power. Little did he know that he would soon leave his friends behind for a new goal: the Karakura Black Market.

15/06/2024 - Shin was taking his regular stroll through the city when he came to a halt at the abandoned power plant. He was surprised to see his rival and foe, Ren Aiuchi, there. Ren, leading their own little crew in Karakura, had caused Shin quite a bit of trouble in the last few weeks. Seeing Ren there made anger rise within Shin. He decided to act. He went to grab some equipment, masked up, and fully equipped, he returned. Grasping his spiked bat, he swiftly kidnapped Ren right in front of Ren's friends, who witnessed the act in shock. Shin took Ren to the abandoned train station in the sewers, determined to make him pay and feel the pain his group had caused.
Just as Shin was about to begin, with a knife in hand, the Karakura Police Department found them. It turned into a standoff, a hostage situation that Shin ultimately lost. He was arrested on the charges of 'kidnapping, hostage taking, assault with a deadly weapon, possession of illegal weaponry x2' and thrown into jail with a ridiculously high bail amount.
He managed to get bailed out after the set 3 days of time limit. The charges stained his up to now clean record, marking him as a felon.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:
[!] excerpt, journal of Shin Hatake [!]
Another day on the streets.
It was around 2 am when I saw the masked man disappear into the shadows, satisfied with his new blades. Another happy customer. I stretched a little and straightened my eye patch, then glanced at my watch. Two full hours had already passed since I opened; it was time to close. Just as I was about to pack up, my phone buzzed. Another customer. I decided to take on one last buyer for the night.

The voice on the other end was both stressed and excited, but the order was simple. "A blade. A 12-inch pocket knife," he requested. I told him to hang on while I fetched the shipment. Seconds later, I received the coordinates and made my way through the dark labyrinth of the sewers. I was mostly familiar with the twists and turns, but an uneasy feeling lingered. I kept running, my footsteps echoing through the damp corridors until I spotted something in the distance. The shipment... but also something else. A masked man stood next to the crate, attempting to break it open. Rage surged through me, and I confronted him immediately, my hand slipping into my pocket to clutch my dagger.

He looked at me coldly through his mask and continued prying at the crate. Without hesitation, I drew my dagger and lunged at him. At the sight of the blade, he turned and fled. Satisfied, I returned to the crate, confident that the crate hunter had learned his lesson... at least for now.
As I picked up the shipment and made my way back, the adrenaline began to fade, replaced by a familiar weariness. Another night survived in the underbelly of the city. With the last delivery complete, I could finally close up and find a moment of rest. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, but for now, I had done my part to keep the business running smoothly. One more night down, countless more to go.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:

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Level 309
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your application, I have decided to
unfortunately deny your application to join the faction.

Why have I been denied?
This decision has been made based on the following reason(s)
Due to the amount of applications we often have to deny good applications due to the lack of spots. Whether it's due to differences in applications, server reputation, or someone standing out more. However, we encourage you to reapply in the future.
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