Level 2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name): SwagCarriesYT (Nickname: Janitor) I do not plan to alter this name during my time playing the School Roleplay server unless it is required. I do not use alternate accounts.
Previous bans:
I was previously banned due to violating the ERP (Erotic Roleplay) rule of Schoolrp. This rule prevents NSFW(Not safe for work) actions to be used in the game, and I was banned due to doing so. I was playing the server with YeeterFamGang, and began to act impulsive in an attempt to have a laugh. Although we had voided this action, what I did violated the rules and I was banned permanently. I applied to have this ban removed, and the appeal was accepted( https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/swags-erp-ban-appeal.19348/ ) and during the time that I was banned (20 days) I made sure to re-read the rules until I had a strong understanding of the servers rules and regulations, so I could enjoy playing the server without breaking any more rules. This ban occurred two months ago, and I have matured and not been warned for any other violations of the rules since this incident.
Describe your activity on the server:
I consider myself exceedingly active on this Server, and have always felt this way since coming back to the server from playing 2 years ago. I have logged over twenty five days in playing time on the Roleplay hub, and can usually log onto the server when I would like to. My rough activity on this server during an average week would consist of these hours (PST American time)
Monday through Friday: Online from 4:00 PM - 8/9:00 PM Depending on after-school activities
Saturday and Sunday (Weekends): Online throughout the day, logging on and offline from times usually at about 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Over time I have become increasingly active on this server and can dedicate myself to this role. Roughly one month ago I was the Roleplay servers Janitor role, and gained lots of experience with having a job role on the server. Since this time I have become more active and eager to get a job as a police officer to get more experience and help the server thrive. I feel that because of my time zone and average hour count I would be beneficial to the police department. This role would make me more determined to stay active and follow rules.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I actively checking all of the main School Role-play server discords and have a discord of my own relating to the server. My name on the App is( Swag#5537 )
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I have multiple microphones that I am comfortable using to communicate over discord or other calls whether required or not of me. I understand that discord and voice chat are used for these jobs, and am content with the idea of it. I usually use a Turtle Beach Brand Mic.
List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
I have various reasons that I am applying to become a Karakura School Role-play police cadet. The first reason I have applied is because of my time zone. Because this servers main audience is playing in the UK, when I play on american time (PST) there are not as many police officers online until the very late night, because of them being based in the United Kingdom. I feel that having someone on my timezone would be beneficial to help keep GangRP on a leash during these hours, to prevent there being an amount of time with no officers online; leaving opportunity for disaster. I believe Having more officers and hospital staff during these hours can truly benefit the server and make players want to stay active as there will be more realism and Role-play opportunity when playing.I want to help enforce rules and laws to provide a better experience for players, all the while having a fun time when doing so. Another reason I am applying is because of my goal to join the SAT on the server. I would like to stay committed and dedicated to the police role in hopes of joining this team, as it is also a goal of my characters to become a police officer. I have worked on this server as a school employee, and would like to become another role to have a purpose in the city. I feel that my skill set and personality is unique and I hope to have a chance to give my all as an officer. As time has passed, there have been less officers in the police force and I would dedicate myself to one of these roles.In addition to this, I would like more Schoolrp job experience to serve in all areas of the workforce. I have worked as a school employee as stated before, and would like to work with the Hospital and Police force. Another one of my main reasons for applying for this job is because at one point in my life I had a passionate interest in becoming a police officer in real life. I feel like it would be nice to experience a simulated version of this role, and it would keep me taking the job serious and doing my best to get my job done as a police officer. I have multiple other smaller reasons I would like to become an officer pertaining to OOC and IC, and some of them include my characters goals, character age, filling police force and more. Please feel free to contact me over discord for more information!
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, before starting this application I made sure to gain an understanding of the Japanese laws and Basic Conduct. I understand the differences between these laws and the laws used in my country, and can use this knowledge when playing the server. I feel that these laws are are easy to grasp and I could remember the basic conduct to use it when playing.
What are the Police ranks?
The Police ranks from the highest power to lowest power consist of Commissioner, Captain or Chief, Head Lieutenant, Vice Head Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, Patrol Officer, and Cadet. Based off of the School roleplay discord I have seen these ranks and what their jobs mainly consist of. I understand that you can be ranked up or down based upon your actions as an officer, and hope to become a police Sergeant in my time as an officer. I feel that I can thrive in this position and can be relied on to complete any task asked of me in this work force. In addition to this I understand that these ranks can change and be removed, and there are specific jobs such as Forensics and Patrol.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I have learned a lot about the Police force from my real life High school, after taking a course about our future careers. I also took it upon myself to research about this role and its tasks before applying for this role on the server. Some of the roles that police have in a city are The primary tasks or duties of a police officer is to protect people and property. Common duties of police include controlling traffic, patrolling neighborhoods, responding to emergency calls, writing citations, delivering warrants, arresting violators and submitting incident reports in a timely manner. The police receive well pay and work benefits, and have strict schedules when patrolling. They are citywide government workers who keep the city safe and complete tasks to serve the people and their commissioners and the government.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are vital to SchoolRP not only for realism, but to enforce the rules and laws of the city. Police are the force that fight against Gang roleplay getting out of hand, and represent the authority on this server. Without police on the server chaos could break out at any time in character with no one but the citizens to stop it. Police give real in character punishment to crimes, as seen in real life to create a sense of reality when playing the server.These police functions include protecting life and property, enforcing criminal law, criminal investigations, regulating traffic, crowd control, and other public safety duties. Police are a job that help the servers economy tremendously and though frowned upon, are beneficial to the people of the city; and its inhabitants.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I completely understand that I can be demoted or fired at any time, and have experienced this first hand. I do not plan on putting myself in a position to make this happen.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Dante is a kind character who is determined and compassionate. He has brown, curly hair down to his sides and back of his hair which is a buzzcut, or fade. Dante has Grey eyes and defined facial parts. He is a lean man standing at six feet and one inch tall, with about the same muscle as the average man.Dante Saito weighs 190 pounds due to having little muscle, but has had an advantage of heightened speed due to his little muscle and weight.He is a man who smells of Abercrombie and Fitch American cologne and keeps a smile and positive energy with him at all times. Dante has average intelligence, and although he does average when it comes to mental tests he has a unique personality that makes him an outgoing friend and person in general. He can handle stress efficiently and is in well physical shape.Dante's strengths are his ability to make hard decisions in a small amount of time, leadership, writing ability, keeping calm in stressful situations and pain tolerance. He is a fast learner who does not give up easily, and will do anything including giving his own life to protect his loved ones or friends. He will not let emotions affect the choices he has to make for the greater good, and others well being. On the other hand, Dante can sometimes be stubborn and is does not have an above average intelligence. He has a passion for criminal justice and forensic science, and has studied these topics since enrolling in the Karakura high school education system. Dante is known to be a person who enjoys helping others, and wants to help make Karakura a better, safer place to live in.Dante Saito is someone who stands out in a crowd, and has a vibrant personality that can be seen almost instantly when near him.
What he's like on the and off the job?
On and off the job, Dante has become a leader who loves spending time with his co-workers and friends trying to build strong relationships. He is a friendly man who enjoys completing tasks for others, as it gives him a sense of accomplishment and purpose. He is a team player who tries to get along with his comrades; though sometimes he can be impulsive and speak without thinking- creating arguments with others. Dante is an honest man who solves problems in communication and negotiation, rather than violence. The man tries to show his love to others by spending time with them and helping them complete challenging tasks, and takes care of his girlfriend and two children. Like his brother, he is someone who respects others and will do whatever is needed to get his job done when working. He is light hearted and silly off of his job, but when working he tries his best to take things serious as he knows that work is not the time to mess around. Dante is a dedicated man who wants others to feel safe around him, and he makes sure to stay loyal to the people who are loyal to him.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Dante has a respectful and positive outlook on his co-workers for sharing his goal in his line of work. He respects the other people working with him as they are helping him make a positive impact, just as much as he is. Though most people would keep to themselves, Dante tries to help other workers with their personal problems to help better the workplace friendships and connections. He tries to be friendly with the others that he works with, and wants them to respect him as he will respect them. Dante's main goal for the future is to become an officer who is trusted and can be relied on to complete tough goals. He wants to become a member of the Karakura SAT and thrive to keep the city safe, taking care of his soon-to-be fiancee and two children who have the same passion to help others as he does. Dante truly wants to work in the police force for as long as possible as a patrol officer or forensic scientist, and will stay dedicated and work his hardest to do so. Dante plans to retire at the age of fifty five years old, to then take time to invest and travel with his family of four. He understands that these dreams may be cut short because of the risk of dying on the job, and has already come to a sense of acceptance with that.
Born in Richmond, California; Dante grew up partaking in activities such as surfing and Baseball, staying in shape and doing his best in school. The boys father Akiri, works as a children's hospital nurse who had always taken care of Dante and his brother, Nate, after he turned 14, which was when his mother had been killed in a shooting inside of the grocery store that he worked at. The city that Dante's family had lived in was becoming increasingly dangerous, and his mother decided to take initiative to use the families saved vacation money to move with Dante and Nate to Karakura; in hopes of a better life. Dante did not have many friends after moving, and although he was going through immense grief for his father he tried to keep a positive attitude towards life and chose to keep fighting. His mother and younger brother were Dante's only family, and as they grew older they had to begin taking care of their father in his sick health. Dante studied in his schooling years at Karakura High school and majored in Forensic Science and Criminal justice courses in college, helping his little brother follow the same path. Nate had a passion for science, and chose to become a police officer to keep his town safer after what happened to his father; as he vowed not to let history repeat itself in his new home. He felt that he needed to take it upon himself to make a difference in the world, instead of waiting for someone else to. Dante met his best friend,Suiryu in his highschool years, and lives with him inside of a Karakura home. When Dante eventually found love, and ended up having two children; and knowing he would have to support this family, he decided to apply for a job working with the school as a janitor for one year, to create a stable life for his family. Eventually, he took a risk by leaving this job to pursue his passion and goal, becoming a forensic science intern to then apply for the Karakura police department. Dante became a fluent spanish speaker on his own, trying his best to learn more about this role to have a chance at serving his city as an officer. Dante Saito hopes to someday join the Police SAT and live a calm life with his family, keeping Karakura Safe with his little brother fighting by his side.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Dante Hayashi Saito
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Saito
Given Name(s): Dante H. Saito
Preferred Name: Dante "Drippy D" Saito
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheism
Marital Status: Unmarried with a Girlfriend
Nationality: American (United States)
Current Location: Living In Karakura in a Shopping District apartment.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Two Years of Training
Working Experience: Forensic Scientist Intern and School Janitor
Academic Degree: Bachelors Degree in Forensic Science
Year of Graduation: 2016 Graduated
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Forensic Science
Native Languages: English and Japanese
Other Languages: Spanish (Spain Formal)
IGN (In Game Name): SwagCarriesYT (Nickname: Janitor) I do not plan to alter this name during my time playing the School Roleplay server unless it is required. I do not use alternate accounts.
Previous bans:
I was previously banned due to violating the ERP (Erotic Roleplay) rule of Schoolrp. This rule prevents NSFW(Not safe for work) actions to be used in the game, and I was banned due to doing so. I was playing the server with YeeterFamGang, and began to act impulsive in an attempt to have a laugh. Although we had voided this action, what I did violated the rules and I was banned permanently. I applied to have this ban removed, and the appeal was accepted( https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/swags-erp-ban-appeal.19348/ ) and during the time that I was banned (20 days) I made sure to re-read the rules until I had a strong understanding of the servers rules and regulations, so I could enjoy playing the server without breaking any more rules. This ban occurred two months ago, and I have matured and not been warned for any other violations of the rules since this incident.
Describe your activity on the server:
I consider myself exceedingly active on this Server, and have always felt this way since coming back to the server from playing 2 years ago. I have logged over twenty five days in playing time on the Roleplay hub, and can usually log onto the server when I would like to. My rough activity on this server during an average week would consist of these hours (PST American time)
Monday through Friday: Online from 4:00 PM - 8/9:00 PM Depending on after-school activities
Saturday and Sunday (Weekends): Online throughout the day, logging on and offline from times usually at about 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Over time I have become increasingly active on this server and can dedicate myself to this role. Roughly one month ago I was the Roleplay servers Janitor role, and gained lots of experience with having a job role on the server. Since this time I have become more active and eager to get a job as a police officer to get more experience and help the server thrive. I feel that because of my time zone and average hour count I would be beneficial to the police department. This role would make me more determined to stay active and follow rules.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I actively checking all of the main School Role-play server discords and have a discord of my own relating to the server. My name on the App is( Swag#5537 )
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I have multiple microphones that I am comfortable using to communicate over discord or other calls whether required or not of me. I understand that discord and voice chat are used for these jobs, and am content with the idea of it. I usually use a Turtle Beach Brand Mic.
List your current and past applications:
- Spanish Language Application(Accepted)
- Two Past Appeals (Accepted)
- School Employee Application (Accepted)
- Police Cadet Application (Denied :( )
What is your motivation for applying?:
I have various reasons that I am applying to become a Karakura School Role-play police cadet. The first reason I have applied is because of my time zone. Because this servers main audience is playing in the UK, when I play on american time (PST) there are not as many police officers online until the very late night, because of them being based in the United Kingdom. I feel that having someone on my timezone would be beneficial to help keep GangRP on a leash during these hours, to prevent there being an amount of time with no officers online; leaving opportunity for disaster. I believe Having more officers and hospital staff during these hours can truly benefit the server and make players want to stay active as there will be more realism and Role-play opportunity when playing.I want to help enforce rules and laws to provide a better experience for players, all the while having a fun time when doing so. Another reason I am applying is because of my goal to join the SAT on the server. I would like to stay committed and dedicated to the police role in hopes of joining this team, as it is also a goal of my characters to become a police officer. I have worked on this server as a school employee, and would like to become another role to have a purpose in the city. I feel that my skill set and personality is unique and I hope to have a chance to give my all as an officer. As time has passed, there have been less officers in the police force and I would dedicate myself to one of these roles.In addition to this, I would like more Schoolrp job experience to serve in all areas of the workforce. I have worked as a school employee as stated before, and would like to work with the Hospital and Police force. Another one of my main reasons for applying for this job is because at one point in my life I had a passionate interest in becoming a police officer in real life. I feel like it would be nice to experience a simulated version of this role, and it would keep me taking the job serious and doing my best to get my job done as a police officer. I have multiple other smaller reasons I would like to become an officer pertaining to OOC and IC, and some of them include my characters goals, character age, filling police force and more. Please feel free to contact me over discord for more information!
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, before starting this application I made sure to gain an understanding of the Japanese laws and Basic Conduct. I understand the differences between these laws and the laws used in my country, and can use this knowledge when playing the server. I feel that these laws are are easy to grasp and I could remember the basic conduct to use it when playing.
What are the Police ranks?
The Police ranks from the highest power to lowest power consist of Commissioner, Captain or Chief, Head Lieutenant, Vice Head Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, Patrol Officer, and Cadet. Based off of the School roleplay discord I have seen these ranks and what their jobs mainly consist of. I understand that you can be ranked up or down based upon your actions as an officer, and hope to become a police Sergeant in my time as an officer. I feel that I can thrive in this position and can be relied on to complete any task asked of me in this work force. In addition to this I understand that these ranks can change and be removed, and there are specific jobs such as Forensics and Patrol.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I have learned a lot about the Police force from my real life High school, after taking a course about our future careers. I also took it upon myself to research about this role and its tasks before applying for this role on the server. Some of the roles that police have in a city are The primary tasks or duties of a police officer is to protect people and property. Common duties of police include controlling traffic, patrolling neighborhoods, responding to emergency calls, writing citations, delivering warrants, arresting violators and submitting incident reports in a timely manner. The police receive well pay and work benefits, and have strict schedules when patrolling. They are citywide government workers who keep the city safe and complete tasks to serve the people and their commissioners and the government.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are vital to SchoolRP not only for realism, but to enforce the rules and laws of the city. Police are the force that fight against Gang roleplay getting out of hand, and represent the authority on this server. Without police on the server chaos could break out at any time in character with no one but the citizens to stop it. Police give real in character punishment to crimes, as seen in real life to create a sense of reality when playing the server.These police functions include protecting life and property, enforcing criminal law, criminal investigations, regulating traffic, crowd control, and other public safety duties. Police are a job that help the servers economy tremendously and though frowned upon, are beneficial to the people of the city; and its inhabitants.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I completely understand that I can be demoted or fired at any time, and have experienced this first hand. I do not plan on putting myself in a position to make this happen.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Dante is a kind character who is determined and compassionate. He has brown, curly hair down to his sides and back of his hair which is a buzzcut, or fade. Dante has Grey eyes and defined facial parts. He is a lean man standing at six feet and one inch tall, with about the same muscle as the average man.Dante Saito weighs 190 pounds due to having little muscle, but has had an advantage of heightened speed due to his little muscle and weight.He is a man who smells of Abercrombie and Fitch American cologne and keeps a smile and positive energy with him at all times. Dante has average intelligence, and although he does average when it comes to mental tests he has a unique personality that makes him an outgoing friend and person in general. He can handle stress efficiently and is in well physical shape.Dante's strengths are his ability to make hard decisions in a small amount of time, leadership, writing ability, keeping calm in stressful situations and pain tolerance. He is a fast learner who does not give up easily, and will do anything including giving his own life to protect his loved ones or friends. He will not let emotions affect the choices he has to make for the greater good, and others well being. On the other hand, Dante can sometimes be stubborn and is does not have an above average intelligence. He has a passion for criminal justice and forensic science, and has studied these topics since enrolling in the Karakura high school education system. Dante is known to be a person who enjoys helping others, and wants to help make Karakura a better, safer place to live in.Dante Saito is someone who stands out in a crowd, and has a vibrant personality that can be seen almost instantly when near him.
What he's like on the and off the job?
On and off the job, Dante has become a leader who loves spending time with his co-workers and friends trying to build strong relationships. He is a friendly man who enjoys completing tasks for others, as it gives him a sense of accomplishment and purpose. He is a team player who tries to get along with his comrades; though sometimes he can be impulsive and speak without thinking- creating arguments with others. Dante is an honest man who solves problems in communication and negotiation, rather than violence. The man tries to show his love to others by spending time with them and helping them complete challenging tasks, and takes care of his girlfriend and two children. Like his brother, he is someone who respects others and will do whatever is needed to get his job done when working. He is light hearted and silly off of his job, but when working he tries his best to take things serious as he knows that work is not the time to mess around. Dante is a dedicated man who wants others to feel safe around him, and he makes sure to stay loyal to the people who are loyal to him.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Dante has a respectful and positive outlook on his co-workers for sharing his goal in his line of work. He respects the other people working with him as they are helping him make a positive impact, just as much as he is. Though most people would keep to themselves, Dante tries to help other workers with their personal problems to help better the workplace friendships and connections. He tries to be friendly with the others that he works with, and wants them to respect him as he will respect them. Dante's main goal for the future is to become an officer who is trusted and can be relied on to complete tough goals. He wants to become a member of the Karakura SAT and thrive to keep the city safe, taking care of his soon-to-be fiancee and two children who have the same passion to help others as he does. Dante truly wants to work in the police force for as long as possible as a patrol officer or forensic scientist, and will stay dedicated and work his hardest to do so. Dante plans to retire at the age of fifty five years old, to then take time to invest and travel with his family of four. He understands that these dreams may be cut short because of the risk of dying on the job, and has already come to a sense of acceptance with that.
Born in Richmond, California; Dante grew up partaking in activities such as surfing and Baseball, staying in shape and doing his best in school. The boys father Akiri, works as a children's hospital nurse who had always taken care of Dante and his brother, Nate, after he turned 14, which was when his mother had been killed in a shooting inside of the grocery store that he worked at. The city that Dante's family had lived in was becoming increasingly dangerous, and his mother decided to take initiative to use the families saved vacation money to move with Dante and Nate to Karakura; in hopes of a better life. Dante did not have many friends after moving, and although he was going through immense grief for his father he tried to keep a positive attitude towards life and chose to keep fighting. His mother and younger brother were Dante's only family, and as they grew older they had to begin taking care of their father in his sick health. Dante studied in his schooling years at Karakura High school and majored in Forensic Science and Criminal justice courses in college, helping his little brother follow the same path. Nate had a passion for science, and chose to become a police officer to keep his town safer after what happened to his father; as he vowed not to let history repeat itself in his new home. He felt that he needed to take it upon himself to make a difference in the world, instead of waiting for someone else to. Dante met his best friend,Suiryu in his highschool years, and lives with him inside of a Karakura home. When Dante eventually found love, and ended up having two children; and knowing he would have to support this family, he decided to apply for a job working with the school as a janitor for one year, to create a stable life for his family. Eventually, he took a risk by leaving this job to pursue his passion and goal, becoming a forensic science intern to then apply for the Karakura police department. Dante became a fluent spanish speaker on his own, trying his best to learn more about this role to have a chance at serving his city as an officer. Dante Saito hopes to someday join the Police SAT and live a calm life with his family, keeping Karakura Safe with his little brother fighting by his side.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Dante Hayashi Saito
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Saito
Given Name(s): Dante H. Saito
Preferred Name: Dante "Drippy D" Saito
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheism
Marital Status: Unmarried with a Girlfriend
Nationality: American (United States)
Current Location: Living In Karakura in a Shopping District apartment.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Two Years of Training
Working Experience: Forensic Scientist Intern and School Janitor
Academic Degree: Bachelors Degree in Forensic Science
Year of Graduation: 2016 Graduated
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Forensic Science
Native Languages: English and Japanese
Other Languages: Spanish (Spain Formal)