Level 34
USERNAME: dynkai
APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1482 18 715 (HS Swim Team House)
ISSUE: whenever I try to remove or place blocks on the 2nd floor, it continuously tells me 'You cannot place that block there.' or 'You cannot break that block.' which is stopping me from building my team's house. Everything else I believe is fine. Only the second floor has issues.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: everywhere that has a sign is where the issue is (under the signs)
Edit: i have added onto signs above/on the issues stating whats wrong.

APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1482 18 715 (HS Swim Team House)
ISSUE: whenever I try to remove or place blocks on the 2nd floor, it continuously tells me 'You cannot place that block there.' or 'You cannot break that block.' which is stopping me from building my team's house. Everything else I believe is fine. Only the second floor has issues.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: everywhere that has a sign is where the issue is (under the signs)
Edit: i have added onto signs above/on the issues stating whats wrong.