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Denied syringez | Cosplay Club


Level 0

IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):


RPName of Club Leader:
Hana Mizudori

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):

Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?:
I believe that I should be chosen as a club leader because if my club idea is chosen I will be sure that my passion and enthusiasm is evident through anything the club does. My genuine interest in cosplay will inspire and motivate the other members, fostering a vibrant and engaged community. I harbour strong leadership and organisational skills and the ability to delegate tasks effectively will ensure the club runs smoothly and efficiently. I have fresh perspectives and creative approaches to meetings and events that can keep the club dynamic exciting. My experience and knowledge with cosplay will provide a strong foundation for the clubs activities and efforts. I also have a knack for building relationships and fostering a sense of community that can grow membership and create a supportive environment. In terms of ideas and abilities that could benefit the club I would plan skill development workshops icly to organise workshops on various aspects of cosplay such as costume making, makeup techniques and character performance. I will make sure there are plenty of collaborative projects to encourage club members to work together and create a communal resource library for members to store resources that members can access to improve their skills. I would like the club to have an online presence through Onrain and so I would create a page accessible by all members where they can post their progress, tips and ideas. The club will promote an inclusive atmosphere where all skill levels are welcomed and diversity in cosplay is celebrated. For my own personal qualities, I can effectively communicate skills to articulate ideas, coordinate activities and resolve conflicts. I have understanding and patience in dealing with a wide rage of personalities and skill levels and my creative problem-solving skills can overcome challenges, whether in costume creation or event planning.


What is the official title of the Club:

Cosplay Club

Your current members RPName & IGN:
(minimum of 5)

Isla Bautista | triishlikefish
Pandora Filo | uskensou
Cesar Santoyo | atoki
Tsuzuri Uemara | lovegutz
Yesenia Villanueva | qesmi
San Thorne | lovecvts
Tsubomi Cho | awlu

The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:
Isaac Beaufoy | Boristheraccoon

What is your motivation for creating this club:
(150 Words)
My motivation for creating a cosplay club is driven by personal and community-oriented motivations. I have a strong passion for cosplay, my deep love for it and the joy it brings me motivates me to create this club. By creating this club, it allows me to share this passion with others who have similar interests. It will also help me develop my own skill at creating cosplay skins and help others to do the same through collaborative learning and shared experiences. This club will provide a platform for creative expression where members can bring their favourite character to life and explore their artistic talents which strongly motivates me. As well as that, building a community of like-minded individuals, forming new friendships and creating a supportive network is a big part of my motivation for creating this club. As well as that, I am motivated to create a club that promotes inclusivity. Creating an inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of skill, level, background or experience, feels welcome and encouraged to participate. It also offers a space for knowledge sharing, where members can teach and learn from each other. Another reason of motivation is to enhance the schools cultural scene by organising events, participating in competitions and promoting the art of cosplay within the community. As well as that, the club encourages confidence by helping members build confidence through public performances, photo shoots and presentations, empowering them to express themselves boldly. Wanting to express my own character boldly as well, it is a large part of my motivation to create the cosplay club. My specific goals and ideas also play a large part in motivating me to create this club. I want a club where I can keep the club dynamic fresh and engaging by organising events whenever possible. It will showcase the talent of club members, providing opportunities for members to showcase their work through fashion shows, competitions and social media features. As well as that, I find motivation in community outreach for the cosplay club by collaborating with other clubs to promote cosplay. My personal reflection enhances my motivation as well. Reflecting on how leading a cosplay club can contribute to my personal growth, leadership skills and sense of accomplishment truly motivates me to create the club in hopes of continuing my personal growth. My desire to leave a positive impact and lasting legacy within the cosplay club by fostering a vibrant, supportive and creative club environment also plays a large part in my motivation to create this club. This vision does not only inspire me but I hope it will also attract members who share my passion and enthusiasm.
(440 words)

What activities and events will your club do?:
(Work out at least one club members only event & two school-wide club event)
I have many ideas for both club member only events and school wide events for the cosplay club.
Club Members​
Performance and Acting class -
For this member only event we would be meeting up in the clubroom in cosplay to work on our performance and acting of whichever character we are cosplaying! Members will send me their character beforehand so that I can do research on the character they are being to ensure they can really bring their character to life. We will choose a certain scene from whatever our character is from to perform and will all provide tips and pointers. The scene will be done out in front of the members (matching with someone else is optional) and members will help each other enhance the characters personality.
Cosplay Meetup/Cosplay Competition -
For a cosplay meetup, the club will dress up as characters and run stalls selling food, drink and anything else that may be set up for the meetup. Students then get to cosplay themselves and come to the meetup, interacting with the club members who will be promoting the cosplay club while ensuring everyone has a great time. The meetup will include a cosplay competition for people who would like to participate. There will of course be prizes won by the top three and the person who comes in first place will be given a spot in the cosplay club if they wish to take it. This is a great way to encourage students to cosplay and join the cosplay club as well as allow them to engage with others who are interested in cosplay.
Cosplay Picnics -
For this club member event, we would be going out in matching or different cosplay to have a picnic. The goal will be to try and act like your character would during the picnic, making the outing more fun. If cosplaying different characters, we have to conjure up how we think they would interact with the other characters people are cosplaying and it helps with our improv for cosplaying while having a nice meal! I’m not sure I can call it peaceful though.
Themed Parties -
Themed parties will be parties that are held by the cosplay club. Club members will all be dressed up as characters from the theme (anime, movie, game, etc.) and will be in character the whole time. Students are allowed to show up in cosplay if they wish but it is not required as this is an event for them to interact with the characters of the theme. There will be stalls for food and drink and a mini performance done by the cosplay club of one big scene or a collection of short scenes. As well as that, there will be photo booths set up around for students to take photos with their favourite characters at the party! The parties will also include a trivia event for the theme and the winner will get a prize (possibly a free cosplay of their choice)
Group Cosplay Projects -
For the group cosplay projects, I will separate the members into teams and give them a show, movie, game, prompt etc. They will then get a day to work together and create a themed group cosplay, culminating in a group performance the day after. The limited time keeps them on their toes and enhances their collaborative work which will in turn bring the members closer together.
Cosplay Scavenger Hunt -
The cosplay scavenger hunt will include five or more cosplay club members in cosplay hiding around the school to be found. Students will be asked to get into groups of five (if possible) and go hunt for the members around the school. They will come across other cosplay club members wandering the school in their own cosplay. It is up to them to come and speak to the member who will give them clues or give them a task related to where someone is hidden. When a member is found they will take down the name of the group and tell me they were found but they will stay hidden for other groups to find as well. The first group to find all members will win a prize. The cosplay club members will be in character for this to make the event more immersive.
Movie and Anime Nights -
For this event, the club will watch a movie or anime to help plan the next group cosplay. We’ll watch the movie/anime etc. and allocate characters to who we believe they suit the most. This will encourage members to get to know each other better so that they can successfully choose what character suits the members personalities best and it’s great for bonding.
Interactive Performance -
The cosplay club will hold a performance but it won’t be on stage. Instead it will be in a setting where students can sit around the performance. Before entering, students will be given some sort of accessory. If they have the accessory that means they want to be interacted with during the performance and if they don’t have the accessory they will be left alone. The club members will interact with students during the performance and the students will be provided with the chance to change the way the performance ends. It is an improv performance for the cosplay club members and no one knows how the performance will end. It is both fun to watch and get involved in!
(P.S: When I say performance I don’t mean a proper performance, they’re more so skits)

How could your club benefit the School?:
A cosplay club could benefit the school in a number of ways. First of all, it fosters creativity and self-expression. The cosplay club will encourage students to explore and develop their artistic skills through costume design and performance. It also provides a platform for students to express their individuality and creativity, boosting self-confidence and personal identity. Secondly, the cosplay club will enhance collaboration and teamwork. The group projects promote teamwork through group cosplay projects, fostering collaboration and communication skills as it also enables students to learn from each other, share techniques and work together on complex tasks, enhancing cooperative learning. Third, it boosts confidence and public speaking. With all these performance opportunities, the cosplay club provides opportunities for students to perform in costume, enhancing public speaking and performance skills. To add onto this, organising and participating in events such as costume competitions can help students gain confidence in presenting their work to an audience. Fourth, the cosplay club promotes cultural awareness. It exposes students to different cultures and genres, fostering an appreciation for various artistic styles and storytelling traditions. It also encourages research into the backgrounds of characters, providing education insights into history, literature and cultural studies. Fifth, it encourages inclusivity and community building. The cosplay club creates an inclusive space where students of all backgrounds and skill levels feel welcome, promoting a sense of belonging. Sixth, in organising school-wide events, the cosplay club boosts school spirit through exciting events like cosplay contests, themed parties and interactive performances. By integrating these benefits, the cosplay club can become a valuable asset to the school, enriching the educational experience and contributing to a vibrant, creative and inclusive school culture.

How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?
The assigned club rool will be used for regular club meetings but it will also be a space for many other things. The club members will practice their performance skills in the room as we will hopefully have a mini stage set up in there. It will also be used to plan group projects and cosplays as well as watch any shows or movies. The club will be an area where members can comfortably spend time with each other while also getting work done.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
Requirements for future members include:

1. Interest in cosplay
2. Ability to attend introductory meetings

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Level 142
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following:

- This club has been created before and disband many times, another applicant has stood out to us however, we believe the themes clash too much.

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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