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Accepted TainyTea || Event Team Application


Level 2

Main -‘TainyTea’ [F.K] | [18] Basketball-Team
Alt - ‘TaxTea’ [R.K] | [25] Officer

Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:
Recently, in the past few months, I have become more active within the server as I’ve become more involved in the community, having joined a team and gotten into college in which both allowed me to make friends who give me motivation to come on anytime I can. I am now on almost everyday from around when I wake up to when I go to sleep, but if not, I still try to spend as much time on the server as I can whether it’s for a couple minutes, or an hour. When I am on, I am often around other people, whether it's my teammates, friends or people I just met, who usually all bring fun and activities for me to do while online but some days my time is spent simply getting my attributes up or just running about in search of something to occupy myself.

As for my punishments on the server, I have no bans though as far as warnings go, I have been warned a few times for spamming in chat (LOOC) and I had one past warning for saying something in OOC which was not PG or appropriate, which resulted in the warning but other than that, I have no other punishments and hope to keep it that way from here on as I own up to my past actions.

Please provide any previous applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:

Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:
My discord tag is Chiyox#8061 || Yes, I have a microphone, I use it almost daily as I enjoy talking to others!

What is your time zone and country of residence?:
Eastern Standard Time Zone | I currently reside in the United States.

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:
‘Karakura Hospital Staff:’
In the past, I applied to be in the hospital faction of SchoolRP where I became a Surgeon and was even promoted up to being the head of the Surgeon department. Upon becoming a member, It went rather smoothly as I attended my training every time when I was available and didn’t have any visible issues. As time went by, I passed both my informational and physical exams and became a part of the faction officially which had been one of my most accomplishing moments. Being a part of the Hospital faction has grown my SRP experience fundamentally where I learned how to communicate more with a large group of people and as well just one on one, whether it be through events, procedures, training or even just simple talking and chatting through the group while we at sat together in the lobby or in the discord channels. When I was in this department, I tried my best not to slack on my duties, meaning meeting my monthly quotas every month and training the new trainees at the hospital. I also tried my best to assist other people when I am needed or when I feel it is needed to make use of my abilities for the benefit of my co-workers. Some more specific situations where team work would come in at play is when I need to request assistance or further information on a patient or procedure, times where I would need to keep my co-workers updated and likewise during a massive event in which we’d all be separated and have to communicate in order for them to go smoothly or lastly, whenever I trained, I would teach using voice calls as most would, varying from one trainee to multiple and I’d try my best to use my words as best I could so that the ones I was training could process the information I was teaching more efficiently and if they had any questions, I’d be sure to answer to my best degree and if not, I’d attempt to request further opinions from a different hospital staff member.

High School Basketball team member:’
A few months ago, I did a private tryout for the female Bobcat basketball team in which I soon had gained my official position on the team after the tryout and after my trial period had passed. When joining the team you will notice it is based soulfully on teamwork and communication where especially during practices you will see that when communicating, they go much more smoother and finish sooner but when there is a lack of communication within the team, it is much more harder to get things done and practice will prolong due to the lack of said communication. As some people know, the team hosts weekly practices and this helps our captain workout what we not only need to work on but what positions, as well, she would like us to play which she then relays to us. Every practice, we are encouraged to join our team's voice channel to communicate amongst one another, which helps us listen to tips and directions and all around help one another where we can guide each other while on the courts with the goal of winning. Within our voice channels, we are always shouting call outs to keep our teammates on their toes and words of encouragement, even to the opposing team because we hope to help everyone improve as a whole instead of just our one team during that specific moment.

‘Shop employee:’
Around the first few months of me being a part of the SRP community, a close friend of mine started up a shop and in her shop, I worked as one of her employees. As I worked with her, I learned that you need to communicate with one another to know who is doing what, the first few times she had opened, it was a bit chaotic as nobody knew what to do or was just not as experienced in this type of field but eventually, she had made a layout for us to know who worked where, making the communication a lot easier and the work experience much better. The main thing that helped us immensely was the communication when people were being seated and if they had been served or not as well as if anyone faced any issues and needed backup or assistance because they could not deal with it alone. This helped us stay informed, on our toes and we were able to maintain a smooth opening as working as a waiter/waitress calls for constant movement and time management through one another's instructions or relayed call outs. Although this next shop I did not work at for too long, I was still able to partake in a few openings where although it did not need as much attention or movement as would a restaurant, I still had to work with another member in order to lend them a hand so that not all the pressure would be on them to deal with a large amount of customers and to focus on the orders in a efficient and quick satisfactory manner. Not only did teamwork allow for more quick orders, anytime concerns or complaints came up, I and my reciprocating co-worker during that shift would be there to help another either to deal with orders, questions that I myself or my co-worker need help with answering or rowdy customers that need both of our efforts to deal with.

Please provide three (3) event suggestions which would work for our server:

Event #1 - School Shrine Visit:
The /Event(s) would read:
[EVENT] Want to learn more about the shrine? Well today’s the day for you! Head on over to the gym where you can ask questions to the Shinto Priests and Maidens at their respective areas!

[EVENT] Gather around at the gazebo in the back of the gymnasium where the shrine Maidens will begin performing one of their traditional dances soon!

Event Information:

•Booths will be stationed near the back of the gym where students can purchase a Paper Lantern or an Omamori charm if they would like to, another booth set up where drinks and snacks will be available for purchase varying from dango’s, juice to bento’s and lastly, one where they can purchase a "Tanzaku" or basically a sheet of paper where they can write their wish and tie it up upon the mini tree.

•A small stage/gazebo is set up in the back of the gym as well where students and faculty can watch the monastery workers perform a traditional dance, as we all sit around on the respective seats to spectate.

•The event will last a full day, from when school opens, to when the school closes. Once school ends, the Monastery workers and volunteers are free to leave the school and return to their daily activities.

•The resources needed for this event will include 2-3 Monastery workers or event concerned volunteers to work the booths for the foods, drinks, and the shrine related merchandises as well as we'll need new custom and improved Kimono's to sell if it is decided they'll be sold but other than that, for the traditional Shrine dance, we will need 1-3 Shrine Maidens to come up with detailed actions that can be short, to dance with Japanese fans in front of an audience.

>Date : Undecided<
>Time : Undecided<
>Location : School Gymnasium<


Event #2 - Murder Mystery Ball
The /Event(s) would read:
[EVENT] [!] Begin getting into your suits or dresses and start making your way into the school’s gymnasium as the ball will begin shortly.

[EVENT] [!] What the students of Karakura thought was going to be a fun night has taken a horrible turn..! As the unsuspecting guests gathered in the middle of the gymnasium to dance, the lights went out where suddenly then a scream was heard.. Everyone was locked in, with no clear exit..

[EVENT] [!] As the lights had dimmed away, a distorted, eerie voice came through the speakers in the gymnasium upon the stage’s podium.. “One by one, you will all fall.. Unless you can find a way to escape.. There are clues all around this area, if you can find the suspect to this murder, you will be set free..”

[EVENT] [!] As the lights in the school turned back on, students began to form a large crowd around what seemed to be a dead body… where visible clues were appointed randomly throughout the entire gym.. And one last message was heard from the mysterious man.. “Once you find a clue.. Come up and relay the information to me.. It will only benefit your escape.. But be careful, if they touch you.. You’re DEAD!”

[EVENT] [!] The lights began to flicker once more, causing a curious chatter to fall over the crowd.. This time, two screams were heard in different areas of the gymnasium.. Once the light had returned, two more bodies were seen on the floor.. Who will be the next victim..?

Example of an announcer telling a number:
[!] “Clue number four has been found…*A repeat of the clue would be said here* ..How odd that this clue can be pointed towards.. *A few faculty names will be said”

Event Information:
•The students attending the ball must work together in order to find clues, and present them to an announcer on the podium who will then announce a number and then the respective clue found aloud. Throughout the night, clues as to who the murderer will have been placed in the gym where they can be found on the “dead” bodies, on walls, banners, and even on slips of paper being passed around.. ETC.

•This event will be a reservation only event, meaning, like the college exams, you will have to reserve a spot in the ball to prevent chaos and overcrowding within the event. Each person can reserve a max of two “tickets” in which there will only be 70 of them that they can purchase beforehand for yen. Those who have reserved a spot will be teleported to the gymnasium, if that isn’t possible, an exclusive Item or signed book could be implemented, in which they would have to show to get into the ball. If an item was to be used, lines could be set up with booth volunteers who would run them as they check the validity of each guest's reservation then they would open, say, a gate to let them in after confirming.

Victorian Theme:
•The ball will be a Victorian themed ball where attendees are expected to be wearing a formal, Victorian themed outfit or dress/suit though it is not required. The build team would be needed to decorate the gymnasium to match the theme as best they can.

•The ball will have several booths for things such as food, drinks, and a photo booth for people to take photos alone, or with their friends.

•As far as the clues go, there will be a total of eight clues in which they will have to tell the announcer, who will announce a number and the respective clue right after where they will as well give a few names on who the clue can match up to. Once the students have found all 8 clues, they must then use the clues to figure out the murderer out of the faculty members listed, where only that certain faculty member will have the 4-digit code in order to break the locks to escape.

•As for the duration of the event, it will last at most two hours or even possibly less or more but if the students fail to unlock the locks in a timely manner, the announcer can relay the clues faster to speed up the escape process. Another turn the ball could take is if the students fail to escape, the murderer will go around killing people which will lead to “dead bodies” that will not hold clues to their escape, which means the students would have lost the game if everyone ends up “dead” and there are no more survivors. The murderer will inform the announcer of who they have touched and have “killed” but there will be an IC hour cool down between each death but it does not have to happen each time.

•During the event, constant observation will be kept on the students and on who finds the most clues or put in the most effort towards the event and one or a few will be chosen as MVP’s and will be rewarded where prize can vary from money to tokens.

•Students who have been “tagged” by the murderer will be deemed dead where they MUST lay on the floor to show they are dead or they must sit out in the deceased lounge which will be behind the announcer until the murderer has been found.

•Those participating must follow the rules and the event must be followed through the way it was first planned where no favoritism will be shown but if plans must be changed, it will only happen if the situation deems it necessary.

>Date : Undecided<
>Time : Undecided<
>Location : School Gymnasium<


Event #3 - Strides Against Breast Cancer
The /Event(s) would read:
[EVENT] The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk will begin momentarily so head on down to the newly formed bank with your pink outfits on! Let’s promote awareness and congratulate the survivors as well as thank our hero’s for their achievements!

[EVENT] There will be unlimited snacks and drinks prepared as well as goodies, items you can purchase, walking fashionably with your new themed headband and bracelet!

Event Information:
•As in its name, it is a walk where everyone will gather to promote awareness of Breast Cancer as well as celebrating and honoring breast cancer survivors and caregivers wearing the color pink where before the walk begins, there will be individuals who will be educating the public about signs and how to detect as well as prevention on how to reduce the risk of this disease.

•There will be booths handing out apples, hot cocoa, and cotton candy as well as booths where people can donate and buy possible Breast Cancer customs, for say a pink bracelet or even headbands, pens, bags, or flags all ran by the members of the society

•The duration of this event will last up to an hour OOCLY or more depending on how fast everyone is able to follow en route and reach the starting and ending point.

>Date : Undecided<
>Time : Undecided<
>Location : The empty space next to the new bank, following a mapped out route throughout Karakura guiding us all the way back to our starting point<

Event #4 - Girl Scout Cookie Sale
The /Event(s) would read:
[EVENT] Head on over to plaza where two questionable booths have been set up at plaza.. Do they even have the correct license for this?! A strong scent of cookies, strong perfume and.. They’re wearing scout uniforms?! We should quickly check it out!

[EVENT] Heading into the plaza, two mysterious booths were set up… The sound of a girl's voice could be heard shouting through a megaphone.. “Cookies! Come buy some cookies!” Just as the scent of cookies filled the air nearby.. Maybe we should check it out?!

Event Information:
• Upon walking through the Plaza, two booths can be seen set up. Each booth set up will have two lanes for buyers to line up in.

•The resources needed for this event are a total of 4 people stationed within both booths, two cookie booths set up. An adult is asked to show, dressed in motherly attire to supervise the “kids” who are selling the cookies to fit the stereotypical image of girls scouts with an overprotective and impatient attitude. And of course, cookies such as checkered cookies, gingerbread, and chocolate chips! Alongside the cookies, each person will be given complimentary water bottles.

•As for the duration of this event, it won’t last long, lasting from around 45 minutes to 1 hour OOCLY or until the stock of cookies have run out.

•Workers stationed at the booths can be seen wearing custom scout uniforms colored a neutral mix with green sashes in which would have multiple decorative patches. The adult supervisor will be dressed in a basic everyday casual outfit, to again, as stated before, fit the stereotypical image of girl scouts.

>Date : Undecided<
>Time : Undecided<
>Location : Plaza<​
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Level 111

Congratulations! You have been accepted onto SchoolRP's event team as of April 1st, 2022 (and no, this isn't an April Fool's joke!). Please contact heb#0410 over Discord for more information on how to have your role applied to your Minecraft account / forum account and how to join our Staff Discord.

- If possible, try to contact me on the following day or as soon as possible. I'm sleeping as soon as I post these. Thanks. We have a meeting on the 2nd at 1PM CST (7PM GMT) where we will be discussing an upcoming major event taking place on the event server and event zones (which you new members are crucial to!). We're excited to meet you!​

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