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Takashima || Police Officer Application


Level 193
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
My currently In-Game name is Takashima

Discord Name & Tag:
My Discord is MikeShotZ#0960

Previous bans:

Ah, that's a funny story Yonio, I've actually been banned three times but my history may not show them so I'll list the reasonings. So, my first ban was for three hours for metagaming on my second day on SRP, I wasn't aware of the rules and simply asked for locations in OOC. My second ban was for three hours for glitching, by placing blocks to create an invisible barrier that let me go to areas that I can't access. I raise my hand for that one, on me. Now for my third ban. . .this one is false and was resolved. I was banned for hacking but in reality I was stuck in the air lagging because someone dropped the disco ball cosmetic.

As a small note, all these bans above happened during 2016 and I was still new to the game

Describe your activity on the server:

I can say I am decently active on the server and within the community, as I've got responsibilities such as being a Senior administrator, head of the modeling team and town faction. I can be online everyday for several hours if I have to and usually leave an inactivity log if I'm planning on not being online for a while.

Which timezone are you in?

My timezone is GMT+3

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Unfortunately, most my past applications were done through forums conversations, that's how things were back then. I was accepted as shop owner before which I only quit recently after getting the Mayor role on the server. This role was entrusted to me after I took over the town faction. I used to be an Cadet back in 2019 which I applied for through forums conversation again, if you need evidence of any of these, I'm more than happy to provide them to you through discord DMs.

What is your motivation for applying?:

It's more of an opportunity than pure motivation. I've been in the force before and I will be honest with you, I did not enjoy my experience all that much due to training issues but now that things have changed a little ,that brought me hope to start this new detective character I had in mind for a while, and this is the main reason of me re-applying for KPD. Seeing how things are handled now, It has brought me interest again.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

Well. . .that's a good question, there's actually a lot of things Police officers work with, main thing being stopping criminal activities within the city they manage. It is also important for the officers to work together to succeed with their work. There are several other tasks such as:

- Patrols: Going out on patrols is an important task for police officers as it allows them to maintain a specific section of the city while making sure no criminal activities are occurring. It is important to bring a partner along with you before heading out of the station as you can't predict how bad a situation can go, never too careful.
- Investigation: The investigation team also known as the detectives will go out to monitor over the crime scene after taping the area. Their main objectives will be to find any sorts of clues that'll lead them to the one question "what happened here?". These investigations can take time, maybe days sometimes as a simple clue can't possible be the answer to the question. They will work with one another to look more into the situation and also simulate it to help them understand what occurred.
- Operating CCTV: During criminal chases, there's always going to be loose ends, which is why an officer stays behind to monitor over the CCTV around the city, to find where the culprit is currently located. Once found, the monitoring officer will have to radio the chasing officer to inform them where the culprit is located so they can plan an ambush on them.
- Office work: Apart from the tasks mentioned above Police officers also get to do office works in the lobby, such as filing a restrain order on someone after collecting all evidences and reasonings. Another task would be filing a lawsuit after being requested to do so while collecting all the evidence provided to later on deliver it to the court for a possible trial.
- Warrants: Usually before searching or raiding someone's property, officers are to request a warrant from the judges or the Mayor who will give them permission to proceed once all evidences of suspicions are provided beforehand.
- Arrests: The simplest and known task officers have is to log every arrest after proceeding with one. This can be done once the officers return back to the station after arresting an individual caught committing criminal activities.

There are of course many other things and possibilities but I believe the ones I've listed above are more than enough for decent knowledge. Moving onto what officers usually carry with them. They have their default started kit for new cadets which consists of handcuffs, a taser, a baton and their badge which their own number. As they progress with their roles, they are later on given a cruiser or a bike along with a lethal weapon which is the Glock 17 and ammunition.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
I believe we all know how School Roleplay would be without the police officers around, specially with gang activities rising fast. There's got to be someone in their way to maintain a proper balance between criminal activities and actual school roleplay. So long as GangRP is still around, Police officers will always be an important part of the server.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Yes, I acknowledge and respect that.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?

I will be honest, I may not 100% dedicate myself to the police officer role as I've got other responsibilities to handle and not to forget IRL stuff. I will maintain a decent and proper activity and provide what I can for the role.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I acknowledge and respect that.

In-Character (IC) Section


Character's Full Name:
Tomoharu Daigo

Character's age (if accepted):
Thirty Years old

Character's gender & pronouns:
Male, He/Him

Character's Academic Background
Currently holding a Masters degree in Law enforcement

What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?
The only other way of communicating i know is JSL

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Tomoharu Daigo would be a 6'1"male with messy long brown hair that reaches down to his neck and brown eyes. His build looks pretty healthy and decent for his age. What makes him unique is his confidence and personality. He's usually relaxed during certain situations and is laid back while on duty. He can be sound unserious and careless but his actions usually shows otherwise.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
It's not easy for Tomoharu to be professional, he's usually casual in both situations and settles in. If you see him being professional, that only means he's being forced to do so and is only an act. He usually remains calm and settles in with what's going on, specially during interrogations, he throws in little jokes and can be unserious at times to get the truth out of someone. As unserious as he can be, he still gets the job done.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
There are no objections to this. Working as a team is better than working alone. It helps create a chemistry and bond between the two partners or the group to better communicate with one another.

Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
In this case, I see myself as a follower, as I don't really want to handle too much responsibities to lead a group around.


Tomoharu Daigo is born and raised in the heart of Tokyo in the most populated areas. He comes from a decent family that took good care of him and his little sister until the age of eighteen, after that he began to work for himself while studying for college. With the money made by working a part time job as a waiter he managed to make a living, enough to get himself an apartment to crash to whenever he finished working. Daigo knows exactly the type of city Tokyo is, criminal activities are high along with the Yakuza thugs roaming the streets. He continued his studies until he graduated highschool and joined college to pursue his dreams of becoming a detective and help the city solve crimes. He managed to score a Masters degree of Law enforcement before dropping out of college to apply to Tokyo's police department which took him in as a cadet.

During his time on the force he climbed up those ranks pretty fast to reach what he aimed for. Being a detective in Tokyo. After a few years of doing the same investigations and interrogations, an announcement was sent that Karakura is in need of active officers to help the force as criminal activities within this island were very high. Without thinking twice Tomoharu took the opportunity and informed his department of his departure while letting them know the reasoning. He decided to take his sister along with him as she was curious about the island and always wanted to go there. He now lives in a small apartment in Karakura watching over his sister and fills in all the needed informations to join the Karakura's police department.

More to be found out ICly.


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, you can not legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. It's considered as a sharp and lethal weapon that could cause serious damage to an individual when used.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

According to my researches, there are currently five medical items that do NOT require a prescription.
- The cough Syrup: A sweet syrup used to treat dry, itchy, tickly, coughs.
- A walking cane: A supporter for individuals with problems walking.
- A Surgical Mask: Intended to be worn by health professionals during surgery and during nursing to catch the bacteria shed in liquid droplets and aerosols from the wearer's mouth and nose.
- A Band-aid: A piece of material used either to support a medical device such as a dressing or splint, or on its own to provide support to or to restrict the movement of a part of the body.
- An eyepatch: A piece of bandage wrapped around an eye which is injured.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
No matter their ranking, I would step in to stop them from proceeding with their intentions and if that's not enough and I get stopped. I'd turn my body cam on to later on report them to the commissioner.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Same as above, if it's an officer harassing them, I would step in to break it up or report it to a higher-up while collecting the evidence needed. If it's a street thug or gang member doing so, I would assist my co-worker and help them pin the guy down or tase them depending on the situation and arrest them.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Obviously the only right thing to do here is to arrest the co-worker after recording all the evidence needed through my body-cam. If the situation is hard like they've got more members around for me to take down, i would call officers over or report the evidence to a higher up later on.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
As tempting as it sounds, I would refuse it and add it up to fine for attempting to bribe an officer.


Level 328
Welcome to the Karakura Police Department! Please make sure to have
a look at the Emergency Discord server for further information.​

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