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Take To The Stage! | Shmotato's Black Market Dealer Application.


Level 4



Alt: CinnarollRp

I have no warnings, However I do have one temporary ban that was agreed by a staff member that was falsely given. The reasoning was ‘Gore Rp’ however after speaking with a staff member I was told it was for a completely different reason, to which my ban appeal was still accepted and the ban was discarded. I can give further details if needed in dms.
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on srp has remained rather constant for a very long time. I first joined the server back in late 2016, and I’ve been playing ever since then. I’ve felt such a strong passion for the server in my time being on it and I’ve thrived in the vast amount of roleplay experience it’s given me as well as making friends that I undoubtedly will always carry in my mind. Around the time of late 2021 to early 2022 I stopped playing the server for around 9 months or so due to a severe burn out as well as just a steep decline in mental health. Though I returned and I’ve been active practically every day since then. Come this October I believe it will have been my 8th year on the server. I am on every day and can get on whenever necessary unless I am at work. I am a server at a restaurant so my hours are fluctuating and I am happy to provide my schedule weekly if needed to best accommodate for those times and other things. I also am in college and have classes mondays and wednesdays however I'm in my final few weeks and will be on summer break fairly soon. Time schedules will be provided below.

6:30 PM-7:00 AM
10 AM - 7 AM
6:30 PM-7:00 AM
10 AM - 7 AM
10 AM - 7 AM
10 AM - 7 AM
I have school from 10:45 am til 5:50 pm. I get home at around 6:30
I am available whenever, unless I am at work.
I have school from 10:45 am til 5:50 pm. I get home at around 6:30
I am available whenever, unless I am at work.
I am available whenever, unless I am at work.
I am available whenever, unless I am at work.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
Shmobamaa | Yes I have a mic and I am open to joining vc’s whenever necessary or just to chat.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
United States | EST

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
My motivation for applying for the Black market dealer is that I want to be more involved in GangRP and CrimeRP. Not only that but I want to be more involved in the server communities in general. As stated before in the activity section of this application I’ve been playing on this server for a fairly long time, throughout that time i’ve seen, and been involved in a numerous amount of different roleplay situations. Around the time of late 2018 - early 2019 I began GangRping. This has been a very prominent part of my time on the server ever since. Around the middle to near end of 2019 I met Prostthetics, who further introduced me to the world of CrimeRp and Gangs, working with him in multiple different events and Gangs such as Unforgiven, Kishi Division, and even being apart of the Koji Family’s old Enforcer group. I remember him telling me what a BMD was at this time and the Idea of becoming one always fascinated me. The majority of the characters on srp are criminals, however the reasons they are, and how they came to be is unique and the stories behind them are nothing short of telling. Playing a hero isn't fun to me. Heroes would sacrifice themselves to save the world. But a villain? A villain would burn the world to the ground to see their ideals through and that to me has always been much more fun. All I want is to help bring on new events, and create lore with this community as well as give myself a new found meaning of roleplay, and seeing this dynamic of my character and the other Dealers; criminals. I’d say that I am also on good terms with the factions members, so it would be even more enjoyable for me to interact with them more.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
What helps me stand out to other applicants? I’d say I have excellent communication skills. This is as well as the fact that I'm reliable, a person with a plethora of ideas that can adapt and collaborate with the other dealers to create a roleplay experience we will all be able to enjoy as time goes on. If I'm accepted, I don't plan on leaving unless I end up quitting srp as a whole which I cant see happening anytime soon. I want to make the idea of the 'Crime Community' to not be this overly hated and frowned upon thing. I want the people in this community to be able to roleplay happily without that fear of being judged for the type of roleplay they are choosing to do. I believe my take on CrimeRP could affect the faction in a rather positive and fun way.. Either it be bringing new ideas to the endless list of possibilities, or the unbelievable amount of time I have and dedicated and will continue to dedicate to get on the server? I am also willing to learn from the current BMDs in order to create a better experience for us all and just everything in the black market as a whole.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:

Multiple Gangs within the server
Unforgiven, River, River V2, Kishi Division, Adobansu, Mefiesto, etc.

Gang Higher-Up position
Throughout my time on SRP I have been the higher up in 4 different gangs on the server. Such as second in command in Unforgiven, this was around my 4 year mark of the server as well as a Strike Division lead in both River V2 and Adobansu, and lastly a Training commander in Kishi Division. As well as Mefiesto as one of the lower ranking members due to me being fairly new into the gang, teamwork has always been a major part of my roleplay experience.

When you are in a teaching faction, there isn’t much that involves interaction with others in your faction; however, I didn’t particularly like this and decided to find a way to interact more. In this self given quest to find more interactions, I realized there was one simple solution: collaborative classes. With this I decided to allow other teachers to join. I made it my classes as well as ask if I could assist in other teachers' classes. my goal to attempt to partner with as many other teachers as I could to bring a merged type of class to the scene. This also greatly helped my coordination skills. As a nurse I got a bit more interaction as teachers and other faculty were actively bringing students to the nurses office due to fights, being drunk on school grounds etc.

Currently I am working as a B.M.D.A, as an associate of Eizen or ‘RORSCHACH’ (Fredtastic’s Character) while working as a B.M.D.A, I am working with the current B.M.Ds and all the associates that are with those certain dealers. All this has helped me gain a better sense of roleplay and how the Black Market works, not only that but it’s given me the opportunity to become closer to the people within this faction as well as the community surrounding it. I am hoping that by writing this application I will be able to become further immersed within this community.

Koji family Security
Even though it wasnt for very long. I still had the pleasure of working with everyone who was appointed into the Security role with me, during this short period of time I worked as second in command for the Security Division of the Koji family. I was tasked with keeping many of the members of said family safe as well as providing security for planned events such as family parties, meetings, and at one point an underground rave. This was a rather enjoyable thing to be in, before taking my leave from the family entirely.

Real Life Experiences
Throughout my life I have been a part of some form of team, this being primarily in school as I joined quite a few clubs in middle school as well as joining the track and field team and the Wrestling team. I also just played a LOT of video games, most of which were competitive, qualifying for a few tournaments with some friends and some who I had hardly known. I am all for creating chemistry and adapting to the way others do things in order to ensure the most amount of fun for myself, and those involved as well as to achieve whatever goals are set. In senior year of high school, I also helped create a volleyball club and was very active in said club throughout the remainder of my senior year.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
New Weapons/Equipment:
Another one of my suggestions would be for the Admins/Owner to introduce new weapons into the server pack, because all the weapons that Black Market sell now have been around for a while now. If the suggestion gets accepted this would make more sales for the dealer that is open at the current time. Because everyone would want the new weapons, as well as items to aid in concealing one's not so legal activities and possible returns of beloved crime hotspots!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Now you may be wondering. .”Why would I spend my precious hard earned yen on a silly bottle of rubbing alcohol?” Well! Allow me to answer that question for you. Hydrogen Peroxide is not just a “silly bottle of rubbing alcohol” It can help with wounds, yes but it can also do much more. We all know how pesky it is to take the time to clean a weapon ICLY only for those annoying stains your enemies had the audacity to leave on your beautiful weapon only for it to still be visible with luminol and a blacklight.. Well I have the solution to your problem! Hydrogen Peroxide has the capabilities necessary to get rid of that invisible blood stain. This could be very useful as it not only allows for you to keep your weapons looking shiny and clean, but it also can be used as a rather inhumane way of torturing that special someone you just so happened to take the time out of your day to kidnap and lock in your favorite basement! Pouring Hydrogen peroxide in the eyes causes slight irritation at lower concentrations however Constant exposure would cause severe damage and even potential blindness. 50 uses per bottle, to clean the bottle must be in hand the main hand, with the weapon of choice in the off hand. /clean [Valid weapon type] and botta bing botta boom! You now have a clean weapon, screenshot that and you’re all set! As for using it against someone, perhaps you could hold it in your off hand, and action to pour it in their eyes roll for it to see if it’s successful unless honored, and using a command such as /pour [IGN]. This could also cause a blindness effect for say. .30 seconds to a minute OOCLY, given how many times it’s used on one specific person eventually it could pop up with a text “Your character is severely blinded” giving them the status affect for 5-10 minutes, requiring them to go to EMS to get the effect removed. If removed in ample time their eyes can be healed to some extent. Failure to make it EMS in the given time limit results in permanent blindness for that character.

The can-als
(It censors the word) were arguably some of the best times of GangRp as well as CrimeRp on SRP and one of the most interactive times. I understand that it was removed with the intent of getting more buildings, and housing, however, It was such a core memory to the crime community that we should bring it back. It doesn’t really have to be in the same place as before, possibly it could be near block I to 1. Make the space more open or 2. Bring a little life to that side of the server. I remember back in that time period of SRP when can-als were the criminal hotspot for old and new members of the community of the server whether they were a simple criminal or someone of a much higher standing (like a gang leader). It might be hard to orchestrate, however I think if it could be done, it would be absolutely amazing if we could bring can-als back to SRP. As well as old turfs, it gives gangs and fellow crimeRpers something to strive for. Verified gangs are the only ones allowed to have turfs, however they can be challenged by unverified gangs for said turf and their verified gang status.

A way to block CCTV
Everyone knows how annoying CCTV can be, albeit it’s useful and necessary to the KPD faction of the server. Well, what if there was a way to temporarily disable those cameras? Perhaps via adding a sling shot that could shoot the camera temporarily disabling it? Or even adding an item such as a signal jammer, that could dispel the connection from the camera, as well as even phone signals within a certain block radius. Should this come to pass, I think it should disable the camera for about 5-10 minutes, to which from KPD’s perspective the camera would be static, allowing them to still know that something happened to the camera so they could go investigate if they please. Now I know what you may be thinking, well what if multiple people have a signal jammer, how do you stop them from using it at the same time? Does the effect timer stack? My solution to this is, Only one signal jammer can be used in the same area at a time, meaning if One person uses theirs, it disables anyone elses until the timer is up, as well as an additional 5 minutes to ensure there are no back to back uses. Each signal jammer would also have a 10 minute cool-down before being usable once more, sort of like a recharge. As for the slingshots, this could have a certain amount of ammo. For example 10 pellets per slingshot, You could either buy metal ones from BMD, or you could hold the slingshot in your main and hand right click the ground (specifically gravel, cobble stone etc.) to pick up a rock, Depending on the ammo typed used, would determine how long the camera is disabled for.

Lock picks and Intelligence attribute
The standard way of breaking into someone's apartment/house is to get a fireaxe and Jason Vorhees you’re way into their humble abode! Well, for some they might want more. .stealthy approach so I propose the idea of Lock picks! Now, let me start off by saying, they CANNOT be used to open Metal doors. .So before anyone gets the crazed idea to go lock pick your way into the back room of KPD, dont even think about it. .Now that that disclaimer is out of the way, onto business! So, how would they be used? Well, you could use them to infiltrate someone's apartment/house, the lock pick being used and disappearing out of your inventory after. Now your question might be somewhere along the lines of “How would I stop someone from entering my apartment with a lock pick?” Well, that's where the idea of the Intelligence Attribute comes in, if their intelligence is under a certain amount, the lock pick will fail and break, disappearing from their inventory. Maybe if your intelligence is at 100% the lock pick will gain 2 uses before disappearing from the hot bar and vanishing.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes, I am fully aware of these and agree with them since it stops people from lying to playing about rules/stats.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes I am aware about this rule, and I agree with it, because that character who you played for black market would know everything about what they do. Where the hideouts are so if they have kill permissions on that character, it makes it so you cannot tell anyone who may harm the Black market.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes, I am familiar with this rule and agree with it because you cannot have unlimited chances in the crime faction, especially as a BM dealer. Since it is one most looked after role on the server at this current time.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Yes, I am fully aware, and I agree with this because it can stop the surprise of who is going to be the new addition to the Black market. And if you reveal any plans that the black market has such as events it can make sure that everything runs smoothly and no metagaming happens to ruin the events outcome.

Full Legal NameJuuzou Samura
Criminal Alias“Joker”
Age & Occupation19 (would turn 21 if accepted.)

Employee Mai-Yume

B.M.D.A - Current Black Market Associate, working under ‘RORSCHACH’
Gender & Marital StatusMale
Ethnicity & RaceJapanese, Asian
Known LanguagesJapanese, Russian, Latin
Former Associations/OccupationsChika no sākasu - Circus Performer, Scrapper, Stage name Juuzou.- Matsudo-shi, Japan

Mefisto - Former gang, Lower ranking member.

Unforgiven - Former gang, Second in command -Karakura, Japan

River - Former gang, Trainer -Karkura, Japan

Kishi Division - Former gang, Training commander. -Karakura, Japan

Adobansu - Former Gang.Strike Division 3rd in command. -Karakura, Japan

Sonomi - Former gang, Strike Division Lead, Higher Up. -Karakura, Japan

River V2 - Former Gang. -Karakura, Japan

Koji Family Security - Second in command for the Koji family Security Division. -Karakura, Japan
Highest Level of EducationBachelors and High school Diploma.

Physical Illnesses Mental Illnesses
N/ACIP- (Congenital insensitivity to pain), A mental disorder where the pain-sensing nerves in these patients are not properly connected in parts of the brain that receive the pain messages.

Schizophrenia - a serious mental condition of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

OCD - (Obsessive-compulsive disorder) a long-lasting disorder in which a person experiences uncontrollable and recurring thoughts (obsessions), engages in repetitive behaviors (compulsions), or both.

Known Family Members:
Mother - Mei SamuraStatus - ALIVE (for now)
Father - Alex KojiStatus - DECEASED
Sister - Mint KojiStatus - ALIVE

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Juuzou Samura appeared to be a young short male standing at the mere height of 5 feet and 2 inches. His androgynous appearance made it difficult to decipher whether or not he was male or female, often being mistaken for a female due to his shoulder-length wolfish dyed black hair that framed his face rather well. Along with this, the fair complexion of his skin complimented his faded red irises, which held a rather vicious yet joyful gaze, leading those most unfortunate enough to come across him in what he thought of as the circus. The boy's body was littered with a plethora of different scars from previous battles, as well as ‘disciplinary measures’.

His skin was smooth and soft, though, some areas such as the hands rough, to add onto this. In his skin were a number of self-given stitches Juuzou saw as ‘Body Modifications’, these being made of a high-quality red threading, in multiple different designs. A majority being X’s, with two noticeably being underneath his left eye as well as his bottom lip, and on occasion being seen going down his throat as well as torso, beginning to zig-zag down his stomach. Another set in the shape of horizontal lines ( – ) going down his right arm, and middle finger, while on the opposite arm they spiraled down in the shapes of arrows ( →→→ ) wrapping nicely around his middle finger. Many more stitches were scattered across his body. In his hair sat a set of red hair pins, in the shape of XX forming the Roman numerals 20. Though to Juuzou, they were there to represent the Judgement Tarot.
Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
Juuzou has a very complex personality: A sense of Childlike Innocence and Curiosity. This being caused by his mental and emotional growth being severely stunted as a child, leading him to be very curious about his surroundings. Despite this display of childlike behavior, many friends as well as foes have gone as far as to call him sadistic and gruesome, often being displayed in violent tendencies. The boy’s fascination for violence and pain caused many around him to be rather disturbed by what could be described as an obsession with the thrill of a fight. His late father made a remark that could go as both a warning and a threat, “Where he goes, the screams of others are sure to follow.” However, there is promise in this, whereas Juuzou shows a remarkable sense of loyalty and dedication to those he considers his friends or comrades. Never being afraid to jump into action if the situation calls for it. His methods may seem unconventional to many, but he will strive towards his goals if it means his tasks will be completed.

His husband has gone as far as to say his personality can almost be called eccentric and quirky, often wearing patchwork clothing that he tailors himself. His playful demeanor can be masking something much more sinister underneath. This being caused by the severe emotional complexity he deals with on the inside. Though it’s rare on occasion, he deals with extreme feelings of worthlessness, as well as a fixation on a sense of belonging. These emotions all stem from a traumatic past that may shine through in moments of vulnerability. As he has grown, he has gained much more control over the unpredictability of his actions. His friends and husband being the very main contributors to the progress made within his own mind. With that being said, that yearning for a fight still hides behind that joyful smile that could be seen on his face, while the embers of his soul still burn bright, as he awaits his next thrill.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:

Act I: Curtain calls!
Juuzou Samura, originally being born as Rei Samura, was subjected to a plethora of different types of abuse ranging fro m Physical to emotional reaching as far as psychological and further. His mother Mei, being a rather mentally unstable and violent woman, would often punish his failures in a physical manner masking the abuse behind Admiration and Reward. As a child the boy was used as entertainment in his mothers circus, being forced to do a multitude of different tricks and acts for the enjoyment of others, earning a set of ‘points’ for how well he performed each night. After reaching a certain age, his acts begin to take a turn for the worse, as he went from tightrope walking, to killing. Unbenounced to him, the people he was entertaining were a rather corrupt crowd. His first kill left him sick for weeks, with a lack of appetite and heavy feelings of nausea. Though after a few more times that sickness and disdain towards the act, turned into enjoyment and yearning taking on the stage name “Juuzou ''. The game changed, Each stab equated to 10 points, the young boy only thinking of one thing and that being to make his mother proud. He yearned for that sense of belonging, he wanted to feel like what he was doing mattered to someone, the praise his mother gave him was something he held dear, as well as each scar she gave him. On some occasions the abuse went on for days. Stemming from not being fed for days, to experiencing physical torture most couldnt even imagine. Having such an androgynous appearance, his mother took a liking to this, saying how much she always wanted a girl, often dressing him in girly clothing, such as dresses, and skirts. Putting his hair in braids and bows. Painting his nails and getting him toys that consisted of dolls, and play house kits. One day, performance was going on as usual, although at the moment Rei’s act was about to end, A unit of police raided the facility, arresting many of the audience members as well as his mother, taking him into custody as well, being unsure of what to do with him they put him in a psychological institution, to which he was later put in an orphanage. This did not last very long as he was transferred from orphanage to orphanage due to his unpredictable and violent behavior.

Act II: A New Beginning
5 years later now at the age of 16, the boy found himself in karakura, an entire new stage for his next act. His lack of people skills getting him into quite a lot of trouble, he made an attempt to rob a man he saw walking down the street, unknowingly choosing someone that would alter the course of his life. Not only did he fail at his attempted robbery, but he was given a run for his money, though he didn't go down without a fight. Staring up at the man who had laid him on the ground, he was met with a hand, this hand not only being an offer to his feet, but an opportunity to hone his skills further and becoming the living weapon he is today. Though he was reluctant to take the hand, he did, rubbing the back of his head staring up at the male, as he finally introduced himself “The name’s Alex Koji, and you are?” Pondering for a moment, he looked back up at the male before speaking “Juuzou Samura” , deciding to take on his stage name as his real name. As he spent more time with Alex Koji, he began to learn more and more about the town he found himself in, as well as becoming acquainted with many of Koji family members, one he became especially fond of, a young girl by the name of Mint Koji. Over the years he spent in karakura he not only gained a new sense of belonging, but he also gained a new sense of a thrill, with the island being a hotspot for criminal activity, Fights, and constant threats to his life, he very quickly fell in love with the place he saw as his new home. Eventually, at the age of 17, he was offered a position in the Koji family’s criminal business, “The Enforcers”. The Enforcers were founded by Alex Koji in order to ensure the protection of the family’s members as well as to take action against those who dared to oppose “Ironside Koji”. Given Juuzou’s prior abilities, as well as his new ones he quickly climbed the ranks and became a well trusted member within the Enforcers, one day being approached by Alex with yet another proposition though one that was unexpected by him as well as the rest of the family. “Would you like to join Koji?” for a small moment, those words went in one ear and out the other, before it finally clicked “huh?” the boy thought heavily on the words that left the man's mouth before he quickly said yes, feeling as though he finally found where he belonged. Not so soon after this, the Enforcers Disbanded, and the entire crime business of the Koji family was no more.

Act III: In life, We are Unforgiven
Months before his 18th birthday, Alex came to Juuzou with an idea. The Idea of a gang lead, by other kids. He wanted to create more people like Juuzou, he wanted to find the unmerciful potential in adolescence and fan the flame. While Juuzou felt like a part of the family, at this moment in time to Alex, all he was, was a dull knife that Alex had sharpened into a fine blade, but it isn't sharp enough. He wanted to mold Juuzou into a blade as sharp as a Katana. With this plan he called upon many other kids like Juuzou, who had the skills to be the weapons he saw them as. So, his plan was unveiled, and thus “Unforgiven” was born. Throughout the course of time, in the beginning Unforgiven was nothing more than a regular group of what seemed like troubled teens claiming themselves to be a ‘gang’. Although as their numbers grew, so did their popularity, Unforgiven had become the talk of the town, sprays being made, hospital rooms being filled with battered and bruised people every other day, this uproar caused a lot of questions and concerns, though one thing about these victims was that they were all left with the same carving, “Unforgiven”. Juuzou enjoyed the time he spent in this gang, his skills allowed him to climb up the ranks rather quickly, eventually making his way up to Trainer. Though his methods were not liked by his fellow members, they were helpful as he helped them progress their skills in terms of reflex, and unpredictability of their moves.

Over the months, he continued to climb the ranks, hosting trainings and proving his skills more and more, being tasked with the more important things that they were sent to do, one being to kidnap a group of people and kill them in an abandoned house, though this operation ended in the arrest of 4 of his members, Juuzou managed to not only injure a cop fatally, he escaped with little injuries dealt to him. This being enough to grant him the rank of Second In command. However, some of his members not liking this they called him out on his promotion, claiming that he abandoned his members and left them to be arrested, despite these lower ranking members not knowing the extent of what happened, he offered them a deal. If they landed a single hit on him, he’d give up the position of second in command and return to his higher up rank as Lead Trainer. The 3 members hastily accepted this deal, not fully understanding the circumstances of the situation, only to soon realize that the terms of this deal were much more severe than they originally thought to be. Juuzou brings out 4 real Katanas, handing the 3, 3 of them. The other 15 members watched as the 3 who opposed Juuzou hesitated to attack, before charging at him at once, and as they watched the attempt on his life, they watched as he Cut them down, one by one without hesitation. Turning to the other 15 only asking one simple question “Whose Next?”. He had made an example out of the 3, while his methods were unconventional, his Loyalty was not to be questioned.

╔⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤╝ ♠ ╚⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤╗
Act IIII: The River's current, is unforgiving.
Act IIII: The River's current, is unforgiving. Months had passed, now only a week before his 18th birthday. He was called to the Koji tower by Alex himself, to which he was told something that excited him more than anything had thus far. Alex told him of a new up and coming gang, “River”. He seemed eager to become their adversaries as there weren't many other gangs that rivaled Unforgiven at the time. Alex went on to explain that River was growing in numbers fast, nearly at 25 members in only a week, while unforgiven had 36 and counting. Juuzou, now confused as to why this mattered and what this was about, asked Alex what he was called for. “I want to coordinate a war.” Those 5 words plastered a smile across Juuzou’s face, as if he was a child in a candy store. Juuzou was quick to jump at this opportunity, telling Alex he’d do everything in his power to ensure his members were ready, as well as ensure that he could finally test his own abilities. Within this next week, Juuzou trained the members of Unforgiven mercilessly. As well as the newer members that were being recruited by the hour. Come the day of the war, only a day before his birthday, the 45 Members of Unforgiven line the wall of their speakeasy, Alex Koji making an appearance for the first time since the gang's birth. He wasn't a man of many words, though he was able to inspire the entire room and light a fire within them that they carried to the battle field.

In the abandoned tunnel, down the road from KPD, marched 45 highly skilled and fight hungry teenagers that had a lust for blood and a yearn for a fight, and near the front of the squadron was Juuzou. Once they were inside the tunnel, the members looked around in confusion as they were unsure of where the rival gang was coming from. Though it wasn't long before 55 members of River made their march towards the tunnel, nothing but the collective stomps of their boots as well as the splashing of the rain hitting the pavement was heard. The acting lead of River as well as the acting lead of Unforgiven met each other in between their respective groups, River’s lead not saying much whilst Unforgiven’s Lead attempted to mock the amount of members River had, claiming they needed more as extra measures. After the very brief talk, a stand off took place for all of a solid 60 seconds before both leads spoke up. “SHOW THEM WHY YOU DON'T SWIM AGAINST THE CURRENT.” Shouted rivers lead, as the following members screamed in excitement. “Go forth, and show them that their transgressions won't be forgiven” said the Unforgiven lead, the following members roaring with excitement as well. That's all it took for the next 1 hour and 45 minutes to be nothing but the sounds of screaming, blades, bats and fists clashing against each other and human bodies. Juuzou, being who he is and rushing in, had started taking on 2 of the River members by himself before being assisted by a fellow member. Quickly overcoming them rather easily. The fight raged on as the numbers of both gangs dwindled. An hour passed by, plunging a katana deep into a rival member's chest, looking up as he saw nothing but bodies on the ground. Underneath his ballistic mask laid a smile. Though it dropped for a brief moment as he noticed someone he considered a friend. .one of his members, one that he was closest with, laying on the ground blood dribbling down their attire, his severed arm laying next to him. Juuzou reached down and picked up a bloodied knife from the ground, holding it in unison with his katana, he charged at 3 River members, doing his best and managing to cut down one of them, he suddenly felt a katana plunge into his left leg. Letting out a sharp grunt at the pain as he threw the knife into the rival members throat, and tackling the other, stabbing his arm into the ground and grabbing the sides of his ballistic, slamming the back of his head into the ground repeatedly. Soon after taking the katana out of his leg being unable to stand fully. He watched as only 5 of his members stood in front of him, 10 river members standing on the opposite side. Just as he was going for a bloodied and heavily dented bat on the floor, new words suddenly echoed throughout the tunnel “FREEZE, EVERYBODY ON THE WALL NOW.” A slight shock ran through his system, as one of the 5 members ran towards him grabbing him and running. In that hour and 45 minutes, 39 of the 45 unforgiven members were cut down, and with the result of KPD showing up, unforgiven was forced to flee giving River the Victory. The clock struck 12, amidst the groans of pain, and the shared silence of defeat and shame “Happy Birthday Juuzou” Was the only thing said. Alex Koji, finally making an appearance with a blank expression present on his face.

Act V: Failure, Creates Opportunity
A few weeks had gone by, nothing was heard from Alex. Juuzou, bothered by the loss, not of his comrades but of the war itself, decided to take matters into his own hands. After making his way to Koji tower, he was greeted by Alex who exclaimed how he had been thinking of some new gang idea. In his failure, he saw an opportunity to forge something better. A new project, though despite it being what it was, Alex didn't refer to it as a ‘gang’. He felt that calling it a gang was too degrading, no. He wanted it to be an elite strike team of people. The name, “Kishi Division”. Juuzou was appointed one of the head trainers in the Division. Juuzou wasn’t anything less than excited, a new chance to do what he saw as his failure to do last time. Over the course of many months, members flooded the ranks of Kishi. Now having around 40+ members and Juuzou training a good deal of them. A lot of his time in this gang was spent training other members, which was a bore to him in all actuality. He saw no enjoyment in training other people for fights he couldn't participate in to watch his efforts be put to use. As the months went on, he became less and less interested in this grand “project” Alex coursed him into, though that soon changed when the talk of another war taking place began to uproar through the members. Over the course of time, Juuzou trained these members even harder than before. Being pulled aside one day, Alex gave him a task “I want you to propose the idea that the next training will be using real weapons. See who is willing to fight for their lives, and who isn't”. Juuzou, not fully understanding the point of the training, did it primarily because he was happy to use real weapons. As a result 10 members were removed from the Kishi division, due to their inability to fight for their life.

The day of the war had finally arrived, Alex Koji making an appearance “Show Akihito who we are.” Those words alone riled up the 40+ members within Kishi division as they made their way to the designated spot in the infamous PowerPlant. As they marched through the sewers pouring out by the dozen, they were met by a large number of rival members, all with katanas, bats, knives and an arsenal of other weapons in hand. Juuzou seeing this sight once more, giving him flashbacks to the war with Unforgiven vs River. Letting out a sigh, before a cheeky ear to ear grin crept across his face “The only loss I’ll accept is death.” The Kishi stand in lead now shouting at the rest of the members “STAY ALIVE, THAT'S AN ORDER.” as a roar of voices followed behind “RIGHT.” The Akihito lead shouting as well “WELCOME THEM INTO DEATHS HOME.” With that the battle begun, the two gangs charging towards each other as nothing but the sounds of blades clashing against each other, the sharp edges of a finely sharpened katana slicing through fabric, skin, muscle, and bone, followed by the screams of it’s victim only to be silenced by the blunt force of a baseball bat. Juuzou taking on two members at once, went for the one that looked to be the strongest first, attacking with two jagged edged daggers using a flurry of unpredictable attacks, staggering his opponent in a way that caused them to purely use defense. Hearing the other coming up from behind him, only letting out a soft whisper “showtime. .” quickly twirling a dagger in his hand sending it directly through the other's neck. Dragging their body in front of himself using it as a shield to block the incoming attack, before removing the dagger kicking the body at the other following closely behind as he slid down slicing at his opponent’s heels, quickly rising up and slamming the knives into their neck. “10. . 20. .30. .40. .50 points! 50 more and I’ll have beaten my goal. Gotta make Mama proud!” Getting caught up in his own world, sneakily being approached from behind, though all Juuzou heard was the sound of a katana piercing through a human body, and the collapse of a corpse hitting the floor. Turning around to see his comrade cleaning off his katana “Get your head out of the clouds. Before you get killed.” Looking down at the body “Death can have me when he earns me!” Quickly rushing back into the battle, Juuzou went on to break his kill record as of that far claiming the lives of 14 Akihito members. As the battle waged on, eventually coming to an end as the few remaining Akihito members fled while the others that made the attempt too were swiftly cut down. A moment of silence fell upon the crowd, as they stood surrounded by nothing but blood, bodies and weapons. Before a loud scream erupted “YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH” soon followed a roar of celebratory screams. Juuzou was already walking away to the roof, taking a seat on the ledge staring off into the distance. “That was fun wasn't it Rei?” “OBVIOUSLY!. Things are getting exciting Juuzou.” Footsteps being heard walking about behind him, Juuzou turned “Oh Masuyo! Helloooooo!” Staring down at him with a confused look on his face “What are you doing up here by yourself Juuzou. .?” a small smile forming on his face, only replying with “Enjoying our win!”.

Act VI: The hardest battles are the ones from Within.
Months after the war, Kishi Division disbanded leaving Juuzou right back to square one. Though wherever he was a fight wasn't far behind him, finding himself at the receiving end of a fist or a kick, more often than not being the one dishing out the blows. There wasn't much going on, the wars subsided, gangs not as prevalent, there was a gaping void in his heart one that he couldn't understand or seem to fill no matter how many fights he tried to get himself into. Walking into the school he decides to go to the Media room, simply to take a nap, though the very moment he laid down, the ground beneath him shook, tremors strong enough he was knocked off the couch, while a muffled boom was heard. Unsure of what to do or what was going on, he rushed outside, seeing the entire student body standing, also completely shocked at the sudden earthquake-like tremor that shook the school. Running to the back of the school seeing KPD officers suited up in S.W.A.T gear rushing into the sewer system, staring eagerly awaiting for something to happen, waiting for about an hour before they came out with bodies, as well as some people being arrested. Recognizing some of these faces “Akihito. .?” His eyes lit with excitement, though that excitement was short-lived because hours later Juuzou received a text from his sister Mint Koji, “Alex. .Is dead”. Staring at the text Juuzou was unsure of what to feel, or. .maybe he didn't feel anything at all. Putting his phone away, taking a walk down the street into the forest, beginning a climb up the mountain, rethinking all of the different memories he had of his ‘Father’ “Sounds like a fun way to die. .death by explosion? Lucky. .” The more he thought about the loss of Alex the more he began to question why his death was so sad. Everyone lives, everyone dies, it's the way things are. Shrugging it off even skipping the funeral, due to lack of interest, he grew distant from the Koji family, hardly showing up at gatherings, or meetings, not conversing with any of the newer members or preexisting ones aside from Mint. Weeks had now passed since the death of Alex “Ironside” Koji, he questioned his place in this world, not understanding why he felt so out of place. Looking back on it, he was never ‘normal’ not in the ways others were. As much as he told himself he didn't care, in some aspects he did as it was a burning feeling in his chest to belong to somewhere, or someone.

Little did he know this was all going to change, upon meeting a young man by the name of Haruka Ahn. “Uhm. . excuse me? Are you Juuzou?” glancing over to his left, a bit confused. . “Was this a trap? Did someone plan this? Was he being watched?” These thoughts raced through his mind, his entire posture ever so slightly shifting into one that could easily be used as defense if necessary only giving a small nod to the others question. “Ah. .I was told to look for you by my friend Moon. .?” “Dont trust him” this thought echoed throughout his mind, a small smile forming at the corners of his lips “Ohhhh! Moon! I forgot he told me a friend would be coming by Helloooooo! The name’s Juuzou Samura! Nice to meetcha!” a singular word plastered in the boy’s thoughts, “Idiot.” Staring at Haru, putting a hand out “Im Haruka. .just call me Haru.” He only nodded, giving a gesture to follow him as they walked to the apartment they’d be staying at. A look of childlike innocence shined from the boy’s face as well as his entire demeanor, a trait that fooled many before, Haru now, soon too fall victim to this as well.

Waking up to Haru being gone, he received a text shortly after “Hospital. .” A shock running through his system, wasting no time in rushing to the hospital pausing. . “why am I rushing. .?” shaking his head and running to the hospital. This moment, changing Juuzou’s entire perspective on life in ways he didn't understand. Arriving at the hospital, “I'm here to see Haruka Ahn” upon seeing him, noticing the puzzle piece like carving on his leg. A fire lighting within his heart, “Give me a name.” Haru was confused, questions the male, Juuzou only began to demand a name more. Until he grew tired of asking and began his own search, narrowing it all down to one specific person by the name of “Kilik” Planning on how he’d kill the latter, he was stopped by Haru. “What exactly are you planning to do?” confused. .looking at Haru “Kill him of course? What else would I do to him?” noticing the boy in front of him turn pale as if he himself had been on the receiving end of that threat. “KILL HIM?! What the HELL are you talking about. .you can't KILL him?!!!” letting out a soft chuckle, glancing over at haru as he took a knife out of the drawer slipping it into a pocket on his pant leg that was easily accessible, “You’re right. .I could do so much more.” Haru cupped a hand over his mouth, the other over his stomach. .a mix of fear, disgust and Disdain mixed throughout every nerve in his body, staring at Juuzou as if he were some sort of abomination. Noticing this look, instantly scoffing “You’re just like everyone else. .you have that same look.” Haru now confused, let alone angry “And you’re nothing more than a fucking psychotic murderer.” His face dropped. . those words cutting deeper than any knife once again a feeling he never understood, why did they hurt? They never hurt before. .? No. .It’s not the words that were said, it was the person who said them, but why? Why was it that he was capable of making Juuzou feel things he’s never felt before? “You talk a lot. .maybe I should fix that.” Haru watched in fear as Juuzou reached for a sewing kit. .taking steps back before pausing, as he watched Juuzou drop the sewing kit and simply leave the building. Returning hours later. “I'm sorry. .” The two talked and later forgave each other, this moment the beginning to what was soon to be a relationship.

Over the course of the next few months they bonded becoming closer and closer, almost being inseparable, despite this Juuzou still didn't understand why he enjoyed the others company so much, It was like that void was being filled, that excitement being satisfied at every waking moment they were together. The anticipation for their next chat. Unbeknownst to him, this feeling had a name “Love”. Eventually coming to realize this with the help of Haru, they entered a relationship together. .one that slightly filled that hole in Juuzou's heart and mind, allowing him to better himself. All the while staying away from the violent life he led before. Though it wasn't long before he was asked to be in a gang made by a close friend. Micah O’Sullivan.

Act VII: Same Stage, Same Role
Another few has passed, Juuzou was previously invited to a Gang called Sonomi, getting himself into yet another war against Kyogoku, that ended in a draw, as KPD made an appearance half way through, Though it didn't go without it’s victories Juuzou Knocking out a good portion of the Kyogoku members. Soon after getting Married to his boyfriend Haru. A few days before his birthday, quite the present was given. Being approached from behind by a man in a mask, the boy felt a sharp object against his back “I have a knife to your back, you move, you die.” Seeing no way out of this, he complied, going to where the man wanted him to go. After arriving at the location, he seemed a bit unbothered as if he had the upper hand of this situation. “Sooo. . how often do you take people to your secret meeting cave? Hey. .are you batman!?” The male before him was already annoyed, “Jesus you’re an idiot. .Anyway Juuzou Samura, Higher up in Sonomi, Unforgiven, A trainer in Kishi Division. .Quite the resume you have here.” His eyes widening. .Realizing the situation he was in. Keeping his cool he decided to just play along agreeing with the male, before asking what exactly they were here for. “I want you, to avoid getting hit. Do that and you win.” tilting his head to the side “what do I wi- WOAH” quickly stepping back dodging the swipe of the jagged blade the male had. Before continuing to flip, and dodge the attacks effortlessly before misstepping and tripping backwards, watching as the knife came towards him leaning back full falling onto his back and dodging the knife, rolling backwards and taking his hat off to block the final stab. A small smile on his face. “The name Rorschach, you are my Associate now.” Now living the married life as a black market associate.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:
The Circus Is In Town
Walking into the room, Juuzou motioned to the two other masked individuals standing at both sides of the door, they gave a nod as they exited the room standing on the outside. A small smile underneath the mask, a calm distorted and muffled voice coming from underneath the mask. “So. . .Sachi Kirishima, that's a fun name!” staring at the woman on the other side of the room, walking over and taking a seat in the chair. The woman eyeing him the entire time, “Could you. .remove these?” he looked up at her watching as the woman raised her arms that were zip tied together. “Ah yes! Sorry about that” taking a knife from his pocket and without warning slashing it down, cutting through the zipties, placing the knife gently on the table. “Let's get to business shall we? I'm sure you’re wondering why you’re here.” placing his hands on the table, leaning forward slightly “I want you to be my Associate” a small grin was plastered across his face underneath the slightly battle damaged Ballistic mask.

“Your Associate. .?” giving a singular nod before standing up leaving the knife on the table turning his back as he walked towards the door. “Looks like you’re uninterested, well unfortunately you won't be making it out of here”. His eyes directed towards the side as if he was expecting something. The girl grabbed the knife on the table and rushed towards him before he turned on his heel grabbing her wrist and redirecting her to the side and stepping to the side. Dodging a plethora of slashes and stabs returning small counter attacks none that would do any real damage only out of pure amusement. “You know my name. .so you must know that I won't die here” Looking at the girl, she was nearly out of breath. “Well I suppose that all depends on you, hm?” Watching as she charged him once more, grabbing her wrist and pushing her downwards, taking a small step back, raising his leg up and slamming on the back of her neck, forcing her to the ground swiftly grabbing the knife and holding it in front of her face. He was impressed by how quickly she took to action, and how intent she was on genuinely killing him, taking note that none of her attacks held back at all. “You are my Associate now. I am the Joker.” putting the knife in his pocket once more and offering her a hand up “You guys can come back in now.” The two masked individuals make their way back into the room, standing up straight silently. “Introduce yourselves, Get acquainted and take her to the hide I'll be waiting!” The two simply nodded before removing their masks, Juuzou placing his hands in his pockets as he walked out of the room and down a tunnel in the sewers.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
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