Level 34
≛♛Tasha9580's Police Application♛≛
⊷ Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section ⊶
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
I have had no bans, warns or kicks (other then AFK and Relog)
Describe your activity on the server:
I believe I spend most of my time on the server, as I do not go to school and do not have an shifts for my job (sadly). I'm usually online from around 9am-3am everyday, depending on if I have any plans. However, I've got just a bit over 16 days of playtime on the server. I had found the server back in 2016/2017 and also, used to play everyday when I had gotten back from school.
Which timezone are you in?
I live in Western Australia, Australia. My timezone is GMT +8 | WAST
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I have 2.
Main - OmgLilKaos#2089
Alt - OmgLilKaos2#4530
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I recently got a new headset (with mic) for Christmas!
List your current and past applications:
Staff Application [DENIED]
Nurse Application [DENIED] -’s-nurse-application.20254/
Shop Owner Application [DENIED] -
Police Officer Application [DENIED] -
Teaching Assistant Application [DENIED] -
Council Application [DENIED] -’s-council-app.20448/
Nurse Application #2 [DENIED] -
Club Application [DENIED] -
Receptionist Application [ACCEPTED] -
Staff Application 2 [Pending]
What is your motivation for applying?:
I have many reasons why I wish to be a Karakura School Role-play police cadet. First off, I wish to be able to help the people even when there are not as many people online. I usually play when most of the world is at school, work, or asleep, leaving not a lot of people online, police included. I often see no police online at all, or at least when I am online. I feel as if the lack of police activity on the server, has led to more gangRP situations, which doesn't make it very fair on those who are only able to be on during certain hours. I feel as if I would be able to help these people more often and help them to have a more enjoyable experience while they're playing on the SchoolRP server.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, before starting this application I made sure to look over and gain an understanding of the Japanese laws and Basic Conduct. I'm aware of the differences where the laws might not all be the same.
What are the Police ranks?
The Police ranks from the highest power to lowest power consist of;
Commissioner - The Commissioner is usually the top authority of the police department. These officers oversee all operations of the department, develop procedures and programs to increase effectiveness and safety and assign officers to special investigations.
Captain or Chief - The Police Captain/Chief report directly to the commissioner. Captains train personnel, prepare and monitor programs and budgets and enforce department policies. They are relied on to maximize citizen involvement in community policing, make smart hires and promotions, represent the department in the community and local government and to step in when situations become critical or when the department requires a pinch hitter.
Head Lieutenant - The work of a Head Lieutenant is sort of like a middle-management role for law enforcement. However, they're in charge of both Vice Head and Lieutenants. They take broad direction from superiors and turn them into a plan of action for sergeants all the way to the front-line officers and detectives.
Vice Head Lieutenant - The same as the Head Lieutenant, however, if the Head Lieutenant is away, then the Vice Lieutenant will take their place and watch over the rest of the Police Force.
Lieutenant - They take broad direction from superiors and turn them into a plan of action for sergeants all the way to the front-line officers and detectives.
Sergeant - A police sergeant’s job duties depend on the size of their employing agency. Some agencies skip certain rankings and assign those tasks to other positions. A sergeant is expected to interpret and apply ordinances to a wide variety of situations, supervise and train personnel, weigh in on disciplinary situations, help develop new policies and act as a liaison between upper management and subordinates.
Corporal - The title of corporal is a common next step on the hierarchy of a law enforcement career. Police corporals often act as supervisors and watch commanders in small agencies, but the title can also apply to nonsupervisory members of a specialty unit. This position is typically the first in a supervisory role, placing officers in some measure of authority over other officers.
Patrol Officer/Detectives - The most well-known rank. While patrol officers and police detectives may have differing job descriptions depending on who employs them, these law enforcement officers often respond to emergency and non-emergency calls, patrol assigned areas, obtain warrants, arrest suspects
Cadet - A police cadet can refer either to a trainee police officer or to a member of a youth organisation in which young people learn about and/or participate in law enforcement and police work.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
A police officer are sworn to defend and protect people. They can arrest and detain individuals who are accused of breaking the law. They ensure everyone follow laws, respond to emergencies, and patrol areas where crime may occur. They often document any action they took in detailed reports.⊷ Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section ⊶
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
I have had no bans, warns or kicks (other then AFK and Relog)
Describe your activity on the server:
I believe I spend most of my time on the server, as I do not go to school and do not have an shifts for my job (sadly). I'm usually online from around 9am-3am everyday, depending on if I have any plans. However, I've got just a bit over 16 days of playtime on the server. I had found the server back in 2016/2017 and also, used to play everyday when I had gotten back from school.
Which timezone are you in?
I live in Western Australia, Australia. My timezone is GMT +8 | WAST
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I have 2.
Main - OmgLilKaos#2089
Alt - OmgLilKaos2#4530
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I recently got a new headset (with mic) for Christmas!
List your current and past applications:
Staff Application [DENIED]
Nurse Application [DENIED] -’s-nurse-application.20254/
Shop Owner Application [DENIED] -
Police Officer Application [DENIED] -
Teaching Assistant Application [DENIED] -
Council Application [DENIED] -’s-council-app.20448/
Nurse Application #2 [DENIED] -
Club Application [DENIED] -
Receptionist Application [ACCEPTED] -
Staff Application 2 [Pending]
What is your motivation for applying?:
I have many reasons why I wish to be a Karakura School Role-play police cadet. First off, I wish to be able to help the people even when there are not as many people online. I usually play when most of the world is at school, work, or asleep, leaving not a lot of people online, police included. I often see no police online at all, or at least when I am online. I feel as if the lack of police activity on the server, has led to more gangRP situations, which doesn't make it very fair on those who are only able to be on during certain hours. I feel as if I would be able to help these people more often and help them to have a more enjoyable experience while they're playing on the SchoolRP server.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, before starting this application I made sure to look over and gain an understanding of the Japanese laws and Basic Conduct. I'm aware of the differences where the laws might not all be the same.
What are the Police ranks?
The Police ranks from the highest power to lowest power consist of;
Commissioner - The Commissioner is usually the top authority of the police department. These officers oversee all operations of the department, develop procedures and programs to increase effectiveness and safety and assign officers to special investigations.
Captain or Chief - The Police Captain/Chief report directly to the commissioner. Captains train personnel, prepare and monitor programs and budgets and enforce department policies. They are relied on to maximize citizen involvement in community policing, make smart hires and promotions, represent the department in the community and local government and to step in when situations become critical or when the department requires a pinch hitter.
Head Lieutenant - The work of a Head Lieutenant is sort of like a middle-management role for law enforcement. However, they're in charge of both Vice Head and Lieutenants. They take broad direction from superiors and turn them into a plan of action for sergeants all the way to the front-line officers and detectives.
Vice Head Lieutenant - The same as the Head Lieutenant, however, if the Head Lieutenant is away, then the Vice Lieutenant will take their place and watch over the rest of the Police Force.
Lieutenant - They take broad direction from superiors and turn them into a plan of action for sergeants all the way to the front-line officers and detectives.
Sergeant - A police sergeant’s job duties depend on the size of their employing agency. Some agencies skip certain rankings and assign those tasks to other positions. A sergeant is expected to interpret and apply ordinances to a wide variety of situations, supervise and train personnel, weigh in on disciplinary situations, help develop new policies and act as a liaison between upper management and subordinates.
Corporal - The title of corporal is a common next step on the hierarchy of a law enforcement career. Police corporals often act as supervisors and watch commanders in small agencies, but the title can also apply to nonsupervisory members of a specialty unit. This position is typically the first in a supervisory role, placing officers in some measure of authority over other officers.
Patrol Officer/Detectives - The most well-known rank. While patrol officers and police detectives may have differing job descriptions depending on who employs them, these law enforcement officers often respond to emergency and non-emergency calls, patrol assigned areas, obtain warrants, arrest suspects
Cadet - A police cadet can refer either to a trainee police officer or to a member of a youth organisation in which young people learn about and/or participate in law enforcement and police work.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
PoliceRP is important in many situations within SchoolRP, the main reason would be to control GangRP. Without the KPD, I believe Karakura would run terribly with teenagers that are in possession of weapons, killing each other without consequences. PoliceRP also adds realism as a whole to Karakura.
Police are the people who help the community whether it be to risk there lives by going up against a gang which could lead to the officer being badly injured.
Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities.
PoliceRP is important in many situations within SchoolRP, the main reason would be to control GangRP. Without the KPD, I believe Karakura would run terribly with teenagers that are in possession of weapons, killing each other without consequences. PoliceRP also adds realism as a whole to Karakura.
Police are the people who help the community whether it be to risk there lives by going up against a gang which could lead to the officer being badly injured.
Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I acknowledge that I can be demoted at any given time and I am fine with that.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I am 100% aware that I am agreeing to be dedicated to the Police Officer Role.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I accept that if I do not attend a training session whilst I am online, I will be demoted/punished.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I understand that.

⊷ In-Character (IC) Section ⊶
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Jay would have black and brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He would stand at 6'4, weighing at 110kgs. He has always cared for people, he is very polite and very quiet at times he can get frustrated but that is rare for him. He always has a smile on his face and always talks about the bright side of things even when things are going wrong.
What he's like on and off the job?
On the job, he is professional and serious and always encouraging, helps out with work and other things. He would never be seen on the job acting unprofessionally, and instead would always be seen on his best behaviour, being calm and serious no matter the situation. However, to his friends and family he might be 'goofy', or always happy and loves to make a joke or two. He will be seen to close people he knows well as a caring person and always able to be there for people when needed. He can control his anger, and is able to get over things easily and focus.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
His outlook on his co-workers are positive, and enjoys working with others. He always tries to be serious,and is always there for them whenever needed. You wouldn't see him swearing at his co-workers. His plans for the future are to successfully work as a Police-Officer and work for the force, being able to be apart of Karakura by helping out and arresting people who try to prevent everyone from just continuing on in their life normally by doing crimes.
Jaykeb Solyven Miyazaki, grew up in a small town in New South Wales, Australia. His parents, Mr and Mrs Solyven, sent him to a private school. Jaykeb had a feeling that his parents were hiding something from him ever since he was born. Jaykeb would always be bullied by the kids at school and come back home with bruises, broken nose or even a broken arm. He'd never tell his parents who it was who was bullying him because he didn't want anyone else getting hurt. His parents eventually took him out of that school and he was forced to do homeschooling until he was 15. Jaykeb never ended up making friends because he was never allowed out of the house. When Jaykeb turned 19, he had overheard his parents arguing about a boy named Luke, and he was wondering who that was because they would argue about him quiet a lot. One day, Jaykeb had the courage to ask his mother who Luke was, when his mother told him that Luke was his twin brother, he decided to pack his bags and go searching for his long lost brother. It took him 3 years to find out where he was. Ever since getting to Karakura and find his brother, he continues to carry on his heritage and hopes to carve a path for a better future in a more protected society, which he hopes to assist in making that a reality by becoming a cadet and hopefully making Karakura a better place for the people he cares about. Jay attended Karakura High School with his friends and is hoping to one day become a police officer, to protect those who need it.
⊷ SECTION 1: Personal Details ⊶
Full Name:
Jaykeb Solyven Miyazaki
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr. Miyazaki
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
25 (born 25/03/1994)
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
⊷ SECTION 2: Academic Details ⊶
Years of training:
Jay would have 2 full years of training
Working Experience:
He would have 1 year from volunteering to help the police in the town he grew up in
Academic Degree:
Human service
Year of Graduation:
Criminal Justice
Human Service
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Main - tasha9580 - [25][Office-Secretary][R.K]
Alt - OmgLilKaos - [14][Grade 8][N/A]
ps. if i am accepted, i will be quitting my current job, as i have no access to the reception and there is nothing to do once school is over.
≛ Thank you for reading my application and I hope to see you in the station (if i am accepted) and/or around Karakura! ≛