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Accepted Tatot_Tot | Gardening Club


Level 3
IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name): Tatot_Tot

RPName of Club Leader: Athy Hayamiya

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#): arminsgf

Club name of the club you are applying for the leadership position: Gardening Club

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?:
[OOC] I believe I should become the club leader for the gardening club over other applications because of my ability to create different ideas and my strong leadership qualities. First of all, let's talk about some of my leadership skills and my past. I was the president of the student council back in 2019(I think???) and have been involved with various different clubs, wether that be working with different clubs or joining a club like the sports club. I have a lot of experience in leadering and working with others to create different events, and back when I was president, we had to organize school-wide events on our own with no help from a event team.
I want to revive the gardening club, because I feel like it has suchhhh great potential but it just lacks engagements. I have sooo many cool and engaging activities and ideas that I believe can revive the club and draw in some more members. For example, I plan on introducing different types of workshops, seasonal gardening projects, and collaborations with other clubs to create more in-depth roleplay. I also would like to add that the gardening club can work with other clubs to boost the amount of activities the club could do.
Another thing to note is that I am not afraid of rejection and have no problem adjusting my ideas if someone doesn't like it. I am really committed in the teamwork aspect, so I am always down to work with others to create fun and engaging activities so that the club can reach its FULL potential! My goal for this club would be to create a inclusive environment where everyone would feel valued and excited to participate. The last thing I would want is for me to take over every little thing and create a strained and non-enjoyable roleplay. That is why I would implant a members-only idea section in the roleplay server so that everyone can chip in some good ideas.

[IC] "Um, I think I stand out from other applications because I have a genuine passion for growing plants. I have so many plants at home, and even though they don't always thrive. . I put a lot of effort in taking care of each and every one of them. Despite the not thriving issue, my love for gardening drives me to keep learning and improving. My shelves at home are filled with gardening books, I probably collect 3-4 different books every week to bring home. And. . My brother can vouch for me when I say that I am really dedicated to gardening and I would be super excited to share this passion with others."


What is your motivation for becoming the new leader of this club?

[OOC] My motivation for becoming the new leader of the gardening club is mainly wanting to create an enjoyable roleplay experience for members and my passion for gardening. Firstly, like I have said, I am passionate about the environment and sustainability. I believe gardening is a really cool way to engage these values and teach other club members not only the practices of growing different types of plants but also the importance of these practices.​
Secondly, I see the gardening club as an AMAZING opportunity for the community to get together and work with other communities. Gardening is inherently collaborative, which means it requires teamwork, communication, and of course, shared responsibility. I want the club to be a place where everyone can feel valued and inspired to contribute to the club without worrying about prior roleplay experience with gardening.​
Thirdly, I am also very motivated by the educational potential of the club. It can teach others how practical skills can come in handy when growing different plants, and composting, as well as teach some broader topics like biology and nutrition. Though of course, I wouldn't want to become a teacher, more like just share different ideas and facts about different plants when the time comes.​
[IC] "Um. . My motivation for becoming the club leader of the gardening club is my deep passion for plants and my desire to talk about them with people who actually care. I, uh, believe that gardening offers different valuable lessons, including responsibility, patience, and the joy of watching something you worked hard on come to life. I want to create an experience where students can experience these benefits firsthand. I see potential in the gardening club to push more hands-on learning rather than just reading stuff from books. By leading this club, I want to create different activities, engage some more members, and share my love for plants. My goal for the club is to create an educational, inclusive, and um, happy environment where everyone feels inspired to get involved and grow different types of plants together. "
What activities and events will this club do?: (Don't ask why this looks weird. .)
Club Members Events
School-Wide Events
Fun Activities
Garden-to-Table Cook-Off
(Simple description:) The gardening club would pair up with the cooking club for this event. Using fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs grown and harvested from the school garden that the members have grown themselves, both the gardening and cooking clubs will work together to create and garnish a healthy, delicious meal.

We could even stir it up some more and make it a cool cook-off by pairing one garden member with a cooking club member. This will give club members a chance to enjoy all their hard work while also making it competitive and fun.
Plant Sale and Fair
(Simple description:) A really cool plant sale and fair where students of Karakura can come to buy and sell different plants, seeds, and garden-related crafts like pots. This event can include different booths with gardening tips, how to care for a plant, and fun activities like a "plant swap." I think this event would be a great way to engage the community while also getting the gardening club name out there for new members.

Forest/Zen Garden Field Trip
(Simple description:) So for this little activity, we could have a little field trip to the local forest or Zen garden, which would give club members the chance to experience different types of natural landscapes and home to where different types of plants grow. We could also do some flower picking and weeding in these areas to give a more hands-on experience. I think this would be a good way to inspire members to connect with nature.

Seasonal Decor
(Simple description:) For this member-only event, students will create seasonal decorations to hang around the school or to take home using natural materials from the garden. For example, in the fall we could take some dried leaves and make wreathes out of them. During the winter, would could use pine cones to decorate and create different ornaments and garlands. I believe seasons play a big role in gardening, so this will create different cool experiences for members.

Plant a tree event
(Simple description:) This would be a tree-planting event where students and staff can come together to plant trees, rather it be inside the forest or on school grounds. This event would promote the importance of trees in our ecosystem, while also creating a fun, roleplay experience where students can get together and roleplay how to plant a tree.
Crafting out of flowers and plants
(Simple description:) For these activities, we could offer different little workshops where students can make cute items out of different flowers and plants. These workshops could include pressing flowers to make them bookmarks or creating natural dyes from plant materials. We could also make some floral arrangements for flower crowns and such.

How could your club benefit the School?

The gardening club will benefit the school through a more hands-on community involvement. I have so many cool ideas on how the gardening club can partner up with the other clubs to make a more engaging, fun roleplay experience for not only members but also just regular students. Another benefit would be that the gardening club will teach students some basic education on how to grow food, understand where certain foods come from, and how to grow different types of flowers. The club could also help benefit the school by growing fruits and veggies that could be served during lunch. Which will help the students of Karakura to eat fewer pesticides and more organic school-grown food.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?

- Attend at least two meetings a month.
- Be decent at roleplaying, bonus if you can detailrp.
- You must have Discord, so you know future meetings/events.


Level 144
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we have decided to accept your application:

- Your application was on the shorter side but your unique events stood out to us, they were different to the norm of SchoolRP and brought fresh ideas into the scene, we hope to see more like this during your time as club leader


If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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