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Denied Teacher Application 2

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(I apologize that the format is not in bold, I did it on google docs and it didn't continue to be in bold.)

IGN (In Game Name): Extortionary

Previous bans: None.

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?:

Yes, I understand coherently that most, if not all, answers to questions about being a teacher are in the roleplay documents.

Describe your activity on the server:

I try my best to be on at 1-3 hours Mondays-Fridays however on weekends, I will spend a good 3-6 hours on the server.

Do you have Discord (if so, what's your discord username)?

I do not have Discord as of now.

Do you have a microphone?


List your current and past applications:


What is your motivation for applying?:

I wish to enhance my roleplay experience on the server because the server itself has such a fun atmospheric environment and concept that goes along with the title ‘School RP’. I want to engage with much more players and do teaching events such as theater plays and such. This is my opportunity so I shall go for it. Being a Drama teacher, I could plan events such as plays for the whole school to enjoy. I could also help with other things such as Leadership ideas and such.

Have you read the megathread for Teachers? Yes.
Have you read ? Yes.
Have you read ? Yes.

You want to start a school field trip, what would you do?

ooc’ly: I would fill out a field trip application and wait for a response.

ic’ly: I will take a look at my lesson plan and grab a few ideas from it and combine them find one location or field trip destination that can give the students an even better understanding of what we are covering in school. Then, I shall consult my boss, a Vice Principal or the Principal, if I could plan the field trip and ask them for the budgets of the trip and make sure they are aware of it. Then I would give papers to the students in which their guardian must sign to know where their children are going to be. The slip would also have the dates of when we are going and when we are coming back.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class:
Do not yell in class.
Do not speak over an adult or teacher in class.
Do not get out of your seat without asking permission.
Respect others and show kindness.
Do not cheat on exams.
Bring a positive attitude to class.
Always be prepared with writing utensils such as pencils and paper.

Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise):

I have always been intrigued in the idea of school in general overall. I actually want to be a Drama teacher. I have always had a love and passion for acting as another character or role of some sort. Being a Drama teacher combines both of my passions, roleplay and Drama/Teaching concepts. I have been involved in numerous roleplays of school and have always had a blast. I know how to act with respect and formal manners as a teacher, teaching a class and being engaged in class with events and teaching students.

List the ranks of teachers, starting from the bottom leading to the top:

Trainee: These educators are new to the activity, they can not begin lessons or work for instructors, these educators need to get the endorsement of higher educators to go to their class and, need to take notes on what the instructor does.

Newly Qualified Teacher: This instructor can effectively open lessons yet require endorsement from their HD (Head of Department) in the event that they need to begin a lesson they in all likelihood need to take a gander at the lesson get ready for their lesson design.

Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills: This is typical educator, they can begin a lesson with very little stresses for botches, they can give student's access their class however they are limited to preparing lessons and such and must still coherently ask an HD.

Head of Department: These instructors are the most elevated educator rank for a subject, their activity is to make lesson arrangements, and they are permitted to prepare learner's and NQT's (Newly Qualified Teacher).

Have you read & understood the megathread that is in Roleplay Documents > Teachers?


From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher Group. Why would you change that?

I would like more events to take place. This is part of the fact why I am applying to be a teacher, a Drama teacher more specifically. I want to plan events such as plays in the school with multiple scenes so students can really have an acting experience of getting out of their comfort zones and falling in love with the world of acting and theater. I want to hold many events of these and much more.


Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose to they serve, what salary they get. Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers have the imperative obligation of forming the lives of youthful, receptive youngsters. With this duty comes incredible pride and satisfaction. Along these lines all educators ought to take a stab at what can be thought to be a "decent instructor." A great instructor can be characterized as somebody who dependably pushes understudies/students to need to give a valiant effort while in the meantime attempting to make getting the hang of fascinating and in addition imaginative. A positive or negative impact from an educator at an opportune time in life can greatly affect the life of a tyke. Educators, particularly at the rudimentary level, must be extremely imaginative with their instructing styles. Only one out of every odd kid takes similarly, nor are they keen on similar things. It is hard to keep the consideration of 15-20 kids younger than ten. Classroom setup and configuration is a decent method to get and keep the consideration of understudies. Workstations are a decent method to empower diverse kinds of learning. By permitting youngsters an opportunity to pick which exercises they need to partake in, kids are taking control of their own training. At the rudimentary level, youngsters are continually learning and now and then don't know it. When I was in kindergarten, I can recall playing at the distinctive stations in the classroom. One station was for cultivating and we could plant seeds and check them consistently to perceive the amount they had developed. Another station in that classroom that sticks out in my psyche is expressions of the human experience and artworks station. There was a huge exhibit of colored pencils, markers, scissors, development paper and building materials we could use to make beautiful adornments to provide for our folks for our homes. By picking which station we needed to work at, we were winding up significantly more intrigued by what we were realizing in light of the fact that we were doing what we needed to do, not what we needed to do. By setting elevated expectations for an understudy, the educator is urging the understudy to do likewise and set high standards for goals in life. Teachers serve as one of the most valuable purposes in life, teachers educate and teach millions across the world so that they can gain better knowledge and understanding of the basics. Teachers spend most of their time outside of classes grading papers of students and finding ways to engage with students in class. They are normal people as well though, outside of their job, they live their lives just as everyone else does. On average, a teacher gets paid 5,306,300 yearly, however it can depend all on overall experience as well.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server:

Educators are critical in light of the fact that they not just give guideline to kids in at least one scholarly territories, contingent upon the review level, however they likewise remain as an extra wellspring of consolation in the life of a kid. Given the financial and family challenges that face such a large number of understudies today, there are days when a tyke may just observe a grin from his or her educator, as the various grown-ups have so much pressure going on that they are not ready to pass on affection and acknowledgment.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

Trainee: These teachers are new to the movement, they can not start lessons or work for educators, these teachers need to get the underwriting of higher teachers to go to their class and, need to take notes on what the educator does.
Newly Qualified Teacher: This educator can adequately open lessons yet require underwriting from their HD (Head of Department) if they have to start a lesson they no doubt need to look at the lesson prepare for their lesson plan.

Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills: This is common instructor, they can start a lesson with next to no worries for messes up, they can give understudy's entrance their class anyway they are restricted to getting ready lessons and such should in any case rationally ask a HD.

Head of Department: These teachers are the most raised instructor rank for a subject, their action is to make lesson game plans, and they are allowed to set up student's and NQT's (Newly Qualified Teacher).

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

A Must Have system.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?

Tyler is a buff male who stands at 6’5 with brown hair and tan skin. He likes having fun with others and joking around but when it comes to his work, Tyler is very professional as he dresses formally with a suit to school, always on time, coming prepared with his lesson plan. He stands out from other, being the descendant of a ruler of the Mayan civilization that vanished out of history. Tyler loves teaching students and watching them thrive through the process of the learning experience. He wants to make sure no student is ever embarrassed while doing acting procedures in Drama class. His outlook on other teachers is that, everyone has their rough days meaning if a teacher is having trouble with planning a lesson and such, Tyler always wants to help and show kindness to that teacher. Not only is his ancestry unique, his personality is too, he is very social, loves showing his pride of hard work when doing something. He wants to be the best of the best at all times and show he can do anything. His plan for the future is to have a family and keep creating his fabulous shows around the world.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

I would ask politely the first time, asking them to stop. If they do not follow the conduct, I shall tell a Vice Principal or even the Principal if it comes to it.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?

I announce the following statement: “If the class continues talking, I shall keep you in during your lunch and we can continue the lesson then.”

When in a teacher lounge, how does your character act?

He is very social and likes to know how other teachers’ classes are doing. He likes giving advice and helping the other teachers by giving them tips if they need them.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom.

/me claps 5 times in a catchy pattern to catch the class’s attention.
/me grins politely to the students as they complete the assessment.
/me sits at his desk as he grades papers, looking over to the students working for a brief time.
/me walks across the stage proudly, acting as the strong role, demonstrating to the student who plays the role how the character acts.
/me watches the students act out the scene as he looks back at his paper, grading their scene.


Tyler Fernando Sanchez was born on March 18, 1982 in San Salvador, El Salvador (The country’s capital). He lived in one of the poorest towns of the country. Throughout his childhood, after coming back from his school, he would head to the back yard of his home and help his father gather up some cattle. When Tyler turned 17, he decided to apply for Yale University in the United States. His outstanding graded resulted in him being accepted. He got all his savings and brought his parents with him to the U.S. as well. They signed the papers needed for being a legal citizen. Tyler worked as a mechanic for 6 months, saving up for a $200,000 home near the University. He finished his studies in 2012, getting his Doctorate in Performing Arts. He worked at various middle and high schools across America as a Drama teacher. For 2 years, he traveled across the world, globally, producing fabulous shows in Dubai, Italy, France, Brazil, New York, Canada, China, Korea, Japan, and other countries in Europe. Tyler made millions from his excellent shows, leading on to be one of the greatest producers and directors of all time. Tyler wanted to go back to teaching and producing school plays. In 2014, he moved him and his parents to Tokyo, Japan, owning a mansion costing upwards of 4 million yen. Since then, he has worked at various schools, producing great school plays, yet to having one that has failed. Now he is in search of a new school to teach at.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Tyler Fernando Sanchez
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Sanchez
Given Name(s): Tyler
Preferred Name: Tyler

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: El Salvadoran
Current Location: Tokyo, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): 9
Working Experience (# of years): 5

Academic Degree: Doctorate Degree in Performing Arts

Year of Graduation: 2012
Major(s): Business ****ytics
Minors: Cinema and Media Studies

Native Languages: Spanish
Other Languages: Japanese, Portuguese, French, Arabic

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Yes
Preferred Teaching Subject: Drama

Additional notes about your application (if any):

If Drama teacher is not available, I would like to pursue whatever subject a teacher can teach that allows to plan events that the whole school can engage in. Thank you for reading!


Level 17
You may apply again in a week
You did not bold the questions.
Discrepancy found in the Year of Graduation. It conflicts with your age and the timeline.

Year of Graduation: 2012
Obvious lie, the megathread is down.
Have you read the megathread for Teachers? Yes.
The backstory has less than 300 words; according to it your age is also inaccurate, you would not have 27 years from 1982 to 2018.

Tyler Fernando Sanchez was born on March 18, 1982 in San Salvador, El Salvador (The country’s capital). He lived in one of the poorest towns of the country. Throughout his childhood, after coming back from his school, he would head to the back yard of his home and help his father gather up some cattle. When Tyler turned 17, he decided to apply for Yale University in the United States. His outstanding graded resulted in him being accepted. He got all his savings and brought his parents with him to the U.S. as well. They signed the papers needed for being a legal citizen. Tyler worked as a mechanic for 6 months, saving up for a $200,000 home near the University. He finished his studies in 2012, getting his Doctorate in Performing Arts. He worked at various middle and high schools across America as a Drama teacher. For 2 years, he traveled across the world, globally, producing fabulous shows in Dubai, Italy, France, Brazil, New York, Canada, China, Korea, Japan, and other countries in Europe. Tyler made millions from his excellent shows, leading on to be one of the greatest producers and directors of all time. Tyler wanted to go back to teaching and producing school plays. In 2014, he moved him and his parents to Tokyo, Japan, owning a mansion costing upwards of 4 million yen. Since then, he has worked at various schools, producing great school plays, yet to having one that has failed. Now he is in search of a new school to teach at.
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