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Denied Teacher Application! :3

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Hi! My names Makksuki, but you can call me Mr. Hatsu if you like, >w<. (Mystic Skittles) I would like to apply for a teacher and go by the name "Mr. Hatsu". I'm Inspired by Mr. Valkyreie, because his test are over things he teaches, and make sense with brief knowledge! :3 I would like to apply to be a teacher MAINLY because LOVE role play in every way possible, and there isn't a lot of teachers! :sir:. As Mr. Valkyreie is the strict one, i wish to be the HAPPY one! :> If and when i am accepted, i will put a TUX on my skin to FIT in!
I COMPLETELY understand if i'm not accepted, but i'd love to give a shot at this ROLE PLAY as a teacher! WISH me luck Mr. Valkyreie! OH and i'm happy with ANY available subject as this teacher! ;) But I would like to be a History Teacher! ;P

Makksuki!!! :3
And here is the Informative part:
IGN (In Game Name): Mystic Skittles
Previous bans: Non really.. i mean I've been temp kicked for like spam on accident xD

Do you understand that most answers are found in the role play documents?: Yes! I read lots of Documents / forms on servers i play! EX: A1 craft

Describe your activity on the server: I'm grade 10 all ready, so i'd say i play alot!! its the only thing i do all day xD Unless i have somewhere to be, or eating :3

Do you have TeamSpeak3?
No, i do not. But if you would like to speak to me I have skype! :3
Do you have a microphone?
List your current and past applications:
A1 craft! :3 but sadly I don't play that server anymore... because i like this one better :3
What is your motivation for applying?:
I LOVE role play, I notice there isn't a lot of teachers and i want to make it more fun for other players!
Have you read the megathread for Teachers?
Yes, I have.
Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise):
Hwmm.. well I've owned a server before... added plugins and all that... but besides that not really.
List the ranks of teachers, starting from the bottom leading to the top:
New Qualified Teacher
Standard Teacher
Head Of Department

Have you read & understood the megathread that is in Roleplay Documents > Teachers?

Yes! I have! AND I'll read It again just you!

From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher Group. Why would you change that?

I would add a little FUN to teaching!! I would add projects the students would bring in class! I would change it to make school MORE fun than it can POSSIBLY be!


Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose to they serve, what salary they get. Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general. Well! Funny you say that! My mom is a teacher in History! So i know a lot!
They serve a purpose of improving the students knowledge! And they do everything a normal person does in their spare time! Like shopping, and eating (obviously), but you also have to go home and grade papers and what-not.
Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server:
Well, a "school" is nothing without teachers. So we desperately need them to put us in place and help us learn for the future!
Describe the ranking system of teachers:
The ranking system is to provide ALL information that is needed, so that you may prove you are worthy!
What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
It depends on the subject! Like if you were Art you would have lesson plans on a topic of "abstract".

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?

He has silver hair, he is unique because he is the COOLEST teacher around (besides Valkyeie xD)
He is different becuase fun and chill teacher but strict if i have to be! His outlook on students are like his kids, he treats them with respect, and when they misbehave he nicely asks them to stop. His outlook on teachers are good aswell! He treats them as friends! His personality is fun to be with! His plans for the future are to make the school a better place!

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
I ask them to stop, and come with me. I'll politely ask them why they were doing this, and put them in detention!
No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?
I tell them if you will not listen to me, then you can leave the class and gets detention ( Thats my strick side).
When in a teacher lounge, how does your character act?
I will comely asset the problem, but if it occurs again I will send them to detention.
Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom.
/me Okey class! Before we begin i would like to say thank you for getting here on time today!
/me Turns your test into me when you are finished class, thank you!
/me I have assembled a new project! I love to show it to you class, its on our lesson plan for this week!
/me You are exused class, thank you for coming, see you again tomorrow!
/me I'll be passing out books for the test! Tell me if you do not get one!


/* Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and his/her previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.*/

When I was a boy, I of course loved my teacher! She helped me when i did not under stand the problems, and when i struggled with the situation! One day, after class she set me aside and told me how my grades were increasing by a LARGE amount! I was so happy! but then... She told me I was too smart for the class, and i had to get another teacher. This teacher was mean, and grumpy, and was NEVER in a good mood! I was heartbroken! But i knew when i grew up! I was going to be like my old teacher! The nice one! The helpful one! I never wanted this, but it did happen. I grew weary, and my grades decreased. The teacher i needed was not there for me. When i needed to solve something i hadn't known, she looked at my answer and said look in the text book. If only my new teacher was nicer and helpful like my old one! Soon, i knew my report card would come in, and i had so much sadness in my heart, thinking "What will me parents say...". But when my new teacher handed me the report card, and i got home, my parents weren't mad! They asked me what was wrong. I told them about the new teacher, and how i felt about her. They immediately understood! I hugged them and I was put back into my old class, and i stayed there, even know my grades were higher than the others. Many people gave me a hard time, going into a "lower" class, but i didn't care! I knew i wasn't learning in the other class! I took tutors from my nice teacher, and she helped me learn SO much! If i hadn't had her i wouldn't be here today! She helping with everything i struggled in. Whether it was In or out of her subjects she taught! I then proceeded on to life. Many years past by, and i was in college looking for a sub job, like at Mc Donalds, or Burger King! And found myself in TacoBell. I earned some money to buy a dorm, and food. I proceeded my knowledge in teaching, and history. And surely it payed off! After getting my Masters degree in teaching, I Applied to a school called Taketatsu! For i seemed to love the high school! And that is where I catch up to... this very day!

Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Makkusuki Hatsu
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss)
: Mr. Hatsu
Given Name(s): Skittles
Preferred Name:

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Christian
Marital Status: None

Nationality: Japan
Current Location: Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): This is my first Job! ^u^
Working Experience (# of years): I've worked since I was 16!

Academic Degree: Masters Degree

Year of Graduation: Dec. 2, 2016
Major(s): History
Minors: Science

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: English and Spanish

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Yes
Preferred Teaching Subject: History

Additional notes about your application (if any): I would LOVE to take this opportunity! Thank you so much! ^u^
Last edited:


Level 124
Hi! My names Makksuki, but you can call me Mr. Hatsu if you like, w. (Mystic Skittles) I would like to apply for a teacher and go by the name "Mr. Hatsu". I'm Inspired by Mr. Valkyreie, because his test are over things he teaches, and make sense with brief knowledge! :3 I would like to apply to be a teacher MAINLY because LOVE role play in every way possible, and there isn't a lot of teachers! :sir:. As Mr. Valkyreie is the strict one, i wish to be the HAPPY one! : If and when i am accepted, i will put a TUX on my skin to FIT in!
I COMPLETELY understand if i'm not accepted, but i'd love to give a shot at this ROLE PLAY as a teacher! WISH me luck Mr. Valkyreie! OH and i'm happy with ANY available subject as this teacher! ;) But I would like to be a History Teacher! ;P

Makksuki!!! :3
Reading this alone with the amount of emoticons on it, I can tell that this is going to be denied.
IGN (In Game Name): Mystic Skittles
In game names dont have spaces.
A1 craft! :3 but sadly I don't play that server anymore... because i like this one better :3
We dont care about 'A1 Craft'
Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise):
Hwmm.. well I've owned a server before... added plugins and all that... but besides that not really.
This has nothing to do with experience with teachers.
From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher Group. Why would you change that?
I would add a little FUN to teaching!! I would add projects the students would bring in class! I would change it to make school MORE fun than it can POSSIBLY be!
Stop with the random capitalization, and the question is about the teacher group (OOCly) not about you.
What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
It depends on the subject! Like if you were Art you would have lesson plans on a topic of "abstract".
You clearly haven't read the Megathread.
he is the COOLEST teacher around (besides Valkyeie xD)
This is immature, and for the whole question you haven't covered how he's unique and the rest of the answers are too short.
You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
I ask them to stop, and come with me. I'll politely ask them why they were doing this, and put them in detention!
Detention isn't the solution to everything, read the roleplay documents!
/me Okey class! Before we begin i would like to say thank you for getting here on time today!
/me Turns your test into me when you are finished class, thank you!
/me I have assembled a new project! I love to show it to you class, its on our lesson plan for this week!
/me You are exused class, thank you for coming, see you again tomorrow!
/me I'll be passing out books for the test! Tell me if you do not get one!
/me's aren't this. /me is describing a characters action. For example doing /me <statement> (/me Hello!) doesn't make sense, /me Hello is like Person does Hello! Doesn't make sense, does it?
I'm not even going to go and read the rest of the application, because there's no point.

You can re-apply in 1 month.
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