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Accepted Teacher Application (English) | Sunbright97


Level 8
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of course. I intend to report inactivity bouts should they arise. I also know full well of the quota and the expectations the role places upon my shoulders and I intend to fulfil them.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is not particularly incredible compared to some others as I am often pretty busy, but I am able to log on regularly for a couple hours, which should suffice more than enough to host classes and meet quota. I have been on the server for nearly a year and a half.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server: - Student Council, Accepted - Language (French), Accepted - Language (German), Accepted - Language (JSL), Accepted

What are your current roles on the server?:
Miyako Sakai - College Councillor (Bachelors) - Other Account
Kazane S. Tokugawa - High School Grade 11 - This Account
'Kurusu' - Bird - This Account


What subject are you applying to teach?:
The subject I am applying for is English. The reason for this is simple; I am a native English speaker OOC and English was one of the subjects that I excelled at in real life back when I was in school. I was always fond of reading and writing, particularly the latter, with a love for exploring storytelling and the likes. I believe that my passion will be well at home and I can creatively teach the subject to students with various methods that will include them as much as possible.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
Honestly, my reason for applying to be a teacher is to be able to play an adult character that is actually mature and responsible. My other characters are lacking in maturity in contrast and while it is fun playing them, I do want to broaden my horizons and play an actual adult - especially a teacher! I feel like teacher in particular is the superior route to such a thing as I am quite in tune with the mindset a teacher must adopt; with the ability to level with students in a professional manner and properly see to their needs in a way that is NOT mingling with them. I wish to set an example of what it truly means to be a faculty member - mature, a leading figure. I am not a friend to the students - I am a mentor, I am someone that will help them realise their potential and be there in times of need, but I will not be on the same level as them. To compromise on such a mindset is inappropriate and unsuited for the workplace, after all. And I believe I am fully capable of realising such a thing. I also would very much like to expand my faction experience on the server, to say the very least! I have had a wonderful time as Councillor on server - I wish to tackle the actual proper faculty role. I have been desiring such a thing for quite some time now. And now? Now I wish to take the plunge for real and set an example properly!

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?:
Of course, I understand that I will start from the bottom of the hierarchy and shadow those above me. I intend to learn by listening closely and paying close attention, even if I may believe I know how class structure works from observation, there will always be room to learn, which I am open for without a shadow of a doubt! I’m eager to learn!

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I absolutely understand. As someone that will be new to the faction, I expect to have plenty to learn, even as a Councillor with experience in the discipline side of the server, I am sure I have much to take in. I do look forward to learning from those that are more experienced and hope to be a cornerstone for those below me in due time.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Class logs, from my limited understanding, are proof of classes being hosted. They serve to exemplify activity of the teacher in question, to show that they are actually hosting classes and to monitor their quota. The method of how such is measured is unknown to me, but I am sure I will learn with due time. All in all, I believe it is important to track these numbers as it serves as evidence that teachers are actually doing their job. It is also a measurement of the pay that a teacher should receive monthly. To understate quota is to undersell the role as a whole, so I believe that such a thing is ludicrously important!

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Rules in class tend to be somewhat subject to the teacher overseeing the class, however, common sense dictates a fair few of them to be far less flexible. The most obvious rule that would apply, of course, would be to follow the actual school conduct and rules while in the classroom. Given that as a teacher you represent the school and its rules more than anyone else, bending on the rules sets a bad precedent and will diminish the reputation of the school itself. More general rules that are not strictly part of the school’s would be.
- To not utilise mobile phones while in class as they are distracting to learning, unless for an emergency or arranged with the teacher.
- To not disrupt the class or speak over the teacher (unless in an emergency situation or the likes) and pay attention.
- To sit in an appropriate seat for the duration of the lesson unless called to do otherwise or having a valid reason not to.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
My experience in roleplay is frankly absurdly extensive. I have over a decade of experience. Nearing 15 years, in fact. My early experience was mainly with ‘serious roleplay’ servers for upwards of a couple years of my life; particularly with the Fallout universe, on Garry’s Mod. That is where I learned most of my writing capability, but I’ve been involved in a lot of different mediums. Games, websites, even raw text on Skype of all places. I have played characters of many different backgrounds, crafted to fit into their respective worlds. I have seen so many different communities and demographics that I more than qualify as a veteran in the roleplaying field. School RP itself, I have a year of experience on, with a fair chunk of that being with my councillor character, Miyako Sakai. The rest, my ex-delinquent character, Kazane Shirogane (now Kazane Tokugawa). So, yes, plenty of experience.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning: Head of Department

↳ Description: The Head of the Department is a teacher with the most experience of the colleagues in the school; with a long lasting tenure and a vast array of knowledge, they are without doubt extremely knowledgeable in their subject matter and command a great deal of respect. They also are in charge of their respective department, with the responsibility of looking after those that are beneath them and ensuring they are up to speed, with the relevant knowledge to perform their roles appropriately. It is needless to say, but the Head also holds the most power in the hierarchy, with the ability to speak with SLT should misconduct arise with the other teachers under their “wing”.

- QT
↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher

↳ Description: A Qualified Teacher has persisted in their role for an extensive duration of time. They have experience, they have time in their position, they have taught extensively. QT assigned teachers are those that are exemplary in their field and act as role models to those below them; able to host classes as an example for those that are NQT or UT. A Qualified Teacher is essentially a bastion of their chosen subject, holding a great deal of wisdom in the matter itself and able to lend a supporting shoulder as someone extremely capable.

↳ Meaning: Newly Qualified Teacher

↳ Description: Those with this title are teachers that have been fairly recently promoted from Unqualified Teachers. They are capable of hosting their own classes and are able to act with independence, gaining most of their experience from actual direct teaching. Of course, they are still beneath QT and HD assigned individuals and can garner experience from those people to assist in their own learning process. Those with the NQT role are simply able to act of their own accord - they are by no means exemplary in their field, more the bare minimum in a learning environment!

- UT
↳ Meaning: Unqualified Teacher

↳ Description: An Unqualified Teacher is someone in the teacher role that is basically brand new to the role. They hold little capability in the field, unable to host their own classes and must shadow teachers that are qualified to teach to gain vital hands-on experience. They are required to learn properly from their seniors to ensure they understand the procedures in their respective academic environment. They are the least knowledgeable in the field. In this stage, it is vitally important that they learn properly from those above them. An Unqualified Teacher may help with classes of those that are qualified in order to gain experience and understanding, with the end-goal of an Unqualified Teacher being hosting their own stand-alone class with someone more experienced (a Qualified Teacher or Head of Department supervising) in order to give them important feedback, with the end decision being made on whether to keep them as an Unqualified Teacher to learn further, or promoting to the NQT status with independence of hosting their own classes.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general:
In real life and on servers, teachers serve a major role in educating young people in various fields, typically one of their specialties that they have dedicated to over the course of many years. Why people choose the role can be down to the individual, but it goes without saying that teachers play a crucial role in society as a whole and that importance may be what pulls people to the role. Setting an example and being part of the process to creating the next generation - or just being particularly passionate about teaching things to other people in general, all of these reasons can contribute as to why someone may become a teacher. It goes without saying that without teachers to share knowledge, schools themselves could not really exist the same way they do now, which would mean education as a whole would be far less effective, naturally!

The methods utilised by teachers can vary, but in most cases at school, teachers tend to opt for a lecture based approach as this is most effective at reaching an entire class full of people, with a proper lesson structure set out to follow that will ensure an efficient use of the time allotted to them. A flexibility in the approach is vital, all the same, as different students will naturally have varying needs to be accommodated in order to learn at their best. This isn’t to say to change the entire class for one student, but to strive for the best compromise - as leaving it up to students to have to do the accommodating can lead to bullying! Of course, teaching isn’t just an exclusive role that occurs at school - it is a full time life choice, with their time outside of school typically being attributed to grading assignments and planning lessons for the week. It is a mentally taxing job, but one that is rewarding.

When it comes to the salary that a teacher gets on the server, the maximum of ¥500,000 is awarded each month, assuming the quota for such has been met. The starting pay is ¥350,000 for those that are of the NQT rank, with it becoming ¥400,000 for QT and above, but in both cases, the minimum quota of ten classes hosted must have been met to qualify for the minimum. Then, with every five extra classes on top of the minimum quota, ¥50,000 is added to the pay up until the maximum stated above. So a NQT would have to host 25 classes to get the maximum pay, whereas a QT would only have to host 20.

Why are teachers important to a School RP server?:
Arguably, teachers are one of the most central roles to the SRP server. After all, you cannot have a school without them, as stated above; classes need to be hosted and someone has to take the mantle of actually trying to teach classes to characters in the classroom! Without teachers, there would be no real structure to the school itself. When there are no classes, the school hours feel so much more empty as well - it’s simply unnatural, yet it happens all too commonly. It goes without saying that when there are plenty of teachers around and classes commonly held that the server is at its strongest in this field, which is why they hold such an invaluable significance to the overall enjoyment factor!

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
I am honestly unsure, but looking into it I’ve read that allegedly it goes by 'MoSCoW' which is a system that helps with prioritising what needs to be done in a lesson by assigning points into ‘must have’, ‘should have’, ‘would have’ and ‘could have’. For example, in an English lesson, you would say that they must have an assignment given to them based on the subject matter, should have a solid understanding of said subject matter in the first place (ideally also a must but just trying to spread them out), would have a relatively interruption free lesson (endeavouring for this is always important!) and could have some more hands-on involvement with the actual choice factor; for example, encouraging the class to vote for an assignment focus or particular debate topic. It isn’t CRUCIAL to their learning, but it could definitely be nice to have!

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?:
A relatively modest height woman standing at approximately 5’5”, Chieko Nagasawa is a fairly focused individual with an aura of professionalism, perhaps coming off as having a slight tunnel vision at times. Even so, she presents herself as particularly warm and patient, willing to give the benefit of the doubt when appropriate - but also more than willing to put her foot down in the face of those that take that very patience for granted. She is typically seen wearing glasses, a pretty poor eyesight apparent whenever she has them off - though she usually removes them to talk face to face with students that need her guidance to reduce the feeling of any barriers between them. Comfort is key! As a whole, she strives to provide a healthy teaching environment where students will feel like actual people: Growing adults! She aims to do this by involving them and not being particularly harsh by default. Some have certainly tested that grace, however… Chieko getting stricter is a particularly rare sight but not unheard of by her former colleagues. In the end, however, Chieko sees losing her temper as her failing as a teacher, so she almost always maintains a calm and collected disposition; face to face communication skills go a long way!

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?:
Chieko’s outlook on students is simple, they are people that need to grow, to learn, but they are still exactly that- people! Of course, she does not view them as friends or have any desire to really know them personally, but she likes to level with them, to look at them as people that simply need a bit of guidance from those that have more experience in the real world. Willing to be there as a listening ear, to shift things to help those that reach out for help - and to try to give gentle pushes to those that are straying off a good path so they will find their way again. Given her travels to other countries, she is quite open to other cultures and the differences in Karakura compared to normal Japan, even if she does value tradition. When it comes to co-workers, Chieko values the importance of a team and strives to communicate properly with her fellow workplace members, enjoying working together for a common goal. Respect is delivered to those that are above her, willing to learn from those that have more time in the profession - and those below her, she holds a desire to help as much as she can with her own knowledge and acquired experience!

What are their plans for the future?:
The plans that Chieko holds onto are fairly straightforward; she aims to remain in Karakura for quite some time. Whether or not she will settle down properly, or simply make it one of her stops in life, is yet to be seen - but as it stands, she wishes to give Karakura a good shot and to help as many as she can, gathering experience to continue seeing the world and what it has to offer. Above all, though, she wishes to see the youth become the best they can be.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Hearing the cursing and swearing, I’d approach the group with a bit of caution. Understanding the volatility of delinquent behaviour, I would make sure to not be too confrontational, but I would absolutely be thorough with asking them to refrain from cursing, explaining properly that it is against the school rules and has no place in the learning environment. Of course, I would treat them with equal standing and respect at first; but if they showcased no intent of listening or took out frustration on me verbally, I’d respond in turn by putting my foot down a bit harder, intent of de-escalation and understanding at the forefront of focus. I would try to avoid having to issue a detention, but it would be at this point that a warning would be in order, as they would be crossing boundaries beyond just a small slap on the wrist. Should they keep going, well, detention would be given with a heavy heart, with an attempt to get to the bottom of the behaviour by trying to talk to the offending delinquents one by one to see if they had any reception to guidance from faculty.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Depending on the circumstances it would be very different, but assuming the lesson has just officially started, I would take a few moments to let them settle, but no more than a few minutes, before delivering a gentle slap of a ruler against a desk with a clearing of my throat to pull them out of their conversation and distractions, speaking up to remind them that class is in session and that they should be paying attention, explaining that they are present to learn and that I cannot teach if they’re all talking over me. I would encourage them to be talkative by engaging with students as much as possible to let their voices be heard, but complete chaos is counterproductive! In the extreme and unlikely scenario that the class STILL kept talking over me after a few requests to silence, I’d have to unfortunately resort to detention as a consequence if they kept going - or remove some of the more disruptive students from my class if they are particularly egregious and unruly.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Calm and collected, with a warm and receptive presentation, Chieko would likely sit with a cup of tea or coffee, reading a book or brushing up on lesson plans in the early morning, attentively eyeing her colleagues that may come by and paying proper attention to any knocks on the door or buzzes on the radio. All in all, not one to shy away from some socialising within reason with her co-workers and discussing possible plans for the day, to even going over certain students - from the role models to the problem students that may need an eye kept upon them; of course, ever mindful of their privacy!

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me softly brushed one of her loose strands of hair aside, a focused gaze settling upon the students as she stood up from her seat behind the desk, setting aside some papers. With that, before the class, the woman dipped her body forward in a bow, “Good morning, class. Welcome to English. Please make sure you’re seated comfortably and we can get started with today’s focus.” A simple raising of her own hand, as she lightly pushed her glasses a little bit firmer against her face, a patient smile on her face as she awaited for everyone to be situated properly. Her gaze set on each and every student in the briefest of intervals, taking in all the faces that had come before her…

/me pursed her lips a moment, a finger very gently tapping against her chin. Visibly, in deep thought, she took in what the student had said. Tap tap tap, an aura of intrigue about her. It seemed she wasn’t expecting someone to actually want to do a written assignment unprompted, but… “Hm… Sure! I can give out a written assignment next period, if everyone’s eager to get some grades given out.” Seemingly quite pleased with that student’s initiative, her attention then shifted between those in the class, awaiting everyone’s input. After all, just listening to one loud student wasn’t how she operated - that and she knew from experience that getting everyone a written assignment by being a nerd was a good way to get the ire of unruly types. “If not, I can give out a task anyway, but it’d just be extra credit instead for the ones that want to do it.” Genius, if Chieko would say so herself.

/me looked up from her grading papers at the entry of the lone student. Pausing what she was doing almost immediately, she gestured very gently. “Of course, take a seat.” She nodded in a welcome approval, not minding their presence. Hooking a finger and thumb into the mug on her desk, she took a sip of coffee. Observant, she awaited for them to take a seat at one of the desks, a clear curiosity in her gaze, muted as it were. Gently, she set the mug down once the student was seated. “Is everything alright?” Her inquiry would come with an air of concern, yet not at all dismissive or displeased by the student’s presence. Simply looking out for them, it would seem.

/me pressed her glasses against her face with a slightly bemused look, an almost menacing glint of light reflecting with the slight shift of angle. SHEEN…! “Alright. We’re going to play a classic game to close off with today - hangman.” She declared, as though she had just become twenty years younger for that briefest moment. Holding up the chalk, old fashioned as ever, her eyes hovered over the students, “Would anyone like to come up and suggest a word? Show of hands! Don’t be shy.” Her encouraging tone came through as it always did, though she seemed a lot more lax this period. Perhaps the last one was the reason?


Chieko Nagasawa was born in Chiba, Japan, to a hard-working couple that embodied the very nature of diligence, as the second child; the first, a brother of four years old. Tradition was quite strong within the Nagasawa household, with Chieko spending most of her youth in her home country of Japan. Her school life was fairly normal at first, the girl’s sense of wonder strong as she often daydreamed and had thoughts of what the world was like, enjoying trips with her family and getting to see the various sides to the world. Unfortunately, as she grew a bit older, expectations grew, with her reputation becoming stronger and stronger, she had to match it. Her brother wasn’t particularly great in school, leading to her becoming exceptionally stressed and paranoid in her teenage years as she felt the responsibility to make up for his ‘shortcomings’, balancing a part time job to get experience the moment she turned fifteen with her studies and commitments. This led to her being barely able to have much of a social life outside of school with how many hours she was putting in, having to deal with teachers that were not compassionate or understanding of her struggles whatsoever.

Despite her best efforts to endure it, she eventually did have a breakdown; her parents coming to her side in her room as she was struggling to handle all of the pressure. It was after this that Chieko’s life took a proper turn, as the expectations suddenly felt much lighter following the incident… at least, from her parents. Her teachers still irked her, but ironically, this only pushed her further in her actual career aspirations that she had slowly bubbled up to the prospect of. She enjoyed helping people, even if she couldn’t really help herself sometimes - finding joy in helping with technology, or explaining assignments to classmates. To say she was a perfect student would be an overstatement, but she was certainly a good one; with fairly consistently above average grades and studious resolve, holding a reputation for being a bit of a nerd. Despite such, with the lesser expectations and money she earned from her job, she was a free spirit. Enjoying travel, enjoying seeing the various areas of Japan.

These habits slowly formed as she grew older and more independent, changing from exclusively family trips, to sibling outings, to solo exploration - Chieko became all the more resolved to pursuing her own dream, with the core fundamental beliefs she had developed over her life culminating as she took up a student exchange program to America. Her parents were initially somewhat reluctant, but with Chieko’s fierce spirit and clear aspiration, they relented, with the girl moving over to the United States for the whole duration of the program. It was there that a lot of her beliefs were tested, a lot of new perspectives and insights toward what was and wasn’t normal. Culture diversity and tradition truly varied outside of her home, which was something that fascinated her. Something she desired to pursue, with her burning curiosity. Refining her already fairly good English, she grew to enjoy the subject as a whole - finding it to be a devil of a language, but one that was entertaining to learn and knowing full well of its demand in her home country.

Through this exchange program and the opportunities she gathered, Chieko narrowed her focus onto English itself as a teaching goal for herself. Living a lot in the moment, she just kept moving forward, returning back to Japan with the culmination of the program and shifting her focus to getting a proper university or college, taking a single gap year to focus solely on work experience and to spend some proper time with her family. From there, she decided to commit fully and go abroad again to secure her educational degrees, using her savings to get a VISA. Finding it much more appealing to secure them outside of her home country - Chieko saw to spending the next several years in the United Kingdom to properly secure her respective goals. With due hard work and the odd few trips back home to visit her family, she reached her success and took it with her own hands; finally moving onto teacher training and setting herself up as one proper. Truly, she had become her own person - going place to place as a substitute teacher to properly travel the country. But, after having spent so much time away - she had become relevantly home sick, returning back to her family and opting to teach back home instead after quite a tenure in England.

Finally, we find ourselves in the present; where she has set her eyes on Karakura as a potential place to spread her wings. An interesting island, it is! And one she has a desire to reach with her explorative spirit. Will she settle down at long last, or will she make it another brief chapter stay?

…Time will most certainly tell.

In-Character Information

(( Sadly, no picture or skin prepared yet! Sorry…! ))

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Chieko Nagasawa


Given Name(s):

Age (Minimum is 25):
37 years old


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):
22 years

Academic Degree(s):
Bachelor’s Degree in English, Bachelor’s Degree in Education, Masters in Teaching and Learning

Year of Graduation:

Teaching and Learning, English

Communication, Creative Writing

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
English, Japanese Sign Language

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
I have a TEFL and CELTA certificate.​


Level 39
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction!
Please join the Karakura Academics server to gain your roles and receive further instructions.​

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